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  • 421. Kasimir Malewitsch
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    Schwarzes Quadrat
    Öl auf Leinwand, 105 x 105 cm
    Datierung des Autors: 1913

    Diese Werk ist eine der Varianten des berühmten Schwarzen Quadrates des weltweit bekanntgewordenen Bildes, das Malewitsch in den Jahren 1914-15 malte. Es wurde zum ersten Mal an der Ausstellung «0.10. Letzte futuristische Bilderausstellung» im Dezember 1915 gezeigt. Die Datierung auf 1913 lässt vermuten, dass ihm damals der Gedanke dazu kam. Das Schwarze Quadrat, vom Künstler «nackte Ikone meiner Zeit» genannt, bildete gewissermaßen die Quintessenz einer langen und angespannten Entwicklungsphase im malerischen Schaffen Malewitschs. Nach dem stufenweisen Durchlaufen aller Stadien geometrischer Darstellung fand er im Schwarzen Quadrat die «reine» Form (oder, wie er sie definierte, die «Nullform»), eine Art Absolutes, das, nach seinen eigenen Worten, «von keinerlei Schönheitsidealen, Erlebnissen oder Stimmungen abhängt».

    Schwarzer Kreis
    Öl auf Leinwand, 105 x 105 cm

    Die Zeitgenossen von Malewitsch wiesen öfters darauf hin, dass man selbst ein Suprematist sein müsse, um die suprematistische Malerei ganz und gar zu verstehen. Außerhalb eines definierten künstlerischen Kontextes, außerhalb der ideologischen Begründungen, die das Entstehen und die Entwicklung des Suprematismus begleiten, entbehre ein suprematistisches Werk jeglicher Sinngebung. Die Anhänger Malewitschs hingegen empfanden jedes seiner Bilder als unabdingbaren Bestandteil einer ununterbrochenen schöpferischen Arbeit, die der Künstler selbst als «schweigende, dynamische Gestaltung einer neuen Welt» bezeichnete. Dabei schloss der Suprematismus als System, das auf absolute Objektivität Anspruch erhob, eine individuelle Auslegung des einen oder andern Motivs nicht aus. So sah ein Kunstkritiker - ganz im Widerspruch zur Interpretation des Autors - in Malewitschs Quadrat der zwanziger Jahre Formen «menschlicher Initiative» und im Kreis eine «passive Form der Natur».

  • 422. Keepihg fit and doing sports
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    I you want to feel fit youd better go in for one kind of sport or another. I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. «You have a sound mind in a sound body» as the old Latin saying goes. The English proverb «Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind» expresses a similar idea but from different point of work. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I dont do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. Then some aerobics for myself. It puts me into the fine moods. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful river with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter, its rather long at our place, I should say, I prefer skiing (There is nothing like the sight of a winter forest - a real fairy-tale). I like to ride the bike and toboganning in winter. Mum says that Im to old to do it, why not after all? I shouldnt call myself a sports fan. Of course , I like to watch sports competitions on TV . Fortunately , they show different ones - football , basketball . I like tennis tournaments very much . I think , its a very intelligent kind of sport for clever thinking people . Also I admire skiing championships , biathlon , swimming . But what I like most is basketball . The best games are worked on TV. I came to know that modern basketball appeared in 1891 in the USA. The originator, John Naismith was a coach at the college. He invented the baskets and the rules of the game. Since then basketball has be become very popular and is spread all over the world. It is the sport of strong tall men, the sport of giants.

  • 423. Keeping fit
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    There are many opportunities for keeping fit. First of all it is necessary to do exercises. People of different ages can design exercises that will fit them. Running, jumping, swimming, bending and stretching are among the most popular exercises. Many people prefer jogging, which is the cheapest and the most accessible sport. Walking is a very popular activity too. For example, popular running competitions are now held everywhere. Lots of people want to see if they can run faster than everyone else. The big city marathons have become sporting events. Television and newspapers report about them in detail. In order to keep fit some people do aerobics or yoga; others prefer some kind of weight training in a gym. People can easily learn more about fitness through popular books and videos that are sold almost everywhere. A healthy body becomes a fashion, an ideal of the life of today. Even moderate physical activity can protect against heart disease and strokes as well as improve general health and the quality of life. Everyone can benefit from being a little more active. Making small changes like using the stairs instead of the lift or walking or cycling instead of taking the bus can help people live a more active, healthier and enjoyable life. Many sports activities have become part of daily Russian life. Football has always been the most popular sport among boys. Playing football is healthy; football also brings people close because in order to win people have to work as a team. Bicycling is very popular in Russia. Skiing, skating, fishing and hunting are wide spread in our country. In summer many people like to go to the bank of the river on a hot day to swim. Another activity that is popular in our country is roller-skating. Today it has reached its peak in our country. At present the lack of facilities make enthusiasts use city pavements or parking lots.

  • 424. Keeping our environment clean
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    Many years ago people lived in harmony with the environment because industry was not much developed. Now the situation is quite different. People all over the world cannot ignore the problem of the protection of the environment because of modem industry and the need for energy. Newspapers and magazines write a lot about water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. There are some laws and decisions on this important question. There are state organisations and international conventions which pay much attention to this problem.

  • 425. Khefren
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    Khefren was the son of Kheops and Henutsen, and thus the half-brother of his predecessor, Djedefre. He was married with his (half ?) sister Khamernebti I, with whom he had a son, Mykerinos, and a daughter, Khamernebeti II. He was also married to Meresankh III, a daughter of Kawab and Hetepheres II, with whom he had at least four sons: Nebemakhet, Niuserre, Khenterka and Duaenre, and one daughter, Shepsestkau. Other sons of Khefrens were Nikawre and Sekhemkare, but it is not known who their mothers were.

  • 426. Kheops
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    Kheops is the second and most famous king of the 4th Dynasty. He was the son of Snofru and Hetepheres I. He at least had two wives, probably even as much as four, with whom he had several children. Queen Meritates bore him Kawab, Hor-djedef, Hetepheres II and Meresankh II. With Henutsen, Kheops had Re-khaf (the later king Khephren) and Khufu-khaf as children. Other children of Kheops are Re-djedef, who would succeed Kheops as Djedefre, Hor-baf, who is sometimes supposed to have become the otherwise unattested king Bakare, and Khamernebti I.

  • 427. Kiev, Khreschatyk
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    Khreschatyk is the main street in Kiev. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight. You can see many cars and trolley buses in Khreschatyk. There are many big green trees in it. A lot of people go to Khreschatyk every day. Some of them go shopping because there are many good shops and big market there. Other people go to the cinema, look at the fountains or sit on the benches.

  • 428. King Alfred the Great
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    For two hundred years the English people were at war with the Danes who came from Denmark and the Northmen who came from Scandinavia. King Alfred when he was a boy of sixteen took part in the battles with the enemies. At twenty he became king of Wessex and began to prepare for the defence of the country. He built a feet of ships and fortifications on the coasts. The small kingdoms were united to fignt against the invaders. After the victory over the Danes, King Alfred did much for his people. He opened schools, asked scholars to translate into English the best works of world literature and worked out the English code. The English people named him Alfred the Great.

  • 429. Klee, Paul
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    Klee taught at the BAUHAUS school after World War I, where his friend Kandinsky was also a faculty member. In Pedagogical Sketchbook (1925), one of his several important essays on art theory, Klee tried to define and analyze the primary visual elements and the ways in which they could be applied. In 1931 he began teaching at Dusseldorf Academy, but he was dismissed by the Nazis, who termed his work "degenerate." In 1933, Klee went to Switzerland. There he came down with the crippling collagen disease scleroderma, which forced him to develop a simpler style and eventually killed him. The late works, characterized by heavy black lines, are often reflections on death and war, but his last painting, Still Life (1940; Felix Klee collection, Bern), is a serene summation of his life's concerns as a creator.

  • 430. KOREA People and History in Harmony
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    In the past two decades, Korea has been one of the fastest developing nations in the world - both in economic and social terms. Rapid industrial and economic growth has seen the Republic nearly reach developed nation status in a remarkably short time. The Korean people also find themselves in the midst of a new era of democratic development following the birth of the civilian Administration of President Kim Young Sam on February 25, 1993. This wiped out the negative legacy of decades of military-backed authoritarian rule. The country has since been implementing bold political and economic reforms to eradicate corruption and revitalize and restructure the economy with the goal of building a New Korea - a mature and vibrant industrial democracy.

  • 431. Kurzeme Leasure Hotels
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    Just at the very bank of the River Venta the nice restaurant Upis is located, where visitors may play some bowling on the ground floor, and dance at week-ends. A classic restaurant Vilnis is located in the hotels premises on the right bank of the Venta. Kurzeme is a restaurant that won the first award of the previous-year competition on the best restaurant. It offers disco dancing. The restaurant Kreta, MG in the Seamens Entertainment Centre, after a substantial meal offers a play of billiard or dancing in its lovely atmosphere. The special interior design of the restaurant Dzintarjura reveals the closeness of the sea. Good meals are offered also at the restaurant Olivers.

  • 432. Kuwait
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    The middle Eastern nation of Kuwait is the second most prosperous country in the world. It i sthe area's third-largest producer of oil, surpassed only by Saudi Arabia and Iran. Kuwait has given and loaned billions of dollars to poorer Arab states, has invested billions in the United States and other industrial countries and purchased planes and other equipment for Arab states opposing Israel.

  • 433. La France est un pays a la fois agricole et industriel.
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    prinsipales cultures sont le ble et la vigne. Quand on quitte Paris pour aller vers le nord jusqu`a la Belgique, vers le sud jusqu`a

  • 434. La Joconde. Leonardo da Vinci
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    There is another work of Leonardo's which is perhaps even more famous than The Last Supper. It is the portrait of a Florentine lady whose name was Lisa, Mona Lisa. A fame as great as that of Leonardo's Mona Lisa is not an unmixed blessing for a work of art. We become so used to seeing it on picture postcards, and even advertisements, that we find it difficult to see it with fresh eyes as the painting by a real man portraying a real woman of flesh and blood. But it is worth while to forget what we know, or believe we know, about the picture, and to look at it as if we were the first people ever to set eyes on it. What strikes us first is the amazing degree to which Lisa looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own. Like a living being, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different every time we come back to her. Even in photographs of the picture we experience this strange effect, but in front of the original in the Louvre it is almost uncanny. Sometimes she seems to mock at us, and then again we seem to catch something like sadness in her smile. All this sounds rather mysterious, and so it is; that is so often the effect of a great work of art. Nevertheless, Leonardo certainly knew how he achieved this effect, and by what means. That great observer of nature knew more about the way we use our eyes than anybody who had ever lived before him. He had clearly seen a problem which the conquest of nature had posed to artists - a problem no less intricate than the one of combining correct drawing with a harmonious composition. The great works of the Italian Quattrocento masters who followed the lead given by Masaccio have one thing in common: their figures look somewhat hard and harsh, almost wooden. The strange thing is that it clearly is not lack of patience or lack of knowledge that is responsible for this effect. No one could be more patient in his imitation of nature than Van Eyck; no one could know more about correct drawing and perspective than Mantegna. And yet, for all the grandeur and impressiveness of their representations of nature, their figures look more like statues than living beings. The reason may be that the more conscientiously we copy a figure line by line and detail by detail, the less we can imagine that it ever really moved and breathed. It looks as if the painter had suddenly cast a spell over it, and forced it to stand stock-still for evermore, like the people in The Sleeping Beauty. Artists had tried various ways out of this difficulty. Botticelli, for instance, had tried to emphasize in his pictures the waving hair and the fluttering garments of his figures, to make them look less rigid in outline. But only Leonardo found the true solution to the problem. The painter must leave the beholder something to guess. If the outlines are not quite so firmly drawn, if the form is left a little vague, as though disappearing into a shadow, this impression of dryness and stiffness will be avoided. This is Leonardo's famous invention which the Italians call sfumato- the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination.

  • 435. Laos
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    Now i'd like to tell you about the history of Laos. First Laotian territory was the seat of the Buddhist kingdom of Lan Xang, founded in 1353 by King Fa Ngum. Laos was invided by France in 1893 and by Japanese forces in 1941. During the World War II King Sisavang Vong proclaimed himself king of all Laos.

  • 436. Law Enforcement and the Youthful Offender
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    In almost every aspect of their work with juveniles, the police must have contact with at least one other agency in the community. It must be recognized that the police services are only a part of the total community effort to promote the welfare of children and young people. For police services to be made more effective, then, they must be planned in relationship to the overall community program as well as to the services offered by individual agencies. Although police officers, and particularly special juvenile officers, should be familiar with the contribution and operation of all agencies in the community (an up-to-date directory of agencies can be of great value), it is clear that the major part of their work with children will involve contact with only a limited number of agencies. This contact should normally be close and continuous and, therefore, the relationship should be based on a clear understanding and amicable acceptance of the role of each of the participants. But in conclusion I want to say that there is often a lack of communication between the police and other young serving agencies in the community resulting in mutual criticism and feelings of hostility. Police sometimes say such agencies fail to advise them of action taken concerning juveniles brought to their attention. Agency personnel, on the other hand, often attribute the hostility and bad behavior of the juveniles turned over to them by the police to the unsympathetic “treatment” given them by the police. Social agencies personnel, including probation officers and even some judges, see only effective treatment. On the other side, some police see such agency personnel as unrealistically soft and permissive even to the extent of being “played for suckers” by cunning, worldly wise “young punks.” Feelings such as these on both sides are certainly not conducive to effective communication to say nothing of real cooperation.

  • 437. Learning a foreign language
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    There are many reasons why we begin the study of a foreign language. One of them is to be able to communicate with other people who use this language. We may be planning to travel in one or two countries where the language is spoken. If we know the language of a foreign country, we can talk to its people and understand what they are saying to us. If we are working in any branch of science, we naturally wish to read scientific books and magazines in other languages. Making business nowadays also means knowing foreign languages because of the growing international business contacts. Knowing foreign languages helps people of different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding. We can also make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider through contacts with people of another culture. It is also very interesting to read foreign literature in the original. We can also read foreign newspapers and magazines and to understand films in foreign languages without any help.

  • 438. Learning a foreing language
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    There are many reasons why we begin to study foreign language. One of them is to be able to communicate with other people who use this language. We may be planning to travel in one or two countries where the language is spoken. If we know the language of a foreign country, we can talk to its people and understand what they are saying to us. If we are working in any branch of science, we naturally wish to read scientific books and magazines in other languages. Making business nowadays also means knowing foreign languages because of the growing international business contacts. Knowing foreign languages helps people of different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding. We can also make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider through contacts with people of another culture. It is also very interesting to read foreign literature in the original. We can also read foreign newspapers and magazines and to understand films in foreign languages without any help.

  • 439. Learning foreign language
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    English is one of the world languages. It is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It is the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy. Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in English, most of the worlds mail and telephone calls are in English. Half of the worlds scientific literature is written in English. English is spoken by more than 350 million people. Geographically, it is the most widespread language on earth, second after Chinese. It is the official language of the UK, the USA , of Australia and New Zealand, it is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the South Africa. Millions of people study and use English as a foreign language. In our country English is very popular. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

  • 440. Learning Foreign Languages
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    Is it necessary to learn foreign languages nowadays? You can just go to the shop and buy an electronic translator. But is it capable of giving you really required information? More and more people come to a thought that electronic machine never will be able to replace human's brain. All over the world people are learning foreign languages. Everybody knows his own language, but another one is very useful. It is important to know it when we travel to other countries or when we must read foreign literature in the original. It is necessary in the 21st century when international cooperation is sat its highest level.