Professional sea English language

Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки

Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки

русском языке, но так же косвенное и предложное дополнение.



Если мы хотим сказать, кем или чем совершено действие, то употребляем предлог by. Passive: This ship was built by ship builders last year.

Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени (am/ is/ are/ was/ were/ have been/ has been, etc.) + the past participle смыслового глагола.


ActivePassivePresent SimpleWe make butter from milk. Somebody cleans these rooms every day. People never invite me to parties. How do they make butter?Butter is made from milk. These rooms are cleaned every day. I am never invited to parties. How is butter made?Past SimpleSomebody stole my car last week. Somebody stole my keys yesterday. They didn't invite me to the party. When did they build these houses?My car was stolen last week. My keys were stolen yesterday. I wasn't invited to the party. When were these houses built?Present ContinuousThey are building a new airport at the moment. (= it isn't finished) They are building some new houses near the river.A new airport is being built at the moment. Some new houses are being built near the river.Past ContinuousWhen I was here a few years ago, they were building a new airport. (= it wasn't finished at that time)When I was here a few years ago, a new airport was being built.Present PerfectLook! They have painted the door. These shirts are clean. Somebody has washed them. Somebody has stolen my car.Look! The door has been painted These shirts are clean. They have been washed. My car has been stolen.Past PerfectAnn said that somebody had stolen her car.Ann said that her car had been stolen.

После модальных глаголов (will, can, may, must, should, ought to, have to) мы используем форму to be + past participle смыслового глагола.



ActivePassiveSomebody will clean the office tomorrow.The office will be cleaned tomorrow.Somebody must clean the office.The office must be cleaned.I think they'll invite you to the party.I think you'll be invited to the party.Thev can't repair my watch.My watch can't be repaired.You should wash this sweater by hand.This sweater should be washed by hand.They are going to build a new airport.A new airport is going to be built.Somebody has to wash these clothes.These clothes have to be washed.Thev had to take the injured man to hospital.The injured man had to be taken to hos-

В английском языке некоторые глаголы, такие как show могут иметь два дополнения.


Как видно из примера, в английском языке подлежащим предложения в страдательном залоге может стать не только прямое дополнение, как в русском языке, но также косвенное и предложное дополнение.

Грамматическое задание10. Read these sentences and paraphrase the sentences using the Passive Voice

  1. Ships approach piers at slow speed.
  2. They canceled all voyages because of heavy storm.
  3. He will bring all necessary charts for the voyage to the captain.
  4. Scientists from many countries are exploring the Antarctic Continent.
  5. Our boatswain has known me since 2001,
  6. He offered me some interesting work.
  7. We'll have dredged this navigation canal by the end of this year.
  8. Winds influence currents.
  9. They sent him for the captain.

10.The captain ordered all the crew members to stay on board.

Exercise 11 a) Study the pairs of sentences

  1. We carried dry bulk cargo last voyage. (Past Simple)Active Dry bulk cargo was carried by us last voyage. Passive
  2. They are painting the hull. (Present Continuous)Active The hull is being painted by them.Passive

3.They will launch a new vessel next month. (Future Simple)Active

A new vessel will be launched next month.Passive

  1. LNG carries Liquefied Natural Gas. (Present Simple)Active Liquefied natural gas is carried by LNG.Passive
  2. They packed cargo in crates, boxes and bags. (Past Simple)Active Cargo was packed in crates, boxes and bags.Passive

b) Change the grammar construction into Active /Passive

  1. They discharge dry bulk cargo by cranes with grabs or by pumps.
  2. Containerized cargo is carried by container ships.
  3. Shipbuilders must fit tankers with double bottom.
  4. The cargo is rolled on and rolled off by lorries and trailers.
  5. They drive vehicles aboard Ro-Ro via ramps through special stem and bow doors

Exercise 12in the right form of the verb (choose the most logical one):

  • am/ are/ is/ was/ were/ (+ being) +past participle
  • have been/ has been/ had been +past participle

1.These toolsfrequently in the Engine room department

these days, (to use)

2.The tools frequently since we bought them last

month, (to use)

3.These toolsat the moment, so you can't take them, (to


4.The vessel within 1 day and departed immediately for

her home voyage, (to discharge)

  1. When the vessel arrived sheby two tugs, (to tow)
  2. All the bills and we received permission to depart, (to


  1. Right now everythingto solve the matter, (to do)
  2. The cargoto the wrong port, so we cannot sail out in

time (to deliver)

9.The distress message by the vessel that has just collided

with an iceberg, (to transmit)

10.He wants to know whether this already

(to do)

11.The helmsman reacted immediately and a collision

(to avoid)

12.The Masterthat a vessel on opposite course was ap
proaching, (to warn)


I. Vocabulary and reading

these words orally, and then read the text

Tonnage - тоннаж, грузовместимость $* Deadweight tonnage - полная/валовая/грузоподъемность ft8" Gross tonnage - валовая/полная брутто-/регистровая вместимость fc" Net tonnage - чистая /нетто/регистровая вместимость fa" Capacity - вместимость, объем fc* Cargo carrying capacity - чистая грузоподъемность ^ Volume - (зд.) объем, масса, емкость Ъ* То deduct - вычитать, отнимать Р*" Dues - (мн.ч.) налоги, пошлины $* Capable - способный ^ Potable water - питьевая вода ft=" Lubricating oil - смазочные масла $* To displace - вытеснять fa Displacement - водоизмещение

$" Light displacement - водоизмещение порожнего судна ^ Loaded displacement - полное водоизмещение Ф* Upthrust - толчок вверх, давление ^ Ullage - незаполненная часть объема fc" To expand - расширяться, увеличиваться Р* Bale space - киповая грузоподъемность fy" Grain space - грузоподъемность для зерновых/насыпных грузовL Read the text and be ready to answer the questionstonnage of a vessel indicates the measurement of her weight, size or capacity. A very common way of measuring a vessel is by means of a displacement-indication. Merchant vessels are also measured by their gross tonnage or deadweight tonnage.distinguish several kinds of tonnages.Register Tonnage - the entire volume of the enclosed spaces of the vessel that can be used for cargo, stores and accommodation.Tonnage - volume that can be used to carry cargo. It is calculated by deducting the spaces that are not used for cargo from the gross tonnage. Net tonnage is often used to calculate harbour dues that must be paid to municipal port authorities for the use of all the port facilities.Tonnage - the weight of all the contents a vessel is capable of carrying when loaded to summer mark. The contents of a merchant vessel are cargo, stores, equipment, fresh water, potable water, lubricating oil and fuel.Cargo Carrying Capacity is understood the amount of cargo that a vessel is capable of carrying.displacement is understood the amount of water that is "displaced" by the body of the vessel as she is floating in the water. Displacement is indicated by the word "ton" (or "tonne")., by displacement is understood the total weight of the vessel and her contents, or the weight of the displaced water mass.


spacesBale Space is meant the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry general cargo.Grain Space is understood the volume of the cargo holds that can be used to carry dry bulk cargo.Oil Space is understood 98% of the total volume of the wet bulk tanks.remaining 2% are used as ullage. This is the empty space on top of the liquid level that will prevent a tank from overflowing when the oil expands due to heat.2. Answer the following questions

  1. What indicates ship's size or weight?
  2. What types of tonnage do you know?
  3. What are the contents of a merchant ship?
  4. What is the difference between tonnage and displacemen