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  • 481. Mary Stuart. Her life and struggle for crown
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    The one great trouble of this reign was Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. She was the daughter of the Queen Regent of Scotland, Mary of Guise. She had been married, when a mere child to Dauphin, the son and heir of the King of France. The Pope, who pretended that no one could rightfully wear the crown of England without his gracious permission, was strongly opposed to Elizabeth, as the Roman Church had never recognized the marriage of Henry the Eights and Ann Boleyn, Elizabeths the First mother. And as Mary Queen of Scots would have inherited the English crown in right of her birth, supposing the English Parliament not to have altered the succession, the Pope and most of his followers maintained that Mary was the rightful Queen of England, and Elizabeth the wrongful Queen. After her marriage to Dauphin Mary became closely connected with France, and France was jealous of England, so there was far greater than it would have been without her alliance with the great power. And after death of her husbands father Dauphin became Francis the Second, King of France, and the matter grew very serious. The young royal couple wanted to be English King and Queen, and the Pope was disposed to help them.

  • 482. Maslenitsa
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    There are many holidays and traditions in Russia. One of them is Maslenitsa. This holiday lasts for a week. Russian people celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. They say "goodbye" to winter on this holiday. During "Maslenitsa week" we always cook pancakes.

  • 483. Mass media
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    - Radio first became a possibility when the English physicist Michael Faraday demonstrated that an electrical current could produce a magnetic field. In 1864 James Clerk Maxwell, a professor of experimental physics at Cambridge, proved mathematically that these electrical disturbances could be detected at considerable distances. Maxwell predicted that this electromagnetic energy could move outward in waves travelling at the speed of light. In 1888 Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that Maxwell's prediction was true for transmissions over short distances. In 1901 an Italian physicist named Guglielrno Marconi received wireless telegraphic messages sent from Cornwall to Newfoundland. It was hailed as a triumph, but few discerned its full meaning: the birth of a communications revolution. Rather, it was another welcome convenience. Radio underwent rapid improvement in the period before World War II.

  • 484. Mass Media, TV, TV Past and Future
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    The youngest kind of mass media is global computer net called Internet. I think that Internet is kind of mass media of the future. People can find on word wild web whole information about all things from sport to travel, from music to shopping. Internet is the most advanced and fast-growing kind of digital media. It gives people the freedom of speech and self-expression unavailable before, at the same time allowing many new and unforeseen combinations of different media types. Internet is also the foundation of new technologies that will impact the society in numerous ways, such as e-commerce and virtual multi-user communities.

  • 485. Mathematics as a science
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    Arithmetic, algebra, the study of functions, the calculus, differential equations, and various other subjects which follow the calculus in logical order are all developments of the real number system.

  • 486. Matisse, Henri (biographie en fransais)
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    Matisse situe le debut de cette regle fixe dans le choix du sujet avec la creation de la toile intitulee La Joie de vivre (1905). Une ample arabesque formee par les lignes et les couleurs atteste de l'interкt naissant de l'artiste pour l'art oriental. Mais l'њuvre accuse aussi de nettes influences de la culture figurative fransaise d'Ingres а Manet, Cezanne, Gauguin. L'emploi des couleurs pures, sans recours aux degrades, aux valeurs, et un dessin lineaire excluant ombres et modele est utilise pour traiter un sujet sans precedent: celui d'une composition inventee, mythologique, une scene pastorale doublee d'une bacchanale comme en peignirent Bellini, le Titien, Poussin et Ingres. Seules activites: les plaisirs de l'amour, de la danse, de la cueillette et une sorte de degre zero du travail.

  • 487. Matisse, Henri (Emile-Benoоt)
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    Matisse's Fauvist years were superseded by an experimental period, as he abandoned three-dimensional effects in favor of dramatically simplified areas of pure color, flat shape, and strong pattern. The intellectual splendor of this dazzlingly beautiful art appealed to the Russian mentality, and many great Matisses are now in Russia. One is The Conversation (1909; 177 x 217 cm (5 ft 9 3/4 in x 7 ft 1 1/2 in)) in which husband and wife converse. But the conversation is voiceless. They are implacably opposed: the man-- a self portrait-- is dominating and upright, while the woman leans back sulkily in her chair. She is imprisoned in it, shut in on all sides. The chair's arms hem her in, and yet the chair itself is almost indistinguishable from the background: she is stuck in the prison of her whole context. The open window offers escape; she is held back by an iron railing. He towers above, as dynamic as she is passive, every line of his striped pyjamas undeviatingly upright, a wholly directed man. His neck thickens to keep his outline straight and firm, an arrow of concentrated energy. The picture cannot contain him and his head continues beyond it and into the outside world. He is greater that it all, and the sole "word" of this inimical conversation is written in the scroll of the rail: Non. Does he say no to his intensity of life? They deny each other forever.

  • 488. Matroid maps
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    This paper continues the works [1,2] and uses, with some modification, their terminology and notation. Throughout the paper W is a Coxeter group (possibly infinite) and P a finite standard parabolic subgroup of W. We identify the Coxeter group W with its Coxeter complex and refer to elements of W as chambers, to cosets with respect to a parabolic subgroup as residues, etc. We shall use the calligraphic letter as a notation for the Coxeter complex of W and the symbol for the set of left cosets of the parabolic subgroup P. We shall use the Bruhat ordering on in its geometric interpretation, as defined in [2, Theorem 5.7]. The w-Bruhat ordering on is denoted by the same symbol as the w-Bruhat ordering on . Notation , <w, >w has obvious meaning.

  • 489. May Day
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    The 1st of May is a spring holiday in our country. Usually it is warm during this day. The weather is fine. The trees are green. You can see some flowers in the parks and gardens. I don't go to school and my parents don't go to work on the 1st of May.

  • 490. Meals and cooking
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    When we cook, we boil, roast, fry or stew our food. We boil eggs, meat, chicken, fish, milk, water and vegetables. We fry eggs, fish and vegetables. We stew fish, meat, vegetables or fruit. We roast meat or chicken. We put salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar and mustard into our food to make it salted, sweet, sour or simply tasty. Our food may taste good or bad or it may be tasteless.

  • 491. Meanness Laws' Effect on Jerome's Characters
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    Because of that, the lives of Jerome's heroes we can hardly call boring. George and Harris always got into the scrapes. During their traveling they came across many everyday situations, but because of their incompetence they could do nothing properly. Arrangement for the journey was almost the brightest example of Murphy's laws effect. "It seemed a longer job than I had thought it was going to be; but I got the bag finished at last, and I sat on it and strapped it." Murphy's Law reads as follows: It always takes longer than you think. But the process of arrangement wasn't finished. Harris noticed that Jay hadn't put the boots in and moreover it was still a question whether the toothbrush was packed. In this case Murphy can comforts with the statement: If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. So our hero had nothing to do, but to turn every thing out in search. "I rummaged the things up into much the same state that they must have been before the world was created, and when chaos reigned." Murphy's response: Chaos always wins, because it's better organized, or Any time you put an item in a "safe place", it will never be seen again.

  • 492. Means of communication
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    People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another. Londoners use the underground railway. They call it “the tube”. Lon-don's underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863. There was one route at that time, four miles long. Now London's underground has 277 stations and it is 244 miles long. Londoners use buses. The first bus route was opened in London in 1904 Today there are hundreds of routes there. The interesting thing is that some of the routes are the same as many years ago.

  • 493. Mein letzter Kinobesuch
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    Das Wochenende ist gekommen. Nun wollen wir den Alltag vergessen und etwas Schnes erleben. Ich rufe meinen Freund Andrey an, um ihn an unsere Verabredung zu erinnern. Wir hatten einen Kinobesuch vor. Wir wollen uns heute “Titanik” ansehen. Diesen weltberhmten Spielfilm hat weder Andrey noch ich gesehen. Die Karten haben wir noch nicht besorgt, weil wir Prfungszeit hatten. Hoffentlich bekommen wir welche an der Kasse, denn die Auffhrung ist ja schon nicht neu.

  • 494. Meine Ferien
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    Um keine Zeit zu verlieren, will ich sofort nach den Prfungen meine Siebensachen packen und zu meinem Verwandten aufs Land fahren. Das Dorf, in dem mein Grovater wohnt, liegt in einer malerischen Gegend an einem nicht groen, aber recht schnen Flu. Dort werde ich Gelegenheit haben, viel zu baden und Ruderboot zu fahren. Das Rudern ist doch ein herrlicher Sport es krftigt die Muskeln und sthlt den ganzen Krper. Auerdem atmet man immer reine, frische Luft. Wenn das Wetter warm und sonnig ist, will ich auch in der Sonne liegen, um einigermaen braun zu werden. Zur Abwechslung kann ich mir die Zeit mit dem Radfahren vertreiben, in den Wald oder in die umliegenden Drfer spazierengehen. Manchmal werde ich meinem Verwandten im Obst- und Gemsegarten helfen mssen.

  • 495. Mercury and Venus
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    The second planet from the sun bakes under twice as much solar radiation as Earth and reaches temperatures of 895 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius). Pressure from the dense atmosphere of sulfuric acid gas is about 95 times greater than Earth's and would crush a human. The thick cloud cover around Venus rotates much faster than the planet itself -- once every four days. After the moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky.

  • 496. MESM
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    S.A.Lebedev was proposed to head the Institute of Energetics in Kiev. After a year; when the Institute of was divided into two departments: the electronical one and the department of heat-and-power engineering, Lebedev became the director of the first one. He also added his laboratory of analogue computation to the already existing ones of the electronical type. At once he began to work on computer science instead of the usual, routine researches in the field of engineering means of stabilization and structures of automated devices. Lebedev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. Since autumn 1948 Lebedev directed his laboratory towards creating the MESM. The most difficult part of the work was the practical creation of MESM. It might be only the many-sided experience of the researches that allowed the scientist to fulfill the task perfectly; whereas one inaccuracy was made: the hall at the ground-floor of a two-storied building was assigned for MESM and when, at last, the MESM was assembled and switched on, 6,000 of red-hot electronic lamps created the “tropics” in the hall, so they had to remove a part of the ceiling to decrease the temperature.

  • 497. Michael Lermontov
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    In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin's death in which he put all the blame for it on the ruling circles of Russia under Nicolas I. In 1841 Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus for the second time. As a result of intrigues by the officers he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow, which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841 the poet was killed.

  • 498. Michelangelo
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    The implicit sense of God's majesty (rather than His fatherhood) is made explicit in the most alarming Last Judgement known to us. Is is Michelangelo's final condemnation of a world he saw as irredeemably corrupt, a verdict essentially heretical, though at that time is was thought profoundly orthodox. His judging Christ is a great, vengeful Apollo, and the power in this terrible painting comes from the artist's tragic despairs. He paints himself into the judgement, not as an integral person, but as a flayed skin, an empty envelope of dead surface, drained of his personhood by artistic pressure. The only consolation, when even the Virgin shrinks from this thunderous colossus, is that the skin belongs to St Bartholomew, and through this martyr's promise of salvation we understand that perhaps, though flayed alive, the artist is miraculously saved.

  • 499. Micki Mager selbst
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    Micki war ein sehr begabter Junge. Er malte gern. Es war sogar sein Hobby. Jede freie Minute benutzte er, um etwas zu malen. Alle Menschen, die er kannte, hielt er auf dem Papier fest. Manchmal konnte man sogar erkennen, wer das sein sollte. Mickis Traum war Maler zu werden. Dafr wollte er auf die Kunstakademie gehen, obwohl 3 Tanten damit nicht einverstanden waren. Jede von ihnen stellte sich sein Schiksal vor. Tante Betti wollte, da er Lokomotivfhrer wird; Tante Trixi glaubte, da er Reklamenzeichner sein mute. Und Tante Fina meinte, da er als Hotelboy anfangen mute, um spter Hoteldirektor zu werden.

  • 500. Micki Mager und seine Freunde (“Bergfreunde”)
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    Das “Bergfreunde-Haus” war eine Jugendorganisation, die gegen Faschismus und fr Friede in der ganzen Welt kmfte. Dieses Klubhaus lag im Sьden der Stadt, wo schon ein bibchen Wald an die Stadt grenzte. Hier hatten sich die Mitglieder vom “Bergfreunde-Club” in freien Stunden selbst ein Heim gebaut, in dem sie lernten, feierten und Freunde einladen konnten. Es gab ein Tischtenniszimmer, eine Kьche, einen Versammlungssaal, ein Fernsehzimmer und eine Bibliothek. In der Bibliothek gab es Bьcher von Anna Seghers, Willi Bredel, Hans Marchwitza, Erwin Strittmatter. Im Kellerraum richteten die Bergfreunde ein Labor fьr ihre Fotofreunde ein, wie im Klubhaus von Ernst Thlmann in Magdeburg. Das “Bergfreunde-Haus” war fabelhaft, das war nicht schlimmer als manches Klubhaus. Es gab aber einen kleinen Unterschied: sie finanzierten das Club aus ihrer eigenen Tasche.