Статья по предмету Разное
- 561.
New Year
Статьи Разное Folklore holds that Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost") is charged with the responsibility for delivering presents on New Year's Eve. He is a large, bearded and grandfatherly man resembling Santa Claus, although he has no saintly identity, nor sleigh nor reindeer. He is sometimes said to be dressed in blue rather than red - this is a point of contention. Either way, he emerges on New Year's Eve with a gargantuan, overflowing sack of gifts and dispenses them to each family. The actual procedure of doing this is not a significant component of the mythology; he doesn't come down the chimney, but it doesn't really matter how he gets into your dwelling. Perhaps through the front door, perhaps through the window - who knows?
- 561.
New Year
- 562.
New Year's Day
Статьи Разное Our family prepares for this holiday beforehand. My father buys and brings home a beautiful New Year's tree at the end of December. Our family has a tradition to buy it. I like to decorate the New Year's tree with toys, little coloured lights, sweets and a beautiful star on the top.
- 562.
New Year's Day
- 563.
New Year's day in England
Статьи Разное The celebration of New Year's day varies according to the district. In the south of England, the festival of Christmas, lasting 12 days from December 25th, runs on well into the New Year. The decorations of coloured streamers and holly, put up round the walls, and of course the fir-tree, with its candles or lights, are not packed away until January 5th. On the evening of December 31st, people gather in one another's homes, in clubs, in pubs, in restaurants, and hotels, in dance halls and institutes, to "see the New Year in". There is usually a supper of some kind, and a cabaret, or light entertainment. The bells chime at midnight. The people join crossed hands, and sing "Auld lang syne", a song of remembrance.
- 563.
New Year's day in England
- 564.
New York City. Capital of USA
Статьи Разное The city may be described as a collection of many neighbourhoods, each with its own character and life-style. Manhattan is the economic and cultural heart of the city and is often considered to be "the city." Administration and services, however, have become increasingly decentralized as community planning boards have assumed more power in areas such as education, health, housing, and public works. Manhattan, the magnet for tourists and businessmen, is at first glance a city of skyscrapers, glaring lights, and frenetic pace. The shopping promenade of Fifth Avenue, the financial institutions of Wall Street, the residential mansions of Park Avenue, or the bohemian life in the East Village and SoHo give typical impressions. Only Brooklyn of the other boroughs has a similar ethnic heterogeneity and a similar range of social life, with commercial and industrial districts and residential areas ranging from the wealth of Brooklyn Heights to the most abject poverty of parts of Bedford-Stuyvesant. Queens is mainly residential and middle class, and Staten Island is partly suburban but still rural in some areas. In the Bronx luxurious residences and solid middle-class apartments prevail in some sections, but other areas, especially the South Bronx, are the scene of severe urban blight.
- 564.
New York City. Capital of USA
- 565.
New Zealand
Статьи Разное New Zealand is an island country. It is made up of three islands: the North and South Islands and Steward Island, a small land mass just to the south of (he South Island. Most of its people live in North Island, and that is where you find big volcanoes like Egmont and Tongariro and the boiling pools and geysers and lakes of bubbling mud. Auckland, Christ church and Wellington are the biggest cities. Wellington is the capital.
- 565.
New Zealand
- 566.
Статьи Разное Id like to tell you about the newspapers my family and I subscribe to regularly. I appeal to the “День за днём”, one of the most popular Russian papers in Estonia. It is delivered to our home weekly, and as far as I know its circulation is nearly 70 thousand copies. The paper contains 50 pages and covers the most important local and international events. There are detailed articles of political nature, economic and business news, literary and artistic reworks, sport news and much more. You can get very useful information out of there. Best of all I like to read the “Палата №9” partition. Its devoted to funny stories and riddles, crossword puzzles and logical tasks. In addition the newspaper has supplements like the “Мастерок” and the “Астра”. And also the issue cost includes “ТВ Парк” TV-guide of just about 40 channels on the whole week. As well my parents prefer reading this kind of the newspaper too, however choosing the material they are interested in. In difference from them I like to read it because there are no long and boring articles. They are short, laconic and informative; some of them are entertaining and easy to read. I find it helpful and convenient for the reason that the advertisements in this paper assist me find out whats on in the theatres and concert halls plus where I can buy different things. This newspaper has no editorial. The front page usually contains several pictures and articles that catch the readers eye.
- 566.
- 567.
Newspaper Reporting
Статьи Разное Thus, the newspaper reporting starts with collecting information for the paper. However, journalism does not stop here. Newspapers and magazines publish a great deal of stories, not only news items or political stories, for example, stories of humourous or some other type. Such essay-type articles may be called human interest stories. Besides, newpapers carry many items on sports, personalities of today as well as stories on science, art and technology. Rather popular are also the reports about the flights of astronauts and space research matters in general.
- 567.
Newspaper Reporting
- 568.
Статьи Разное Nowadays we dont subscribe to any newspapers or magazines. Some years ago we subscribed to some newspapers, for example “Moscovsky komsomolets”. It is, I think, the most popular newspaper at russian people. It deserved its fame as a newspaper, which writes about actual things about our politics and pop stars. For first time journalists were trying to write only truth but after some years reading it we understood that “Komsomolka” is classified as “yellow press”. The concept “yellow press” was led in America in 20 Th years of our century and means a kind of press which writes not to tell something to his reader but only to be bought by him. Thats why they dont pay much attention to the truthfulness of that information what they print, just the other way about they try to create something unusual, what is often absolutely wrong and they are doing that with the sole purpose of compel reader to bye there newspaper. As for me, I like better publications, which consider their reader & would never admit that in their publications, would be something wrong. I think that reader must trust in what hes reading, but it doesnt mean that I dont want “yellow press” to exist, I think that we always must have possibility to make a choice what to read, and its very important to choose what to read.
- 568.
- 569.
Newspapers and magazines
Статьи Разное My favourite newspaper is “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. We can read almost about everything in this newspaper. There are articles dealing with home and abroad news, sport events, life of favourite actors and singers and even the weather. We can find many interesting things there. We can read some useful pieces of advice, some stories about our life, and so on. There are puzzles, songs and even anecdotes there. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” is one of the most interesting newspapers, to my mind.
- 569.
Newspapers and magazines
- 570.
Статьи Разное By the mid-1980s Nigeria was saddled with foreign debt of $26bn with few of its investments in industry or infrastructure starting to pay their way. The Babangida government lost little time in introducing drastic policy changes. Inessential and many essential imports were banned, agricultural marketing was put into private hands, a foreign exchange auction system was introduced, resulting in a rapid devaluation of the overvalued naira, and an extensive programme of privatization was announced. The governments econoic measures were generally in accordance with IMF recommendations although negotiations about conditional fund loans had broken down. The realtionship between Nigeria and its creditors has been a rocky one, but many foreign aid donors have been sympathetic to its aims and large loans from bodies like the World Bank havve helped ease the path to reform.
- 570.
- 571.
Noţiunea şi clasificarea actelor juridice civile латынь
Статьи Разное obiectul este determinat când se precizeaza elementele care îl individualizeaza si este determinabil când se prevad în actul juridic suficiente elemente cu ajutorul carora el va putea fi determinat în viitor. Ratiunea acestei conditii este impusa de nevoia asigurarii executarii exacte a prestatiei la care s-au angajat partile actului juridic, potrivit cu vointa lor. Daca obiectul actului juridic se refera la bunuri certe, conditia este îndeplinita prin indicarea caracterelor lui particulare. Daca însa este vorba de bunuri generice , determinarea lor se face prin indicarea precisa a cantitatii, a calitatii, valorii sau prin stabilirea unor criterii de determinare viitoare a acestora.
- obiectul actului juridic civil trebuie sa fie posibil. Aceasta conditie este determinata de regula de drept potrivit careia nimeni nu se poate obliga la imposibil. Este vorba aici numai de imposibilitatea absoluta si de neînvins si nu de imposibilitatea rezultând din nepriceperea debitorului sau din cauze relative (subiective). În cazul obligatiilor de a da un bun cert, imposibilitatea nu poate proveni decât din cauza pieririi bunului respectiv, intervenita anterior, încheierii actului, iar în cazul obligatiei de a da bunuri de gen, obiectul este imposibil numai în ipoteza când nu mai este cu putinta sa se produca bunurile respective, inexistenta lor momentan neconstituind propriu-zis o imposibilitate absoluta de executat. Obligatia de a da se poate referi si la bunuri viitoare cu conditia ca ele sa fie posibile si determinate sau determinabile.
- Obiectul actului juridic civil trebuie sa fiei licit si corespunzator regulilor de morala. Pe cale de consecinta, conduita partilor actului juridic civil trebuie sa fie conform atât cu legea, cât si cu regulile de morala. Actele juridice încheiate cu nesocotirea acestei conditii sunt sanctionate cu nulitate absoluta;
- Obiectul actului juridic civil trebuie sa fie un fapt personal al celui ce se obliga. Nimeni nu poate fi obligat prin vointa altuia. Nu se poate deci promite într-un act juridic faptul altuia, ci numai faptul sau personal, afara de cazul când aceasta promisiune se face în calitate de mandatar. Conventia prin care o parte se obliga sa determine pe in tert sa consimta la încheierea unui act juridic este valabila, deoarece nu se promite faptul tertului, ci faptul propriu de a depune toate diligentele pentru a convinge pe tert sa încheie actul juridic;
- Cel ce se obliga trebuie sa fie titularul dreptului. În actele juridice constitutive sau translative de drepturi este necesar ca cel ce se obliga sa fie titular dreptului pentru care s-a obligat. Aceasta conditie este consecinta principiului de drept potrivit caruia nimeni nu se poate obliga în mod valabil la ceva ce nu are sau sa transmita altuia mai multe drepturi decât are el însusi.
- 571.
Noţiunea şi clasificarea actelor juridice civile латынь
- 572.
Northern Ireland
Статьи Разное Northern Ireland, an integral part of Great Britain, elects members (now 17) to the British House of Commons. In recent years some of those elected have chosen not to go to London (usually in order to protest the domestic situation). The Government of Ireland Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1920 and modified by several subsequent agreements between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, is the country's basic constitutional document. In 1972, however, because of political and religious strife, London imposed direct rule. A 1973 act gave Northern Ireland much local autonomy, while Great Britain retained control over defense, foreign policy, currency, tariffs, and communications. In January 1974, direct rule was relinquished, but it was reimposed again that same year. The office of governor and the Northern Ireland Parliament were abolished, and the secretary of state for Northern Ireland became the head of government. The 78-member assembly that met from 1982 to 1986 had only reworking and consulting responsibility. In 1985, an agreement granted the Republic of Ireland a limited role in governing Northern Ireland and set up an intergovernmental conference of British and Irish cabinet ministers.
- 572.
Northern Ireland
- 573.
Norwegen in den Kriegsjahren
Статьи Разное Sie begegneten einander an einem Herbsttag 1942. Die Verbindung des Mannes, dessen Namen wir nicht kennen, war abgerissen. Er war ein Mitglied einer illegalen geheimen Organisation, und deswegen kannte er keinen anderen Mitglied auer Hansen, dem Mann, der von den Faschisten gefat war. Das bedeutete, da er ganz allein in der okkupierten Stadt war. Er kannte berhaupt niemanden, der ihm helfen konnte. Die Wohnung, wo Hansen frher gewohnt hatte, wurde beobachtet und als der Mann an die Tr geklopft hatte, erschienen sofort die Polizisten. Der Mann war erschrocken und wute nicht, was er machen sollte. Gerade in diesem Moment begegnete er Ann, die auch ein Mitgkied einer illegalen Organisation war. Sie verstand ganz gut, was mit ihm passiert war, und beschlo ihm zu helfen, obwohl es ihr verboten war, weil sie auch gefat sein konnte.
- 573.
Norwegen in den Kriegsjahren
- 574.
Статьи Разное My native city is Odessa. Odessa, a seaport and administrative center of Odessa region, is situated in the south-western part of Ukraine. It stands on a shallow indentation of the Black Sea coast at a point approximately 19 miles (31 km.) north of the Dniester River estuary and about 275 miles (443 km.) south of Kiev. Although a settlement existed 6n the site in ancient times, the history of the modern city began in the 14th century when the Tartar fortress of Kha-dzhybey was established there; it later passed to Rich Pospolyta and in 1764 to Turkey. The fortress was stormed by the Russians in 1789 and ceded to Russia in 1791. A new fortress was built in 179293, and in 1794 a naval base and commercial quay were added. In 1795 the new port was named Odessa for the ancient Greek colony of Odesos, the site of which was believed to be in the vicinity.
- 574.
- 575.
Olympic games
Статьи Разное Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition. In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policymaking body of the Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the cityhost for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic Committee.
- 575.
Olympic games
- 576.
Olympic games in London
Статьи Разное The most dramatic episode of these Games was in the marathon, run from Windsor to Shepherd's Bush in London, the site of a new stadium. Pietri (Italy) led into the arena but collapsed and was disqualified for accepting assistance from officials. The gold medal went to the second man home, Hayes (USA), but Queen Alexandra, who was present opposite the finishing line, was so moved by the Italian's plight that she awarded him special gold cup. The 400 metres provided an opportunity for Halswelle (GB) to become the only man in Olympic history to win by a walk-over. The final was declared void after an American had been disqualified for boring. Two other Americans withdrew from re-run final in protest, leaving Halswelle an unopposed passage. Britain won the polo, and all the boxing, lawn tennis, rackets, rowing, and yachting titles as well as five out of six cycle races.
- 576.
Olympic games in London
- 578.
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements valency.The electrons in zone of conductivity.
Статьи Разное (number)Lattice typeNatriumNa-2,3018body-centeredMagnesiumMg-0,9019volume-centeredAluminium OrAl-0,3829face-centeredAluminiumAl-0,38112face-centeredPotassiumK-4,2018body-centeredCalciumCa-1,7819face-centeredCalciomCaT=737K28body-centeredScandium OrSc-0,6729volume-centeredScandiumSc-0,67118volume-centeredTitaniumTi-2,4019volume-centeredTitaniumTi-2,4039volume-centeredTitaniumTiT=1158K48body-centeredVanadiumV+0,7658body-centeredChromiumCr+3,6368body-centeredIron orFe+8,0088body-centeredIronFe+8,00214body-centeredIron orFeТ=1189K79face-centeredIronFeТ=1189K412face-centeredCobalt orCo+3,6089volume-centeredCobaltCo+3,60512volume-centeredNickelNi-0,6019face-centeredCopper orCu-0,52118face-centeredCopperCu-0,5229face-centeredZink orZn+0,90218volume-centeredZinkZn+0,9039volume-centeredRubidiumRb-5,9018body-centeredItriumY-1,2529volume-centeredZirconium orZr+0,2139volume-centeredZirconiumZrТ=1135К48body-centeredNiobiumNb+0,7258body-centeredMolybde-numMo+1,9168body-centeredRutheniumRu+2279volume-centeredRhodium OrRh+0,48512face-centeredRhodiumRh+0,4889face-centeredPalladiumPd-6,8019face-centeredSilver orAg-0,90118face-centeredSilverAg-0,9029face-centeredCadmium orCd+0,67218volume-centeredCadmiumCd+0,6739volume-centeredCaesiumCs-7,8018body-centeredLanthanumLa-0,8029volume-centeredCerium orCe+1,9239face-centeredCeriumCe+1,9219face-centeredPraseodymium orPr+0,7149volume-centeredPraseodymiumPr+0,7119volume-centeredNeodymium orNd+0,9759volume-centeredNeodymiumNd+0,9719volume-centeredGadolinium orGd-0,9529volume-centeredGadoliniumGdT=1533K38body-centeredTerbium orTb-4,3019volume-centeredTerbiumTbТ=1560К28body-centeredDysprosiumDy-2,7019volume-centeredDysprosiumDyТ=1657К28body-centeredErbiumEr-0,34119volume-centeredThuliumTu-1,8019volume-centeredYtterbium orYb+3,7739face-centeredYtterbiumYb+3,7719face-centeredLuteciumLu-0,53529volume-centeredHafniumHf+0,4339volume-centeredHafniumHfТ=2050К48body-centeredTantalumTa+0,9858body-centeredWolframW+0,85668body-centeredRheniumRe+3,1569volume-centeredOsmiumOs<0412volume centeredIridiumIr+3,18512face-centeredPlatinumPt-0,19419face-centeredGold orAu-0,69118face-centeredGoldAu-0,6929face-centeredThallium orTl+0,24318volume-centeredThalliumTl+0,2449volume-centeredLead Pb+0,09418face-centeredLeadPb+0,0959face-centered
- 578.
On the problem of crystal metallic lattice in the densest packings of chemical elements valency.The electrons in zone of conductivity.
- 579.
Organizing the corporation
Статьи Разное B.DEFECTS IN FORMATION PROCESS--DE JURE AND DE FACTO CORPS--when there is a defect or irregularity in formation, the question is whether the corp exists de jure, de facto, by estoppel, or not at all. This issue usually arises when a third party seeks to impose personal liability on would-be shs. Another method of challenging corporate status, used only by the state, is a quo warranto proceeding. Note: where there has not been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of de facto, de jure and corp by estoppel. Where there has been compliance with the statute, we apply principles of disregard of corporate fiction, a/k/a piercing the corporate veil, which is an exception, rather than a rule.
- 579.
Organizing the corporation
- 580.
Origins of slang
Статьи Разное Slang tends to originate in subcultures within a society. Occupational groups (for example, loggers, police, medical professionals, and computer specialists) are prominent originators of both jargon and slang; other groups creating slang include the armed forces, teenagers, racial minorities, ghetto residents, labor unions, citizens-band radiobroadcasters, sports groups, drug addicts, criminals, and even religious denominations (Episcopalians, for example, produced spike, a High Church Anglican). Slang expressions often embody attitudes and values of group members. They may thus contribute to a sense of group identity and may convey to the listener information about the speaker's background. Before an apt expression becomes slang, however, it must be widely adopted by members of the subculture. At this point slang and jargon overlap greatly. If the subculture has enough contact with the mainstream culture, its figures of speech become slang expressions known to the whole society. For example, cat (a sport), cool (aloof, stylish), Mr. Charley (a white man), The Man (the law), and Uncle Tom (a meek black) all originated in the predominantly black Harlem district of New York City and have traveled far since their inception. Slang is thus generally not tied to any geographic region within a country.
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Origins of slang