Professional sea English language
Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки
Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки
am altering course to port / starboard.Я изменяю курс влево / вправо.Advise you alter course to ... (at...)Рекомендую изменить курс на ... (в ...)What is your draught?Какая у Вас осадка?What is your draught forward?Какая у Вас осадка носом?What is your draught aft?Какая у Вас осадка кормой?My draught forward is ....Моя осадка носом ....My draught aft is ....Моя осадка кормой ....Vessel... is of deep draught.Судно .. с большой осадкой.Do you have any list?Имеете ли Вы крен?I have a list to port of... degrees.У меня крен на левый борт... градусов.Maximum permitted draught is ....Максимальная допустимая осадка составляет ....What is your freeboard?Какова у Вас высота надводного борта?What is your height / air draught?Какова высота Вашего судна над водой?Are you trimmed by the head / stern?У Вас дифферент на нос / корму?Are you on even keel?Вы на ровном киле?What is your maximum draught now?Какова сейчас у Вас максимальная осадка?
15. Listen to the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar Study English") and match the terms you hear with the given numbers on the sketch. Give Russian equivalents16. Outline the characteristic features of kinds of tonnage. Complete the chart
Exercise 18. Watch the CD-ROM program "International Maritime English Programme " (Ship Measurement)
PART I. Vocabulary and reading
these words orally and learn them by heart
Estimated time of arrival (ETA) - предполагаемое время прибытия^- To indicate - указывать" Draught - осадка (судна)5" Pilotage - лоцманская служба; лоцманская проводка
ft5' Pilot boarding - посадка лоцмана на борт судна
ft3' Compulsory - обязательный
ft3' То obtain - получать, брать
Р^ Harbour Master - капитан порта
ft5' To embark - подниматься на борт судна
ft3' Embarkation - посадка на борт судна
ft>- To disembark - сходить с судна' Customary signals - обычные сигналы5" То display (hoist) - показывать; вывесить
ft3' International Code of signals - Международный свод сигналов' Blast - звук; гудок' Whistle - свисток
9* In compliance with - в соответствии с ...
ft*' То provide - обеспечивать
ft3' International Standard Pilot Ladder and Mechanical Hoists - лоцманский трап международного стандарта и механические подъемники
ft3' Lee side - подветренная сторона
ft3' Pre-arrival information exchange - обмен информацией перед приход! судна в порт
ft" (ISC) International Shipping of Chamber - международная судохода палата" Bridge Procedures Guide - руководство для штурманского состава мостике
fa* Approximately - приблизительно
ft" Annex приложение
ft" Thruster подруливающее устройство; толкатель
ft" Prior the ship's arrival до прихода судна
ft" To con вести судно; давать команды рулевому
ft" To see to ~ наблюдать1. Read the text quickly to grasp the main ideaarrival information exchange with the pilotaccordance with the ISC Bridge Procedures Guide in case when the Master has limited local knowledge of the pilotage waters, it is recommended that a pre-arrival exchange of information takes place with the pilot before boarding.ship initiates an information exchange approximately 24 hours before the pilot's ETA will allow sufficient time for more detailed planning to take place both on the ship and Shore Master/Pilot Exchange and Shore to Ship Pilot/ Master Exchange forms can be used for this purpose (see annexes Al and A2).fonns can provide a basis, the exact detail of the forms can vary from ship to ship, trade to trade, or even from port to port. It is recommended to keep preliminary information exchange to a minimum, and limit the information to that which is strictly necessary to assist in planning the pilotage.some cases the Shore to Ship Pilot/Master Exchange form can be supported by a graphical route plan.exchanges and discussions on berthing can take place when the pilot arrives on board.2. Learn the documents. Fill in the gaps using the following data (Annex 1)Ro "Transitor"o.a - 156.6 m Breadth - 23.8 m Height-16.9 m Draught-7.2 m Deadweight -7,100 t Speed- 17.3 kn"Victoria" Length o.a. - 230.2 m Breadth - 32.2 m Height- 19.0 m Draught- 13.6m Deadweight - 68,550 t Speed-15.8 kn"Regal Star" Length o.a. -215.2 m Breadth-31.9m Height-17.3 m Draught-12.3 m Deadweight-52,450 t Speed- 14.2 kncarrier "Gloria" Length o.a. - 131.6 m Breadth - 19.3 m Height-8.8 m Draught - 7.4 m Deadweight - 7,7001 Speed - 14.0 kn
PART 2. Vocabulary and listening
these words orally. Learn them by heart. Listen to the dialogues^ To climb up - подниматься
гЬ" To sheer - отклоняться от курса, рыскать
fa* To answer the wheel - слушаться руля (о судне)^- A single-screw ship - одновинтовое судно
\** A heavy swell - сильное волнение (о море)
fa Exception - исключение
fa Л lifebuoy ~ спасательный круг
fa .4 heaving line - бросательный конец
^ ^4 fairway buoy ~ фарватерный буй
fa То ту mind- по моему мнению
CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE1 Taking a pilot aboard
Watch officer:There is a pilot boat approaching our ship, Master,:Lower the pilot ladder over the port side. Make a lee for the pilot boat.officer:Yes, Sir. The ladder is fast. A piht may climb up.:That's all right.
Dialogue 2 Pilot is on board the ship
Watch officer:Please meet the Captain, Mr. Stone:How do you do, sir?:How do you do Pleased to meet you, sir. I'd like to get some informa
tion about your ship.:You are welcome.:How many propellers does your ship have?:She is a single-screw ship.:What is her maximum speed?:20 knots.:How many knots are we doing now?:We are running about 17 knots.:What is a draft of your ship? <:Her draft is 4, 5 metres fore and 6 metres aft.:How is her head now?:Her head is 156 degrees now.:How does she answer the helm?.She answers the helm all right.:Does the ship sheer too much?;No, she sheers a little when there is a heavy swell or a strong wind.:Thank you. Now we shall turn to starboard. Starboard a bit.
Captain (to helsman): Starboard a bit.:Yes, sir. Starboard a bit.
Dialogue 3 Proceeding to the port
Captain:Pilot, how far will you pilot the ship?:I shall con the ship only to the port entrance.
Captain:Who will con the ship further on?:At the entrance to the port another pilot will board the ship. He will relieve me
and manoeuvre her into the port. He will take the ship to her berth.:Thank you. Shall we take a tug to enter the port?
Pilot:Yes, taking a tug is compulsory for such big ships as yours. To my mind, you
will take even two tugs.:Thank you.
Exercise 4. Compose your own dialogues between Master and OOW;and OOW; Master and Pilot5. Role play the dialogues PAHT3and readingthese words orally and learn them by heart" Pilotage passage plan - лоцманский план перехода судна; ft=" Amendment - поправка; ^ To commence - начинать; Ф" Consequential changes - важные изменения;" Individual bridge team responsibilities - обязанности каждого члена штурманской команды; * То hand - вручать; Р5" Pilot Card- лоцманская карта;
$* Wheelhouse Poster - объявление штурманской рубки; ffc" Manoeuvering information - информация о движении судна; W To manoeuvre - маневрировать; проводить судноon boardto ISC Bridge Procedures Guide the captains should discuss the pilotage passage plan with the pilot as soon as he comes on board. They should agree any amendmends to the plan before pilotage commences.also should make any consequential changes in individual bridge team responsibilities before pilotage begins.pilot should be handed the Pilot Card (see Annex A3) and shown the Wheelhouse Poster (see Annex A4).Wheelhouse Poster provides a summary of ship manoeuvring information.
Exercise 6. Read the commands after the speaker (Computer Programme "Anglomar. SMCP") and learn them by heart. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version
Commands to the helmsman Commands to the engine room
MidshipsПрямо рульPort fiveРуль лево пятьHard-a-portРуль лево на бортStarboard fiveРуль право пятьHard-a-starboardРуль право на бортbase to fiveДержать лево/ право пятьSteady?/p>