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Реферат - Иностранные языки
Другие рефераты по предмету Иностранные языки
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.6 Интенсивные дебаты по поводу ядерного сдерживания Ирана (Debate Grows on Nuclear Containment of Iran)
Автор исходного текста - индивидуальный, источник - газета The New York Times. Время создания текста - март 2010 г., во время ведения во всем мире дебатов о ядерном сдерживании Ирана. Реципиент текста - среднестатистический гражданин.
Коммуникативное задание текста - сообщить информацию реципиенту, выразить свое мнение и сформировать определенное о данной ситуации у читателя.
В тексте представлены следующие виды информации:
Мы можем наблюдать в тексте присутствие трех параметров когнитивной (референциальной) информации: объективности, абстрактности и плотности (компрессивности).
Она выражается в тексте с помощью языковых средств различного уровня. При наличии в тексте когнитивной информации текст характеризуется атемпоральностью, которая выражается с помощью форм презенса глагола:
- Today a version of the same debate about whether containment is the answer is breaking out again, this time about Iran.
Prominent strategists like Zbigniew Brzezinski argue forcefully that what worked in the cold war will work with the mullahs.
The cover of Foreign Affairs this month is an article titled After Iran Gets the Bomb; it draws scenarios for dealing with what many believe is inevitable. Meanwhile, the administration races to add antimissile systems and a naval presence in the Gulf - an effort to contain Irans power in the region, officials say, but it sure looks like the building blocks of a nuclear containment policy, a backup in case the next round of sanctions fails to do the trick.
The White House denies that nuclear containment is on the table.
What is striking about the current debate about containing Iran is that neither side seems entirely confident in the solidity of its argument.
Even if the administration wins new sanctions aimed at the Revolutionary Guard, the advocates admit it will still be a long shot that Iran would hurt enough to stop enriching uranium.
Those who argue that a military strike might be needed if sanctions fail have their own doubts.
Even the administration seems tentative about when Iran will exceed American tolerance.
Basically, it assumes that if China and Russia changed over decades, so might Iran.
In fact, the administration is deep into containment now - though it insists its increases in defensive power in the Gulf are meant to deter a conventional attack by Iran.
На уровне предложения объективность обеспечивается нейтральным, преимущественно прямым порядком слов, исключающим эмоциональность и соответствующим тема-рематическому членению и ясной логической схеме субъект-предикат-объект:
- It worked.
China has evolved into a comparatively manageable military competitor, at least for now.
The cover of Foreign Affairs this month is an article titled After Iran Gets the Bomb; it draws scenarios for dealing with what many believe is inevitable.
Meanwhile, the administration races to add antimissile systems and a naval presence in the Gulf.
The White House denies that nuclear containment is on the table.
Even the administration seems tentative about when Iran will exceed American tolerance.
Basically, it assumes that if China and Russia changed over decades, so might Iran.
It is a logical list.
Yet another argument against containment comes from Brent Scowcroft, the national security adviser under Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush.
Характерна также неличная семантика субъекта, выражающаяся либо с помощью безличных и неопределенно-личных подлежащих, либо с помощью подлежащих, выраженных существительными абстрактного или конкретного неличного значения:
- It worked.
The cover of Foreign Affairs this month is an article titled After Iran Gets the Bomb.
But to many in the early 1960s, a nuclear China was also unthinkable.
Many argue that words indecision preceded the day in 2006 when Mr. Bush woke up to discover that North Korea had conducted a nuclear test.
But there is a counterargument.
На уровне слова объективность когнитивной информации прежде всего обеспечивают термины.
Абстрактность выражается прежде всего в логическом принципе построения текста, проявляющий себя в сложности и разнообразии тех логических структур синтаксиса, которые используются в тексте. Это различные виды сочинительной и подчинительной связи, причастные обороты, инфинитивные группы:
- Prominent strategists like Zbigniew Brzezinski argue forcefully that what worked in the cold war will work with the mullahs.
The reality was that during the last six years of his presidency, he tolerated it, then prepared the way for the current containment strategy of intercepting shipments from North Korea to customers for its nuclear know-how.
Even if the administration wins new sanctions aimed at the Revolutionary Guard, the advocates admit it will still be a long shot that Iran would hurt enough to stop enriching uranium.
Many argue that words indecision preceded the day in 2006 when Mr. Bush woke up to discover that North Korea had conducted a nuclear test.
Nevertheless, in their Foreign Affairs essay, James Lindsay and Ray Takeyh concede that the Iran case differs substantially from the cold war ones, and that a successful strategy today would have to recognize that fact.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates carefully stepped around that option last week while in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, trying to reassure leaders who increasingly fear the prospect of an Iranian bomb.
Наблюдается также широкий диапазон дублирующих возможностей передачи логических отношений: так, определительные отношения могут выражаться с помощью согласованного определения, генетивного определения, сложного слова, определительного придаточного:
- Defense Secretary Robert Gates carefully stepped around that option last week while in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, trying to reassure leaders who increasingly fear the prospect of an Iranian bomb.
Then the costs of starting another war in Asia sank in an