Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки


  1. Tidal Streams are astronomical in origin. Currents are mainly of meteorological origin. Conditions that affect currents are the following: persistent strong winds, barometric pressure, positive and negative surges, storm surges. Strong winds may approach and even exceed the rate of the tidal streams. Strong currents during or after positive or negative surges may greatly increase tidal streams or cancel them out.
  2. Negative surges are important to the Mariner as they result in reduced under-keel-clearance.

Tidal streams may affect currents and produce ripples, eddies, races, swirls,, etc.practice the navigator experiences a combination of tidal stream and current.

Fill in a)





Exercise 7. Read the text carefully to answer the following questions:

  1. What causes tidal streams?
  2. What type are the tidal streams in European waters?
  3. What is meant by semi-diurnal?
  4. What factors influence the duration and the rate of tidal streams?
  5. What conditions affect currents?
  6. How do strong currents affect tidal streams?
  7. Why are negative surges important to the Mariner?
  8. What period in the future can tidal streams be predicted for?

Exercise 8. Pick out false sentences out of those below and explain your decision

  1. Tidal streams are caused by strong winds.
  2. Tidal streams and currents are words in origin.
  3. The tidal streams in European waters are of the same type as the tides.
  4. The rate of tidal streams does not depend on the contour of the land.
  5. Strong wind may not exceed the rate of the tidal streams.
  6. Ripples are produced by currents.
  7. Positive surges result in reduced under-keel-clearance.

Exercise 9. Memorize the following abbreviations concerning tides and currents used on Metric Charts


HWHigh WaterПолная водаLWLow WaterМалая водаMTLMean Tide LevelСредний уровень приливаMSLMean Sea LevelСредний уровень моряSpSpring TidesСизигийньш приливNpNeap TidesКвадратурный приливMHWSMean High Water SpringsСредний уровень полных сизигийных водMHWNMean High Water NeapsСредний уровень квадратурных водMHHWMean Higher High WaterСредний уровень высокой полной водыMLHWMean Lower High WaterСредний уровень низкой полной водыMLWSMean Low Water SpringsСредний уровень малых сизигийных водMLWNMean Low Water NeapsСредний уровень малых квадратурных водMLLWMean Lower Low WaterСредний уровень низкой малой водыMHLWMean Higher Low WaterСредний уровень высокой малой водыHATHigher Astronomical TideВысокий астрономический приливLATLower Astronomical TideНизкий астрономический приливVelVelocityСкоростьknKnotsУзлыDirDirectionНаправлениеFathom ChartsH.W.F.& СHigh Water Full and ChangeПрикладной час порта для расчёта полной водыL.W.F. & C.Low Water Full and ChangeПрикладной час порта для расчёта малой воды10. Match a word (1-7) with a word (a-g)


1.drya) tide2.meanb) season3.springc) direction4.highd) rate5.tidee) water6.risingf) stream7.tidalg) Ф11. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word Choose from these words: rate tide range current slack low sets water

  1. There is only one highdaily in S.
  2. In the bay the flow is weak and is governed byrather than tidal


3.The flow sets SSW on the fallingattaining aof 1 knot 3 hours

after local high water with aof tide of 1-2 m; it then turns anti-clockwise

without becomingandESE at Va knot nearwater.

Exercise 12. Circle the odd-abbreviation-out (if any):

  1. LAT, Q, MLLW, Sp, Vel
  2. MHLW, B, LW Dir, MHWS
  3. HW, MLHW, Kn, HAT, Np
  4. MSL, MLWS, H.W.F. &C, MHWS, Lat
  5. MHHW, Mid, LW, MWL, LLW
  6. MTL, HWOS, LWOS, 1SLW, H.1

Exercise 13. Passage (a) describes "Tides and Tidal Streams" inLachDay and Song Ca. Read the passage and decide which of those opinions matches tides (T) and tidal streams (TS)

  1. The rate of flow is often 2 or 3 knots.[ ]
  2. From December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest.[ ]
  3. The melting snow causes the river to rise rapidly.[ ]
  4. The annual rise at Hanoi is from 4-9 to 6-lm..[ ]

(a) Tides and tidal streams in Lach Day and Song Ca. The rate of flow in the lower reaches of the river system is often 2 or 3 knots, and the influence of the tidal stream on the flow is apparent up river almost as far as a Hanoi during the low-river season, and from the sea to about halfway to Hanoi during the hight high-river season.December to May, Song Ca is at its lowest, about May, the melting snow in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan causes the river to rise rapidly, frequently washing away the banks. The annual rise at Hanoi (2102'N, 105E) is from 4-9 to 6-lm.14. Answer those questions:

  1. In what places of the river is the rate of flow often 3 or 2 knots?
  2. What is the influence of the tidal stream on the flow?
  3. When does the snow melt in Upper Tonkin and Yunnan?
  4. What is frequently washed away?
  5. What is the annual rise of tide at Hanoi?

Exercise 15. Passage (b) describes tidal streams at East Goodwin light-vessel Read the passage and decide which of those opinions matches the south-going stream. Tick (v) them.

  1. It sometimes sets north-westward.
  2. It is strong near high water.
  3. It begins + 0530 Dover.
  4. It has a spring rate of 3.2 knots.
  5. Its mean direction is 016.
  6. It has a neap rate 1.8 knots.
  7. It sets south-westward into the Gut.

Note: references preceded by a minus (-) sign are intervals before high water, those preceded by a plus (+) sign are intervals after high water.

(b) Tidal streams. - At east Goodwin light-vessel, the stream is nearly rectilinear; the north-going stream, spring rate 3-1 knots, neap rate 1-7 knots, mean direction 016 , begins - 0100 Dover; the south-going stream, spring rate 3-2 knots, neap rate 1-8 knots, mean direction 193, begins + 0530 said, though with doubtful authority, that, eastward of the sands, the north-going stream sometimes sets north-westward with considerable velocity. Observations of the stream obtained in recent years do not confirm the existence of this set; if, however, it occurs, it is strong near high water, when the sands are covered, and dangerous. Near the eastern side of the northern part of the sands the north-going stream probably sets north-eastward out of Kellett Gut, and the south-going stream sets south-westward into the Gut.16. Answer these questions:

  1. Where is the stream nearly rectilinear?
  2. Where does the north-going stream set north-westward?
  3. With what velocity does it set?
  4. Do observations confirm the existence of this set?
  5. In what direction does the north-going stream set near the eastern side of the northern part of the sands?
  6. What spring rate does the south-going stream have?
  7. What mean direction does it have?

Exercise 17. Passage (c) describes currents of the South China Sea.the passage and decide which of those opinions match the main current.

  1. It is much more variable.
  2. It is influenced mainly by the monsoon winds.
  3. It flows on the W side of the region.
  4. It is controlled largely by the positions of gyres.
  5. It sets NE on the SW monsoon.
  6. It has a high constancy.
  7. It sets SW during the NE monsoon.

Currents of the South China Seasurface currents of the South China Sea are influenced mainly by the monsoon winds which control the flow of water into or from the Sum Sea, Java Sea and through Tai-wan Strait.main current flows on the W side of the region and sets SW during the NE monsoon (October to March) and NE on the SW monsoon (May to August), During the regime of either monsoon the appropriate current has a high constancy but some variations, and occasionally even reversals may occur with irregularities in the monsoon.the E part of the area currents are much more variable being controlled largely by the positions of gyres which are common in the central part of the South China Sea in all seasons.18. Answer these questions:

  1. What winds influence the surface currents of the South China Sea?
  2. What do the monsoon winds control?
  3. How long does the main current flow on the W side of the region?
  4. In what direction does it set?
  5. When may variations or reverals occur?
  6. In what direction does the main current set from May to August?
  7. What are currents over the E part of the area controlled by?

Exercise 19. Role Plays: VTS-station to all vessels in the vicinity of К City.information Role A: P. Radio Role B: MV "Texas-QBFI".. Radio informs MV Texas-QBFI about the tides in the vicinity of H. City. MV "Texas-QBFI" answers that she has received this information.

I.A: MV "Texas-QBFI". This is P. Radio Inform: Tide setting in direction 020 degrees. Over.

B: (answer for the ship).

II.Make up your own dialogues between O. Radio and MV Peters using the following infor