Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

  • переменный огонь
  • морская карта
  • показывать (выставлять) огонь
  • проблесковый огонь
  • огонь Морзе
  • группо-затмевающийся огонь
  • очень быстрый проблесковый огонь
  • Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer

    1.A light which is constantly visible.

    1. a flashing light
    2. a fixed light
    3. an occulting light
    4. an isophase light

    2.A light which changes its colour is ...

    1. flashing
    2. green
    3. red
    4. alternating

    3.A light which has a light and a dark interval of equal durations is ...

    1. constantly invisible
    2. isophase
    3. occulting
    4. leading

    4.A light which has a longer light interval and a shorter dark one.

    1. an occulting light
    2. an isophase light
    3. a fixed light
    4. a flashing light

    5.The duration of eclipse is longer than that of light.

    1. a flashing light
    2. a fixed light
    3. an occulting light
    4. an isophase light

    6.The most conspicuous light by far is ...

    1. a fixed light
    2. a flashing light
    3. an isophase light
    4. an occulting light

    Exercise 6. Read andtranslate passages from Pilot Books. Check yourself by finding the corresponding Russian translation


    1. K. light is exhibited, at an elevation of 28 feet (8m5), from a black metal structure with a red lantern, 24 feet (7m3) in height, situated on the west ern side of the entrance to the harbour (Lat.51o26'N,Long.4o00'E) 2. A white group-flashing light showing two flashes every ten seconds is shown westward from L. point. 3. A light is exhibited on each side of the entrance to D.a) Два огня, расположенные по вер тикали на высоте 20 и 26 футов (6,1 и 7,9м), установлены на белой бетонной мачте с черными поло сами 16 футов (4,9 м) высотой, расположенной на оконечности мола Б. b) Огонь К. установлен на высоте 28 футов (8,5 м) на чёрной металли ческой конструкции с красным фонарём высотой 4 фута (7,3 м), расположенной на западной сто роне входа в гавань (5126'N. 400'Е). c) Белый группопроблесковый огонь, показывающий два проблеска ка ждые десять секунд, зажигается западнее мыса Л.4. В. and N. lights in line, bearing 149, 1 lead to the harbour. 5. Two lights, disposed vertically at ele vations of 20 and 26 feet (6ml and 7m9), are exhibited from a white con crete mast with black bands, 16 feet (4m9) in height, situated on the head .

    .A fixed yellow light is exhibited from
    the western mole.

    .An alternating light is exhibited, at an
    elevation of 67 feet (20m4), from an
    octagonal stone tower, 62 teet (18m9)
    in height, situated on K. point (Lat.
    4444"N, Long. 1411'E).d) Переменный огонь установлен на высоте 67 футов (20,4 м) на вось миугольной каменной башне вы сотой 62 фута (18,9 м), располо женной на мысе К. (4444,N, 1411'Е). e) Огонь установлен по обе стороны входа в D. f) Огни Я и Я. в створе по пеленгу 149 ведут в гавань. g) Постоянный жёлтый огонь уста новлен на западном молу.7. Work in pairs. Answer the questions to exercise 6

    1. From what structure is K. light exhibited? What is the height of the structure with a red lantern?
    2. How many flashes in a group does a light show? Is a light shown westward or south-westward from L. point?
    3. Where is a light exhibited?
    4. Where do B. and N. lights when in line, bearing 149, lead?
    5. How are lights disposed? At what elevation are the lights exhibited?
    6. What type of light is exhibited from the western mole? What colour is the light?
    7. At what elevation is an alternating light exhibited? Where is the tower situated? What is the height of the tower?

    Exercise 8. Translate from Russian into English

    1. Огонь выставлен на высоте 76 футов над уровнем моря на треугольной железной башне высотой 60 футов, расположенной на западной стороне гавани,
    2. Створные огни выставлены на высоте 52 и 59 футов(15,8 м и 18м) над уровнем моря на знаках, каждый состоящий из белого треугольного щита, вершиной вниз с черной полосой на белой деревянной мачте высотой 20 фу-тов(6,1 м) на юго-запад от берега.
    3. Красный постоянный огонь, показывающий воздушное препятствие, выставлен на верху, а другой - посередине белой круглой башни, расположенной около 10 кабельтовых к северо-востоку от островка А.
    4. Затмевающий огонь выставлен на высоте 204 фута (62,2 м) над уровнем моря на белой квадратной постройке высотой 21 фут (6,4 м), расположенной на внешней оконечности мола.

    Exercise 9. Read and translate passages from Pilot books

    1. Two leading lights are exhibited, the front light, at an elevation of 12 feet, from a light-structure, situated on the northern side of Zamalin Harbour close to the coast and about 8 cables northward of Crew Point of the northern extremity of Alan Island; and the rear light at an elevation of 20 feet from a circular hut, situated about three-quarters of a cable northward of the front light. These lights in line, bearing 346, lead into Zamalin Harbour.
    2. A fixed and flashing green light is exhibited at an elevation of 89 feet from a white octagonal tower 84 feet in height, situated on the head of Reydovy Mole, on the eastern side of the entrance to Odessky port and about IV4 miles northward of Mys Lanzheron. A fog signal is sounded from the light structure.
    3. A light is exhibited, at an elevation of 98 feet, from a white flat-roofed building with black horizontal band, situated on the eastern side of Bearcove Point about 3 cables southward of its northern extremity.
    4. An unwatched light is exhibited at an elevation of 39 feet from a red circular tower and dwellings, 40 feet in height, situated on Cape Saint Mary. See sketch on Chart 290. Vessels can communicate, by day, with this light-tower by means of the International Code of Signals.
    5. An alternating light is exhibited at an elevation of 141 feet (43m0) from a white circular tower with a red band, 136 feet in height, situated near the shore.
    6. A group flashing light is exhibited at an elevation of 37 feet (10m4) from an iron framework structure on a tower, 22 feet (6m7) in height, situated on Dirk head.
    7. A green and red fixed light is exhibited at 65 feet above high water, from the top of the beacon on Drum Rock, and it should be seen from the distance of 6 miles in clear weather. The light is unwatched.
    8. On the eastern side of Drum Harbour Ъ1!2 cables within the entrance is a hexagonal tower, 36 feet in height, from which a light is exhibited at an elevation of 85 feet above the sea, forming the rear leading light.

    9.A fixed light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 18 feet from a mast 34 feet in height, situated on Duck Wharf and a words light is occasionally exhibited at an elevation of 7 feet, at the head of ferry pier..

    10.An occulting light is exhibited, at an elevation of 149 feet (135m5) from a round metal tower, 39 feet (1 Im9) in height, situated on Ash point. The lighthouse is connected with the telephone system for lifesaving purposes. A fog signal is sounded from the lighthouse.

    Exercise 10. Work in pairs. Write 10 questions (one to each passage from the text above) and ask your partner to answer them11. While watching the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme " (Lights) get acquainted with the demonstration of the Lateral and Cardinal Lights. Listen, take notes and draw in colourlights are used on the lateral buoys, cardinal buoys, special marks, landfall buoys and isolated danger buoys. At night the Cardinal buoy is identified by the number of white flashes (Q or VQ).N Cardinal carries a continuously flashing light ("Q or VQ"); the W Cardinal has 9 flashes ("Q9 or VQ9"); the E Cardinal has 3 ("Q3 or VQ3"),S Cardinal has 6 flashes, followed by 1 long flash in order not to mistake with the W Cardinal (Q6 + 1LFL or VQ6 + 1LFL).Cardinal buoys a white flashing light is fitted. Lights fitted on lateral buoys may be FL. Red or green. Red or green ISO. Red or green F. Red or green12. Memorize the following charted abbreviations

    Lt,LtsLight, LightsОгонь, огниFFixed 1.Постоянный огоньOc OccOcculting 1.Затмевающ