Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

а (0.9м) распо ложена на О. почти в полумиле к NE и А. и около 1 кб от берега. Эта якорная стоянка предоставляет хо рошее укрытие. 3. Поблизости скалы высотой 2 фу та (0,6м) около 13А кабельтовых на юг от маяка на мысе У. есть укрытие, где можно осуществить высадку на берег. Якорная стоянка имеет много места для маневрирования (разворачивания). 4. Район, запрещённый для якорной стоянки. Якорная стоянка запреще на в районе пролегания подводных кабелей южнее железнодорожного пирса. Можно стать на якорь мори стее города А. Портовая админист рация укажет место стоянки. 5. Якорные места. Наиболее за щищенное якорное место для малых судов в сезон боры - либо в К., либо в Б.; при южных ветрах суда могут швартоваться в Д., но самое лучшее причальное место в М., где по обе стороны имеются швартовные тум бы, а также причал. 6. Внутренняя якорная стоянка на ходится в пределах входа. Судно с большой осадкой должно становить ся на якорь севернее знака Q. на7. Outer anchorage. Vessels may find anchorage, in depths of from 7m3 to 18m3, mud, westward of the head of the westward breakwater (Lat. 1107'N., Long. 7451'W.), but the holding ground is not very good. 8. In the vicinity of a rock 2 feet (0m6) high about 1 % cables southward of the light-tower on Y. cape, there is a certain amount of shelter where landing can be effected. There is much room to swing at the anchorage. 9. Anchorage. There is good anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge, drawing up to 12 feet (3m7), in. K., in the southern side of the island. An above- water rock, 3 feet (0m9) high, is situated in 0. nearly half a mile north-eastward of A. and about one cable offshore. This an chorage affords a good shelter.форте В. и крепиться кормой к бую. Эта якорная стоянка защищена от северных ветров. Эта якорная стоянка опасна при северных ветрах. 7. Большие суда могут стать на якорь на глубинах от 5,5 до 19 саже ней (от 10м до 34,7м). Грунт, ил или песок, хорошо держащий, мористее северо-восточной стороны гавани С, юго-западные ветры, однако, вызы вают шторм на море. На расстоянии одного кабельтова от берега опасно стей нет. 8. Якорное место. Можно времен но стать на якорь к S W от М. на глубине 20,1 м в 3 кб от берега. Грунт - песок, якоря держит хо рошо. 9. Внешнее якорное место. Суда могут стать на якорь западнее оконечности западного волнолома (1107^., 745Г W). Глубины 7,3 - 18,3 м, грунт - ил, якоря держит не очень хорошо.3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

  1. Where is anchorage prohibited? Where may vessels obtain anchorages? (2)
  2. What is the best anchorage for small vessels during the Bora season? Is this anchorage sheltered or not? (1)
  3. For what vessels is this anchorage? Is the anchorage in the north-western or southern side of the island? Are there any dangers in the vicinity of the anchorage?
  4. Where should vessels of deep draught anchor? When is this anchorage dangerous? (5)
  5. What is there in the vicinity of a rock? Where can landing be effected? (8)
  6. Where can large vessels anchor? What are the depths at the anchorage? Are there any dangers at that anchorage? (4)
  7. Is the holding ground good or bad at the anchorage? What is the depth there? (6)
  8. What is the character of bottom at the anchorage? What are the depths westward of the head of the western breakwater? (7)
  9. What vessels should anchor northward of the Q.? Is this anchorage sheltered from winds? (5)

Exercise 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

  1. становиться на якорь
  2. получить якорную стоянку
  3. суда с большой осадкой
  4. со знанием местных условий плавания
  5. штормовая погода
  6. район прокладки кабеля
  7. предоставить
  8. убежище, укрытие
  9. постоянная якорная стоянка
  10. временная якорная стоянка
  11. аварийная якорная стоянка
  12. открытая якорная стоянка
  13. безопасная якорная стоянка
  14. относительно характера грунта
  15. преобладающие ветры
  16. береговой ориентир
  17. пеленг
  18. достаточные глубины
  19. плохо держащий грунт
  20. избегать, обходить
  21. запрещать

Exercise 5. Read and translate extracts from Pilot Books into your native language

  1. Large vessels anchor in 7 to 10 fathoms, sand, and mud, with le Pouleins light in line with Garean Tower and Pointe de Tailleger, 290, and le Gres Rocher, 175. Small vessels anchor close in. This position is well sheltered from South and SW winds but with strong north-westerly or south-easterly winds there is a very heavy sea.
  2. The bay affords excellent shelter from north-westerly winds, which prevail in summer, but it is insecure in winter, when winds from opposite directions prevail. A good anchorage is in 6 fathoms, mud, between the villages of Es-carabote and Exteiro.
  3. Vessels are recommended to anchor about a mile from the north shore of the bay, in depths of from 6 to 12 fathoms, the bottom being generally mud, mixed with sand near the shore, and a good berth is about half a mile southeastward of Ouaiha Hana; in 4 to 5 fathoms.
  4. Because of the foul ground in Alum Bay, only yachts and small vessels anchor there. The best position is about 400 yards westward of the ruins of a pier, which extend from the eastern shore, with the junction of the white and coloured cliffs bearing about 120 and Albert Fort in range with Hatherwood Point, bearing 39. A depth of 18 do 21 feet (5.5 to 6.4) will be found in this position.
  5. When merchant vessels are directed to anchor in Strokes Bay they shall anchor to westward of the beacons showing the western end of the measured distance, and as close to the shore as their draft will safely permit.
  6. Anchorage may be obtained during easterly winds off Klauf, in a depth of 14 fathoms, rock, sand, and stones, with the summit of Daldjall in line with the western extremity of the coast southward of it, bearing about 355е, and the eastern extremity of Hellisey in line with the west side of Sudwey, bearing about 207.
  7. Anchorage may be obtained, by vessels with local knowledge westward of Arnesseyjar, with the northern extremity of that islet bearing about 85, and Armes Church, in the southwestern corner of the bay, bearing about 202 .
  8. Vessels can moor in certain assigned positions outside the breakwaters. These anchorage berths are shown on the charts by capital letter followed by a numeral the largest vessels may anchor within the breakwaters, sheltered from all winds. Vessels may ride safely to a single anchor with a good scope of cable out.
  9. Anchorage may be obtained in depth of from 7 to 10 fathoms (12m8 to 18m3) between Port Louis citadel and St. Michel island, but care must be taken to keep clear of the channel. Large vessels secure to No. 1 mooring buoy northward of the citadel, which is moored in a depth of 31 feet (9m4).
  10. The quarantine anchorage is in depths of 12 fathoms (21m9) coarse sand and coral, southward of a line joining P. mountain and Fort W., with light-buoy bearing about 075", distant 6 cables; two small black buoys for the use of the quarantine guard boat are moored between the anchorage and B. point the north-western extremity of B. island. Vessels in quarantine are, however, allowed to enter the harbour in order to coal in smooth water.
  11. In general, the holding ground in Exmouth gulf is good, the fine brown sand having almost the consistency of mud.

Anchorage becomes considerably less exposed towards the southern part, and little or no swell is experienced south of Learmonth, about 8 miles north north-north-westward of Point Lefroy. For shallow draught vessels, good anchorage may be had northward of Point Leffroy, which also provides the best landing, but it is about 9 miles by road from the nearest habitation.

12.During the north-eastern monsoon there is anchorage eastward of the sand
ridge which extends southward from Tanjong Doengoe, in depth of from 6 to
8 fathoms (1 lm0 to 14m6) about 2 miles off-shore. In the south-east monsoon