Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

ake, in

. will, embark , pilot ,when

. freeboard, is, your, what

. accept, shore based navigational, do, assistance , you, from, pilot

. wrong , what, with , is , pilot ladder16. Make the following sentences into questions acceptable in standard communications (IMO SMCP). Follow the example given in the first sentence Example:

  1. Do you know when the pilot will embark? ...QUESTION. When will pilot embark?...
  2. Could you please tell us if you require pilot?

3. Could you tell me your ETA at... (name) Pilot Station?

. Would it be possible for you to inform us whether you can proceed without pilot?

. Could you tell me what your freeboard is?

. Do you know if a pilot boat is on the station?

. Could you tell us what your present position is?

. Do you know the local time?17. Fill in the missing words in the text belowfrom the following list using appropriate form of the verb

must manoeuvre call formayhoist meanrequire

comeembarkmeetshow to

In some ports, shipstake pilots. They take pilotsthe ship

into or out of the harbour. Ships maya pilot by radio or by hoisting the signal. Theyalso call for a pilot by radiotelephone. Ships usually the International Code Flag "G". This flag"I require a pilot". Soon the pilot boat

alongside the ship and the pilother. The watch officerthe pilot at

the ladder. Then hehimthe bridge.

. Match the opposites

1. to arrivea) to disembark2. to berthb) to complete3. to proceedc) to depart4. to startd) to unberth5. to embarke) to stay6. to resumef) to break7. to repairg) to suspend8. to keeph) to hoist9. to lowi) to increase10. to decreasej) to move. Choose the right answer

1.Where may pilots be obtained?

  1. from the office of the Harbour Master
  2. from the port pilot station
  3. in the offing

2.What flag should a vessel display when she requires pilot in daylight?

  1. the flag "H"
  2. the flag "G"
  3. the flag "K"

3.What does the flag "G" mean?

  1. I have a pilot aboard
  2. I require a pilot
  3. I want to communicate with you

4.What is the signal for a pilot at night?

  1. the flag "G"
  2. blasts on the ship's siren
  3. blasts on the ship's whistle

5.What must captains indicate when requesting pilots by?

  1. the ETA of the ship
  2. the name of the ship
  3. the draught of the ship

Exercise 20. Match the synonymes

  1. to informa) to understand
  2. to departb) to unload
  3. to arrivec) to contact
  4. to acknowledged) to berth
  5. to comprehende) to leave
  6. to communicatef) to come
  7. to moorg) to confirm
  8. to dischargeh) to advise
  9. to carry outi) to get receivej) to fulfill

Exercise 21. Which letter flags deal with the topic "PILOTAGE AND PILOTS"? Name them5activitywatching the video programme "Bridge Routines " study the dialogue and be ready to watch the film:ship is at sea, running up to the Pilot Station. The entire action, with the exception of the Third Officer's reply, takes place inside the wheelhouse.are the Master, the watchkeeping Officer (2/0), a helmsman and the Pilot.


Pilot (to 2/0):Half ahead.2/0 (Rings Telegraph):Half ahead, Pilot.Pilot:Starboard Ten.Helmsman:Starboard Ten, Sir.Pilot:Midships.Helmsman:Midships, Pilot.Pilot:Steer zero zero three.Helmsman:Midships. Steady on zero zero three, Pilot.Pilot:Dead slow ahead.2/0 (Rings Telegraph):Dead slow ahead, Pilot.Pilot (to helmsman):What is your course?Helmsman:My course is zero zero three, Sir.Pilot (to Master):Captain, we are coming up to the pilot station. Please rig pilot ladder on starboard side, one metre above thewater.Master (to Pilot):Yes, Pilot.Master (on radio):"Arabiyah" Captain to Third Mate. Rig the pilot ladder on starboard side, one metre above the water. Have a lifebuoy and heaving line ready, then report to the bridge.3/0 (on deck, on radio):"Arabiyah" Third Mate to Captain. Rig pilot ladder on starboard side one metre above the water. Have a lifebuoy and heaving line ready. Г1 come up to the bridge when all is ready, Sir.Pilot (to Master):Captain, when I've left, keep steering zero zero three. This will take you to the fairway buoy. Pass the buoy, then you can set course to the east.Master (to Pilot):Alter course at the fairway buoy. Thank you, Pilot.3/0 (to Pilot):The Pilot boat is approaching, Sir.Pilot:Please, sign my papers, Captain.Master:Certainly, Pilot.Pilot:Thank you. Good-bye, Captain.Master:Thank you, Pilot. Third Mate, please take the Pilot down.3/0:Yes, Sir.Master (to 2/0):Stop Engines.2/0 (to Master):Engines stopped, Sir.Master (to helmsman):Steady. Let me know when she does not answer the wheel.Helmsman (to Master):Steady on zero zero three, Sir.UNIT 5. LIGHTS


PART I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally and learn them by heart

Light - огонь fa Alternating I. - переменный огонь fa Anchor I. ~ якорный огонь fa Fixed I - постоянный огонь fa Flashing I - проблесковый огонь fa Front I. - передний огонь fa Group-flashing I. - группо-проблесковый огонь fa Group-occulting I - группо-затмевающийся огонь fa Leading I. - створный огонь fa Masthead I. - топовый огонь fa Navigation I. - ходовой огонь fa Occulting I. - затмевающийся огонь fa Rear I. - задний огонь fa Revolving I - вращающийся огонь fa Riding I. - штаговый огонь fa Stern I - гакабортный огонь fa Unwatched I. - необслуживаемый огонь fa Isophase light I. - изофазный огонь fa Eclipse - затмение fa Elevation - высота (над уровнем моря) fa Exhibit показывать, выставлять, зажигать (огонь) fa Flash - вспышка, проблеск; подавать световой сигнал fa Height - высота (объекта) fa Lantern - фонарь fa To obscure - затемнять fa Show - показывать, выставлять (огонь) fa Visibility - видимость fa Visible ~ видимый fa Structure - постройка, сооружение fa Pile - столб, свая fa Pillar- стойка, столб fa Pole ~ столб, шест fa Post - столб, веха fa Staff- шест, шток fa Tower ~ башня fa Mast- мачта1. Scan the text and complete the chartare used to ensure safe navigation. There are several types of lights. The main of them are the following:Fixed light is a light that shines continuously. Its abbreviation is F. All lights are indicated by abbreviations on nautical charts.Flashing light is a light with a short light interval anda long dark interval. Its abbreviations is FI, but in nautical charts the abbreviations of the corresponding rhythms

Q (quick - 50-80 flashes per minute) or VQ (very quick - 80-160 flashes per minute) are used.characteristic of the Occulting light is contrary to that of the flashing light: the occulting light has a long light interval and a short dark interval. In other words: it


an interrupted light.abbreviation is Oc/Occ.lights are flashing or occulting lights in which the light-intervals are exhibited in groups that are repeated at regular intervals, for example F (3) or Oc (2).Isophase light has a light interval and a dark interval of equal durations. Its abbreviation is ISO.lights are mostly of white (W), red (R), blue



(BVBu) and green (Gt) colour. In case a light changes its colour it is called alternating.Alternating light (Al) is a light that shows different colours alternately, for example ALWGR (Alternating light White/ Green/ Red).Morse Code light is a light in which appearances of light of two clearly different durations are grouped to represent a character or characters in the Morse Code.applications of the types of light are determined by the fact whether a light is conspicuous or not.most conspicuous light by far is the Flashing light. Therefore it is always used to indicate danger.least conspicuous light is the Fixed light Therefore it should merely be used to illuminate an object or an area.are exhibited from different conspicuous structures, such as towers, poles, posts, buoys, beacons, staffs, masts and lighthouses.2. Before completing the table watch the CD-ROM pro-gram "International Maritime English Programme " (Lights)


Types of lightsCharacteristics

Exercise 3. Answer the questions

  1. What types of lights are mentioned in the text?
  2. What light shines continuously?
  3. What is the characteristic of Fl?
  4. What do abbreviations Q and VQ mean?
  5. What is the difference between Fl and Oc?
  6. Which light has light intervals equal to dark intervals?
  7. What is Al?
  8. What are group lights?
  9. What light is the most conspicuous?

10.What is a fixed light used for?

Exercise 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

  1. Изофазный огонь
  2. хорошо видимый (приметный)
  3. шест, шток
  4. столб, шест
  5. постоянный огонь
  6. башня
  7. затмевающий огонь
  8. столб, стой?/p>