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  • 161. Characteristics of a corporation
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    5.LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES--LLC is a non-corporate business entity whose owners (members) have limited liability and can participate actively in its management. An LLC may be either for a term or at will. It can be managed either by its members or nonmember managers. Depending on the statute, distributions are made either equally to each member or in proportion to each members contribution.

  • 162. Characteristics of slang
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    While many slang words introduce new concepts, some of the most effective slang provides new expressions--fresh, satirical, shocking--for established concepts, often very respectable ones. Sound is sometimes used as a basis for this type of slang, as, for example, in various phonetic distortions (e.g., pig Latin terms). It is also used in rhyming slang, which employs a fortunate combination of both sound and imagery. Thus, gloves are "turtledoves" (the gloved hands suggesting a pair of billing doves), a girl is a "twist and twirl" (the movement suggesting a girl walking), and an insulting imitation of flatus, produced by blowing air between the tip of the protruded tongue and the upper lip, is the "raspberry," cut back from "raspberry tart." Most slang, however, depends upon incongruity of imagery, conveyed by the lively connotations of a novel term applied to an established concept. Slang is not all of equal quality, a considerable body of it reflecting a simple need to find new terms for common ones, such as the hands, feet, head, and other parts of the body. Food, drink, and sex also involve extensive slang vocabulary. Strained or synthetically invented slang lacks verve, as can be seen in the desperate efforts of some sportswriters to avoid mentioning the word baseball--e.g., a batter does not hit a baseball but rather "swats the horsehide," "plasters the pill," "hefts the old apple over the fence," and so on.

  • 163. Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon
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    Chardin was admitted to the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1728 on the basis of two early still lifes, The Skate and The Buffet (both 1728, Louvre, Paris). In the 1730s, he began to paint scenes of everyday life in bourgeois Paris, among them Lady Sealing a Letter (1733, former State Museums, Berlin), Scouring Maid (1738, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Scotland), and The Benediction (1740, Louvre). Characterized by subdued colors and mellow lighting, these works celebrate the beauty of their commonplace subjects and project an aura of humanity, intimacy, and honest domesticity. Chardin's technical skill gave his paintings an uncannily realistic texture. He rendered forms by means of light by using thick, layered brushstrokes and thin, luminous glazes. Called the grand magician by critics, he achieved a mastery in these areas unequaled by any other 18th-century painter. Chardin's early support came from aristocratic patrons, including King Louis XV. He later gained a wider popularity when engraved copies of his works were produced. He turned to pastels in later life when his eyesight began to fail. Unappreciated at the time, these pastels are now highly valued. Chardin died in Paris, December 6, 1779.

  • 164. Charlemagne. Карл I (Великиий, король франков)
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    Perhaps the skill most highly valued by Einhard as well as by the people of the turbulent Middle Ages was the ability to conduct victorious warfare. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, the nations that came to inherit the land were engaged in frequent wars, trying to conquer lands in order to collect tribute. Clearly, in times like those it was necessary for a king to be an apt military commander because the welfare of a nation almost directly depended upon the territory, and therefore the amount of arable land and natural resources. Einhard dedicates a large portion of the biography to the history of Charlemagnes conquests. He mentions Charles charisma and outstanding leadership skills. If one were to closely examine the record of the most famous or most notorious kings in the history of mankind, the top of the list would be dominated by the warrior kings: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Sundiata, Ivan the Terrible, and others. In todays world, the violation of other nations borders seems if not outrageous, then at least unethical. But in the Middle Ages, when all government was done by the sword, the winner was the one who was most adept with that sword. What difference does it make that Charlemagne could not read or write if his fifty-three successful conquests brought all of Christian Western Europe except for Britain, Italy, and Sicily (Painter 5) to the Franks feet? In contrast to Charlemagnes spectacular example, Einhard briefly describes the personality of the official king in the time of Pepin, Charlemagnes father:

  • 165. Charles Darwin
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    Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) or "The Origin of Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.

  • 166. Children porno
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    Passing sentence, Judge Fabyan Evans said King, who was credited in the final recommendations in the Court of Appeal for offering advice on sentences for paedophiles, had abused his position as a self-professed expert on child abuse. He said: "It was depraved, corrupt and persistent behaviour on vulnerable young girls. "You took advantage of three of them, one with learning difficulties." Speaking outside the court, Detective Inspector Neil Thompson, of the Metropolitan Police paedophile unit, said he was happy with the sentence.

  • 167. China
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    Some words about Chinas education system. At the first all foreigners students will have to share a room with one Chinese student, which is very common. Days start very early, so theyll have to get up at about six oclock. There are morning exercise in the open air, and they will be invited to join it. The breakfast is at about six thirty. And all meals are communal. Their classes will probably be in English and Chinese, theyll begin at seven thirty. Lunch is at twelve, and then more classes until six. After school day students usually go to the cinema. In fact its very difficult to get tickets. People also like to go for walks, to play cards or just to sit outside talking. The air in the streets is not polluted, because there are few cars but literally millions of bicycles.

  • 168. China's population
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    In modern history the domestic movement of the Han to Manchuria (now known as the Northeast) is the most Migration significant. Even before the establishment of the Ch'ing to dynasty in 1644, Manchu soldiers launched raids into Manchuria North China and captured Han labourers, who were then obliged to settle in Manchuria. In 1668 the area was closed to further Han migration by an Imperial decree, but this ban was never effectively enforced. By 1850. Han settlers had secured a position of dominance in their colonisation of Manchuria. The ban was later partially' lifted, partly because the Manchu rulers were harassed by disturbances among the teeming population of China proper and partly because the Russian Empire time and again tried to invade sparsely populated and thus weakly defended Manchuria. The ban was finally removed altogether in 1878, but settlement was encouraged only after 1900. The influx of people into Manchuria was especially pronounced after 1923, and incoming farmers rapidly brought a vast area of virgin prairie under cultivation. About two-thirds of the immigrants entered Manchuria by sea, and one-third came overland. Because of the severity of the winter weather, migration in the early stage was highly seasonal, usually starting in February and continuing through the spring. After the autumn harvest a large proportion of the farmers returned south. As Manchuria developed into the principal industrial region of China, however, large urban centres arose, and the nature of the migration changed. No longer was the movement primarily one of agricultural resettlement; instead it became essentially a rural-to-urban movement of interregional magnitude. After 1949 the new government's efforts to foster planned migration into interior and border regions produced noticeable results. Although the total number of people involved in such migrations is not known, it has been estimated that by 1980 about 25 to 35 percent of the population of such regions and provinces as Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang, Heilungkiang. and Tsinghai consisted of recent migrants, and migration had raised the percentage of Han in Sinkiang from about 10 to 40 percent of the total. Efforts to control the growth of large cities led to the resettlement of 20,000,000 urbanites in the countryside after the failure of the Great Leap Forward and of 17,-000,000 urban-educated youths in the decade after 1968. Within the next decade, however, the majority of these "rusticated youths" were allowed to return to the cities, and new migration from rural areas pushed urban population totals upward once again.

  • 169. Chita
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    Heavy and light engineering is well developed here. They are represented by such enterprises as machine building plant, a machine tool plant, an automobile works, a brick works, a footwear factory, a locomotive repair plant and so on. Many of them underwent transformation into joint-stock companies. The transport system is highly developed in our region. It's most represented by the railways. The network of motor transport is also rather wide. The Chita Aviation Enterprise provides for passengers transportation, mail and express delivery in 31 districts of our Region. Chita is a town of students. It gives specialized training to young people in the Pedagogical University, the Technical University, the Academy of National Economy, the Medical academy and four branches of other higher education establishments.

  • 170. Choosing a career (на английском языке)
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    A couple of years ago I wanted to become a biologist. I thought it was a very interesting profession. I was good at biology in school. But in the 9th form I have changed my mind: I already have wanted to be an economist. I think I have an aptitude for working with figures and solving mathematical problems. And now I'm going to be an economist. I know that the life of a person of this profession sometimes is very difficult. The success of this job depends on enterprise, knowledge and skills of a person. That's why after school I would like to enter to the State University-High Economics School. My parents are involved in this problem. My father is working with immovable property for about 10 years, my mother is working in a music school. I think my future profession is suitable for me, because I'm energetic, communicative and quick by nature. These personal characteristics will help me to succeed in my career, but I would like to develop some qualities of my character, such as diligence, patience and organizing. When you choosing a future career it's a good idea to take different factors into account. I think, my future career will satisfy me, will be well-paid.

  • 171. Choosing the future profession
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    One of the most fashionable and prestigious professions of today is that of a computer operator. Although computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained the ground of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part. Today our life is entirely connected with computers. With the help of computers people can do a lot of wonderful things from controlling spaceship up to buying books and participating in virtual conferences. New programmes are needed all the time to meet the increasing demands of our time. The roots of computer science lie primarily in the related fields of electrical engineering and mathematics. Electrical engineering physics and mathematics became the source of the development of computers. Boolean algebra developed in the 19-th century made its contribution to the elaboration of different programmes. Computers began to be widely used 40 years ago. From the start they were used for computational support of scientific and engineering disciplines and for business needs. Mathematicians did a lot for the development of the computer science. The significance of Mathematics in the general system of human knowledge constantly rises. Modern mathematical ideas and methods are used for the control of spaceship flights, different branches of industry, and transport systems. Applied Mathematics is part of different arts and sciences, such as Physics, Biology, Medicine, and Linguistics.

  • 172. Christmas
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    Giving presents goes back to Roman Saturnalia when good luck gifts of fruit, pastry or gold were given to friends on New Year's Day. In Britain the traditional day to give presents until relatively recently was December 26th and not as it is today, Christmas Day. December 26th is now known as Boxing Day, for it was then that the priests of the Middle Ages opened alms boxes to give to the poor.

  • 173. Christmas Day
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    Christmas! What kind of holiday is it? It is the yearly celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It falls on December 25 by the Catholic Church and on the 7th of January by the Orthodox Church. This holiday means the beginning of the new year and the new life. English people celebrate this holiday with the evergreen tree - Christmas tree. Children put a long sock, called a Christmas stocking at the end of their beds and Santa Claus comes down the chimney to bring them presents.

  • 174. Christopher Columbus
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    Americus Vespucius (or Amerigo Vespucci, as the name is spelled in Italian) was born in Florence, Italy, in 1454. He was in Spain at the time of Columbus' first and second voyages. In a letter, written in 1504 and printed in 1505, he claimed to have made four voyages, on the first of which, in 1497, he explored the South American coast. This would make him the first European to land on the American continent, for at that time Columbus had only reached the outlying islands. Most scholars reject Vespucius' version of this voyage. Vespucius perhaps did accompany a Spanish expedition that of Alonzo de Ojeda to South America in 1499, and in 1501 and 1503 he probably went with Portuguese expeditions. Probably he never commanded an expedition himself and, of course, was not the first person to set foot on the continents to which his name is given. Vespucius died in Seville, Spain, in 1512.

  • 175. Cinema
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    I like to watch films very much. I prefer thrillers, comedies and horror movies, but I do not like tragedies and melodramas very much, and I hate soap operas, although they are becoming very popular in our country. My favourite film is ... with ... starring. It is really wonderful from the beginning to the end. There are a lot of films which are worth seeing, but this one is the best one to my mind.

  • 176. Cities of the USA
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    Amounts large and famous American cities are Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Washington is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. D. Washington chose the place. The city was founded in 1791 and named after the first president. Now Washington is the residents of the president and the congress. The center of the city is on Capital Hill. This building houses both the senate and a House of Representatives. The White House is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It is the presidents residents. Washington is a large scientific and cultural center. There are five universities in the city. The national academy of sciences and the library of congress are in Washington too. The national museum, the old and new national galleries of art, Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln memorials are among the city sites.

  • 177. Classical Wrestling
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    The next “congress” of the best wrestlers in our planet took place in the suburb of French capital in Kretey. There were more people that in the last years, as the price of the Olympic wins became higher. Its interesting that the gold medals went to five countries. And only Russia has two the valuablest rounds. The world proud to our country, brought Hasan Boroev and Aleksey Glushkov. But unfortunately team has the second place. Its strange that in four categories our wrestlers have no place in Olympic Games. Hasan Baroev the youngest world champion in the history of wrestlering .Paris was beautiful in that night. Our coaches were walking on its street and exulted we had the first golden medal. Hasan Boroev brought it to us; Hasan became 21 an the 1st of December. In sprite of bad results on the Europe championship, the main coach of our team took Hasan on the world championship. And Hasan won. He went to these medals a tank. But he collided with the wall at the 1/8 of the final this wall was Rulon Gardner. That, wrestlers won Aleksandr Karelin on Olympic Games. But its not all; in 2001 he became a world. Champion before the match Gardner said that Hasan has a good technique, but he was sure that hell win. Hasan won 3:0 and this is all. Then Hasan easily won rivals one after one. The last match was the hardest and he won it 3:1. Hasan Boroev is a disciple of Vladimir Uruimagov, his another wrestler Denis Forov became a world champion in his age category in Turkey, and Vladislav Kokoev had a bronze medal. In his interwork to magazine “Classical Wrestling” Hasan said that he had been born in Dushanbe, but when he had been nine, his family had gone to Vladicavkas. And there in 1997 he met Vladimir Borisovich Uruimagov his family isnt small three sisters, fathers Mahar, mother Raisa and Vladimir Borisovich, they are very, friendly. Vladimir is with three years ago thanks to president of Moscow “Torpedo” Aleksey Kim, Hasan began to life in Moscow. And in national team Hasan train many famous coaches.

  • 178. Classicism
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    Term that, with the related words `classic' and `Classical', is used in various (and often confusing) ways in the history and criticism of the arts. In its broadest sense, Classicism is used as the opposite of Romanticism, characterizing art in which adherence to recognized aesthetic ideals is accorded greater importance that individuality of expression. The word often implies direct inspiration from antique art, but this is not a necessary part of the concept, and according to context the word might be intended to convey little more than the idea of clarity of expression, or alternatively of conservatism. In the context of Greek art, the term `Classical' has a more precise meaning, referring to the period between the Archaic and Hellenistic periods, when Greek culture is thought to have attained its greatest splendor. The term `classic' is used to refer to the best or most representative example of its kind in any field or period. This is what Wцlfflin meant when he gave the title Classic Art to his book on the Italian High Renaissance. Thus, in this sense, it would be legitimate, if wilfully confusing, to refer to Delacroix as the classic Romantic artist. The three terms `classic', `Classical' and `Classicism' are, then, often not used with discrimination or exactness, the conflation of historical term and value judgement reflecting the idea (dominant for centuries) that the art of the Greeks and Romans set a standard for all future achievement. To clear up (or perhaps add to) the confusion, the rather ungainly word `classicistic' has also entered the lists--it conveys the idea of dependance on ancient models but without any sense of qualitative judgement.

  • 179. Climate and nature of Great Britain
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    Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. In the mountains there is heavier rainfall then in the plains of the south and east. The driest period is from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January. The average range of temperature (from winter to summer) is from 15 to 23 degrees above zero. During a normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the south. Winter temperatures below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is rare. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August the warmest. Still the wind may bring winter cold in spring or summer days. Sometimes it brings the whirlwinds or hurricanes. Droughts are rare.

  • 180. Climate of Great Britain
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    Rainfall is more or less even throughout the year. In the mountains there is heavier rainfall then in the plains of the south and east. The driest period is from March to June and the wettest months are from October to January. The average range of temperature (from winter to summer) is from 15 to 23 degrees above zero. During a normal summer the temperature sometimes rises above 30 degrees in the south. Winter temperatures below 10 degrees are rare. It seldom snows heavily in winter, the frost is rare. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August the warmest. Still the wind may bring winter cold in spring or summer days. Sometimes it brings the whirlwinds or hurricanes. Droughts are rare.