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Реферат - Иностранные языки

Другие рефераты по предмету Иностранные языки

because his promised reforms were only skin-deep faades and because he continues to serve not as the genuine ruler of Russia, but as a front for KGB strongman Vladimir Putin. Putin refers to Medvedev, the reporters say, with the pronoun "ty" that is used for children and underlings, while Medvedev refers to Putin with the respectful pronoun "vy."

But its not the least bit odd if you understand that Medvedevs "presidency" is a sham.

As the head of a new "party" that represents freedom and democracy, Medvedev can be presented as an entirely viable candidate to the West.

Then, when Putin crushes him, he not only proves that Russia has a real democracy, but that Russians dont want democracy.

Its actually quite a brilliant scheme on Putins part.

На уровне предложения объективность обеспечивается нейтральным, преимущественно прямым порядком слов, исключающим эмоциональность и соответствующим тема-рематическому членению и ясной логической схеме субъект-предикат-объект:

- A revolution is brewing in Vladimir Putins Russia.

A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.

The websites hosting the petitions were soon under furious attack from Putins army of hackers.

Russians have good reasons to despise the increasingly neo-Soviet regime that Putin, a proud KGB spy, has created.

Характерна также неличная семантика субъекта, выражающаяся либо с помощью безличных и неопределенно-личных подлежащих, либо с помощью подлежащих, выраженных существительными абстрактного или конкретного неличного значения:

- A revolution is brewing in Vladimir Putins Russia.

Then an online petition surfaced, attracting the support of virtually every significant opposition leader, and it too went viral.

But exactly the opposite has happened.

That means its up to others, especially the leaders of the Republican Party, to show solidarity with the brave Russians who now seek to stop their countrys slide into neo-Soviet oblivion.

На уровне слова объективность когнитивной информации прежде всего обеспечивают термины.


Абстрактность выражается прежде всего в логическом принципе построения текста, проявляющий себя в сложности и разнообразии тех логических структур синтаксиса, которые используются в тексте. Это различные виды сочинительной и подчинительной связи, причастные обороты, инфинитивные группы:

- A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.

Then an online petition surfaced, attracting the support of virtually every significant opposition leader, and it too went viral.

And despite the shameful lack of support from Barack Obama and other craven Western leaders, they have good reason to be brave enough to challenge him.

When he came to power two years ago, Russias so-called "president" Dmitri Medvedev (in reality nothing more than Putins puppet) promised that he would bring a new level of fairness to Russias infamously corrupt electoral process.

The court upheld the actions of local political leaders who rejected electoral petitions simply because they "just looked false."

Наблюдается также широкий диапазон дублирующих возможностей передачи логических отношений: так, определительные отношения могут выражаться с помощью согласованного определения, генетивного определения, сложного слова, определительного придаточного:

- The Bruce Springsteen of Russia, Yuri Shevchuk of the seminal rock band DDT, recently launched into an unprecedented, lengthy, and biting critique of the Putin regime from the stage of one of Russias most prestigious arenas.

The websites hosting the petitions were soon under furious attack from Putins army of hackers.

Russians have good reasons to despise the increasingly neo-Soviet regime that Putin, a proud KGB spy, has created.

Grigori Melkonyants, deputy director of Russias only independent election monitoring-organization, puts it bluntly.

3)Плотность (компрессивность).

В данном тексте этот параметр выражен цифровым кодом (данные):

- A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.

According to the international accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, in 2007, when Medvedev took power, 59% of Russian companies experienced economic crime.response, Medvedev announced a major new initiative cracking down on corruption. Yet two years later, PWC reported that 71% of Russian companies were now being victimized by economic crime. In other words, as a result of Mededevs initiative to reduce economic crime, it increased by a shocking 20%.

In 2007, Russia ranked a shocking #143 out of 180 countries surveyed. One would not have thought that the country could get any worse. But two years later, Medvedevs Russia ranked #146.

Russia significantly deteriorated in global competitiveness during Medvedevs first two years in office, ranking a woeful 63rd out of 133 nations surveyed, including a massive drop in the quality of the justice system (another pet project of Medvedevs).

A study by the World Bank, Ryzhkov says, confirmed that domestic business conditions have significantly worsened, with Russia ranking 120 out of 180 countries surveyed.

Наблюдаются также аббревиатуры и сокращения:



II.Оперативный тип информации

Оперативная информация в данном тексте не представлена

III.Эмоциональный тип информации

Эмоциональная информация служит для передачи эмоций (чувств) в процессе коммуникации. Ведущими признаками являются субъективность и образность.


Субъективность выражается с помощью самых разнообразных языковых средств.

Так, широко задействованы языковые средства, представляющие собой реализацию текстовых категорий. Темпоральность представляется разрядами настоящего, прошедшего и будущего времени и выражается в каждом языке с помощью соответствующих форм:

- How long that will maintain him, only the likes of Barack Obama can say.

The Bruce Springsteen of Russia, Yuri Shevchuk of the seminal rock band DDT, recently launched into an unprecedented, lengthy, and biting critique of the Putin regime from the stage of one of Russias most prestigious arenas. A video of the speech went viral and has already been viewed nearly 200,000 times and received over 500 comments.

Then an online petition surfaced, attracting the support of virtually every significant opposition leader, and it too went viral.

A Russian court has totally banned Russias most salient opposition party, Yabloko, from taking part in the next round of elections in the Russian regions.

Fairer elections are not the only campaign promise on which Medvedev has failed to deliver.

Специфичны и лексические средства, отражающие субъективность эмоциональной информации. В данном тексте они представлены в основном разговорными вариантами употребления слов и выражений и эмоционально окрашенными словами:

- brutality

biting critique

furious attack


- dismal

pet project

- sham

Soviet-style dictatorship


Образность служит средством обобщения эмоциональной информации и находит свое выражение во фразеологизмах, цитатах и клишированных метафорах:

- The Bruce Springsteen of Russia

Putins puppet

economic and political ills

pet project

IV.Эстетический тип информации

Эстетическая информация, обладая всеми призна