Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

¶ать конец (-ы) ... шпринг (-и)Hold on ... line(s)/ ... springПодбирать понемногуHeave in easyПоджимайтесь к причалуHeave alongside(ержать швартовы втугую!Keep lines tightСообщите расстояние по носу до ... /по корме до ...Report forward / aft distance to ...Вы должны продвинуться на.., метров (перед / назадWe have to move ... meters ahead / asternМы находимся в нужном положенииWe are in positionСреиить носовые и кормовые швартовы!Make fast fore and aftСрепить носовые!Fast forwardКрепить кормовые!Fast aftОтшвартовкаUnberthingПриготовить машину (-ы)Stand by engine(s)Машина (-ы) готова (-ы)Engine(s) standing byВы готовы начать движение?Are you ready to get underway?Да, мы готовы начать движениеYes, ready (to get underway)Нет, мы ещё не готовы начать движениеNo, not ready (yet) (to get underway)Мы будем готовы начать движение через ... минутReady to get underway in ... minutesПриготовиться к отшвартовке!Stand by for let goК отшвартовке!Standing by for let goОставить по одному продольному и шпрингу на носу и на кормеSingle up ... lines and ... springs fore and aftТравить носовой / кормовой / прижимной!Slack away head / stem / breast lineТравить носовой / кормовой шпринг!Slack away fore / aft springЗадержать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!Hold on head / stem / breast lineЗадержать носовой / кормовой шпринг!Hold on fore / aft springВыбрать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!Heave on head / stern / breast lineВыбрать носовой / кормовой шпринг!Heave on fore / aft springОтдать все носовые / кормовые!Let go everything forward / aftОтдать носовой / кормовой / прижимной!Let go head / stern / breast lineОтдать носовой / кормовой / шпринг!Let go fore / aft springОтдать буксирный трос! ... отдан(-ы)Let go tug line .... is / are let goПриготовить к отдаче оба якоря!Stand by both anchor(s)Оба якоря готовы к отдачеBoth anchor(s) standing byreading.I. Read the text quickly and grasp the main idea of each passagetypes of ropelarge number of different types of rope are used on board ship, and it is important for every sailor to know their characteristics so that the right rope can be used for the right job. Ropes can be divided into three basic types: natural fibre rope, which is made from the fibres of different plants; synthetic fibre rope, which is made from materials such as nylon; and wire rope, which is made from strands of steel wire.let us look at the different types of natural fibre rope. A well-known rope of this type is Manila. Manila rope is made from the fibres of a plant which grows in the Philippine Islands of the Pacific. It is strong and flexible, but rather expensive. It is used for a number of jobs connected with cargo-handling and mooring. Because manila rope is expensive, sisal rope is often used in its place. Sisal comes from a plant which grows in the USA and Russia. It is less strong and less flexible than manila rope, but it is cheaper. It is used for moorings and lashings. Another type of rope is hemp rope. Hemp comes from a plant which grows in the USSR, Europe and North America as well as in China and India. It is strong and flexible and does not shrink or swell after contact with water. Because of this it is used on sailing boats. Coir ropes are made from coconut fibres. They are very buoyant and very elastic, but they rot easily when they are wet. They are sometimes used for mooring and towing lines. The cotton plant grows in the southern part of North America. Cotton rope is both strong and flexible, but it is very expensive and therefore not used on merchant ships. Because it looks nice, it is often used on yachts and pleasure boats.fibre ropes have now largely been replaced by synthetic fibre ropes. Synthetic ropes have many advantages. They are strong and elastic and they are resistant to the action of water. Nylon rope is the strongest and the most elastic of all the synthetic fibre ropes. It is used for mooring and handling cargo. Terylene rope has the highest melting point. It melts at a temperature of 260'C. It is also strong and elastic. It is mainly used on yachts. Another type of synthetic fibre rope is polypropylene rope. It has the lowest melting point of all synthetic ropes and is used for log lines and halyards.rope is made of steel. It is usually galvanized to stop it from rusting. It is very strong and elastic, but not as flexible as other types of rope. Large wire ropes are very heavy. Wire rope has many uses on board ship, particularly for standing rigging, mooring lines and for cargo-handling.

А.2. Enumerate all types of ropes and their properties. How do you think, w, ropes are most widely used in merchant fleetand readingthese words orally, and then read part one of the text" To tow - буксировать

fr< To shift -перешвартовываться, переводить на другой причал

ft" Repairs - ремонт

ft" Tow-line - буксирный трос, конец

fk" Steel wire - стальная проволока

ft" Length - длина; отрезок, конец (троса)

ft*- То afford - предоставлять, давать

ft* То shorten - укорачивать

ft* The ship is disabled - судно потеряло управление5" To arrange - уславливаться, договариваться, подготавливаться

ft" Assistance - помощь

ft9" To settle - устраивать, урегулировать, договариваться

Exercise I. Read the text and get ready to retell itmay need towing in a number of cases. When in port, tugs may be required to take ships to or from their berths. Sometimes it may be necessary to shift the ship from one berth to another and the port tug is usually ordered to do mis job.may also happen that the ship will need dry docking for cleaning the bottom and repairs to the hull. A tug-boat will then be required to manoeuvre the ship into the dock.ships require big tow-lines. Most modern vessels are provided with steel wire tow-lines of sufficient length. It is advisable to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will afford the necessary elasticity to tow-lines. Tug-boat towing the vessels may either pull them or push them ahead.a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own lines and hawsers for towing. In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be secured, which side should the tug approach the ship etc.ship may become disabled at sea and in this case she will need some other vessel or a tug to tow her to the nearest port. She may then have to ask the nearest vessel for assistance and such a vessel may not be specialized in towing. In such cases the masters of both vessels will have to settle many problems before the actual towing can begin. They must discuss what tow-lines should be used, how the distressed vessel should be approached, how the lines should be passed over and secured and how long they must be.a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the weather may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous.towing and towed vessels communicate with each other to coordinate their actions. Nowadays they usually do it by VHF radiotelephone.2. Answer the questions

  1. What may a tug be required for when in port?
  2. What kind lines can be used for towing?
  3. What combination of lines is recommended for towing and why?
  4. What must the master of a ship settle with the master of a tug?
  5. What happens if a ship becomes disabled at sea? How can it be towed into a port?
  6. Why is it difficult to tow a vessel a long way?
  7. Why should the towing and the towed vessels communicate with each other?

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes

  1. It is forbidden to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will spoil the elasticity of tow-lines.
  2. The port tug is usually ordered to manoeuvre the ship clear of ecologically sensitive areas.
  3. Towing a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the master's mood may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous.
  4. As a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own chains for towing.
  5. In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be called, which side should the tug leave the ship etc.

Exercise 4. Read and learn the following Standard Marine Communication Phrases. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version


Помощь буксираTug assistanceСколько буксиров вам требуется?How many tugs do you require?Мне требуется ... буксировI require ... tug (s)Должен ли я брать буксир (-ы)?Must I take tug (s)?Да, вы должны брать буксир (-s)Yes, you must take ... tug (s)Нет, вам не надо брать буксир (-ы)No, you need not take tug (s)?/p>