Предпереводческий анализ текста
Реферат - Иностранные языки
Другие рефераты по предмету Иностранные языки
vedev spoke on the telephone on Saturday and agreed to give their negotiators in Geneva "new instructions" to conclude a draft treaty that would cut each sides deployed strategic arsenal from well over 2,000 warheads apiece to somewhere between 1,500 and 1,675.
Launch vehicles (missiles and bombers) would be cut from 1600 to a range of 500 to 1,100.
Those numbers were agreed by the two presidents in Moscow back in July.
Характерна также неличная семантика субъекта, выражающаяся либо с помощью безличных и неопределенно-личных подлежащих, либо с помощью подлежащих, выраженных существительными абстрактного или конкретного неличного значения:
- This was a terrible piece of timing, to say the least.
Dumping the scheme may have been essential to making progress on the START follow-on treaty.
It is not clear why the US defence department thought Romania and Bulgaria would be any more palatable to the Russians than Poland and the Czech Republic.
No new START treaty, no new nuclear posture review.
На уровне слова объективность когнитивной информации прежде всего обеспечивают термины.
Абстрактность выражается прежде всего в логическом принципе построения текста, проявляющий себя в сложности и разнообразии тех логических структур синтаксиса, которые используются в тексте. Это различные виды сочинительной и подчинительной связи, причастные обороты, инфинитивные группы:
- More than three months late, Obama and Medvedev dive for the finish line in a bid to maintain momentum on disarmament.
Apologies if you have read this somewhere before many times, but Washington and Moscow are once again saying they are really, really close to a new START nuclear arms control treaty.
Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev spoke on the telephone on Saturday and agreed to give their negotiators in Geneva "new instructions" to conclude a draft treaty that would cut each sides deployed strategic arsenal from well over 2,000 warheads apiece to somewhere between 1,500 and 1,675.
But as Russia is in the midst of replacing its old cold war missiles while the US is sticking to its existing arsenal, Moscow has insisted the old rule is unfair.
The two sides seemed to have got past that in the new year, with a fudge on limited data sharing, but then in February the talks were knocked sideways by Romanias announcement that it would host Americas new SM-3 anti-ballistic missile system.
For all Washingtons insistence that the missiles were pointed towards a potential Iranian threat, Russia considered the sites to be in its backyard and a direct challenge to its deterrent.
It is not clear why the US defence department thought Romania and Bulgaria would be any more palatable to the Russians than Poland and the Czech Republic, especially as the later version of the SM-3 (the 2B to be deployed by 2020) will be close in potential to the Bush missiles.
Наблюдается также широкий диапазон дублирующих возможностей передачи логических отношений: так, определительные отношения могут выражаться с помощью согласованного определения, генетивного определения, сложного слова, определительного придаточного:
- Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev spoke on the telephone on Saturday and agreed to give their negotiators in Geneva "new instructions" to conclude a draft treaty that would cut each sides deployed strategic arsenal from well over 2,000 warheads apiece to somewhere between 1,500 and 1,675.
This was a terrible piece of timing, to say the least. US-Russian relations had been reset last September by Obamas decision to junk the Bush missile defence scheme, which was to be based in Poland and the Czech Republic.
3)Плотность (компрессивность).
В данном тексте этот параметр выражен цифровым кодом (данные):
- Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev spoke on the telephone on Saturday and agreed to give their negotiators in Geneva "new instructions" to conclude a draft treaty that would cut each sides deployed strategic arsenal from well over 2,000 warheads apiece to somewhere between 1,500 and 1,675. Launch vehicles (missiles and bombers) would be cut from 1600 to a range of 500 to 1,100.
It is not clear why the US defence department thought Romania and Bulgaria would be any more palatable to the Russians than Poland and the Czech Republic, especially as the later version of the SM-3 (the 2B to be deployed by 2020) will be close in potential to the Bush missiles.
Наблюдается аббревиатуры и сокращения:
- SM-3
II.Оперативный тип информации
Оперативная информация в данном тексте отсутствует.
III.Эмоциональный тип информации
Эмоциональная информация служит для передачи эмоций (чувств) в процессе коммуникации. Ведущими признаками являются субъективность и образность.
Субъективность выражается с помощью самых разнообразных языковых средств.
Так, широко задействованы языковые средства, представляющие собой реализацию текстовых категорий. Темпоральность представляется разрядами настоящего, прошедшего и будущего времени и выражается в каждом языке с помощью соответствующих форм:
- Apologies if you have read this somewhere before many times, but Washington and Moscow are once again saying they are really, really close to a new START nuclear arms control treaty.
Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev spoke on the telephone on Saturday and agreed to give their negotiators in Geneva "new instructions" to conclude a draft treaty that would cut each sides deployed strategic arsenal from well over 2,000 warheads apiece to somewhere between 1,500 and 1,675.
Those numbers were agreed by the two presidents in Moscow back in July.
The negotiations have since got bogged down in dense questions of telemetry encryption.
The two sides seemed to have got past that in the new year, with a fudge on limited data sharing, but then in February the talks were knocked sideways by Romanias announcement that it would host Americas new SM-3 anti-ballistic missile system. A week later Bulgaria said it was interested in following suit.
This was a terrible piece of timing, to say the least.
US-Russian relations had been reset last September by Obamas decision to junk the Bush missile defence scheme, which was to be based in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Специфичны и лексические средства, отражающие субъективность эмоциональной информации. В данном тексте они представлены в основном разговорными вариантами употребления слов и выражений и слов с оценочно-эмоциональной коннотацией:
- got bogged down
Образность служит средством обобщения эмоциональной информации и находит свое выражение во фразеологизмах, цитатах и клишированных метафорах:
- dive for the finish line
were knocked sideways
a terrible piece of timing
grinding to a halt
IV.Эстетический тип информации
Эстетическая информация, обладая всеми признаками эмоциональной информации, специализируется на передаче чувств, возникающих от средств оформления ее самой. В данном тексте этот вид информации может выражаться в образном сравнении автора:
- He desperately needs some momentum.
Функциональный стиль текста - публицистический, наиболее часто использующийся в СМИ. В тексте представлены такие его характеристики, как наличие общественно-политической лексики (disarmament, START nuclear arms control treaty, launch vehicles, telemetry encryption, new missile tests, SM-3 anti-ballistic missile system), логичность, эмоц