Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

sure areas.the southern hemisphere the directions of circulation are the always named after the direction it is coming from, not blowing in.force is indicated by the Beaufort-scale numbers. These numbers, ranging from zero to force 12, refer to the wind-speed measured in nautical miles per hour.the navigator the wind direction and force are the most important aspects of meteorological conditions that are forecast in weather reports by weather stations.must always include an increase or decrease in force and any change in wind-direction. A change of direction is usually indicated by the terms "veering" and "backing".veering wind changes in a clockwise direction. A backing wind changes in anti-clockwise direction.2. Answer the questions:

  1. Why is the weather so important for mariners?
  2. How can you measure the temperature? Do you know the difference between the scales mentioned above?
  3. How does humidity depend on the temperature of the air?
  4. How can you predict weather judging on the clouds?
  5. What is the name for a cloud that touches the ground?
  6. What kinds of precipitation do you know? What is the difference between them?
  7. What is the influence of barometric pressure upon the weather-conditions?
  8. Why is it so important to consider the place you are in while predicting the wind's movement?
  9. How are the winds named?

10.How is the force of the wind measured?

. Exercise 3. Fill in the necessary word:

1. A change ofin a clockwise direction is indicated by the word

"veering". announced by a lowering or thickening cloudiness.

  1. A change inis the most significant aspect in weather forecasting.
  2. Saturation refers to the maximum amount ofin air at a specific


5.Circulation ofis anti-clockwise around low pressure areas in the

Northern Hemisphere.

  1. An irnminent change of weather is often indicated by.
  2. The amount of air that moves from one area to the other is referred to as

8.can be measured in three different scales. a result of a rising mass of cool air.

10. A decrease ofof air will result in the forming of clouds or

11.speed is measured in nautical miles per hour.

  1. The amount of water vapour that is in the air is referred to as.
  2. When a cloud touches the ground we speak of.

14. is formed when droplets have become large enough to fall to the ground.

Exercise 4. Complete the chart:

AbbreviationDirectionMovementAdjectiveAdjective (for winds)SSouthward ofNENortheastNNortherlyWWesternswSouthwestward ofSESoutheastNWNorthwesterlyEEastern

Exercise 5. Listen to the recording

a)You are going to hear a conversation on the bridge of the MVElga during bad weather. What are the -weather conditions like? Choose from the list below:

gale tidal stream tropical stormsnow

torrential rain floating icehigh wind

poor visibility dust storm fog bank

b)Answer the questions (you may listen to the text again if necessary):

  1. Why has the tanker issued a securite call?
  2. How long would it take the MV Elga to reach the tanker's position in good weather conditions? What about the given situation?
  3. Why do the Officers try to contact the Coastguard? What is wrong?
  4. What is the problem with the MV Elga?
  5. Can the MV Elga assist the tanker?

Exercise 6. Fill in the schemes

7. Write a short report describing the weather conditions today. Try to mention all the meteorological elements you know. Are the conditions favourable for a sea voyage? Why?




Survey - обозрение, осмотр

tfc" Vicinity - окрестности, район

ffc" Broadcast - передавать по радио, вещать

^ Trough - ложбина низкого давления

te" Ridge - гребень повышенного атмосферного давления

$* Occlude - окклюдировать; преграждать

fa* Overcast сплошная облачность, пасмурно

рт* Thunderstorm - гроза" Thunder - гром

^ Lightning - молния

fa* Gtf/e - шторм, ветер от 7 до 10 баллов

fc- Squall - шквал

^ (dust) Haze - дымка,лёгкий туман

тЬ"Moderate - умеренный, средний

Exercise 8. Scan the textForecastweather forecast for seafarers offers a survey of weather conditions that may be expected in certain places, sea areas and in vicinities of coastal stations within the next 24 hours. A weather forecast is broadcast in radio bulletins and should be monitored by the navigator and transferred to the Weather Forecast Information Sheet.Weather Forecast Information Sheet must be made available to all bridge-personnel and studied regularly and closely in order to determine short-range weather conditions and visibility.sheet consists of three parts:

  • in the "General Synopsis" information is given about barometric pressure, position and movement of a depression or anti-cyclone;
  • in me "Forecast for Sea Areas" information is given about wind, weather conditions and visibility. The presence of a gale is indicated by a "tick" in the column "gales";
  • in "Reports from Coastal Stations1' information is given about wind, weather conditions, visibility and atmospheric pressure.

Exercise 9. Learn the abbreviations used in Weather Forecasting by heart:abbreviations used in the General Synopsis are:= depression (low pressure area, also referred to as "cyclonic")= high pressure area (anti-cyclone)= trough of low pressure~ ridge of high pressure- warm front

С = cold front

О = occluded frontabbreviations used in the Forecast for Sea Areas and Reports from Coastal Stations are:

b - blue skym/f - mist followed by fogс - cloudyd-drizzlepc - partly cloudy skytlr - thunderstorm (thunder,lightning and rain)о - overcast skyh-hailr-rainВ-galeR - heavy rainG - heavy gales - snowq - squallsr/s - rain followed by snowQ - heavy squallsrs - sleetz - dust hazem - mistvar. - winds variablef-fogCALM - wind force zeroF - heavy foggale is indicated by a tick (V) in the column "gales". A slash (/) indicates a change. The use of a capital letter, for example F, or R - will indicate and intensification of that specific weather condition.may be indicated bypoor- moderate= good- very goodBarometric Pressure is indicated by

= steady

/ = rising or rising rapidly

\ = falling or falling rapidly10. Watch CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme'* (Weather). Pay particular attention to the way the weather forecast tables are completed11. Fill in the weather forecast tables: Forecast for Sea Areas

. Thames: wind variable, becoming easterly, force three, partly cloudy sky, good visibility.


Sea areaGalesWind: Now/LaterWeatherVisibility

2. Biscay: wind westerly force six, increasing force eight to nine, heavy quails, moderate visibility.


Sea areaGalesWind: Now/LaterWeatherVisibility

. Irish Sea: calm, wind increasing northwesterly force five, backing south-vesterly force three to four, rain followed by snow, poor visibility.


Sea areaGalesWind: Now/LaterWeatherVisibilityfrom Coastal Stations:

1. St. Abb's Head: wind west force five, blue sky, three miles, nine hundred linety-two millibars, falling.


Coastal StationWind directionWind forceWeatherVisibilityBarometerTendency

. Dowsing: calm, partly cloudy sky, twelve miles, a thousand and twenty two millibars, steady.


Coastal StationWind directionWind forceWeatherVisibilityBarometerTendency

. Bristol: Wind south west force six, rain followed by thunderstorm, seven miles, nine hundred seventy-nine millibars, falling rapidly.


Coastal StationWind directionWind forceWeatherVisibilityBarometerTendency

Exercise 12. Listen to the recording* It is a sea area forecast for 17th April Complete the chart -with the information for each area.


Sea areaGalesWind: Now/LaterWeatherVisibilityCastle RockVNW6/8rmNewingtonViewforthAbercornFerrolMinnowTurtle CoveIS. Read and learn the following Standard Marine. Communication Phrases (SMCP). Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version


Meteorological Information (the following phrases should normally be preceded by Message Marker "INFORMATION", "WARNING"Метеорологическая информация (перед следующими фразами обычно следует ставить слова-указатели ИНФОРМАЦИЯ, ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ)Position of tropical storm ... (name) ,.., path... (compasspoints), speed of advance... knotsМестоположение тропического шторма ... (название), направление движения ... (компасные румбы), скорость продвижения ветра ... узлов.Wind .direction ... (compasspoints), force Beaufort... in position...Ветер направлением ... (компасные румбы), и силой ... баллов по шкале Бофорта в районе....Wind backing and increasing/decreasing .Ветер меняет направление против часовой