Сутнiсть i поняття фрейму "жiночнiсть"

Дипломная работа - Иностранные языки

Другие дипломы по предмету Иностранные языки

рнi номiнацii жiнки (woman, girl, lady)

2) регулярнi периферiйнi номiнацii (maid(en), lass, gentlewoman, female)

3) емотивнi номiнацii (wench, minx, vixen, hussy), що передають оцiнне ставлення автора або персонажiв до референта жiночоi статi.

4) контекстуальнi номiнацii, гендерна референцiя яких виявляСФться лише у контекстах (creature, thing).

Номiнацii lass, maid, female, gentlewoman розглядаються в якостi регулярних периферiйних елементiв ЛСП тАЬWomanтАЭ, оскiльки вони регулярно вживаються для позначення особи жiночоi статi. Цi номiнацii (крiм female ) не СФ характерними для сучасного дискурсу, отже, на вiдмiну вiд ядерних номiнацiй, iх потрiбно розглядати в якостi культурно детермiнованих компонентiв концепту тАЮЖiночiстьтАЭ. Загальна частотнiсть регулярних периферiйних номiнацiй у вiкторiанських романах становить 163, при цьому найбiльш частотною СФ lass, найменш частотною gentlewoman (мал. А.2.2. додатку) [76,c.90].

Номiнацiя lass вживаСФться для номiнацii дiвчини переважно у мовленнi простих людей та передаСФ позитивне ставлення мовця до референта. В авторських висловлюваннях номiнацiя lass також передаСФ позитивне ставлення автора до дiвчини, що пiдкреслюСФться вживанням lass з оцiнними прикметниками, якi передають привабливу зовнiшнiсть, юнiсть, свiжiсть, здоровя та приСФмний характер референта (hearty-looking, bonny-cheeked, rosy-cheeked, buxom-looking, fresh-cheeked, cheery ):

Well, Bessy Cranage is a hearty-looking lass, I dare say shell come round again, Joshua [88, c.66].

A buxom-looking lass of sixteen, with bright eyes and purple cheeks, came to answer the knock [76,, c.562].

I remember thinking what a pretty lass she was, as she sat on a low stool by Mary [82, c.8].

[тАж] he spied his only daughter, a bonny lass of thirteen or so (Mary Barton, c.).

But that bonny-cheeked lass was blest with an elasticity of spirits that secured her from any rankling grief [60, c.268].

Once more she was a fresh-cheeked lass of eighteen; she was at evening church, and the hectic writing-master and she were quavering out of the same psalm-book[87, c. 137].

This might have been, but for you, a cheery lass [85, c.73].

[тАж] a rosy-cheeked lass coming singing into the room [85, c.418].

Лексема maid(en), подiбно до lass вживаСФться для номiнацii молодоi жiнки:

[...] though you might conjure up the image of a lovely woman, she would not in the least resemble that distracting kitten-like maiden [87, c.90].

[...] she was not quite a common village maiden [89, c.176].

Номiнацiя female вживаСФться для позначення особи жiночого статi, щоб уникнути вiкових та iнших конотацiй. Цiй номiнацii надаСФться превага, коли вiк жiнки неможливо визначити з ii зовнiшнього вигляду:

Mesrour conducts the slave-merchant into my lords presence: he brings a veiled female with him [91, c.493].

Female вживаСФться, коли йдеться про будь-яку жiнку взагалi, зокрема про представницю певноi нацiональностi:

[тАж]and a polite public will no more bear to read an authentic description of vice than a truly0000ined English or American female will permit the word breeches to be pronounced in her chaste hearing [94, c.620].

The house was filled with familiar British faces, and those toilettes for which the British female has long been celebrated [84, c.264].

This is a species of dignity in which the high-bred British female reigns supreme [103, c.260].

Pitt Crawley declared her behaviour was monstrously indecorous, reprobated in strong terms the habit of play-acting and fancy dressing, as highly unbecoming a British female [102, c.509].

The continental female is quite a different being to the insular female of the same age and class: I never saw such eyes and brows in England [110, c.100].

Номiнацiя gentlewoman СФ частковим синонiмом до lady, оскiльки вживаСФться лише по вiдношенню до жiнки середнього класу:

As she always does - an English, middle-class gentlewoman; well, though gravely dressed, habitually independent of pretence, constitutionally composed and cheerful [98, c.286].

Важливою умовою, яка даСФ право жiнцi номiнуватися gentlewoman СФ належне виховання та перед усiм гарнi манери:

тАЬGentlewoman of agreeable manners, and accustomed to the best society, was anxious toтАЭ [97, c.395].

Rebecca was driving, and at once recognized the gentlewoman with agreeable manners [94, c.395].

Номiнацiя gentlewoman характерна лише для вiкторiанського дискурсу, тому конотацii, якi вона передаСФ, потрiбно розглядати в якостi культурних конотацiй Вiкторiанства. Якостi справжньоi gentlewoman перераховуються у листi характеристицi випускницi пансiону для дiвчат, наведеному у творi У.Теккерея:

Those virtues which characterise the young English gentlewoman, those accomplishments which become her birth and station, will not be found wanting in the amiable Miss Sedley, whose industry and obedience have endeared her to her instructors, and whose delightful sweetness of temper has charmed her aged and her youthful companions [90, c.2].

Отже, периферiйнi номiнацii, що здебiльшого не СФ притаманними сучасному дискурсу, репрезентують деякi шляхи концептуалiзацii жiночостi, якi були характерними лише для вiкторiанськоi епохи.

Фрейм тАЮЖiночийтАЭ утворюють прикметники, що мiстять сему тАЮжiночийтАЭ, або тАЮжiночнийтАЭ(у дужках вказуСФться кiлькiсть вживання у романах): feminine (74), female (74), girlish (21), womanly (13), maiden(ly) (12), ladylike (5), womanish (1).

Периферiйними компонентами фрейму тАЮЖiночийтАЭ СФ прикметники girlish, womanly, maiden(ly), ladylike, womanish.

Лексема girlish маСФ значення тАЮпритаманний дiвчинiтАЭ, тАЮсхожий на дiвчинутАЭ:

Through the doorway she saw against the declining light a figure with the height of a woman and the breadth of a child, a tall, thin, girlish creature whom she did not recognize in the twilight till the girl said Tess! [98, c.438].

Where is Harriet? I wish Harriet would come to me, said the girlish voice, faintly [97, c.346].

The intruder was Mrs. Heathcliff. She certainly seemed in no laughing predicament: her hair streamed on her shoulders, dripping with snow and water; she was dressed in the girlish dress she commonly wore [81, c.150].

Контекстуальний аналiз дозволяСФ виявити такi асоцiативнi смисли girlish:

невиннiсть, нiжнiсть:

[тАж] she looked the image of youthful innocence and girlish happiness [97, c.22].

She spoke with hesitation, yet with sweet, simple, girlish tenderness [82, c.342).

There was not the slightest promise of love towards him in her manner; it was nothing more than the sweet girlish tenderness she had shown him when she was twelve: perhaps, she would never love him - perhaps no woman ever could love him:

You - every woman older than herself must feel for such a simple, innocent, girlish fairy a sort of motherly or elder-sisterly fondness. Graceful angel! [82, c.195).

Catherine and he were constant companions still at his seasons of respite from labour; but he had ceased to express his fondness for her in words, and recoiled with angry suspicion from her girlish caresses.

Ay, flirtation! That might be an innocent girlish wile to lure on the true lover; but what I refer to was not flirtation: it was a look marking mutual and secret understanding - it was neither girlish nor innocent. [82, c.295].

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