Образ России в британских средствах массовой информации на материале газеты "The Guardian"
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018.02.2012)">Яндекс.Словари [Электронный ресурс] Дата обновления 19.02.2012. URL: (дата обращения 18.02.2012)
39.Очерки истории развития российско-британских культурных связей [Электронный ресурс]. Дата обновления: 14.03.2012.URL:
40. (дата обращения 17.04.2012)">Дьюк П. Львы и двуглавый орел [Электронный ресурс]. Дата обновления15.04.2012. URL: (дата обращения 17.04.2012)
44.The Guardian Mobile phone oligarch flees Russia for new life in Britain, 27.01.2009
.The Guardian The US-Russia thaw could start here, 28.01.2009
.The Guardian Dmitry Medvedev, the Putin protg elevated to the presidency last year, 19.02.2009
.The Guardian Pressing the reset button, 04.07.2009
.The Guardian Pressing reset on Moscow is worth a little NATO anxiety, 07.04.2009
.The Guardian Leo Tolstoy: the forgotten genius? 06.01.2010
.The Guardian Britains defence review: the real strategic questions, 11.02.10
.The Guardian Russian invasion scare sweeps Georgia after TV hoax, 14.03.2010
.The Guardian Medvedev has failed to protect judiciary, 16.04.2010
.The Guardian Russia shows US how to deal with Syria, 19.05.2010
.The Guardian Russia urged to halt oil survey during rare whales breeding season, 14.07.2010
.The Guardian Global wheat crisis recalls Moscows great grain robbery, 08.08.2010
.The Guardian The Guardian Russian drought could push up food prices, 09.08.2010
.The Guardian Moscow death rate doubles as smoke from wildfires shrouds capital 09.08.2010
.The Guardian Wildfires and smog: a wakeup call for Russia, 11.08.2010
.The Guardian Power to the powerful, 10.09.2010
.CosaPutina, 03.12.2010
.The Guardian The Guardian St Basils Cathedral: Russias faulty towers? 12.07.2011
.The Guardian Russias energy emperors hold court in city of the White Nights, 17.06.2011
.The Guardian Russias heartland in crisis as desperation and vodka take toll, 23.04.2011
.The Guardian Russias rich double their wealth, but poor were better off in 1990s, 11.04.2011
.The Guardian Britain and Russia swap art treasures as cultural diplomatic relations thaw, 12.09.2011
.The Guardian The Guardian Everything to play for at the Tchaikovsky competition 20.09.2011
.The Guardian Vladimir Putins comeback spells gloom for Russia and the west, 25.09.2011
.In Moscow, the snow comes every year, and every year its a surprise, 17.10.2011
.The Guardian Tsar quality: Bolshoi theatre reopens after six-year overhaul, 27.10.2011
.The Guardian Bolshoi gala: a night in true Russian style, minus Putin, 29.10.2011
.The Guardian Russian nationalism may be biggest threat to Putins power, experts warn, 09.11.2011
.The Guardian The Guardian Walking in Moscows winter wonderland, 25.11.2011
.The Guardian Why Russia is backing Syria, 02.12.2011
.The Guardian Russian election protests , 10.12.2011
.The Guardian For Russia, this is the end of an era, 11.12.2011
.The Guardian Vladimir Putin question and answer session in Russia, 15.12.2011
.The Guardian Vladimir Putin: have a care, manling, 21.12.2011
.The Guardian Dimitry Medvedev proposes electoral reforms to appease Russian protesters, 22.12.2011
.The Guardian Russians express their frustration with explosion in political satire, 22.12.2011
.The Guardian Kremlin nervous as protesters return to streets of Russia, 2312.2011
.The Guardian The Strongman by Angus Roxburgh - review. With protests on the street, has the prime minister lost his grip? 13.01.2012
.The Guardian Putin, Russia &The West, 14.01.2012
.The Guardian Abramovich, Berezovsky and the real story of Russias lost billions, 16.01.2012
.The Guardian Syria: a Soviet hangover turned headache, 01.02.2012
.The Guardian Oleg Deripaska accuses rival bringing 1.6bn suit of running protection racket, 13.02.2012
.The Guardian Real political change in Russia is unavoidable, 26.02.2012
.The Guardian Russian elections: Putin has six more years to draw level with Brezhnev, 04.03.2012
.The Guardian The Guardian Putins tears: Why so sad, Vlad? 05.04.2012
.The Guardian Dont blast Putin, lets sort our own mess, 07.04.2012