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  • 281. English writer: William Shakespeare
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    His plays and poems were translated into many foreign languages. People all over the world enjoy them. As for me, I like Shakespeares sonnets very much. They tell about great love and beautiful dame and a man is a knight. They are ordinary people but great love makes their feelings beautiful. Maybe, that is why I like the sonnets. I hope someday to read his poems and plays in English and enjoy them in the original.

  • 282. English writers
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    Agatha Christie was born in Torquay, Devonshire. She was educated at home and took singing lessons in Paris. She began writing at the end of the First World War. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920. That was the first appearance of Hercule Poirot, who became one of the most popular private detectives since Sherlock Holmes. This little Belgian with the egg-shaped head and the passion for order amazes everyone by his powerful intellect and his brilliant solutions to the most complicated crimes.

  • 283. Entertaiment
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    I am fond of good books and good music, and when I have some time to spare, I like to go to the theatre or a concert. There are more than a dozen very good orchestras in Britain and some of them are world famous. Orchestras in Britain have no concert halls of their own, but play in halls rented from local authorities or private companies. There are 2 big concert halls in London. The Old Royal Albert Hall and the New Royal Festival Hall, which is one of the most modern concert halls in the world. Theatrical perfomances are given by theatre companies. There are about 200 professional theatres in Britain. Like orchestras, the theatre companies usually play in rented theatres, but there are several theatres which have their own homes. The center of the actrical life is London. London is also the main center of opera and ballet. I am not particulaly fond of the cinema. Rather then take trouble of going out to see a film, I would stay at home and watch television. I seemed to share this attitude with the most other people in Britain. In Britain the choice of films is limited to young people. Films are placed in one of three categories in Britain. "U" - suitable for everybody, "A" - more suitable for adults, "X" - suitable only for adults. A person under 16 years of age may see an "A" film only in company of an adult. Only person over 16 years of age may see "X" films. Those, who prefer to stay at home may spend their free time, watching TV, listening to the radio. They have many TV and radio programs to choose from.

  • 284. Entertainment
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    As for me, I am a great cinema-goer. I like the cinema tremendously. I see all the best films that are on. I prefer features films, though I enjoy documentaries almost as much to say nothing of animated cartoons films, news-reels or popular science films. I usually go to the cinema for the morning or day shows. If I want to go to an evening show I book tickets beforehand. I like to come to the cinema a couple of minutes before the movie starts. If there is a long time to wait I can always look at the portraits of film stars hanging on the walls of the foyer, or listen to a little concert that is usually given for the spectators. It is a good idea, that those who are late are not allowed to enter the hall until the news-reel is over. I hate being disturbed when a film is on. If I like a movie very much I go to see it a second time and besides I see many of the movies televised. I often read the paper "Film Week" to know which films have been released and which ones are being shot. I know all the famous script writers, producers and cameramen.

  • 285. Environmental problems
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    The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.

  • 286. Envoiromental protection
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  • 287. Enzymes
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    We now know that each of the many thousands of chemical reactions which take place in a living body is controlled by a particular enzyme. Enzymes are organic catalysts which take part in the chemical processes occurring in living bodies. The change of one form of sugar into another, a reaction which is common in living organisms, is a simple instance of the action of an enzyme. This means that in the presence of water a molecule of sucrose may split into two smaller molecules, one of glucose and the other of fructose. These are sugars which each have the same molecular formula but the atoms are arranged differently in each sugar.

  • 288. Ernst Thalmann
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    Die Gestapo schickte ins Gefngnis ihre Leute. Einer von ihnen war der Kriminalbeamte Opitz, ein bsartiger niedertrchtiger Halunke, der seine Aufgabe darin sah, Thlmann zu provozieren und zu qulen. Ernst Thlmann hatte gebeten, ihm einen der Gefangenen als Partner zum Schachspiel in seine Zelle zu schicken. Der Direktor war einverstanden. Aber Opitz lehnte ab. Ein anderes Mal hatte Ernst Thlmann nach jahrelanger Isolierung und Beschftigungslosigkeit irgend eine Arbeit gewnscht. Opitz lehnte ab. Thalmann bat, da man ihm erlaubt, etwas lnger auf dem Gefangnishof zu bleiben. Opitz lehnte ab. Thalmann, ein bermittelgroer, starker, stmmiger Mann von athletischem Krperbau, dessen Gesundheit zu beneiden war, erkrankte in diesen Verhltnissen.

  • 289. Essay on the article Tobacco and Tolerance: Blowing smoke (о вреде курения)
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    Similarly, as a father and mother take care of a small child who does not yet have his own opinion on what is good and what is bad, who do not even know, that many seemingly innocent things harm his health greatly and cause strong addiction. Even when a child realises that, it is very hard for him to make the right decision. And if we consider such thing as smoking, the only right decision is not to start it. One may argue that whether to smoke or not is the private decision of every person and no one might impose his point of work to someone. I agree with this statement, but not always this principle provides us with a solution to the problem of social wellbeing. People make a lot of decisions connected with great risks like motorcycle riding, parachute jumping, smoking, taking drugs and so on. Some of these things have unalterable consequences, which make people regret they have made these decisions during the rest of their lives. The only thing they should ask themselves is whether this thing is worth risking. The fewer would be the number of activities that greatly harm human health, and above all, of these, which are not worth risking like smoking, the better it would be for the health of all humanity. The exceptions are such things as scuba diving or mountain climbing and other, because they can be justified from many reasons and they are not simple and stupid self-poisoning. I do not agree with the author of the article “Tobacco and Tolerance: Blowing smoke” that smoking is not a social problem but a private one and the anti-smoking program should be minimized. Those people, who have already started and have become addicted to the grayish-blue fumes cant fully realize, why do they take this great risk, still acknowledging that this harms their health, and it is hard for them to give up smoking without outside help. For this noble purpose there should always exist those people who can clearly realize this enormous threat as third persons with their unaddicted minds. They should never stop such hard and unappreciated occupations as different anti-smoke programs and, whether smokers want it or not, they should try to pull them out of this gray and poisonous swamp. This can be done by different government merciless limitations of tobacco producing companies, tobacco advertisements, restricting places for smoking to minimum and so on. That is why smoking is a problem of the whole society, despite some of its members think that it is not, because healthy persons form a healthy society.

  • 290. Estonian Towns
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    By putting up in the summertime Pärnu, in the town of bright sun, salty sea, invigorating western wind, enchanting boulevards, excellent swimming opportunities, modern treatment facilities, music and friendly people, you can shake off the shadows of the tomorrow from the countenance of todays generation, whatever the challenges posed today”. This was written in 1936. The present spa town of Pärnu attracts the young by its beaches and the ruckus of summer events, and the not so young by fresh air, mud baths, and peace and quiet. There is something for everyones pleasure! Pärnu is a health resort of international stature. Proof to this is the visitors arriving from around fifty countries, and the following two honours bestowed upon it: in 2000, Pärnu joined the ESPA (European Spas Association) and in 2001 Pärnu flew the European Blue Flag at its beach.

  • 291. ETS450WLL Wireless Access System
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    Помимо основных телефонных услуг, беспроводные абоненты системы ETS450WLL также имеют доступ к множеству дополнительных видов обслуживания (ДВО) включая: сокращённый набор, горячая линия и услуги отсутствия абонентов. Она также обеспечивает услугу «не беспокоить», ограничение исходящего вызова, отслеживание злонамеренных вызовов, будильник, переадресация вызова, ожидание вызова, трехсторонние услуги, конференц-связь и так далее. ETS450WLL также поддерживает передачу факсов G3 и низкоскоростную передачу данных по модему.

  • 292. Europe
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    I`d like to tell you about Europe. Europe is our common home. All the history is going up from Europe. Europeans had opened other continent and the European languages are speaking all over the world today. It consists of 42 countries, such as the UK, France, Germany and others, and Russia is among them. Europe is the second smallest part of the world after Australia. The area of Europe is about 10 million sq. km. The population is about 700 million people. The largest countries by the area are: the European part of Russia (4 million sq. km.) and the Ukraine (600.000 sq. km.). The largest countries by population are the European part of Russia (100 million people) and Germany (79 million people). There are some facts about Europe.

  • 293. Europe in the Middle Ages
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    Little of Europe's coming dynamism was apparent in the year 1000, although there were signs that the Continent was getting richer. Wider use of plows had made farming more efficient. The planting of new crops, notably beans and peas, added variety to Europe's diet Windmills and watermills provided fresh sources of power. Villages that were to become towns and eventually cities grew up around trading markets. Yet the modern nation-state, with its centralized bureaucracies and armies under unified command came into being in the 15th century. For most of the Middle Ages, Roman Catholicism was Europe's unifying force. Benedictine abbeys had preserved what fragments of ancient learning the Continent possessed. Cistercian monks had cleared the land and pioneered in agricultural experimentation. Ambitious popes competed with equally ambitious kings to determine whether the spiritual realm would hold power over the temporal, or vice versa. Symbolic of the church's power were the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe: construction of Reims began in the 13th century, and Charters-the most glorious of all such edifices-was consecrated in 1260.

  • 294. European Union
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    Although the EU is the fifth major trade bloc in the world, there are some weak sides the EU should consider very carefully. At first the EU has to set special policies concerning the trade with nonmember countries to avoid or secure from expected outsiders barriers. Instead the EU can enact such policy that will deepen the relationships with nonmember countries. As soon as 13 countries enter into this free trade zone or bloc, the EU will become more successful and will increase exports to support member countries consumers. Yet, however much nations and regions integrate their trading policies and standards, each nation still has unique features that must be understood. A nations readiness for different products and services and its attractiveness as a market to foreign firms depend on its economic, political legal, and cultural environments. The EU became driving force into the international market for member countries. Such kind of economic communities are needed to increase todays economic growth and make countries better off.

  • 295. Examining english business letters
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    This letter contains the quotation in reply to an inquiry. In lots of similar letters the quotations are simply prices and another information asked for. But this sample is quite the opposite: it shows the customer that he met the sales-cautious businessman, who uses every opportunity to stimulate his correspondents interest in his goods by including the sales message. And the assurance that the customer will receive personal attention is read between the lines. In order to draw the attention of the customer to the products in question the supplier offers "cuttings of our materials and a colour chart". On the whole a firm offer is subject to certain conditions, a deadline for the receipt of orders, or a special price for certain quantities.

  • 296. Explorers
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    Amundsen was the first to leave, on 16 October, 1911. He had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid progress. Scott left on 1 November and soon had problems. His two motor sledges broke down. Amundsen reached the Pole on 14 December and put a Norwegian flag there. Scott finally arrived at the Pole with his men on 17 January. They were devastated when they saw Norwegian flag.

  • 297. Expressionism and Fauvism
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    Even at their wildest, the Fauves had retained a sense of harmony and design, but Die Brьcke abandoned such restraint. They used images of the modern city to convey a hostile, alienating world, with distorted figures and colors. Kirchner does just this in Berlin Street Scene (1913; 121 x 95 cm (47 1/2 x 37 1/2 in)), where the shrill colors and jagged hysteria of his own vision flash forth uneasily. There is a powerful sense of violence, contained with difficulty, in much of their art. Emil Nolde (1867-1956), briefly associated with Die Brьcke, was a more profound Expressionist who worked in isolation for much of his career. His interest in primitive art and sensual color led him to paint some remarkable pictures with dynamic energy, simple rhythms, and visual tension. He could even illuminate the marshes of his native Germany with dramatic clashes of stunning color. Yet Early Evening (1916; 74 x 101 cm (29 x 39 1/2 in)) is not mere drama: light glimmers over the distance with an exhilarating sense of space.

  • 298. Expressionnism
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    Expressionism, artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in him. He accomplishes his aim through distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or dynamic application of formal elements. In a broader sense Expressionism is one of the main currents of art in the later 19th and the 20th centuries, and its qualities of highly subjective, personal, spontaneous self-expression are typical of a wide range of modern artists and art movements. Expressionism can also be seen as a permanent tendency in Germanic and Nordic art from at least the European Middle Ages, particularly in times of social change or spiritual crisis, and in this sense it forms the converse of the rationalist and classicizing tendencies of Italy and later of France.

  • 299. Eyck, Jan van
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    Van Eyck's most famous and most controversial work is one of his first, the Ghent altarpiece (1432), a polyptych consisting of twenty panels in the Church of St. Bavo, Ghent. On the frame is an incomplete inscription in Latin that identifies the artists of the work as Hubert and Jan van Eyck. The usual interpretation is that Hubert van Eyck (d. Sept. 18, 1426) was the brother of Jan and that he was the painter who began the altarpiece, which Jan then completed. Another interpretation is that Hubert was neither Jan's brother nor a painter, but a sculptor who carved an elaborate frame for the altar. Because of this controversy, attribution of the panels, which vary somewhat in scale and even in style, has differed, according to the arguments of scholars who have studied the problem. The exterior of the altar depicts Jodocus Vijdt, the donor, and his wife kneeling on either side of two grisaille (painted in gray to resemble statuary) representations of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist; above is an Annunciation. The brightly colored interior is dominated by a panel representing the Adoration of the Holy Lamb. Equally famous is the wedding portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife (1434; National Gallery, London), which the artist signed "Johannes de Eyck fuit hic 1434" (Jan van Eyck was here), testimony that he witnessed the ceremony. Other important paintings are the Madonna of Chancellor Rolin (1433-34 Louvre, Paris) and the Madonna of Canon van der Paele (1436; Groeninge Museum, Bruges).

  • 300. Eyck, Jan van: altarpiece in Ghent
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    His most striking demonstration of his new conception of art, however, he reserved for the inner wings: the figures of Adam and Eve after the Fall The Bible tells us that it was only after having eaten from the Tree of Knowledge that they 'knew they were naked'. Stark naked indeed they look, despite the fig leaves they hold in their hands. Here there is really no parallel with the masters of the early Renaissance in Italy who never quite abandoned the traditions of Greek and Roman art. We remember that the ancients had 'idealized' the human figure in such works as the Venus of Milo or the Apollo Belvedere. Jan van Eyck would have had none of this. He must have placed naked models in front of him and painted them so faithfully that later generations were somewhat shocked by so much honesty. Not that the artist had no eye for beauty. He clearly also enjoyed evoking the splendors of Heaven no less shall the master of the Wilton Diptych had done a generation earlier. But look again at the difference, at the patience and mastery with which he studied and painted the sheen of the precious brocades worn by the music-making angels and the sparkle of jewelry everywhere. In this respect the Van Eycks did not break as radically with the traditions of the International Style as Masaccio had done. They rather pursued the methods of such artists as the Limbourg brothers and brought them to such a pitch of perfection that they left the ideas of medieval art behind. They, like other Gothic masters of their period, had enjoyed crowding their pictures with charming and delicate details taken from observation. They were proud to show their skill in painting flowers and animals, buildings, gorgeous costumes and jewelry, and to present a delightful feast to the eye. We have seen that they did not concern themselves overmuch with the real appearance of the figures and landscapes, and that their drawing and perspective were therefore not very convincing. One cannot say the same thing of Van Eyck's pictures. His observation of nature is even more patient, his knowledge of details much more exact. The trees and the building in the background show this difference clearly. The trees of the Limbourg brothers, as we remember, were rather schematic and conventional. Their landscape looked like a back-cloth or a tapestry rather than actual scenery. All this is quite different in Van Eyck's picture. In the details we have real trees and a real landscape leading back to the city and castle on the horizon. The infinite patience with which the grass on the rocks and the flowers growing in the crags arc painted bears no comparison with the ornamental undergrowth in the Limbourg miniature. What is true of the landscape is true of the figures. Van Eyck seems to have been so intent on reproducing every minute detail on his picture that we almost seem able to count the hairs of the horses' manes, or on the fur trimmings of the riders' costumes. The white horse in the Limbourg miniature looks a little like a rocking-horse. Van Eyck's horse is very similar in shape and posture, but it is alive. We can see the light in its eye, and the creases in its skin, and, while the earlier horse looks almost flat, Van Eyck's horse has rounded limbs which arc modeled in light and shade.