Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

ельное волнение, 3 балла, 0,5-1,25 м

> moderate -значительное волненение, 4 балла, 1,25-2,5 м

$*¦ rough ~ сильное волнение 5 баллов, 2,5-4,0 м

(Ь" very rough - сильное волнение 6 баллов, 4-6 м

Р*' high - очень сильное волнение, 7 баллов, 6-9 м

$* very high - очень сильное волнение, 8 баллов, 9-12 м

$*¦ phenomenal - исключительное волнение, 9 баллов, более 12 м

$* Sea less than 5fts - волнение менее 5 футов

fa* Heavy sea - сильное волнение

fa* Surge - крутое волнение

fa" Wavelent - небольшая волна

ft* Hollow sea высокие крутые волны

fa" Surging sea (angry) - бурное море

^ Ground sea -прибой



and readingthese words and learn them by heart

$* Tide - морской прилив и отлив ру Gravitational - гравитационный fcr Centrifugal центробежный fa" Springs - сизигия $* Cancel out - гасить, сводить на нет Р=" Neap - квадратура $* Chart datum - ноль глубин Р*" Average - среднийHighest high tide - самый высокий полный прилив $* Lowest low tide - самый низкий малый прилив Ф* Slack tide - стоячий прилив (отлив) $* Low Slack- малая стоячая вода ^ High Slack - полная стоячая вода ft* Semi-diurnal tide (SO) - полусуточный тфилив (отлив) ft* Mixed, mainly semi-diurnal tide (MSD) - смешанный полусуточный прилив (отлив)* Mixed diurnal tide (MD) - смешанный суточный прилив (отлив)

ft* Diurnal tide (D) суточный прилив (отлив)

ft* Oscillation - колебание

ft* Declination - склонение светила

Exercise 1. Read the text quickly and grasp the main gist of each (a, b, c, d) passages.

a)Tides are mainly created by the gravitational effect of the moon and the Sun on the earth.

The effect of the Sun's gravity on the tides is approximately half of that of the because the sun is at a far greater distance from the earth.centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the earth influence tides too.

  1. Every other week, at new and full moon, when the sun and the moon are bom in line with the earth the two gravitational forces produce exceptionally strong tides which are called Spring-tides.
  2. When the sun and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other at the first and third quarters of the moon, the pull of the sun will cancel out half of the moon's gravitational effect.

As a result of it, weak tides, called Neap tides are produced.

d)The tide has a rise and fall, i.e. a vertical motion.

Tides are measured from chart datum, and levels are always given at average heights.high tides and lowest low tides are called Spring tides.low tides and lowest high tides are called Neap tides.

e)When tide is turning we speak of Slack tide., at Low Slack the tide is about to rise.

High Slack tide is especially important to the mariner, since it is the best tide to leave and proceed to open sea.

f)By "Range"is meant the average difference between 2 waterlevels. Range
can be of 3 types: a) neap range; b) mean range; c) spring range.

Types of Tides

  1. Diurnal tide (D) - One complete tidal oscillation daily.
  2. Mixed, diurnal tide (MD) - Usually, and certainly when the moon has low declination, there are two complete tidal oscillations daily.
  3. Semi-diurnal tide (SD) - Two complete tidal oscillations daily, both high waters having words heights as well as both low waters.
  4. Mixed, semi-diurnal (MSD) - Two complete tidal oscillations daily with inequalities both in height and time reaching the greatest values when the declination of the moon has passed its maximum.

Fill in: a)






Exercise 2. Read the text "Tides" attentively to answer the following questions:

  1. What effect are tides mainly created by?
  2. What are centrifugal forces caused by?
  3. What forces produce exceptionally strong tides?
  4. What are these tides called?
  5. As a result of what are neap tides produced?
  6. When do we speak of slack tides?
  7. Why is high slack tide especially important to me mariner?

Exercise 3. Pick out false sentences out of those below and correct them.

  1. The moon is at a nearer distance from the earth than the sun.
  2. The sun is at a far greater distance from the moon than the earth.
  3. The earth is at a far greater distance from the moon than the sun.
  4. The effect of the moon's gravity on the tides is much weaker of that of the sun.
  5. Spring tides occur when the sim and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other.
  6. Neap tides are called weak tides.
  7. The sun, the moon and the earth are in line every week.
  8. Spring tides are produced at new and full moon.
  9. At Low Slack the tide is about to fall.


  1. At High Slack the tide is about to turn.
  2. When the tide is turning we speak of Low Slack.
  3. High Slack is the best tide to leave and proceed to open sea.


~~4Exercise 4. Watch the CD-ROM program"International Marir time English Programme" (Tides. Lectures) and do the test

Exercise 5. Choose the correct variant of a, b, c, dare created by the ...

  1. rotation of the earth;
  2. gravitational effect of the moon on the earth;
  3. effect of the sun's gravity;
  4. gravitational effect of the moon and the sun on the earth.

Spring tides are produced by the ...

  1. gravitational effect of the moon;
  2. effect of the sun's gravity;
  3. centrifugal forces;
  4. two gravitational forces when the sun and the moon are both in line with the earth.

Neap tides are produced by the ...

  1. gravitational effect of the moon;
  2. pull of the sun;
  3. gravitational effect of the sun and the moon at 90 degrees to each other;
  4. centrifugal forces caused by the rotation of the earth.

Slack tides will occur...

  1. every other week;
  2. when the sun and the moon are at 90 degrees to each other;
  3. when the sun and the moon are both in line with the earth;
  4. when the tide is turning.

At Low Slack water the tide is about...

  1. to turn;
  2. to rise;
  3. to fall;

d) to be cancelled outHigh Slack water the tide is about...

  1. to turn;
  2. to rise;
  3. to fall;
  4. to be cancelled out.

By range is understood ...

  1. two complete tidal oscillations;
  2. inequalities both in height and time;
  3. one complete tidal osdllation;
  4. differences between high and low tides.

РАНТ 2Streams and Currentsand readingthese words and learn them by heart* Standard port - основной порт (в предвычислении приливов)

fa* To predict ~ пред вычислять

fa" Tidal stream - приливо-отливное течение

fa" Rising tide - прилив" Falling tide - отлив* Rate (velocity) - скорость

fa* Set - сущ. направление, (гл. устанавливаться)

fa" Tide rip - рябь, толчея, сулой

fa" Ebb stream - отлив" Flood stream - прилив" High water - полная вода" Low water - малая вода" Eddy ~ водоворот" Tide-guage - мореограф, приливомер" Spring rate - скорость в сизигию

fa" Neap rate - скорость в квадратуру

fa-* Ripple - рябь, толчея, зыбь

fa" Race - быстрина, сулой

fa" Swirl - водоворот

fa" Surge - зыбь, накат волны

fa" Storm surge - штормовой нагон воды, штормовой ветер

fa" Under-keel-clearance - глубина под килем" To affect - воздействовать, влиять" Rectilinear - прямолинейный" Gyre - вихрь, завихрение6. Read the text "Tidal streams and currents" quicldy and grasp the main gist of each (a, b, c, d) passagesStreams and Currents

  1. Tidal Streams are horizontal movements of the water caused by the tides. They can be predicted for any period in the future.
  2. The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides, i.e. they are semi-diurnal in character. They can be predicted by reference to a suitable Standard port by tables printed on the published charts.

In some other parts of the world daily predictions are necessary. These predictions will be found in Volumes 2 and 3 of Admiralty Tide Tables.

c)The duration and the rate of tidal streams depend on the depth of water, the con-

tour of the land, prevailing winds, tides and currents. A distinction is drawn between tidal streams and currents.