Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

d period will precede the numbers used.

  • The units are hours and minutes.
  • e.g. a delay of thirty minutes is to be spoken as: delay is period: three-zero minutes.

    5.Dates are used with prefixes year, month, day, in that order

    e.g. Sunday 13 May 2004: two-zero-zero-four, month: zero-five, day: one- three: the day of the week (Sunday) is not used628. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF. Check your answer with the speaker. Practise transmitting them

    1. local time 02:30.
    2. local time 15:45.
    3. one o'clock in the morning local time.
    4. ETA (in UTC) 13:30.
    5. ETA (local time) 11:00.
    6. a delay of 45 minutes.
    7. a delay of one and a half hours.
    8. Estimated Time of Departure, two thirty in the afternoon.

    9.Wednesday, 3rd October, 1984.

    10.Thursday, April 19th, 1984.

    of Standard Phrases defined by use and response

    Channel switchingStandard phraseMeaningTranslationResponse (phrase/action)On VHF channel...I am calling on channelРаботаю на УКВ канале ...Respondent answers on the same channel.Switch to VHF channel ...I suggest that we switch to channel...Переходите на каналAgree VHF channelVHF channel unableI cannot switch to channelНе могу работать на ... УКВ каналеVHF channels ..., ..., ..., available.lean transmit on these VHF channels ..., ..., ...Могу работать на УКВ ...каналахWhich VHF channel?Which channel do you suggest that we use?На каком канале будем работатьSwitch to VHF channel...Agree VHF channelI agree to transmit on channel...Согласен

    Outline diagram of a two-ship exchange /Stage 1,2/

    29. Recall 2 stages of each conversation. Write them down. Then work with the partner as A and В respectively. (See the diagram of a two ship exchange)

    1. Veniamis SXTE - Vincent Gann WZR8 (ch. 16)
    2. Kyriakov P3UT - Rattler GXXX (ch. 8)
    3. Spyros C4B1 - Vincent Gann WZR8 (ch. 16)
    4. Harriet GBOI - Olivia PBXQ (Olivia does not have ch. 04 but does have 08 to 12)
    5. Star Vega AYLD - Northport Voyager M2ZO (Northport Voyager does not hear Star Vega indicate a working channel)

    Now exchange roles (A becomes В, В becomes A) and repeat the exercise.of giving a position Clear and accurate transmission of positional information in an internationally-agreed standard form is essential

    1.Latitude and longitude method (when clear of land, or near a featureless coast, when confusion with geographic names might arise)

    e.g. 30 50' N018 25', 02 E: LATITUDE: three-zero degrees five-zero minutes North LONGITUDE: zero-one eight degrees two-five decimal zero-two minute-East.

    2.Bearing and Distance method (near land or a conspicuous sea mark)
    e.g. 194 (T) from Cape Otway: distance; 12.4 miles

    POSITION: BEARING: one-nine-four degrees TRUE -.from Cape Otway DISTANCE: one-two decimal four miles.

    3.Reference to Navigational Mark (in those areas where designated Report ing Points have been marked on the charts)

    POSITION: Northeast from Rangitoto Beacon POSITION: approaching Goeree Light Tower. POSITION: between buoy number: one-three and buoy number: one-five

    4.By Reporting Points

    e.g. Gammon, POSITION: point Alfa; TIME: one-zero-zero-one local7the following into a form suitable for transmission over VHF. Listen to the recording and check your answer: 30 50' N 01825\ 02 E; 23:30 UTC: position: at time: two-three-three zero UTC: latitude three-zero, degrees, five-zero minutes North, longitude: zero-one-eight degrees, two-five decimal zero-two minutes East.

    1.Latitude and Longitude -0346'N,0848'E


    • 1206'N, 6856.2'W, 15:00 GMT
    • 1209'N, 6901W, 01:00 GMT -6354'N, 3806'E, 10:00 GMT
    • 2.Bearing and Distance
    • 200 3.1 miles from Cape Couronne.
    • 340 4.6 miles from Uinga Island West Point
    • 220 1.3 miles from Hoek Van Baarland
    • - 180 2.1 miles from Fjard Hallan.
    • 090 0.1 miles from Red Fish Island South Point, 00:10 GMT.
    • 3.Navigational Marks
    • Approaching Maas centre buoy
    • NE from Goeree light beacon
    • Between Eurogeul buoys E. 11 and E. 13.
    • Passing South from Deutsche Bucht light vessel
    • Leaving Barrow Deep
    • 4.Reporting Points
    • Approaching waypoint T.5, Texas City. 11:11 local
    • Waypoint 10 Gryten. 12:00 local
    • Waypoint 30 Klubbensborg 06:30 local -Waypoint, buoy number 135: Finkenwerder,! 1:30 local
    • Crayfordness Point, 20:00 local

    Exercise 30. Form the sentences rising the data of the position of a vessel with regard to Barr Head lighthouse

    1. 248, 3.0 miles;5.140, 5.2 miles;
    2. 359, 4.1 miles;6.37, 4.0 miles;
    3. 41, 1.2 miles;7.127, 2.5 miles;
    4. 86, 0.9 miles;8.165, 10 miles.

    Exercise 31. Translate from Russian into English

    1. В точке 15 34' северной широты и 61 29' западной долготы производятся спасательные работы.
    2. Ваше место от маяка Бар-Хед по пеленгу 137 на расстоянии 2.4 мили.
    3. Неизвестное судно находится к северо-востоку от мыса К. По пеленгу 125 на расстоянии 2 миль.
    4. Мое местоположение 35 23' северной широты и 47 восточной долготы.
    5. Между СВ буями Е. 11 и Е. 15 плавают обломки судна.

    Exercise 32. Define the position of your vessel and convey it in two ways. Begin with the words 'Myposition is... '

    of Standard Phrases defined by use and response

    Conversation controlsStandard phraseMeaningTranslationResponse (phrase/action)BreakI must break into this conversation for urgent reasonsПрерываю.Respondent allows user of the word break to change the subject or to terminate prematurely.Nothing moreI have finished my message. You are free to change subject or terminate.У меня все.Respondent changes subject or terminates the conversation.Please acknowledgeIndicate that you have received what I have just said.Подтвердите прием.Respondent gives the appropriate reply marker 'I received following information' or says 'understood'Please read backRead back to me the information I have just given.Повторите переданное мною.Read backStay onDo not terminate this conversation or change the subject because I have more to sayНе прекращайте связь.Respondent replies to the message 'you may continue the conversation' then says 'over'.UnderstoodI received the following information which I shall now read back to you.Я принял следующую информацию, которую повторю.Readback is correct, (optional)CorrectionI have just made a mistake in this transmission. The information should be...Исправляю.Readbackis correctYou have received my information correctly.Принято правильно.Markers

    Maritime messages should be short accurate and relevant and message markers are used to indicate the message type, to avoid confusions. So, after the ship's identity exchanges (2 stages) the operator can continue his transmission using message initiated by the message marker. Here're 7 types of message and reply markers:


    MESSAGE MARKERREPLY MARKERQUESTION e.g. Question: what is your ETA ?ANSWER e.g. Answer: My ETA is time: one-six-two-five GMTINSTRUCTION e.g. Instruction: go to berth number: two five.INSTRUCTION-RECEIVED e.g. Instruction-received, go to berth number: two five, positive.ADVICE e.g. Advice: please anchor, position: bearing: one-jive-four degrees true, from Keel Point: distance one mile.ADVICE-RECEIVED e.g Advice-received: anchor, position: bearing: one-five-four degrees true, from Keel Point. Distance one mile.REQUEST e.g. Request: please send, quantity: Jive cylinders.REQUEST-RECEIVED e.g. Request-received: Send, quantity: five cylinders.INFORMATION e.g. Information: the pilot is waiting now at position: near buoy number: two-six.INFORMATION-RECEIVED e.g. Information-received: the pilot is waiting now at position: near buoy number: two-six.WARNING e.g. Warning: buoy number: two bravo is not HiWARNING-RECEIVED e.g. Warning-received: buoy number: two bravo is not lit.INTENTION e.g. Intention: I intend to reduce speed, new speed: six knots.INTENTION-RECEIVED e.g. Intention-received: you intend to reduce speed, new speed' six knots.833. Listen and read after the speaker. Choose the right variant


    1. QuestionСовет просьба вопрос5.Intentionнамерение просьба b) ответ2.Answera) намерение b) просьба c) ответ6.Warninga) предупреждение b) инструкция c) совет3. Requesta) просьба b) совет c) предупреждение7. Advicea) просьба b) совет c) ответ4.1nformationa) инструкция b) вопрос c) информация8. Instructiona) информация b) инструкция c) просьба

    Exercise 34. Listen to the messages and define the type of a message marker in English

    1. What is your position?
    2. Do not overtake.
    3. Advise you to pass astern of me.
    4. Please send medical assista