Сутнiсть i поняття фрейму "жiночнiсть"
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without pain, or at least any outward expression of it; but totally unconscious of all present circumstances, and absorbed in recollections of the days of her girlhood, which were vivid enough to take the place of reality to her [90, c.238].
girlhood :
She soon became aware of the present state of Marys feelings, but she thought they merely arose from the changeableness of girlhood [90, c.124-125].
maiden . , , ;
She retreated as young ladies should ever do, two or three steps, and he would not notice that she had become an angry Dian, all arrows: her maiden in surrendering pleased him [87, c.489].
maiden, :
You, father! you have driven me to maiden![87, c.264].
womanhood womankind womanliness , (luxuriant, handsome). , womanliness , (bouncing):
It was a feebler relief, a feebler triumph she felt now, but the great dark eyes and the sweet lips were as beautiful as ever, perhaps more beautiful, for there was a more luxuriant womanliness about Hetty of late [86, c.343].
As she walked along today, for all her bouncing handsome womanliness, you could sometimes see her twelfth year in her cheeks, or her ninth sparkling from her eyes; and even her fifth would flit over the curves of her mouth now and then [89, c.13].
, womanliness, , , :
I certainly was rather struck and surprised with her manner that day; its womanliness made me smile[89, c.570].
, womanliness, :
[тАж] she had too much understanding to be entirely governed by her womanliness, had too much womanliness to use her understanding to the best advantage [89, c.179].
girlishness, maiden, . maiden тАЮ , тАЭ. :
High breeding did not freeze her lovely girlishness.But Willoughby did [48, c. 258].
[тАж]in kissing her she marvelled at her gentleness and girlishness [48,c.90].
That fair childish maiden had ceased [48, c.131].
Лексема maidenhood вживаСФться тiльки у творi Т. Гардi у значеннi тАЮдiвочiстьтАЭ:
Nature, in her fantastic trickery, had set such a seal of maidenhood upon Tesss countenance that he gazed at her with a stupefied air (Tess of the dUrbervilles, c. 304).
The recuperative power which pervaded organic nature was surely not denied to maidenhood alone (Tess of the dUrbervilles, c.126).
Крiм проаналiзованих вище абстрактних iменникiв, в якостi ядерноi номiнацii концепту тАЮЖiночнiстьтАЭ розглядаСФмо лексему woman у значеннi тАЮвтiлення жiночих якостейтАЭ. У цьому значеннi woman виступаСФ в якостi абстрактного iменника, що на граматичному рiвнi виражаСФться таким чином:
- у вживаннi без артиклю:
She was no longer the milkmaid, but a visionary essence of woman-a whole sex condensed into one typical form [76, c.167].
Women of mixed essences shading off the divine to the considerably lower were outside his vision of woman [55, c.140].
- вживаннi з woman прислiвники, що утворюють ступенi порiвняння та прислiвника enough:
Being more finely formed, better educated, and, though the youngest except Retty, more woman than either [тАж] [67, c.176].
Given once, the pure bashful maiden was too modest, too tender, too trustful, too weak, too much woman to recall it (Vanity Fair, c.160).
[тАж] unless Madame Beck had been less than woman, it could not well be otherwise [45, c.122].
Tess was woman enough to realize from their avowals to herself that Angel Clare had the honour of all the dairymaids in his keeping [тАж] [90, c.180].
Ядернi номiнацii концепту подаСФмо у виглядi фреймовоi структури (мал. 2.1). Центральним компонентом фрейму СФ референт-жiнка. Номiнацii концепту утворюють слоiти, якi репрезентують жiночi якостi ( тАЮЩОСЬ якiсть тАЭ), приналежнiсть до групи ( тАЮналежить до ЩОСЬ) та темпоральнi ознаки (тАЮiснуСФ ТОДРЖ час). Як видно з наведеноi фреймовоi моделi, бiльшiсть контекстуальних значень вiдображають оцiннi характеристики жiнки (girlhood, maiden, girlishness, maiden, maidenhood, womanhood, womanliness).
2.3 Периферiйнi номiнацii i компоненти фрейма тАЬ жiночiстьтАЭ
Периферiю концепту тАЮЖiночiстьтАЭ утворюють фрейми тАЮЖiнкатАЭ та тАЮЖiночийтАЭ.
Фрейм тАЮЖiнкатАЭ утворюють номiнацii, якi здiйснюють референцiю до осiб жiночоi статi. В результатi аналiзу романiв було видiлено такi види номiнацiй:
1) яде