Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

ere is good anchorage westward of Tanjong Senna, in depth of from 11 to

14 fathoms (20ml to 25m6), mud; the bay on the western side of this point is foul, and must not be entered farther than the alignment of the southern extremity of Boean with Tanjong Senna bearing about 079.

  1. Vettekulla, about V/i miles west-north-westward of ortholmen light-structure affords anchorage to small vessels with local knowledge, in a depth of 10 feet (3m0), sand. There is a small pier, with a depth of \VA feet (3m5) alongside. The anchorage is approached from the inshore channel leading from Karl-shamn to Metvik.
  2. Prohibited anchorage. Submarine cables cross the river near the Resident house and are marked by two pairs of leading beacons. Anchorage is prohibited in the vicinity of these cables.
  3. There is a convenient anchorage for vessels with local knowledge in a depth of 8 fathoms (14m6), hard sand, with Hoog Island bearing 215 distant about one mile; also about half a mile eastward of this islet in a depth of about 11 fathoms (20ml). Care must be taken, however to avoid the reefs in this locality.
  4. The anchorage space, in from 7 to 9 fathoms (12.8 to 16.5m) is about 800 yards in extent; the bottom is of sand, and the holding ground is good, but better near St. Mary's Island than to the eastward. Vessels should not anchor on the Ridge situated 1000 yards eastward of Tolls Island, nor on the ground immediately to the southward of it, as the bottom is rocky and uneven.

Exercise 6. Decipher the following abbreviations from English Sea Charts Quality of bottom:

  1. G.Co.Oz.
  2. S.Cy.M.
  3. StP.G.
  4. bk.St.Sh.Sn.
  5. S.fSh.

Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English

  1. Эта якорная стоянка защищена от северных ветров.
  2. Лучшее якорное место в заливе находится на рейде к югу от порта.
  3. Большие суда могут стать на якорь мористее города В., на глубинах 35.1.-42.5м.
  4. Эта якорная стоянка опасна при северных ветрах.
  5. Наиболее защищенное якорное место для малых судов - в С.
  6. При знании местных условий плавания суда могут стать на якорь у входа в гавань.
  7. Грунт на якорном месте - песок с ракушкой.
  8. Якорная стоянка запрещена в районе прокладки подводных кабелей.
  9. Суда могут стать на якорь западней южной оконечности острова Z.

10.Внутри гавани имеется якорное место, глубина которого 13м, грунт - песок.


I. Vocabulary and reading

these words and word combinations orally. Learn them by heart

¦ To secure - крепитьTo slacken (to reduce) speed- убавить (замедлить) скоростьTo grease - смазывать

^ To remove - удалять, снимать To drag тянуть, тащить, волочить

fa To allocate назначить, определить

fa Embankment - набережная

fa 7b te/ go - отдать (якорь, конец)

fa To provide обеспечить

fa Provided- (зд.) при условии

fa Current - постоянное течение

fa Gale - шторм, штормовой ветер

fa To sheer - отклоняться

^ Sufficient - достаточный

fa Scope of chain - длина вытравленной якорной цепи

fa To obstruct - мешать, находиться на пути

fa Unobstructed- беспрепятственный, свободный

fa Good-holding ground - хорошо держащий грунт

fa Hawse pipe - клюз, якорная труба

fa To afford- (зд.) давать, предоставлять

fa To house - помещать, размещать

fa To sound- замерять глубины

fa Soundings - замеры глубинBearing пеленгTo take a bearing on - брать пеленг на что-либоRestricted waters - стеснённые водыTo determine - определятьTo pay out (away) - травить, вытравливатьTo post - выставлятьTo post a lookout - выставить вперёдсмотрящегоIn dependence (of) - в зависимости отShackles - смычки (якорь-цепи)Adverse weather - неблагоприятная погодаLow tensile - слаборастяжимыйHinging parts - соединительные частиBandbrake - ленточный тормозHawse ргре-closing plates- крышка якорной трубыWindlass - брашпиль1. Scan the text and focus on the equipment used for anchoring and its main Junction. Enumerate them:may anchor inside or outside the harbour. Before anchoring it is necessary to slacken speed.the vessel is approaching the anchorage or her designated berth, the anchor has been thoroughly checked and prepared: windlass and hinging parts have been greased, bandbrakes tested, hawse pipe-closing plates removed, etc.order to avoid any unexpected situations, it is customary to prepare both starboard and port anchors for letting go.holding ground, such as sand and shells, will cause the anchor to drag.information about holding ground must be looked up in the pilot book or chart prior to letting go anchors.a river berth has been allocated by the VTS Station or port authority, it will sometimes be necessary to "dredge anchor" in order to make a sharp turn towards the embankmentgo a single anchor is the simplest method of securing a ship to the bottom. If the holding ground is good she should rise easily in bad weather provided sufficient scope of chain is a strong current or in a gale a vessel may sheer considerably. Therefore it is necessary to have an unobstructed area equal to a circle whose radius is the length of the ship plus the scope of chain used. If for some reason, the anchorage doesn't afford such an area, the ship must be moored.modern ships the anchors are housed in the Hawse pipe and secured by chain stoppers. The anchors may be required unexpectedly when on soundings, in narrow channels in restricted waters or working around docks, etc. The Master or the Watch Officer must determine how much of chain is to be paid out in each case.length of chain that is put out is indicated by the number of shackles (1 shackle equals 15 fathoms). Safe anchoring implies that a length of chain equal to the depth of water plus two shackles must be used.shackles must be put in the water:

  • when the water is very deep (more than 25 fathoms)
  • in adverse weather
  • when barges are passing close to the vessel
  • when the anchor chain has a low tensile strength
  • when the anchor chain is leading ahead

When the anchor is holding, the anchor lights must be switched on and the anchor ball is hoisted.vessel in dependence of her length shall carry one or two white lights visible all round the horizon, one at the foremast stay and the other at the stern.anchor position must be checked by bearings at regular intervals. When the vessel is at anchor at night one or more men should be posted on anchor watch.2. Describe the main steps of anchoring in brief using the following expressions

  1. inside or outside the harbour
  2. to slacken (to reduce) speed
  3. to approach
  4. to check and prepare
  5. both starboard and port anchors
  6. to let go
  7. to provide
  8. sufficient scope of chain
  9. to sheer considerably
  10. unobstructed area
  11. to require unexpectedly
  12. to determine
  13. to pay out
  14. length of chain
  15. number of shackles
  16. anchor lights
  17. to take bearings

Exercise 3


Study the text "Anchoring" and then indicate whether the following examples of "good seamanship " are appropriate (appr.) or not appropriate (not appr.) for the situation.Fill in: ApprJ Notcqypr.1. Look up holding-ground information when the vessel is underway to her anchorage or designated berth.2. Check windlass because vessel is in ballasted condition.3. Put more lengths of chain in the water because tide is rising.4. Check windlass when the vessel is underway to her anchorage or designated berth.5. Put more lengths of chain in the water when chain is leading ahead.6. Test handbrake because chain is leading ahead.7. Remove hawse-pipe closing plate when weather conditions are deteriorating.8 Remove hawse-pipe closing plate when the vessel is underway to ber anchorage or designated berth.9. Put more lengths of chain in the water because weather conditions are deteriorating.10. Look up holding-ground information when strength of chain is not according to recommendations.11. Look up holding-ground information because traffic is very busy.12. Grease anchor-gear hinging parts because chain is leading ahead.13, Put more lengths of chain in the water because traffic is very busy.14. Prepare both anchors when the vessel is in ballasted condition.4. Find out what the following words mean as they appear in the text nd learn them by heart


Adverse weatherAllocateAnchor gearAnchorageApproachAvoidBerthBower anchorCast offCurrentDesignated berthDraggingDredging anchorEm