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  • 401. Intercultural business communication
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    The real problem with language arises when we are dealing with people who speak virtually no English. In situations like this, we have very few options: We can learn their language, we can use an intermediary or a translator, or we can teach them our language. Becoming fluent in a new language (which we must do to conduct business in that language) is time consuming. The U.S. State Department, for example, gives its Foreign Service officers a six-month language training program and expects them to continue their language education at their foreign posts. Even the Berlitz method, which is famous for the speed of its results, requires a month of intensive effort 13 hours a day, 5 days a week. It is estimated that minimum proficiency in another language requires at least 240 hours of study over 8 weeks; more complex languages, such as Arabic and Chinese, require more than 480 hours. Language courses can be quite expensive as well. Unless we are planning to spend several years abroad or to make frequent trips over an extended period, learning another language may take more time, effort, and money than we're able to spend.

  • 402. Interetische Stabilitat Grundlage der Staatspolitik
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    In Kasachstan werde eine ausgewogene und zielstrebige Politik zur Konsolidierung seines multinationalen Volkes betrieben, die Entwicklung harmonischer Beziehunger zwischen den in seinem Territorium lebenden Vertretern verschiedener Nationalitäten fördere. In unserem Land würden die Grundlagen eines demokratischen Rechtsstaates geschaffen gemäß den Prioritäten, die in der Allgemeinen Deklaration der Menschenrechte verankert seien. Eine Widerspiegelung dieses Herangehens sei die neue Verfassung der Republik. Das multinationale Volk Kasachtans sei innig bestrebt, würdig der Weltgemeinschaft beizutreten und zu einem integrierenden Teil des globalen wirtschafflichen und geistigen Raumes zu werden. Die ethnopolitische Gegenwartssituation in Kasachstan ist gekenzeichnet dadurch, daß sie sowohl durch objektive als auch subjektive Farforen beeinflußt wird. Dazu zählen die Struktur der jetzigen sozialpolitischen Lage, des ethnodemographischer und sozialen Zustands der Bevölkerung, aber auch die kulturgeschichtlichen Traditionen und die interethnische Koexistenz von Vertretern vieler Völker. Man sagt, daß die Kasachen als Titularvolk keine absolute Bevölkerungsmehrheit in der Republik darstellen, obwohl in ihrem Territorium rund 80 Prozent aller Kasachen der Welt lebten. Laut demographischen Prognosen solle ihre Zahl in der nächsten Zeit zunehmen, jedoch sei Kasachstan ein multinationaler Staat, in dem es laut der neuen Verfassung keine ethnische Überlegenheit gebe. Man dürfe die erlangte interethnische Stabilität nicht gefährden, sondern sie aufrechterhalten müsse. Allerdings gebe es gewisse Kräfte, die Beziehungen in unserer multinationalen Gesellschaft künstlich zusppitzen möchten. Die Idee aber, daß die Russen in Kasachstan es schlechter als alle anderen hätten, erscheine für die politische Stabilität und die territoriale integrität der Republik als potentiell gefährlich.

  • 403. International organizations and international cooperation
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    Greenpeace is an international organization, which deals with ecological and environmental problems. It was formed in 1971. Now it is a powerful organization, which works all over the word. There are many serious actions in the list of Greenpeace activities. The national offices exist in 27 countries of the world. In Russia Greenpeace was formed in 1992. It works here on four directions: Wood Campaign, Antinuclear Campaign, and Campaign for preservation Lake Baikal. Greenpeace tries to attract public attention to different problems in the world and find out who is guilty. It is financed by personal voluntary donations of its supporters. One more organization I'd like to speak about is the World Wildlife Fund. It was formed in 1961 by a small group of people. Now it is a large organization. The aim of it is to sake animals and plants of the world. It has raised over 35 million pounds for conversation projects and given support to National parks in five continents. As for me, I'd like to join Greenpeace organization. I am extremely concerned in ecological problems in our country, especially in our region. It is very important what water we drink, what food we eat. Besides, it is the place where I live. We must save our land for future generations.

  • 404. International organizations and international co-operation
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    - The European Union is an organization of most of the states of western Europe that works toward and oversees the economic and political integration of these states. The European Union consists of the European Community. The original members of the EEC were Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom joined in 1973. Greece was admitted in 1981. Portugal and Spain entered in 1986. The former East Germany entered as part of re unified Germany in 1990. Greenland, a dependent state of Den mark that had been brought into the EC when under full Danish rule, withdrew in 1985. The Maastricht Treaty paved the way for other European countries to join the EU. Austria, Finland, and Sweden - all members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - became members of the EU in 1995.

  • 405. Introducing Yourself
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    My name is Kostya. My surname is Laznev. I was born in Moscow on the 23rd of June in 1981. I am a tall thin boy. My hair is dark and short. My face is oval, my nose is straight. My eyes are large and brown. My friends say that I am a good-looking boy. I like to dress well. I usually wear black trousers, light shirts, clean boots. I have a dream to enter the Institute. I worked hard at school. We studied many subjects such as History, Russian, Physics, Geography and others. I was fond of English and Physics. And I was good at them. I think that I am honest, serious and polite. I want to get a good education and find an interesting and useful work. I have a hobby. I like to sing songs. My father likes to sing songs too. He knows many good songs and we usually sing songs together. Nowadays young people don't like classical music. They prefer pop music. My parents invite me to some very good concerts of classical music. It is great. I am very grateful to my parents because now I begin to understand how wrong I was going only to pop concerts. I am proud of my mother and father. They are musicians. We like to spend our free time together. We often go to the museums, to the Concert Halls, to the theatres. I want to say that I respect my parents.

  • 406. Ireland and the Continent
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    Saint Colmcille set up his monastery-university in Iona in 563 AD, and evangelized the Scots. Saint Aidan took on the English in 635 AD, and Saint Finian tackled the Welsh. Saint Columbanus, from Bandor, spread his rule of life like a fire throughout France, founding the Monastery of Luxeuil in 590 AD, and Annegray and Fontaines. His rule of life was so successful, and so widespread, that it rivaled the classic Benedictine rule. Eventually, because it was so austere, it gave way to the popularity of the "Fax" of the Benedictines, who brought tranquility out of chaos by leading people back to cultivate the land and to lead a quiet, spiritual life. Saints Fiacre and Kilian settled in Meaux and Aubiguy, while Saint Fursey founded the Monastery of Lagny, anpPalace of Charles the Bald, while other Irish monks set up in Rheims, Metz and Ghent. Liege fell under the influence of Irish monk scholars, as did Aix La Chapelle, Pavia, Cologne and Mainz. Ratisbon, Wurzburg and Mecklenburg too fell to the learning of the "peregrini. " In Irish history, 1798 was "the Year of the French, " as it was then that they landed a military expeditionary force in the Bay of Killala in County Mayo. It was defeated, and while French officers and troops were spared as prisoners of war, the Irish rebel peasantry and their French-trained Irish leaders, were massacred by the redcoats and German mercenary troops, the Hessians. The Hessians behaved in Ireland as did many of their descendants in the German invasion of Poland in Worid War II. When the rising of Coonnaught had been finally crushed, French ships once again sailed into Killala Bay but, being too late to be of any help, they quietly returned to France. In Lough Swilly, off the coast of Donegal, the ship carrying Theobald Wolfe Tone was taken, and he was imprisoned in Dublin where he died in mysterious circumstances, a death said by his captors to have been suicide. The Irish struggle for freedom continued, largely with the aid of the French. It was the French who helped inspire the insurrection of 1848, and it was in France that the Fenians -- the Irish Republican Broatherhood -first learned their trade, and became heavily influenced by the French revolutionary philosophy of violence, anti clericism and the destruction of religious education in schools- aspects of the less acceptable face of modern anarchical revolution.

  • 407. Irkutsk State University
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    Sibiryakov went to St. Peterburg to ask G. Guarenghi, a famous architect, to design his house. The architect agreed to do it. In 1804 the palace was built. It was 2-3-storey building with columns and balconies; it was decorated with sculptures. Inside the house there was a broad staircase and many rooms: reception room, a study, a dining-room, a room for children, a bedroom and others. Later a beautiful stone fence was put round the building. In fact, this palace was a brilliant example of Russian classicism. It was yellow. In 1850, however, the palace was rebuilt, and still later painted white. That's why we call it the "White House".

  • 408. Is the nature of quantum chaos classical?
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    We pay attention here to three originating moments: 1) Equation (12) is the Schrödinger equation again, but without an external force. 2) We have the system of two equations of motion: quantum Eq.(12) and classical Eq.(7). In a general case these equations make up the system of bound equations, because the coefficient k can be a function of classical trajectory, . As we show below a connection between Eqs. (12) and (7) arises in the case, if classical Eq. (7) is nonlinear. 3) Classical Eq.(7) contains some dissipative term, and so makes sense of a dissipative coefficient. The arising of dissipation just into the classical equation is looked quite naturally - a dissipation has the classical character.

  • 409. Isaac Newton
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    It is interesting how he discovered the law gravitation. Once, as he sat at the garden, his attention was drawn by the fall of an apple. Many people saw such an usual thing before. But it was Newton who asked himself a question: "Why does that apple fall perpendicularly to the ground? Why doesn't it go sidewards or up-wards?" The answer to this question was the theory of gravitation, discovered by Newton.

  • 410. It is science that does us good or does it bring disaster?
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    To answer the question whether science does us good or does it brings disaster isnt a simple task. We should take into consideration many facts. On the one hand a lot of outstanding discoveries made the life of the people more comfortable and pleasant. Without scientific discoveries and inventions no progress would be possible. Thanks to discovery of electricity we can listen to the radio, watch TV, see films, people learned how to produce steel and metal alloys now we use railways and airplanes.

  • 411. J. R. R. Tolkien
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    Of Tolkien's academic publications, the 1936 lecture "Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics" had a lasting influence on Beowulf research.[42] Lewis E. Nicholson said that the article Tolkien wrote about Beowulf is "widely recognized as a turning point in Beowulfian criticism", noting that Tolkien established the primacy of the poetic nature of the work as opposed to the purely linguistic elements.[43] At the time, the consensus of scholarship deprecated Beowulf for dealing with childish battles with monsters rather than realistic tribal warfare; Tolkien argued that the author of Beowulf was addressing human destiny in general, not as limited by particular tribal politics, and therefore the monsters were essential to the poem.[44] Where Beowulf does deal with specific tribal struggles, as at Finnsburg, Tolkien argued firmly against reading in fantastic elements.[45] In the essay, Tolkien also revealed how highly he regarded Beowulf: "Beowulf is among my most valued sources," and this influence can be seen in The Lord of the Rings.[46]

  • 412. Jack London
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    John Griffith London was born in San Francisco on Jan. 12, 1876. His family was poor, and he was forced to go to work early in life to support himself. At 17 he sailed to Japan and Siberia on a seal-hunting voyage. He was largely self-taught, reading voluminously in libraries and spending a year at the University of California. In the late 1890s he joined the gold rush to the Klondike. This experience gave him material for his first book, 'The Son of Wolf', published in 1900, and for 'Call of the Wild' (1903), one of his most popular stories.

  • 413. Japanese Art and Architecture
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    Historically, Japan has been subject to sudden invasions of new and alien ideas followed by long periods of minimal contact with the outside world. Over time the Japanese developed the ability to absorb, imitate, and finally assimilate those elements of foreign culture that complemented their aesthetic preferences. The earliest complex art in Japan was produced in the 7th and 8th centuries AD in connection with Buddhism. In the 9th century, as the Japanese began to turn away from China and develop indigenous forms of expression, the secular arts became increasingly important; until the late 15th century, both religious and secular arts flourished. After the Onin War (1467-1477) Japan entered a period of political, social, and economic disruption that lasted for nearly a century. In the state that emerged under the leadership of the Tokugawa clan, organized religion played a much less important role in people's lives, and the arts that survived were primarily secular.

  • 414. Jealousy as the cause of internal self-destruction in Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy (Ревность как причина внутреннего самоуничтожения в Крейцеровой сонате Льва Толстого)
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    “Kreutzer Sonata” is a very solid, yet unobtrusive piece of music. It is flowing into the mood, brightens it up and softens down. The first presto is not long, yet it reflects a sinful abundance of passion. Indeed, the dialogue of the violin and the piano amazes with its vivacity and glorification of feelings. It overwhelms and subdues emotions from the very first loud pianos accords and violin singing its second part to piano on the contrary in a tender, twittering tone. Then piano is flying into crescendo and as if waiting for the imminent amalgamation of two hearts into sweet harmony of an increasing rhythm, it decides to cease to a voluptuous retreat. But prior to the immediate withdrawal it sends sensuous hints of the near victory to the violin. And if though the violin senses this hesitation it falls into flirting, mischievous playfulness. The next swift turns into calamity, sweet exhaustion of piano and violin, when a dialogue of two is almost sound. They are questioning, comforting each other, and perhaps seeking an answer to “maybe not?” But it does not last long, because the next accords of piano are assertive and irresistibly inviting. There is a notion of violin speculations and balance upon a thin line while making the right decision, but the crowning part of the allegro is the triumph over obstacles, doubts and moral norms. It is a celebration of feelings, glory of eroticism and delight of lust.

  • 415. John F. Kennedy
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    Almost everything about the new President caught the imagination of the people, and his Inauguration was no exception. In his eloquent address the President set the tone of youthful energy and dedication that was the mark of his administration. Kennedy said: "Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed. . . Let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty. " But the address was not merely a call to battle but an invitation to peace as well. "Let us never negotiate out of fear," said the President, "but let us never fear to negotiate. Co-operation is better than conflict; let us then substitute co-operation for conflict. Let both sides explore what problems unite us. . . Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease. "

  • 416. John Grisham's book ”The Firm”
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    The main hero of a book is Mitch McDeere, a poor guy with a Harvard law degree, can't refuse the offer he gets from a small Memphis law firm. A brand new BMW, a house for him and his wife in a nice neighborhood even. Well, as he started working, everything was fine. But there was a small catch... As he went on, he started to realize that his employers were rather curious (strange). Then he began to snoop around and found out about former employees who were "accidentally" killed. As time went on, he realized that his law firm was corrupt. Well, the FBI, who had the firm under surveillance (watch), was trying to help Mitch get them evidence so they could indict this company.

  • 417. Jongkind, Johan Barthold
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    Ses premiиres oeuvres hollandaises---surtout les reprйsentations fluviales et marines---se distinguent cependant dйja par une atmosphиre йtonnamment transparente et un haut degrй de luminositй. Crййe en 1856, la toile intitulйe le Port de Rotterdam (Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum) semble avoir pour sujet rйel les teintes vaporeuses suspendues entre les objets, ainsi que les reflets de l'eau. Le coloriage de Jongkind obйissait encore aux rиgles de la cohйsion tonale, mais dans la luminositй de ses atmosphиres l'artiste dйpassait jusqu'aux Franзais les plus hardis. A quel point il йtait attaquй a l'inspiration puisйe aux mille aspects de la nature vivante ressort aussi du fait qu'il aimait peindre et repeindre le meme motif sous un йclairage different.

  • 418. Jupiter
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    Jupiter's most familiar feature is swirling mass of clouds that are higher and cooler than surrounding ones. Called the Great Red Spot, it has been likened to a great hurricane and is caused by tremendous winds that develop above the rapidly spinning planet. Winds blow counterclockwise around this disturbance at about 250 miles per hour. Hurricanes on Earth rarely generate winds over 180 miles an hour.

  • 419. Kamakura Art
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    The Kegon Engi Emaki, the illustrated history of the founding of the Kegon sect, is an excellent example of the popularizing trend in Kamakura painting. The Kegon sect, one of the most important in the Nara period, fell on hard times during the ascendancy of the Pure Land sects. After the Gempei civil war (1180-85), Priest Myo-e of the Kozanji Temple sought to revive the sect and also to provide a refuge for women widowed by the war. The wives of samurai, even noblewomen, were discouraged from learning more than a syllabary system for transcribing sounds and ideas, and most were incapable of reading texts that employed Chinese ideographs. Thus, the Kegon Engi Emaki combines passages of text, written with a maximum of easily readable syllables, and illustrations that have the dialogue between characters written next to the speakers, a technique comparable to contemporary comic strips. The plot of the emaki, the lives of the two Korean priests who founded the Kegon sect, is swiftly paced and filled with fantastic feats such as a journey to the palace of the Ocean King, and a poignant love story. A work in a more conservative vein is the illustrated version of Murasaki Shikibu's diary. Emaki versions of her novel continued to be produced, but the nobility, attuned to the new interest in realism yet nostalgic for past days of wealth and power, revived and illustrated the diary in order to recapture the splendor of the author's times. One of the most beautiful passages illustrates the episode in which Murasaki Shikibu is playfully held prisoner in her room by two young courtiers, while, just outside, moonlight gleams on the mossy banks of a rivulet in the imperial garden.

  • 420. Kandinsky, Wassily
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    Kandinsky, himself an accomplished musician, once said Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul. The concept that color and musical harmony are linked has a long history, intriguing scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton. Kandinsky used color in a highly theoretical way associating tone with timbre (the sound's character), hue with pitch, and saturation with the volume of sound. He even claimed that when he saw color he heard music.