Образ России в британских средствах массовой информации на материале газеты "The Guardian"

Дипломная работа - Журналистика

Другие дипломы по предмету Журналистика

ays that Ukraines integration into the EU is "our strategic aim". For friends of freedom in Ukraine, there are five tough years ahead. Real threats to effective sovereignty remain, including Russias use of the gas weapon and the possibility of a blow-up over the Crimean peninsular, where the majority of the population is Russian and Russias Black Sea fleet commands Sevastopol. But if these potential storms are weathered, and Yanukovych is voted out in 2015, then future historians may yet see this as a zig-zag step on the path to the consolidation of an independent Ukraine. That will, however, require courage in Kiev, restraint in Moscow and strategic thinking in Brussels - qualities currently in short supply in the respective capitals[The Guardian, 10.02.2010].

[TheGuardian,20.04.2010],,.CountriessuchasKyrgyzstanhaveshapedregionalpolitics,triggeringeventstowhichRussiaandthewestcanonlyreact.">В статье Former Soviet states arent just Russian pawns [The Guardian, 20.04.2010] говорится о том, что маленькие государства на постсоветском пространстве ведут свою партию в большой игре за распределение зон влияния США, НАТО и России. Countries such as Kyrgyzstan have shaped regional politics, triggering events to which Russia and the west can only react.

Отношения США и России никогда нельзя было считать простыми, так как за внешним спокойствием и доброжелательством скрывается непрерывная борьба, касающаяся противоракетной обороны и ядерного разоружения. Особенно напряженными отношения между Россией и США стали в годы президентства Джорджа Буша-младшего:, the ideological hawks on Russia were the Democrats. They were the ones who founded NATO in 1949 … it was Jack Kennedy who summoned the west to a crusade against communism. The US, he promised, was ready to pay any price, bear any burden, and meet any hardship in the common struggle. But Bushs policy was perhaps the most ferocious foreign policy ideologue ever to have occupied the White House. He tore up the anti-ballistic missile treaty and expanded NATO into the Baltics [The Guardian, 07.04.2009].

Однако с приходом к власти Барака Обамы в ноябре 2008 года порядок вещей может существенно измениться (TheIceMelts, The US - Russia Thaw Could Start Here). Новый Президент США решил пересмотреть направление внешней политики, касающееся России, нажать кнопку перезагрузки

Pressing the reset button has become the favourite metaphor of the Obama administrations policy towards Russia [The Guardian, 04.07.2009], а Россия, по мнению британских СМИ, посчитала, что такую возможность упускать нельзя.

Как уже было отмечено, камнем преткновения в российско-американских отношениях является вопрос о противоракетной обороне, и в решении этой проблемы обе стороны сделали шаг навстречу друг другу:should be the beginning of a thaw, a significant step towards a more grown-up relationship between the US and Russia. Reports that Moscow has abandoned plans to deploy tactical missiles in Kaliningrad … augur well. The Kremlins olive branch is a response to suggestions from Barack Obamas camp that the new US president will take a hard look at the whole American missile defence project [The Guardian, 28.01.2009].

В одной из статей рассматривается серьезное сближение России с Западом, последовавшее за решением Б. Обамы перезагрузить двусторонние отношения. Russias backing for new sanctions on Iran, and its cancellation of the sale of advanced missile defense batteries to Tehran, are seen as additional fruits of improved US-Russia collaboration. But as always, confidence is a fragile plant. A failure by Obama to persuade the US senate to ratify the new strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty agreed with Russia last year, or a veto of Russias World Trade Organisation membership bid by partner Georgia, could upset calculations [The Guardian, 15.11.2010].

В отношениях США и России все ожидают осложнений: For the west, Putins return means that Moscow will once again be a tricky and often paranoid partner. Only in the job for a few weeks, the USs new ambassador in Moscow, With Putin back on the international stage, the "reset" between Barack Obamas Washington and Medvedevs Moscow will go straight in the dustbin.

Пристальное внимание на станицах The Guardian уделяется российско-британским отношениям. Разногласия начались с ноября 2006 года, когда в Лондоне был отравлен бывший агент КГБ Александр Литвиненко (Britains fraught relationship with Moscow, following the Alexander Litvenko affair). Главным подозреваемым по этому делу, согласно расследованию со стороны Британии, стал Андрей Луговой., российский бизнесмен и политик. Однако на просьбу Англии об экстрадиции обвиняемого Россия отказала (Britains extradition request for former KGB agent Andrei Lugovoi … remains blocked).

Вместе с тем, британские политики (Гордон Браун, Энн Прингл) пытались улучшить отношения между Британией и Россией. Это необходимо Британии, у которой есть ряд вопросов, для решения которых необходимо задействовать Россию: Relations with Britain are a fraction better, helped by a meeting with Gordon Brown at the G8 summit last summer (which marked a decision on the British side to try to lift the chill) [The Guardian, 27.01.2009].

А в глазах российского правительства Britain remains a popular destination for Russians because of its schools, business-friendly reputation, and courts which rarely send exiles back [The Guardian, 27.01.2009].

Но даже в интересах страны ее политическая элита не готова поступиться демократическими принципами:Cameron should strike repressive Russia off his itinerary. Diplomatic pleasantries between the UK and Russia are inappropriate given Putins latest crackdown on opposition[The Guardian, 10.01.2011].

last week was one dismal sign - but British politicians should not have needed that to show them what is obvious. In their meetings this week ministers are engaging with a state that has no prospect of becoming a real democracy. They should not hide from the truth that Russia has returned to a condition of controlled authoritarian brutality [The Guardian, 14.02.2011].">The countrys ham-fisted attempt to deny the Guardians Moscow correspondent Luke Harding a visa last week was one dismal sign - but British politicians should not have needed that to show them what is obvious. In their meetings this week ministers are engaging with a state that has no prospect of becoming a real democracy. They should not hide from the truth that Russia has returned to a condition of controlled authoritarian brutality [The Guardian, 14.02.2011].

В этой же статье Guardian резюмирует: We have no sway over Russia. We need its money. But we should be ashamed by the direction in which this pulls us. We might hope for change - for Red Square to become Tahrir Square - but that chance, if it existed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, was missed. Pushkins stage direction, at the end of Bor