Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

sistance which is required Request: immediate assistance. Over.

Example of an Urgency Message

  2. This is VEGA VEGA VEGA
  3. PAN- PAN
  5. Position: bearing 090 degrees true, from Ras SARKAN; distance: 15 miles
  6. Lost propeller
  7. Require tow.
  8. Over

Example of an Initial Safety Transmission

  2. All ships (may be repeated if thought necessary)
  3. This is Arcadia Arcadia Arcadia
  4. Securite
  5. Arcadia, Charlie, Alfa, Alfa, Alfa.
  6. Navigational information; Decca warning
  7. Switch to VHF channel 06
  8. Over

Exercise 44. What they have in common is that they may have to be transmitted under pressure, without time to refer to a bridge book or other manual, and it is important that they are correctly handled

a)Write out the appropriate message for the following circumstances:

You are sinking, due to collision with a submerged object, which has punctured the hull in the area of nos. 4 and 5 and double bottom tanks. The ballast line non-return valves have failed, probably due to grit in the valve seatings. It is now 15:00 ship's time, and you are keeping zone +11. Your dead reckoning position is 25 degrees and ten minutes south, 160 and half degrees west.

b)Write out the appropriate message for the following circumstances:

Your chief engineer has fallen down an engine room ladder. He has broken both legs and is bleeding from the mouth. It is 03.20 in the afternoon and Quessant lighthouse is 8 miles bearing 195 from your ship. There is no doctor or proper medical facility on board




PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher. Learn them by heart- Bulk cargo - массовый груз (насыпной, навалочный, наливной)

^ Commodity - предмет потребления, товар

r^ Compartment - отделение, отсек, перегородка

г^ Crane подъёмный кран

^ Crate - клеть

Ф* Crude oil - сырая (неочищенная) нефть

$>- Derrick - подъёмная стрела

fc** Discharge - разгружать

fe" Double bottom - двойное дно

(^ Dry bulk cargo - навалочный груз

$*¦ Edible oils - съедобное масло (растительное)

fa* Fuel - топливо

fc" Freighter - 1. фрахтователь, 2. грузовое судно

\^ Fertilizer - удобрение

fc* General cargo - генеральный хруз

^ Gra6 - черпак, ковш

^ Graz'w - зерно

ft>* Heavy cargo - тяжеловесный груз

^ Hold -трюм

ft*- Homeport - порт базирования (приписки, регистрации)

^ Inland waterways внутренние водные пути

гЪ" /wer - лайнер, пароход, совершающий регулярные рейсы

^ Liquid cargo - жидкий груз

г^ То load- грузить

^ Longitudinal - (прил.) продольный, по долготе.

(сущ.) продольный элемент конструкции т^ Lubricating oil - смазочное масло >- Merchant - торговый, коммерческий fa* Ore - руда

г*" Petroleum - 1. нефть, 2. керосин г^ Рог? of call - порт захода г^ Port of destination - порт назначения fa3" Pre-arranged - подготовленный заранее ^ Го provide - обеспечивать ^ Pump - насос

$>¦ Refrigerated cargo - рефрижераторный груз г*" Schedule - расписание, 1рафик, план, режим г*" Timber - лесоматериалы

ft*" Tramp трамповое судно (грузовое судно, не работающее на определённых рейсах)

ft^ Transverse - поперечный $*¦ Tweendeck - твиндек Р5^ Stability - (здесь) остойчивость ft5- Storage - хранение

Generally speaking a vessel can be classified to the purpose she serves. The most common purposes are:

  1. transportation of cargo or/ and passengers;
  2. assistance and service (by so called ''special purpose vessels");
  3. the catching offish (fishermen);
  4. peace keeping( war ships).

Liners and Tramps

Vessels that have been designed to transport cargo or/ and passengers are called merchant ships. They may be classified as liners or tramps.liner carries cargoes between two fixed destinations.sailing schedule has been prearranged - she has a fixed homeport, port of destination andport(s) of call, and fixed ETA 's and ETD 's (Estimated Times of Arrival and Estimated Times of Departure). A liner-vessel is allowed to carry up to 12 passengers.that carry cargoes according to schedules that are not fixed are called tramps., ports of destination, ports of call, ETA's and ETD's differ with every voyage.tramp is not allowed to carry any passengers.ships may carry general cargoes, hulk cargoes, refrigerated cargoes, heavy cargoes, timber, and many many more.Cargo Shipscargo is cargo that has been packed in crates, boxes or bags, or cargo coming in pieces (unpacked cargo items).is loaded and discharged by the vessel's own derricks or by shore based cranes.conventional general cargo ship has several tweendecks.


Bulk Carrierscargo is unpacked cargo of one commodity.bulk cargo, such as grain, ore, fertilizers, etc. is carried in specially designed vessels with holds that have been divided into compartments by longitudinal and transverse separations, so that the ship's stability will not be affected by a full cargo.bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by cranes with grabs or by pumps.cargoes such as crude oil, petroleum, edible oils, etc. are carried in tankers, for example in Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's), chemical tankers, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas tankers (LPG carriers) or Liquefied Natural Gas tankers (LNG carriers).tankers are small tankers that carry different sorts of reasons tankers must be fitted with double bottoms. These spaces also provide storage for fuel, lubricating oil and waters.

Dry Bulk CarrierLPG-carrier


2. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally. Repeat them after the teacher and learn them by heart - 1. В кормовой части судна, на корме, 2. корма Р5" Abeam - на траверзе Р9" Athwartship поперек

P=" Bay - номер секции от носа к корме (для контейнеровозов) Р^ Bow (здесь) нос корабля

Р^ Cargo handling equipment - оборудования для обработки груза Р=" Coaster - судно прибрежного плавания, каботажное судно Р^ Fore - носовая оконечность; в носовой части $*¦ Gantry crane - портальный, эстакадный кран Р^ Humidity control - контроль влажности Р^ Layer - слой, пласт Р5" То measure - измерять Р5" Obstacle препятствие, помеха Р^ Perishable cargo - скоропортящийся груз Р^ Ramp - (здесь) аппарель, наклонная плоскость ffc" Ro'Ro cargo - колесный груз

Р=" Ro/Ro ship - ролкер, судно с горизонтальной грузообработкой Р=" Row ряд, порядковые номера в секции от правого до левого борта Р^ Stern - корма

Р^ Stow - 1. хранение, 2. хранилище; (гл. укладывать, размещать) Р=^ Tier - (сущ.) ряд, ярус, штабель; номер ряда (яруса) по высоте от днища судна

# (гл. располагать ярусами)shipsthat has been containerized is carried by container ships.are most often measured in Twenty Feet Equivalent Units (TEU 's) and are stowed in a cellular arrangement in Rows, Bays and Tiers.rows run abeam, or athwartship; the bays run fore to aft and the tiers are horizontal layers. The three-figure code on each container refers to this stowage system. Thus, each container can easily be found.ships are sometimes equipped with their own gantry cranes that load and discharge the containers. Container ships may carry general cargoes, liquid cargoes or refrigerated cargoes.


Roll-on/Roll-off ships (Ro/Ro ships)

a Ro/Ro ship cargo is rolled on and rolled off by lorries or trailers. The great advantage of this system is that no cargo handling equipment is required.loaded vehicles are driven aboard via ramps through special stern and bow doors and are properly secured for the passage. Upon arrival in the port of discharge, the vehicles are released and driven ashore to their destinations.


coaster carries cargo along the coast or on sea voyages. Trans-Atlantic voyages are quite common.coaster is of limited length and tonnage.engine room is situated aft. Often there are no tweendecks and the cargo spaces have no obstacles, so that a variety of cargo can be handled.


Refrigerated-cargo ve