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  • 381. How do I like unusual methods of teaching?
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    "Dead Poets Society" is not the worst of the countless recent movies about good kids and hidebound, authoritatian older people. It may, however, be the most shameless in its attempt to pander to an adolescent audience. The movie pays lip service to qualities and values that, on the evidence of the screenplay itself, it is cheerfully willing to abandon. If you are going to evoke Henry David Thoreau as the patron saint of your movie, then you had better make a movie he would have admired. Here is one of my favorite sentences from Thoreau's Walden, which I recommend for serious study by the authors of this film: " . . . instead of studying how to make it worth men's while to buy my baskets, I studied rather how to avoid the necessity of selling them." Think about it.

  • 382. How Scotland fought for its independence
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    In 1286 the king of Scotland died. About ten barons wanted to become the king of Scotland. They asked Edward the First of England to decide the question. He came with a strong army and said that he was the overlord of Scotland since that time. Then he chose John Balliol to be the king of Scotland, but people of the country were against. They did not want Edward to be their overlord and began to fight for their independence. Their leader was William Wallace.

  • 383. How telecommunication change the defenition of work Telework
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  • 384. How to write exam essay
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    A secondary point about critics. They publish in two forms, books and articles. You should be familiar with the library electronic catalogue and the ways of searching it, in order to find books: it's not difficult, and if you don't know how to do it by now go immediately and find out. If you have a problem, ask a librarian, they'd be happy to help. Just spend half an hour simply playing with the library computer, finding out what it can do. But: books are not usually much use. They're usually out, as you will surely have discovered by now. And you gain no special merit points for having read them, because so has everyone else.

    Articles are a different matter. Articles in academic journals are (a) not normally read by undergraduates, and therefore (b) normally on the shelves. They are more work to track down, but success will be rewarded by the admiration of your examiner, because undergraduates aren't expected to know about such things. And they are full of interesting, original, and up-to-date ideas about literary texts, that, maybe, your examiner won't even have heard of (but don't count on this: stealing ideas is heavily penalized). Also of dross and garbage, of course. But this is good too, because you'll have plenty to disagree with.

    The way to get hold of articles is to go to the library and play with the CD ROM workstation. There's one on every main floor. I can't tell you here how to work it: find out, it's not difficult, and, as before, a librarian will be glad to help you; also there are copious instructions. Spend some time playing with it: the database you want is called the MLA Index. You will come up with a lot of titles that aren't in the library, which is very frustrating, but from every search you will find at least a few relevant articles, and some of these will be valuable. This is almost guaranteed.

  • 385. Human rights
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    - Human rights belong to an individual as a consequence of being human. They refer to a wide range of values that are universal for all human beings. The origins of the concept of human rights are traced to the Greco-Roman natural-law doctrines of stoicism. According to the doctrines a universal force penetrates all creation and that human conduct should therefore be judged ac cording to the law of nature, and in the "law of nations", in which certain universal rights were extended beyond the rights of Roman citizenship. From the Renaissance until the 17th century the beliefs and practices of society so changed that the idea of human (or natural) rights took hold as a general social need and reality. The modernist conception of natural law (natural rights) was elaborated in the 17th and 18th centuries. The struggle against political absolutism in the late 18th and the 19th centuries further advanced the concept of human rights. In the 20th century the notion of human rights achieved universal acceptance.

  • 386. I Go to School
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    There was a trumpet call, some brass band music, speeches and then, the young students accompanied by boys and girls in their last year, went solemnly into school to which they would probably go until they, too, finally finished 10 years later.

  • 387. I have a dream to be a doctor
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    Every day he comes into an operating-room and operates on his in-patients. After each operation he takes care of his in-patients. Day by day he helps them to recover and he is glad when he can say, "My in-patient is quite recovered."

  • 388. I heard a Fly buzz
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    The Eyes around -- had wrung them dry (Глаза вокруг высохли досуха; to wring, wrung wrung = жать, выжимать)

  • 389. I like to travel
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    It is comfortable to travel by train and by plane. When I travel by plane, I don't spend a lot of time going from one place to another. But it is difficult to buy tickets for the plane. That's why we take our tickets beforehand. If I travel by train or by plane my friends see me off at the rail-way station or in the airport. Sometimes we go to the seaside for a few days. As usual the weather is fine. It is warm, we can swim. It is a pleasure to watch white ships.

  • 390. I want to be a teacher
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    Now I know well what I am going to do after leaving school. I want to be a teacher of English. It is a very interesting and difficult profession. It is interesting because you work with the pupils, with the personalities. It is difficult because you have to teach them a foreign language.

  • 391. Idaho
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    More than half of Idaho's population was born in Idaho; the rest is drawn mainly from the western and north central states. There is also a large community of Basques, originally from Spain, who continue their tradition of sheep-herding. Among churchgoers, Mormons are the biggest group, followed by Catholics and Methodists. In 1990, 2.9 percent of the population was foreign-born, with the majority of immigrants coming from Mexico and Canada; 6.4 percent of the population spoke languages other than English at home, of which the ten most common were Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Shoshoni, Chinese, Basque, Thai (Laotian), Portuguese, and Italian. Catholics and Methodists. In 1990, 2.9 percent of the population was foreign-born, with the majority of immigrants coming from Mexico and Canada; 6.4 percent of the population spoke languages other than English at home, of which the ten most common were Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Shoshoni, Chinese, Basque, Thai (Laotian), Portuguese, and Italian.

  • 392. Ilya Murometz
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    Ilya Murometz is the most famous of the mighty warriors, known as Bogatyrs, of the Russian "Bilyny" legends. This legendary hero was unable to move during his first 33 years of his life. Then one day he was visited in his house by the three Holy Old Men, who asked Ilya for some water. Ilya became furious, as he thought the Old Men were playing a joke on him when they commanded Ilya to get up, much to his own surprise, Ilya rose. From that moment on he became a warrior of extraordinary powers and the defender of the Holy Russia.

  • 393. Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Evolution
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    Human being evolved from other pre-existing species. Even in ancient times it has been noticed that humans have a lot of in common with a other animals just like other animals human had the same internal organs (heart, lungs, liver etc.). Ancient Greeks had a scale of living organisms known by their time. Human being was placed at the end of the scale. Below were higher animals like houses, sheep and so forth, but it is hard to believe that humans were next step in the biological evolution of living organisms right after higher animals. Only by the eighteenth century ape-like being became known to Europe. This discover shed light on a huge gap between higher animal and humans (Darwinism defended, Ruse, pp. 230). After that some scientists (for example Huxley) assumed that humans descended from apes. Later, having examined all differences between apes and humans, Huxley came to conclusion that humans and apes descended from a common ancestor. One would probably ask why our common ancestor did split into two branches, apes and Australopithecus afarensis (which is considered to be an ancestor of all hominids). There is a scientific explanation, which relates to climatic changes in Africa. Our ancestor was used to live in the area of heavy precipitation. With a passage of time climate started turning into dry one and forestlands began retreating, leaving behind Savannahs. Some species stayed in dwindling forests. Others (our ancestors) started advancing toward opened spaces.

  • 394. Impact of Evolution on Human Thought. Testosterone
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    Besides stimulating growth of bones, body mass, facial hair, change in voice, testosterone might be a possible reason of illnesses. In the report by Paule A. Lotufo, Joann E. Manson, Alexandersen P, Haarbo J, Christiansen C., on male pattern baldness and coronary heart disease, the authors conclude that “vertex pattern baldness appears to be a marker for increased risk if coronary heart disease. They state that testosterone may provide a “plausible explanation for an association between baldness and coronary heart disease.” The reference cited is a study that shows elevated testosterone levels in men with prostate cancer and baldness; however, these were no measured testosterone concentrations in the data presented. Dr. Brian L.G. Morgan and Roberta Morgan, in their book “Hormones,” are tying to link high testosterone level with coronary heart disease. They bring into attention the fact that in general, since women have lower testosterone levels than men, according to available poll of data, they live longer lives. “Equal numbers for both sexes are around by age thirty, and only 70 percent of men reach age sixty-five, where as 84 percent of women do.”

  • 395. Importance of marketing research
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    When preparing basic marketing plan it is necessary to identify the unit of sales and number of customers you expected to reach in a three-year period, to study your business by studying other, similar businesses, both in an out of important marketing area, to learn a lot about how your competition prices their products, attracts their customers and follows up with customer satisfaction. There are countless businesses listed in the newspaper, yellow pages, and the local chamber of commerce. For success it is important to take a good look at these businesses, make a list of the businesses that do anything related to yours, and then identify their pricing structure as best you can, their customer base, and their services. It will become evident very soon whether pricing structure will fit the marketplace, whether there are ample customers to go around, and whether the provided services are different enough to make a special niche in the marketplace for your company.

  • 396. Impressionism
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    Durand-Ruel was unable to sell the works of the future impressionists and had to cease buying in 1873; thus, next year, they decided to expose in Nadar's (15 April-15 May 1874), where they displayed the works that the Salon had refused. They invited with no success Manet, but Lйpine, Boudin, Bracquemond the engraver, Astruc the sculptor, and the painters Cals, de Nittis, Henri Rouart, etc. joined them. Many artists became then conscious of the public and critics incomprehension, but the solidarity didn't last long. Cйzanne didn't participate in the group second exhibit, galerie Durand-Ruel, rue Le Peletier, in 1876, which hold 24 Degas and works from Berthe Morisot, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley and Frйdйric Bazille. They met some upholders, such as Duranty, Armand Silvestre, Philippe Burty, Emile Blйmond, Georges Riviиre, soon with Thйodore Duret. The disappearance of Cйzanne, Renoir, Sisley, Berthe Morisot in the 1879 exhibit proved that the group was splitting apart. Renoir preferred to send to the official Salon Mme Charpentier et ses enfants and the Portrait of Jeanne Samary; yet only few people admired his artworks and of those of his friends, and the artists'life was uneasy, if not miserable. Degas tried, with Pissarro, to maintain the unity of the group, but his attempt failed since Monet, Sisley and Renoir were missing for the fifth exhibit, opened in April 1880; however, artworks from Gauguin appeared there for the first time. In 1881, the some of the Impressionists went back to Nadar's: Pissarro, Degas, Guillaumin, Berthe Morisot. The ``seventh exhibition of independant artists'' was the become the ``Salon des indйpendants'' two years later.

  • 397. In der Bibliothek
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    Die grte Bibliothek der Gegenwart ist die Lenin-Bibliothek in Moskau. Sie befindet sich in der Karl-Marx-Strae und hat zwei Gebude: das alte und das neue. Der neue Bau befindet sich neben dem alten. In der Bibliothek gibt es viele Rume und Sle. Die Lenin-Bibliothek besitzt 120 Millionen Bnde, einige Millionen Zeitschriften, etwa 2,5 Millionen Handschriften. Die Leser der Bibliothek knnen hier ruhig arbeiten, nichts kann sie stren. Im Lesesaal kann man die Leute aller Berufe sehen. Die Leser sind Schriftsteller, Ingenieure, Studenten, Lektoren, Journalisten, rzte.

  • 398. In der Mensa
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    Die grste Pause fngt erst um 5 vor 12 an. Inzwischen werde ich so hungrig, da das Wasser im Munde zusammen luft. In unserem Institut gibt es eine Mensa. Die liegt im ersten und zweiten Stock, und im Erdgescho befindet sich ein Cafe. Dort darf man auch rauchen. Ich bin Raucher, deshalb gehe ich zuerst die Treppe unten, ins Cafe und rauche eine Zigarette. Dann gehe ich nach oben in den Speisesaal des Instituts. An der Kasse drngen sich schon viele hungrige Studenten. Sie sehen sich den Speisezettel an und whlen die Gerichte aus. Leider lt die Auswahl an Speisen heute zu wnchen brig. Da sehe ich meinen Freund Sergey. Er hat schon die Speise genommen und wird in einen Augenblick bezahlen. Schnell nehme ich das essen: Salate als Vorspeise, Kohlsuppe zum ersten Gang und Ochsenschwanz mit Senf zum zweiten Gang. Ochsenscwanz ist mein Leibgericht. Ich bin immer durstig, deswegen neheme ich zwei Glas Apfelsaft. Das alles stelle ich auf Sergeys Tablett. (Ich will nicht lange anstehen). Wir zahlen getrennt und nehmen Platz am Tisch in der Ecke. Ich hole die Bestecke: je ein Messer, eine Gabel und einen Lffel. Wir beginnen zu essen, und da kommen unsere Freunde und Freundinnen. Die Mdchen wollen, wie gewhnlich, nicht viel essen. Sie haben nur Bratkartoffeln genommen.

  • 399. Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
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    Ingres is a puzzling artist and his career is full of contradictions. Yet more than most artists he was obsessed by a restricted number of themes and returned to the same subject again and again over a long period of years. He was a bourgeois with the limitations of a bourgeois mentality, but as Baudelaire remarked, his finest works `are the product of a deeply sensuous nature'. The central contradiction of his career is that although he was held up as the guardian of Classical rules and precepts, it is his personal obsessions and mannerisms that make him such a great artist. His technique as a painter was academically unimpeachable--he said paint should be as smooth `as the skin of an onion'--but he was often attacked for the expressive distortions of his draughtsmanship; critics said, for example, that the abnormally long back of La Grande Odalisque (Louvre, 1814) had three extra vertebrae. Unfortunately the influence of Ingres was mainly seen in those shortcomings and weaknesses which have come to be regarded as the hallmark of inferior academic work. He had scores of pupils, but Chassйriau was the only one to attain distinction. As a great calligraphic genius his true successors are Degas and Picasso.

  • 400. Insider trading
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    1)Duty to Employer--using the misappropriation theory, criminal liability under rule 10b-5 has been imposed where an employee trades on info used in violation of the employees fiduciary duty to his employer. An employees duty to abstain or disclose with respect to his ER does NOT extend to the general public. However, the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 makes any person who violates rule 10b-5 by trading while in possession of material, nonpublic info liable to any person who, contemporaneously to the transaction, purchased or sold securities of the same class. Liability is limited to the defendants profit or avoided loss.