Professional sea English language
Методическое пособие - Иностранные языки
Другие методички по предмету Иностранные языки
1.1 read you bad.a) I cannot read you.
.1 read you poor.b) I am not ready to receive your message.
.1 am ready to receive you message.c) I cannot understand you.
.1 can read you.d) I read you good.
Л can understand you.e) I read you excellent.
Exercise 15. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding questions in writing 1. (...)?- My ship's name is 'Utopia'
- (...)?- My call sign is UNGR.
- (...)?-! read you with signal strength poor.
- (...)?-1 cannot read you.
- (...)?- Standing by VHF channel one-two.
- (...)?-1 read you poor.
- (...)?-1 cannot understand you.
Exercise 16. Put in the missing element of the sentence where it's necessary
- Stand (...) on VHF channel 12
- Pass your message (...) 'Utopia'
- Please use (...)
- I do not (...) channel 12
- All ships (...)
- Change (...) channel 16
- Advise (...) try channel
- Wait (...) 5 minutes.
- I'm not (...) to receive your message
10.1 read you (...)
Exercise 17. Which of the standard phrases will you choose if..?
- You are being interrupted.
- You're terminating the conversation.
- You wish to make contact with the ship described. You do not know its name or callsign.
- You advise to change to another VHF channel.
- You've made a mistake.
- You remain on VHF channel 12
- You've completed your transmission and ready to receive respondent's one.
Transmission of numbers, measurements and quantitiesand reading Practise these words orally-четкоdigit - цифраdraught - осадкаknot - узел- длина- измерениеpronounce -произносить- количество- отдельно
- Numbers are pronounced as in normal English except for a few numbers listed below.
- Trie decimal point is expressed by the word decimal (pronounced as de-see-mal)
- Each digit must be given separately
- If the number is a whole thousand, e.g. 23000, the number of thousand is given by separate digit followed by the word thousand.
e.g. 23000 - two-three thousandit is not a whole thousand, e.g., it is given by separate digits without using the word thousand..g. 25256 - two-five-two-five-six418. The recording gives the required pronunciation of numbers. Listen and repeat. Record your own voice, speaking numbers. Replay the original and your own version
FigureSpelling of numbersPronunciation guide0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ThousandZERO WUN TOO TREE FOWER FIFE SIX SEVEN AIT NINE TOUSAND19. Read the following numbers
FigureSpelling of numbers as spokenPronunciation guide2TwoTOO15One-fiveWIJN-FIFE34Three-fourTREE-FOWER217Two-one-sevenTOO-WUN-SEVEN25000Two-five-thousandTWO-FIFE-TOUSAND25256Two-five-two five-sixTOO-F1FE-TOO-FIFE-SIX250000Two-five-zero-thousandTOO-FIFE-ZERO-TOUSAND36.04Three-six decimal zero-fourTREE-SIX-DA YSEEMAL-ZERO-FOWER20. Say the following numbers and record your voice. Then check with the recording
Exercise 21. Work with the partner, read the following grid to each other. Repeat until there are no errors
23751083924A reads to В87155623412В reads to A372591849A reads to В35528197265В reads to A222418210256A reads to В9543685188В reads to Aof measurements and quantities
1.Measurements must always he given in the following order:
- what is being measured (length, draught, speed, etc)
- the numbers e.g. two-five-zero, etc)
- the units of measurements (metres, knots, tones, etc) e.g. length: two-flve-zero metres
NB: bearings and courses are measured in 360-degrees/ three figure notation.use 9 =nine degrees! Always use 009 zero-zero nine degrees!
2.Quantities of items (e.g. cylinders, brushes) must be expressed by the word quantity follow ed by the number and the name of the item.
e.g. 24 cylinder would be spoken as: quantity: two-four cylinders
3.Different ways of expressing the thing measured: If the measurement or quantity e.g. for draught: salt water draught, draught forward, draught aft, maxi mum draught, loaded draught; then the category used must be stated.
e.g. My salt water draught is: two-five metres22, The following pieces of information are not expressed in a form suitable for transmission. Convert each one to the form suitable for VHF procedures. Write them down and then practise transmitting the items orally Example: 9 - zero-zero-nine degreesfive metres deep= depth: two-five metresspeed to 5 knots ~ reduce speed: new speed five knots
- 90
- one-hundred and twenty nautical miles
- 250 meters (length)
- twenty four coils of rope
- 10 knots (wind speed)
- increase speed to 10 knots
- 10 meters (salt water draught)
- 18 meters (draught)
- My tonnage is 30000 GROSS
10.My ETA at buoy 25 is 17.00 GMT
Exercise 23. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF in writing
- We proceed at a speed of 14 knots.
- We'll get the anchorage in half an hour.
- The depth at the anchorage is 18 fathoms.
- My draught now is 8.2m. fore, 8.8m aft, length is 140m.
- The total amount of bags is 3717.
524. Listen to the recording and repeat after the speaker. Learn them by heart
InitialsFrom the spelling of:Translation:ACAlternating currentПерпемеиный токAMAmplitude modulationАмплитудная модуляцияВНРBrake horsepowerТормозная мощностьCGCentre of gravity; or Coast Guard of US), or coastguard (UK)Центр тяжести; береговая охрана (США), береговая охрана (Великобритания)CPAClosest point of approachТочка кратчайшего сближенияC02Carbon dioxideУглекислотаCRTCathode ray tubeКатодно-лучевая трубкаDCDirect currentПостоянный токDFDirection findingПеленгаторEPEstimated positionРасчётное местоположениеETAEstimated Time of ArrivalРасчётное время прибытияETDEstimated Time of DepartureРасчётное время отправления (отхода)FMFrequency modulationЧастотная модуляцияGMMetacentric heightМетацентрическая высотаGMTGreenwich Mean TimeВремя, скоординированное по ГринвичуHFHigh frequencyВысокая частотаIHPIndicated horsepowerИндикаторная мощностьMOInternational Maritime OrganizationМеждународная Морская ОрганизацияLFLow frequencyНизкая частотаLNGLiquefied natural gasСудно-газовоз для сжиженных природных газовLOPLine of positionLPGLiquefied petroleum gasСудно-газовоз для сжиэюенных нефтяных газовMCTMoment to change trimМомент, изменяющий дифферентMFMedium frequencyСредняя частотаPPJPlan position indicator (radar screen)Экран радараRTRadio telephonyРадиотелефонияSARSearch and rescueПоиск и спасениеSHPShaft horsepowerВаловая мощностьSSBSingle side bandTPCTones per centimeterТонны на сантиметрTPITones per inchТонны на дюймTRSTropical revolving stormТропический штормUHFUltra high frequencyУльтравысокая частотаULCCUltra-large crude(oil) carrierUNUnited NationsООНUTCCo-ordinated universal timeВсемирно координированное времяVHFVery high frequencyУКВVLCCVery large crude (oil) carrierVLFVery low frequencyОчень низкая частотаWTWireless telegraphyБеспроводная телеграфияAMVERAutomated Mutual Vessel Rescue systemАвтоматизированная спасательная система судовIALAInternational Association of Lighthouse AuthoritiesLASHLighter Aboard Ship systemЛихтеровозOBOOil/Bulk Ore shipНефтерудовозRASReplenishment At SeaRo-RoRoll On-Roll OffSATCOMSATellite COMmunicationСпутниковая коммуникацияSATNAVSATellite NA VigationСпутниковая навигация25. Listen to the recording, which lists 6 abbreviations. They are spoken in three different sequences. Write them down in each case26. Say the abbreviations for the following terms
- Search and Rescue
- International Maritime Organization
- Co-ordinated Universal Time
- Satellite communication
- Estimated Time of Departure -Roll On-Roll Off
- Greenwich Mean Time
- Very High Frequency -Estimated Time of Arrival27. Give the full form for the following abbreviations
VHF, Periods of time and dates General rules
- Time is given in the same way as other measurements. The word time or a phrase containing the word time (e.g. ETA, ETD) will precede the numbers used.
- The unit of time may be GMT, UTC or local
e.g. time: One-five-zero-zero "1
QyijI at sea, prior to entry to a port, harbour
time: One-five-zero-zero UTC J.g. time: One-five-zero-zero local} inside a port, harbour