Сутнiсть i поняття фрейму "жiночнiсть"
Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки
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"She was weeping," Miss Isabel murmured to him. "Girlish enough," he said [91, c.175].
It is a mere girlish outbreak which, I am sure, will not be permanent. [98, c.209].
And then the bride sent him back to Madame Beck, and she took me to herself; and proceeded literally to suffocate me with her unrestrained spirits, her girlish, giddy, wild nonsense [96, c.632].
But my fathers very much vexed, I dare say? he added, looking at Maggie, and thinking that her agitated face was only part of her girlish way of taking things [96, c.190].
- недосвiдченiсть, наiвнiсть:
[тАж] these things will summon a little of the too ready, traitorous tenderness into a womans eyes, compelled as she is in her girlish time to learn her life-lessons in very trivial language [83,c.429].
It might seem singular that Nancy- with her religious theory pieced together out of narrow social traditions, fragments of church doctrine imperfectly understood, and girlish reasonings on her small experience [89,c.189].
- мрiйливiсть:
[тАж] think of her girlish fancy that Arthur was in love with her, and would marry her, as a folly of which she was timely cured [80, c.338].
- марнославство:
She hated the writer of that letter - hated him for the very reason that she hung upon him with all her love - all the girlish passion and vanity that made up her love. [83, c.320].
Even now, that she is walking up and down with a little triumphant flutter of her girlish heart at the sense that she is loved by the person of chief consequence in her small world [97, c.377].
And being really fully as much inclined to laugh as scold -- for I esteemed it all girlish vanity I at length relented in a measure, and asked[тАж] [97. c.194].
У творах вiкторiанцiв зустрiчаються прикметники maiden та maidenly. При цьому обидвi лексеми реалiзують значення тАЮпритаманний молодiй дiвчинiтАЭ. Необхiдно зазначити, що лексема maiden зустрiчаСФться також у значеннi тАЮнеодруженийтАЭ (maiden aunt), у сполученнях maiden name, maiden words. Таке вживання maiden не СФ обСФктом нашого дослiдження, а прикметники maiden та maidenly розглядаються у роботi як два варiанти однiСФi й тiСФi ж лексеми.
Лексема maiden(ly) СФ близькою за значенням до girlish та характеризуСФ молоду дiвчину:
She had no disinclination, though she had a maidenly desire to see a little of the worldgrace for one year, she said [91, c.62].
She is confused; she speaks in maiden fashion.
Асоцiативними смислами maiden(ly) СФ невиннiсть, чистота, скромнiсть:
Maidenly modesty (and true love is ever modest) seemed to oppose every plan she could think of [100, c.124].
Perhaps some infatuated swain has ere this mistaken insensibility for modesty, dulness for maiden reserve, mere vacuity for sweet bashfulness, and a goose, in a word, for a swan тАж
She restrained herself; chiefly, after the first bridling of maidenly timidity [88, c.185].
[тАж] she had felt herself sufficient to herself, and had in the independence of her girlish heart fancied there was a certain degradation in renouncing the simplicity of a maiden existence to become the humbler half of an indifferent matrimonial wholeтАж
[тАж] the Cambridge lads and their pale-faced tutor avoided with maiden coyness [85, c.599].
Якостi, якi описуються за допомогою maiden, асоцiюються з юнiстю та невеликим життСФвим досвiдом, наiвними уявленнями про кохання:
[тАж] he saw that she had become deeply serious, and he felt her love of the boy to be maternal, past maiden sentiment тАж
The sanctuary of her chamber, the pure white room so homely to her maidenly feelings, whispered peace, only to follow the whisper with another that went through her swelling to a roarтАж
"No," she answered faintly and sadly; for Halifax was all the same to her heart as the Antipodes; equally inaccessible by humble penitent looks and maidenly tokens of love [83, c.133].
Лексема womanly СФ контекстуальним антонiмом maiden(ly). За допомогою вживання цих лексем в одному реченнi робиться акцент на тАЮдорослихтАЭ якостях референта:
He fancied that everything relating to himself excited maidenly curiosity, womanly reverenceтАж.
Ця номiнацiя передаСФ такi якостi як стриманiсть, серйознiсть, наполегливiсть, здатнiсть до самоконтролю:
[тАж]she was professing to hem[тАж] swerving from her control - inflicted a deeper stab than usual; but still silent, diligent, absorbed, womanly тАж
With her father she really was still a child, or child-like, affectionate, merry and playful. With me she was serious, and as womanly as thought and feeling could make her [86, c.395].
В усiх контекстах womanly маСФ виразнi позитивнi конотацii:
Do I realize solemnly enough how utterly and irretrievably this little womanly thing is the creature of my good or bad faith and fortune? [97, c.278].
Лексема womanly здiйснюСФ референцiю до найкращих та найцiннiших жiночих якостей (patience, devotedness, seriousness, tenderness, reverence, dignity):
Well, Polly, you must persuade Miss Snowe to undertake both you and me, to make you steady and womanly, and me refined and classical тАж
[тАж] still happier because he observed in her a more subdued air, something that he interpreted as the growth of womanly tenderness and seriousnessтАж
He was answered by Miss de Bassompierre in quite womanly sort; with intelligence, with a manner not indeed wholly disindividualised тАж
"I dont want to repeat anything." said Liddy, with womanly dignity of a diminutive order [89, c.189].
Якостi, що позначаються лексемою womanly, СФ еталонними якостями вiкторiанськоi жiнки. Отже, вiдсутнiсть або наявнiсть у жiнки цих якостей визначаСФ ступiнь ii наближення до iдеалу жiночостi:
Her tranquil, tender affection for Philip[тАж] the fact that in him the appeal was more strongly to her pity and womanly devotedness than to her vanity or other egoistic excitability of her natureтАж.
I have thought several times since, that she was a bit quieter, and more womanly-like; more gentle, and more blushing, and not so riotous and noisyтАж
Womanly вказуСФ на наявнiсть у референта таких якостей як доброта, материнськi почуття:
Maggie was not her pet child - and, in general, would have been much better if she had been quite different; yet the womanly heart, so bruised in its small personal desires, found a future to rest on in the life of this young thing [83, c.281].
Лексема ladylike маСФ значення тАЮпритаманний справжнiй ледiтАЭ, тАЮсхожий на ледiтАЭ:
You are best forn, said Marian. More ladylike, and a better scholar than we, especially since he had taught ee so much тАж
And her handwriting? It must be pretty, light, ladylike, I should thinkтАж
[...] a ladylike young woman, somewhat interesting, though, perhaps, a trifle guinde and prudish [98, c.381].
Ladylike також передаСФ iронiчне ставлення до деяких жiночих якостей:
What is there in a pair of pink cheeks and blue eyes forsooth? these dear Moralists ask, and hint wisely that the gifts of genius, the accomplishments of the mind, the mastery of Mangnalls Questions, and a ladylike knowledge of botany and geology [80, c.98].
Номiнацiя womanish зустрiчаСФться тiльки у Т. Гардi, де вона виступаСФ в якостi антонiма до mannish:
"I hope I am not a bold sort of maid mannish?" she continued with some anxiety. "O no, not mannish; but so almighty womanish that tis getting on that way sometimes [81, c.190].
Фреймова репрезентацiя сполучуваностi периферiйних номiнацiй фрейму тАЮЖiночийтАЭ з iменниками подана на мал. 2.4.
Вивчення сполучуваностi периферiйних номiнацiй фрейму тАЮЖiночийтАЭ з абстрактними iменниками, що позначають якостi характеру, дозволяСФ отримати уявлення про те, якi саме жiночi якостi та характеристи