
  • 301. Caillebotte, Gustave

    He was an engineer by profession, but also attended the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He met Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, and Pierre Auguste Renoir in 1874 and helped organize the first impressionist exhibition in Paris that same year. He participated in later shows and painted some 500 works in a more realistic style than that of his friends. Caillebotte's most intriguing paintings are those of the broad, new Parisian boulevards. The boulevards were painted from high vantage points and were populated with elegantly clad figures strolling with the expressionless intensity of somnambulists, as in Boulevard Vu d'en Haut (1880; private collection, Paris). Caillebotte's superb collection of impressionist paintings was left to the French government on his death. With considerable reluctance the government accepted part of the collection.

  • 302. California Los-Angeles. Places of interest

    California is perhaps the most unique state in the USA. It leads the country in manufacturing and farming. Its area is the 3rd in the country and it has the largest population, of which the white people constitute less than 50%. It is the most popular place to spend vacations - hiking in National parks, swimming in the Pacific Ocean and sightseeing in the cities. Such well-known places as Hollywood Disneyland, Death Valley, and the San Diego Zoo are located in California.First European settlements in California were Spanish, and in 1821, when Mexico became independent, it became its part. In 1848 the United States took control over this state. And on September 9, 1850, it became the 31 state of the USA.

    1. Capital - Sacramento.
    2. Population - 29,839,250 (1st).
  • 303. Canada

    Среди иммигрантов в Канаде есть много индейцев, пакистанцев и китайцев, а также чернокожих из США. Некоторые канадцы опасаются, что вскоре в Канаде будет больше цветных граждан, чем белых. Другие встревожены растущим расизмом в стране. Канада, подобно другим странам, лишь недавно начала обращаться со своими цветными гражданами, эскимосами и индейцами, так, как они того заслуживают. За последние несколько лет индейские и эскимосские поселения намного выросли. Теперь правительство наконец поняло, что имеет обязательства по отношению к этим людям, которые оно ранее не выполняло. Все канадские дети обязаны изучать в школе, как французский, так и английский языки. Однако, большинство квебекских семейств среднего класса, живущих в Монреале говорят одинаково хорошо на английском и французском языках.

  • 304. Capitals of USA

    Until 1800 the United States of America had five "capitals" or meeting places of the Congress - Princeton, Annapolis, Trenton, New York and Philadelphia. For various reasons, none of these cities offered an ideal seat of government for the new nation. Southern states protested that they were all too far north After the Constitution was adopted, the establishment of a new city was considered. President Washington pinpointed the exact location, and Congress passed a bill for a federal city and capital on July 17, 1790. The city of Washington was called just "The Federal City". It didn't gain its name until after the first president's death. When Congress and the rest of the small government's agencies arrived from Philadelphia in, the new capital looked very unpromising indeed. Only a fragment of the Capitol was completed, and a part of the White House. Other government departments were scattered about, and a few houses had been built. Up until the time of the Civil War, Washington grew quite slowly. It really was just another sleepy southern town, enlivened only when the Congress was in session, and not much even then. After the Civil War it became the real capital of the United States.

  • 305. Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da

    Despite violent criticism, his reputation increased and Caravaggio began to be envied. He had many encounters with the law during his stay in Rome. He was imprisoned for several assaults and for killing an opponent after a disputed score in a game of court tennis. Caravaggio fled the city and kept moving between hiding places. He reached Naples, probably early in 1607, and painted there for a time, awaiting a pardon by the pope. Here there was a in his painting style. The dark and urgent nature of his paintings at this time must have reflected Caravaggio's desperate state of mind.

  • 306. Career

    As for me, I have not made up my mind whom to be yet. However, I apologize that my alternative will fall on the info technology sphere. As my parents have another occupations, which cannot be compared with my ideas, they have not made a great influence on my choice and I cannot say that this profession runs the family. They say that my future is in my hands. I am not following anybodys steps it seems to be a “new way”. From my point of work this way will turn out for the best, and I will not be taken aback of its “consequences”. My choice of future occupation didnt come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays the info technologists profession is of the great need and importance to our country, even the whole world. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well-prepared (and as coming to the conclusion well-paid then) computer “engineer” I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and, have course and knowledge of foreign languages (as the same as having course, and knowledge of a great variety programming languages).

  • 307. Career in hotel industry

    3) The peculiarities of the hotel service are:

    1. The processes of the production and the consumption are not synchronous. This means that several kinds of service do not connect with the presence of the client (cleaning the rooms).
    2. Limited possibility of the keeping.
    3. Urgency of the service. The problem concerning the service must be solved very quickly. The urgency and the situation of the hotel are the most important factors by the choice of the hotel.
    4. The broad participation of the staff in the production process. Personal service cannot be mechanized or automated. Some technologies are being instituted to speed up routine tasks, but the human element is the determining one of the hospitality business. Therefore the problem of the standardization is significant in the lodging industry. The standards of the service are worked out at many hotels. They are the rules of the service, which guarantee the level of quality of all operations. These are the time of the official registration, the knowledge of foreign languages and the out-word appearance of the personal. The work at the hotel brings the employee into contact with people from all walks of life. Guests will include the wealthy and the poor, engaging and obnoxious. Each guest offers the employee an opportunity learns more about human nature. Employees not only have direct responsibility for guest service, the also have the benefit of witnessing the guests satisfaction. The managers generally need more hands-on experience before assuming managerial positions. The skills of understanding, motivation and directing people can best be developed through experience.
    5. Seasonal demand for the hotel service. It has an influence on the loading of the hotel.
    6. Interdependency between the hotel service and the purpose of the traveling.
  • 308. Carracci

    They continued working in close relationship until 1595, when Annibale, who was by far the greatest artist of the family, was called to Rome by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese to carry out his masterpiece, the decoration of the Farnese Gallery in the cardinal's family palace. He first decorated a small room called the Camerino with stories of Hercules, and in 1597 undertook the ceiling of the larger gallery, where the theme was The Loves of the Gods, or, as Bellori described it, `human love governed by Celestial love'. Although the ceiling is rich in the interplay of various illusionistic elements, it retains fundamentally the self-contained and unambiguous character of High Renaissance decoration, drawing inspiration from Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling and Raphael's frescos in the Vatican Loggie and the Farnesina. The full untrammelled stream of Baroque illusionism was still to come in the work of Cortona and Lanfranco, but Annibale's decoration was one of the foundations of their style. Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries the Farnese Ceiling was ranked alongside the Sistine Ceiling and Raphael's frescos in the Vatican Stanze as one of the supreme masterpieces of painting. It was enormously influential, not only as a pattern book of heroic figure design, but also as a model of technical procedure; Annibale made hundreds of drawings for the ceiling, and until the age of Romanticism such elaborate preparatory work became accepted as a fundamental part of composing any ambitious history painting. In this sense, Annibale exercised a more profound influence than his great contemporary Caravaggio, for the latter never worked in fresco, which was still regarded as the greatest test of a painter's ability and the most suitable vehicle for painting in the Grand Manner.

  • 309. Cassatt, Mary

    Her own works, on the occasions when they were shown in various mixed exhibitions in the USA, were very favourably received by the critics and contributed not a little to the acceptance of Impressionism there. Despite her admiration for Degas, she was no slavish imitator of his style, retaining her own very personal idiom throughout her career. From him, and other Impressionists, she acquired an interest in the rehabilitation of the pictural qualities of everyday life, inclining towards the domestic and the intimate rather than the social and the urban (Lady at the Teatable, 1885; Metropolitan Museum, New York), with a special emphasis on the mother and child theme in the 1890s (The Bath, 1891; Art Institute of Chicago). She also derived from Degas and others a sense of immediate observation, with an emphasis on gestural significance. Her earlier works were marked by a certain lyrical effulgence and gentle, golden lighting, but by the 1890s, largely as a consequence of the exhibition of Japanese prints held in Paris at the beginning of that decade, her draughtsmanship became more emphatic, her colors clearer and more boldly defined. The exhibition also confirmed her predilection for print-making techniques, and her work in this area must count amongst the most impressive of her generation. She lived in France all her life, though her love of her adopted countrymen did not increase with age, and her latter days were clouded with bitterness.

  • 310. Castles of England

    Originally because of the urgency needed to get them erected these structures were of wood but, as they were vulnerable to fire, quite soon the King insisted that they be built of stone. One of the first of these was the White Tower in the center of the Tower of London. These more substantial buildings soon became home to the Lord and his retainers. It is an axiom of military design that each improvement in design creates its own destruction as the attacker soon learns to overcome the latest technology. Thus castle building became a never ending program of updating to create defensive protection. The keep had its own curtain wall with watchtowers. These were originally built square but it was soon found that it was easy for an attacker to use the square shape to protect himself against defenders and also undermine the corners of the tower. A corner would be undermined and the whole area filled with wooden props to support it. Then pigskins filled with oil and fat would be placed in the cavity and ignited. As the flames destroyed the props so the tower crumbled. An example of this can be seen at Rochester where the undermining of one square corner tower is quite clear before it was rebuilt as round tower.

  • 311. Characteristics of a corporation

    5.LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES--LLC is a non-corporate business entity whose owners (members) have limited liability and can participate actively in its management. An LLC may be either for a term or at will. It can be managed either by its members or nonmember managers. Depending on the statute, distributions are made either equally to each member or in proportion to each members contribution.

  • 312. Characteristics of slang

    While many slang words introduce new concepts, some of the most effective slang provides new expressions--fresh, satirical, shocking--for established concepts, often very respectable ones. Sound is sometimes used as a basis for this type of slang, as, for example, in various phonetic distortions (e.g., pig Latin terms). It is also used in rhyming slang, which employs a fortunate combination of both sound and imagery. Thus, gloves are "turtledoves" (the gloved hands suggesting a pair of billing doves), a girl is a "twist and twirl" (the movement suggesting a girl walking), and an insulting imitation of flatus, produced by blowing air between the tip of the protruded tongue and the upper lip, is the "raspberry," cut back from "raspberry tart." Most slang, however, depends upon incongruity of imagery, conveyed by the lively connotations of a novel term applied to an established concept. Slang is not all of equal quality, a considerable body of it reflecting a simple need to find new terms for common ones, such as the hands, feet, head, and other parts of the body. Food, drink, and sex also involve extensive slang vocabulary. Strained or synthetically invented slang lacks verve, as can be seen in the desperate efforts of some sportswriters to avoid mentioning the word baseball--e.g., a batter does not hit a baseball but rather "swats the horsehide," "plasters the pill," "hefts the old apple over the fence," and so on.

  • 313. Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon

    Chardin was admitted to the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1728 on the basis of two early still lifes, The Skate and The Buffet (both 1728, Louvre, Paris). In the 1730s, he began to paint scenes of everyday life in bourgeois Paris, among them Lady Sealing a Letter (1733, former State Museums, Berlin), Scouring Maid (1738, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Scotland), and The Benediction (1740, Louvre). Characterized by subdued colors and mellow lighting, these works celebrate the beauty of their commonplace subjects and project an aura of humanity, intimacy, and honest domesticity. Chardin's technical skill gave his paintings an uncannily realistic texture. He rendered forms by means of light by using thick, layered brushstrokes and thin, luminous glazes. Called the grand magician by critics, he achieved a mastery in these areas unequaled by any other 18th-century painter. Chardin's early support came from aristocratic patrons, including King Louis XV. He later gained a wider popularity when engraved copies of his works were produced. He turned to pastels in later life when his eyesight began to fail. Unappreciated at the time, these pastels are now highly valued. Chardin died in Paris, December 6, 1779.

  • 314. Charlemagne. Карл I (Великиий, король франков)

    Perhaps the skill most highly valued by Einhard as well as by the people of the turbulent Middle Ages was the ability to conduct victorious warfare. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, the nations that came to inherit the land were engaged in frequent wars, trying to conquer lands in order to collect tribute. Clearly, in times like those it was necessary for a king to be an apt military commander because the welfare of a nation almost directly depended upon the territory, and therefore the amount of arable land and natural resources. Einhard dedicates a large portion of the biography to the history of Charlemagnes conquests. He mentions Charles charisma and outstanding leadership skills. If one were to closely examine the record of the most famous or most notorious kings in the history of mankind, the top of the list would be dominated by the warrior kings: Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Sundiata, Ivan the Terrible, and others. In todays world, the violation of other nations borders seems if not outrageous, then at least unethical. But in the Middle Ages, when all government was done by the sword, the winner was the one who was most adept with that sword. What difference does it make that Charlemagne could not read or write if his fifty-three successful conquests brought all of Christian Western Europe except for Britain, Italy, and Sicily (Painter 5) to the Franks feet? In contrast to Charlemagnes spectacular example, Einhard briefly describes the personality of the official king in the time of Pepin, Charlemagnes father:

  • 315. Charles Darwin

    Darwin's theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism's ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" (1859) or "The Origin of Species" for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.

  • 316. Children porno

    Passing sentence, Judge Fabyan Evans said King, who was credited in the final recommendations in the Court of Appeal for offering advice on sentences for paedophiles, had abused his position as a self-professed expert on child abuse. He said: "It was depraved, corrupt and persistent behaviour on vulnerable young girls. "You took advantage of three of them, one with learning difficulties." Speaking outside the court, Detective Inspector Neil Thompson, of the Metropolitan Police paedophile unit, said he was happy with the sentence.

  • 317. China

    Some words about Chinas education system. At the first all foreigners students will have to share a room with one Chinese student, which is very common. Days start very early, so theyll have to get up at about six oclock. There are morning exercise in the open air, and they will be invited to join it. The breakfast is at about six thirty. And all meals are communal. Their classes will probably be in English and Chinese, theyll begin at seven thirty. Lunch is at twelve, and then more classes until six. After school day students usually go to the cinema. In fact its very difficult to get tickets. People also like to go for walks, to play cards or just to sit outside talking. The air in the streets is not polluted, because there are few cars but literally millions of bicycles.

  • 318. China's population

    In modern history the domestic movement of the Han to Manchuria (now known as the Northeast) is the most Migration significant. Even before the establishment of the Ch'ing to dynasty in 1644, Manchu soldiers launched raids into Manchuria North China and captured Han labourers, who were then obliged to settle in Manchuria. In 1668 the area was closed to further Han migration by an Imperial decree, but this ban was never effectively enforced. By 1850. Han settlers had secured a position of dominance in their colonisation of Manchuria. The ban was later partially' lifted, partly because the Manchu rulers were harassed by disturbances among the teeming population of China proper and partly because the Russian Empire time and again tried to invade sparsely populated and thus weakly defended Manchuria. The ban was finally removed altogether in 1878, but settlement was encouraged only after 1900. The influx of people into Manchuria was especially pronounced after 1923, and incoming farmers rapidly brought a vast area of virgin prairie under cultivation. About two-thirds of the immigrants entered Manchuria by sea, and one-third came overland. Because of the severity of the winter weather, migration in the early stage was highly seasonal, usually starting in February and continuing through the spring. After the autumn harvest a large proportion of the farmers returned south. As Manchuria developed into the principal industrial region of China, however, large urban centres arose, and the nature of the migration changed. No longer was the movement primarily one of agricultural resettlement; instead it became essentially a rural-to-urban movement of interregional magnitude. After 1949 the new government's efforts to foster planned migration into interior and border regions produced noticeable results. Although the total number of people involved in such migrations is not known, it has been estimated that by 1980 about 25 to 35 percent of the population of such regions and provinces as Inner Mongolia, Sinkiang, Heilungkiang. and Tsinghai consisted of recent migrants, and migration had raised the percentage of Han in Sinkiang from about 10 to 40 percent of the total. Efforts to control the growth of large cities led to the resettlement of 20,000,000 urbanites in the countryside after the failure of the Great Leap Forward and of 17,-000,000 urban-educated youths in the decade after 1968. Within the next decade, however, the majority of these "rusticated youths" were allowed to return to the cities, and new migration from rural areas pushed urban population totals upward once again.

  • 319. Chita

    Heavy and light engineering is well developed here. They are represented by such enterprises as machine building plant, a machine tool plant, an automobile works, a brick works, a footwear factory, a locomotive repair plant and so on. Many of them underwent transformation into joint-stock companies. The transport system is highly developed in our region. It's most represented by the railways. The network of motor transport is also rather wide. The Chita Aviation Enterprise provides for passengers transportation, mail and express delivery in 31 districts of our Region. Chita is a town of students. It gives specialized training to young people in the Pedagogical University, the Technical University, the Academy of National Economy, the Medical academy and four branches of other higher education establishments.

  • 320. Choosing a career (на английском языке)

    A couple of years ago I wanted to become a biologist. I thought it was a very interesting profession. I was good at biology in school. But in the 9th form I have changed my mind: I already have wanted to be an economist. I think I have an aptitude for working with figures and solving mathematical problems. And now I'm going to be an economist. I know that the life of a person of this profession sometimes is very difficult. The success of this job depends on enterprise, knowledge and skills of a person. That's why after school I would like to enter to the State University-High Economics School. My parents are involved in this problem. My father is working with immovable property for about 10 years, my mother is working in a music school. I think my future profession is suitable for me, because I'm energetic, communicative and quick by nature. These personal characteristics will help me to succeed in my career, but I would like to develop some qualities of my character, such as diligence, patience and organizing. When you choosing a future career it's a good idea to take different factors into account. I think, my future career will satisfy me, will be well-paid.