Совершенствование системы мотивации персонала в Современной гуманитарной академии

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h.situation must be studied in depth and a suitable scheme 'tailored' for the specific situation. Also important is the history and culture of the organisation concerned. Anything radically different and without active participation of all concerned is bound to fail. It is advisable also not to introduce drastic changes suddenly. The system must be properly formulated and after full and frank discussion with the concerned people tried out on a 'mini' scale and refined in the light of the experience gained. The main factors involved in selection of a suitable scheme are: micro versus macro level; problems of implementation; maintenance over a sustained period.of any scheme is the most important phase and it should not be rushed through. Sufficient time should be allowed for discussion and suggestions from the concerned group. At this stage all problems that may arise during implementation stage cannot be foreseen, but some of the obvious ones certainly can be anticipated.implemented, both sides should be willing to modify the scheme in the light of the experience gained. There should be no hesitation to refine the scheme until found completely satisfactory. It will require full cooperation and complete honesty [39].is certainly a motivator and a major one at that. There are, of course, other factors particularly job satisfaction. Rewarding employees financially does improve levels of employee motivation and thus improves productivity, and part of the increased profits must be circulated back to the workforce responsible for it.of the schemes for reward systems and payment by results have are briefly discussed. There is no such thing as the 'best scheme'. It must be formulated and 'tailored' to each specific case.you want to make things happen the ability to motivate yourself and others is a crucial skill. At work, home, and everywhere in between, people use motivation to get results. Motivation requires a delicate balance of communication, structure, and incentives. These 21 tactics will help maximize motivation in yourself and others:

. Consequences. Never use threats. Theyll turn people against you. But making people aware of the negative consequences of not getting results can have a big impact. This one is also big for self motivation.

. Pleasure. Providing pleasurable rewards creates eager and productive people.

. Performance incentives. Appeal to peoples selfish nature. Give them the opportunity to earn more for themselves by earning more for you.

. Detailed instructions. If you want a specific result, give specific instructions. People work better when they know exactly whats expected.

. Short and long term goals. Use both short and long term goals to guide the action process and create an overall philosophy.

. Kindness. Get people on your side and theyll want to help you. Piss them off and theyll do everything they can to screw you over.

. Deadlines. Many people are most productive right before a big deadline. They also have a hard time focusing until that deadline is looming overhead. Use this to your advantage by setting up a series of mini-deadlines building up to an end result.

. Team Spirit. Create an environment of camaraderie. People work more effectively when they feel like part of team - they dont want to let others down.

. Recognize achievement. Make a point to recognize achievements one-on-one and also in group settings. People like to see that their work isnt being ignored.

. Personal stake. Think about the personal stake of others. By understanding this youll be able to keep people happy and productive.

. Concentrate on outcomes. No one likes to work with someone standing over their shoulder. Focus on outcomes - make it clear what you want and cut people loose to get it done on their own.

. Trust and Respect. Give people the trust and respect they deserve and theyll respond to requests much more favorably.

. Create challenges. People are happy when theyre progressing towards a goal. Give them the opportunity to face new and difficult problems and theyll be more enthusiastic.

. Let people be creative. Dont expect everyone to do things your way. Allowing people to be creative creates a more optimistic environment and can lead to awesome new ideas.

. Constructive criticism. Often people dont realize what theyre doing wrong. Let them know. Most people want to improve and will make an effort once they know how to do it.

. Demand improvement. Dont let people stagnate. Each time someone advances raise the bar a little higher.

. Make it fun. Work is most enjoyable when it doesnt feel like work at all. Let people have fun and the positive environment will lead to better results.

. Create opportunities. Give people the opportunity to advance. Let them know that hard work will pay off.

. Communication. Keep the communication channels open. By being aware of potential problems you can fix them before a serious dispute arises.

. Make it stimulating. Mix it up. Dont ask people to do the same boring tasks all the time. A stimulating environment creates enthusiasm and the opportunity for big picture thinking [38].organization has a reward system in place to motivate their employees. This reward system is based on incentives like an increase in the salary, cash, gift or a holiday. Compensation is offered to each employee based on his or her performance on the job. Incentives are usually seen as short term motivators for employees. Hence, incentives are used a lot to motivate sales employees so that they achieve their targets.role of incentives is not to overload the employees with excess work but to realize their accomplishments and make them feel an important part of the business. Incentives allow the employees to take on responsibilities and in turn increase their job satisfaction. However, along with incentives, appreciation, positive feedback and praises are also important to motivate employees.organizations give incentives to employees annually or on a target basis. It is important to give incentives on a timely basis so that employees can see the immediate benefit of accomplishing their goal.must understand that each employee has his own characteristics and each employee has different motivational needs. Your business can actually be taken to a new level if you develop a sense of understanding about how you should motivate your employees. Incentives, by far, motivate most types of employees to a certain extent. Incentives also play an important role to retain employees. A proper reward system should be enforced for people who have been in the organization for long years [41].rewarding employees, some of the key elements that are taken into account are day to day performance, enthusiasm, pundont just work for financial incentives. One should create an environment where employees love to come to work because they enjoy their jobs. HR managers and bosses should use incentives to motivate employees but should do so judiciously. Incentives also motivate the employees when you want them to go that extra mile to achieve your targets.


2.1 Принципы мотивации персонала в академии

Как уже упоминалось, при определении мотивов сотрудников и при дальнейшем создании системы мотивации, необходимо использовать несколько технологий. Это особенно полезно в коллективе, состоящем из представителей различных областей. Если организация представляет собой, к примеру, магазин, где большая часть персонала - продавцы-консультанты, то мотивационная система будет направлена на повышение интереса работников к увеличению продаж. Но если организационная структура имеет более сложное строение, то необходимо разрабатывать систему, ориентированную на все рабочие блоки [2, c.7].

Примером может стать образовательное учреждение, персонал которого состоит не только из преподавателей, но и из методического персонала, организующего учебный процесс. Определение эффективных способов стимулирования труда этих групп требует больших усилий, так как во многом их интересы различны. Мотивация педагогического состава более важна, так как работа преподавателей составляет основу функционирования образовательного учреждения. Проведенные исследования в этой области позволили выделить пять групп педагогов с различным соотношением стимулов, зависящих от различных факторов:группа - педагоги с доминированием внутренней мотивации, для которой характерно стремлен