Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

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p>9* Dangerous wreck/' obstruction located in position is marked by - опасное затонувшее судно в точке, ограждено буем1. Read the text and try to retell itand Beaconsand beacons are used for marking dangers at sea, for marking approaches to entrances, for defining channels, fairways and their positions etc.and beacons may be of various shapes and colours. The shape is more important than colour, as certain shapes are used for particular purposes. Buoys may be lit and they may have topmarks.are pillar shaped buoys, can buoys, spar buoys, spindle buoys, nun buoys, spherical buoys etc.colour may be green, red, black, yeDow etc.night many buoys exhibit lights: green, red, white, yellow etc.may be checkered or painted in horizontal bands or vertical stripes.may be surmounted by top marks, such as a can, a cone, a sphere, cones points upward, cones points downward, cones base to base, cones point to point, a ball, a staff, a cross, downturned brooms, upturned brooms etc. Topmarks may be painted in green, red, black and other colours.2. Answer the questions

  1. What are buoys and beacons used for?
  2. What do they mark?
  3. What do you know about the shapes and colours of buoys and beacons?
  4. How are buoys and beacons painted?
  5. What topmarks do you know?
  6. What may buoys be surmounted by?


Exercise 3. Retell the text, using the expressions listed below
a) The text is headlined

  1. The text deals with
  2. The aim of the text is to provide some information on
  3. The text describesFurther it is said thatIn conclusion



4. Scan the textsystems and types of buoysmain buoyage systems that are employed world-wide are the Lateral buoyage system and the Cardinal buoyage system. Buoys in the Lateral system are used to indicate the port and starboard sides of the fairways.Lateral system is subdivided into two separate systems: the IALA-A system and IALA-B system (IALA stands for International Association of Aids to Lighthouse Authorities).countries in the world employ the A-system; the starboard side of the fairway is indicated by the green-coloured conical shape, and the port side is indicated by the red-coloured can-shape.and some oriental countries employ the B-system: starboard is indicated by a red-coloured cone, and the port is indicated by a green-coloured the Cardinal system are used to indicate how to pass a danger (e.g. a wreck) in a certain quadrant or area.position of the danger is indicated by North-, South-, East-, and West-Cardinal buoys. They will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger. Cardinal buoys are pillar- or spar-shaped.buoys indicate special features in the fairway that can be looked up in the Pilot book. They may have any shape and are fitted with a yellow lightmarks mark safe water of sufficient depth and indicate that one approaches the coast. They are pillar-, spar-, or spherical-shaped and are fitted with a white light.danger marks are pillar- or spar- shaped and are fitted with a white light.of buoys


buoy conical buoy pillar buoy spar buoy spherical buoy (cone) (sphere)

Exercise 5. Answer the questions

  1. What buoyage systems are employed worldwide?
  2. What are buoys in the Lateral system used to indicate?
  3. What subsystems is the Lateral system subdivided into?
  4. How is the starboard side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?
  5. How is the port side of the fairway indicated in the A-system?
  6. What subsystem is employed in America and some oriental countries?
  7. What are buoys in the Cardinal system used to indicate?
  8. How is the position of the danger indicated?
  9. What will give the navigator information regarding the vessel's position in reference to the position of the danger?
  10. What colour light are special buoys fitted with?
  11. What do landfall marks mark?
  12. What colour light are isolated danger marks fitted with?
  13. Where can you read about buoys and beacons?

Exercise 6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

  1. основные системы ограждения буями
  2. латеральная система ограждений
  3. кардинальная система ограждений
  4. конус красного цвета
  5. цилиндр зелёного цвета
  6. лоция
  7. достаточная глубина
  8. подходы к побережью
  9. правая сторона фарватера
  10. информация относительно местоположения судна
  11. местонахождение опасности
  12. восточные страны
  13. указывать

Exercise 7. Watch the International Maritime English Programme (Lectures. Buoyage) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, take notes, and draw in colour Cardinal Buoys and Cardinal Buoyage around a wreck8. Outline their main characteristics



9. Scan the text(Daymarks)are not only distinguished by their shapes and colours, but also by their topmarks (daymarks). The shapes of these topmarks may be a can, a cone, a sphere or a cross.pillar- or spar- buoys are fitted with red or green can-shaped or conical topmarks. When the buoys are can- or conical-shaped themselves they are not fitted with any topmarks.buoys are fitted with two black indicated by two cones points up;is indicated by two cones points down;is indicated by two cones point to point;is indicated by two cones base to base.special buoy, whose meaning is indicated in the pilot book, carries a yellow water buoy (landfall buoy) is fitted with a single red sphere.isolated danger buoy carries two black spheres.10. Watch the International Maritime English Programme ((Lectures. Topmarks) and get acquainted with the Lateral and Cardinal Buoyage System) Listen, write down, draw in colour and outline the main characteristics

  1. of the Lateral buoys;
  2. of the Cardinal buoys;

Be ready to describe orally any of them and answer the following questions11. Complete the chart


CARDINAL SYSTEMIALA-A SYSTEMIALA-B SYSTEMPictureFeaturesPictureFeaturesPictureFeaturesShape:Shape:Shape:Colour:Colour:Colour:ITopmarks:Topmarks:Topmarks:NORTH BULight:LightLight: WNumber:Number- Shape:Shape ЧColour:Colour:(SB)STARBaTopmarks: Light:Topmarks: Light:Shape: H BUOYSColour: Topmarks: Light: Number:Number: Shape: Colour:Shape: Colour:8 ! Topmarks: Light: Number:Topmarks: Light NumberWEST BUOYS !Shape Colour: Topmarks: Light.PORT SIDE |Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number:Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Number: Shape. Colour: Topmarks: Light: NumberShape. Colour Topmarks: Light. Number:EAST BUOYSShape: Colour: Topmarks. Light: Shape: Colour: Topmarks. Light. NumberShape: Colour. Topmarks Light: Number:


Exercise 12. Answer the following questions

  1. What systems is the buoyage system divided into?
  2. What is the lateral system used for?
  3. What is the Cardinal system used for?
  4. How are the North Cardinal buoys indicated?
  5. How are the South Cardinal buoys indicated?
  6. How are the West Cardinal buoys indicated?
  7. How are the East Cardinal Buoys indicated?
  8. What information does a pillar buoy provide itself?
  9. What are the Yellow Spherical buoys used for?
  10. What are the spherical buoys painted in vertical stripes used for?
  11. How is direction of the ship marked in a I ALA -A system?
  12. What are the odd numbers used for in a Lateral System?
  13. What are the even numbers used for in a Lateral System?
  14. What lights may be exhibited from Lateral buoys?
  15. What are the cardinal colours? What do they mean? Draw the picture.
  16. What lights are used on Safe water buoys?

РАНТ 413. Read the paragraphs from Pilot - book and translate them into lussian

  1. There are three buoys in the harbour marking the channel.
  2. A red bell buoy with a staff is moored close off the north-eastern extremity )fDoboy.
  3. A black nun buoy is placed at the western end of the channel in a depth of 15 feet. Vessels must pass northward of it
  4. A black spar buoy, with conical topmark, is moored in a depth of 10 feet, on he shoal extending off the western entrance point of the bay.
  5. A green wreck buoy lies close eastward of the black beacon buoy and on he south side of a sunken wreck, on which there is a least depth of 26 feet.
  6. A red spar buoy, surmounted by a ball, is moored in a depth of 5 V2 feth-Dms, at 6 cables eastward from the old lighthouse, to mark the extremity of the -ocky ledge extending in that direction.
  7. A can buoy and red spar buoy lie on the south-eastern side of the shoals on he northern side of the approach, at a distance of 16 miles, 82 true, from Zumber Lighthouse.
  8. A spherical buoy painted in black and white horizontal stripes, surmounted by an iron staff and cross, lies close south-eastward of Cabretta.
  9. A black spindle buoy with cylindrical topmark is moored off the extreme of the shallow ree extending about 1 /3 cables southward from rocky ledges, one of which dries 9 feet.
  10. A pillar shaped whistle buoy, painted in black and white horizontal bands, marked "L. P.", surmounted by a staff, and exhibiting a white occulting light is placed in 12 fa