
  • 241. Art of conversation
    Иностранные языки

    Ready for some good conversation tips?

    Good conversation is an important skill in almost every
    situation. Whether it's on the job, with spouse or
    children, in a social setting or everyday life, good
    conversation is important.

    It's the way we communicate with others and often is then
    the way we are seen or perceived by others. Good
    conversation is based on a sensitivity to others. Good
    conversation therefore is a learnable skill once you pay
    more attention to others.

    Developing good conversation skills will allow you to feel
    more at ease when conversing with others and will help
    you say what you really want to convey.

    1. Think about your tone, for good conversation it should be
    pleasing, not too loud or too soft.

    If you are talking too loudly you might be considered an
    unpleasant conversationalist and who will want to talk to
    you? Good conversation requires you to be agreeable.

    If you are speaking too softly and people have to strain to
    hear you, they might get tired of trying to listen. This will of
    course prevent a good conversation developing.

    2. Think about some things you might need or want to say
    before you are at that job interwork or party if you want to
    ensure a good conversation.

    It will be helpful to think this through and even practice
    out loud. You will come across as being confident and
    intelligent. You can almost guarantee good conversation
    by preparing thoroughly in advance of the event.

    3. Don't feel you need to dominate in order to have a good

    Even if you are quite charming it won't be long before
    others are weary of hearing the same voice. Good
    conversation does not mean taking over the conversation!
    Keep this in mind and it will be easier to have a good

    4. How will you handle unpleasant conversations?

    Remember not conversations start off looking
    like a potential good conversation.
    What will you do if you are criticized or if someone
    disagrees with you? Think of ways to face these
    situations before they happen.

    To have a good conversation you need to be flexible and
    be ready to handle difficulties that crop up. The art of having
    good conversation does not mean everything goes smoothly
    at all times.

    If you can remain calm and fairly pleasant during the tough
    talks you will improve and acquire good conversation skills. You
    will also earn a reputation as someone who can easily be talked

    5. Think of your last embarrassing conversation, one that was the
    opposite of a good conversation.

    How did you do? Could there be improvement? If the answer
    is "yes" begin by figuring out why the conversation
    was embarrassing. This will help you to develop good
    conversation skills.

    Let's say someone asked you when you are planning to have
    children. Even though this may not be anyone's business how
    do you want to respond?

    You do have choices. You can be funny, charming, rude or
    elusive. Again, plan ahead for some of these questions and
    decide how you want to react.

    As you learn how to start a good conversation and find them
    more of the time you can have good conversation your confidence
    will soar and you will get better and better.

    6. One of the most important parts of good conversation is
    listening. It's a gift and a skill, one that you can
    develop if it doesn't come easily for you. Good conversation
    is impossible without good listening skills.

    Don't forget to listen because it is essential for good
    conversation skills! Neglect this key skill and it will be
    virtually impossible to have a good conversation.

    Good conversation is a learnable skill so keep at it and
    you will improve. The only way to fail is to expect good
    conversation to happen without any work on your part.

  • 242. Art of the Edo Period

    The Tokugawa shogunate of the Edo period gained undisputed control of the government in 1603 with a commitment to bring peace and economic and political stability to the country; in large measure it was successful. The shogunate survived until 1867, when it was forced to capitulate because of its failure to deal with pressure from Western nations to open the country to foreign trade. One of the dominant themes in the Edo period was the repressive policies of the shogunate and the attempts of artists to escape these strictures. The foremost of these was the closing of the country to foreigners and the accoutrements of their cultures, and the imposition of strict codes of behavior affecting every aspect of life, the clothes one wore, the person one married, and the activities one could or should not pursue.

  • 243. Art, museums and galleries

    People reflect their life in art. Real, live art appeals to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideals and it proclaims life. Art is truthful only when it serves life, only when the artist hopes to arouse a warm response in the heart of man. This was the case in the days of Giotto and Raphael, this was the case in the subsequent stages of man's artistic development, and this is the truthful relationship of art and life in the day of Renato Guttuso and Rockwell Kent. Art belongs to the people.

  • 244. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)

    Conan Doyle created his famous character, Sherlock Holmes, in 1885. Six years later, when Conan Doyle wrote some stories about this detective, the name of Sherlock Holmes became a name that everybody knew. Holmes first appeared in a book called "Study in Scarlet". "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" made him famous all over the world.

  • 245. Artistic Emigres

    Chaim Soutine (1894-1943) came to Paris in 1913. He was the only painter in the city who was in the least like Georges Rouault, and as a Parisian Expressionist, he belonged to the ``School of Paris''. Soutine's style of applying thickly encrusted paint was quite different from Rouault's, but his wild, chaotic spirit, sorrowful and vehement, is like that of the Frenchman. Just as Rouault, despite his Fauvist connections, is seen as inherently Expressionist, so Soutine was a natural, though singular, Expressionist.

  • 246. Arts

    - A truly national realistic tradition began with the appearance of the "Wanderers". Kramskoy organized a protest against prescribed mythological themes in the competition for the Great Gold Medal that gave a six-year scholarship to study abroad. This action marked a break with the Academy's outdated form of Neoclassicism patterned on Western models which lost popularity with the educated public but continued to be taught and favoured at the official level. After the break with the Academy Kramskoy sustained a group of thirteen independent painters both organizationally and intellectually in keeping with the spirit of the reform and renovation that swept Russia during the 1860s after the emancipation of the serfs. He set up a communal workshop (artel), the "Wanderers". At the same time Kramskoy defined ideological underpinnings of the new art: a combination of civic, moral and national goals, which infused Russian realism with its crystal-clear ideal of service. He asserted that as painters in Russia were not free they had to take the most urgent problems of the day as the subjects of their works of art. The most prominent Russian artists of the 1870s and '80s, including Ivan Kramskoy, Il'ya Repin, Vassily Surikov, Vassily Perov, and Vassily Vereshchagin, belonged to this group. The "Wanderers" attached much importance to the moral and literary aspects of art than to aesthetics. Their artistic creed was realism, national feeling, and social consciousness. The influence of the "Wanderers" spread throughout Russia. This group was dominant for nearly 30 years.

  • 247. ASP.NET: пример построения круговой диаграммы
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Ниже будет показано, как можно в ASP.NET приложении, используя графические методы GDI+, нарисовать круговую диаграмму. Это может быть полезно, например, для наглядного представления данных.

  • 248. Asteroids

    Scientists divide asteroids into two groups, based on how they appear in infrared images: light and dark. The lightest-looking asteroids are rocky bodies with lots of iron and nickel, and they resemble lunar rocks. The darkest asteroids have high quantities of hydrated minerals and carbon. In the early days of the solar system (some 4.6 billion years ago) asteroids had metallic cores, middle regions of stone and iron, and surfaces of stone. Over time, many of them collided with others and broke apart. The fragments, which became many of today's asteroids, are therefore classified as irons, stony-irons or stony.

  • 249. Asuka and Nara Art

    During the Asuka and Nara periods, so named because the seat of Japanese government was located in the Asuka Valley from 552 to 710 and in the city of Nara until 784, the first significant invasion by Asian continental culture took place in Japan. The transmission of Buddhism provided the initial impetus for contacts between Korea, China, and Japan, and the Japanese recognized facets of Chinese culture that could profitably be incorporated into their own: a system for converting ideas and sounds into writing; historiography; complex theories of government, such as an effective bureaucracy; and, most important for the arts, advanced technology, new building techniques, more advanced methods of casting in bronze, and new techniques and mediums for painting.

  • 250. At the Doctors

    He wrote a prescription for a gargle and cough medicine. Also he gave me some sulfa pills, a slip for x-ray and blood examination. He prescribed cups and mustard plasters. The prescription, which the doctor left, was made up at the chemist's. I followed all the doctor's instructions and very soon I felt much better. In 10 days I fully recovered and resumed my studies.

  • 251. At the doctor's

    Не самая приятная тема для обсуждения, но, как показала недавняя эпидемия гриппа, весьма жизненная. Тем более, что и лето не за горами, а летом в путешествии возможны неожиданности. Мы надеемся, что Вам не понадобится объясняться с врачом по-английски, но, как говорится, "Hope for the best but be ready for the worst". So let's get ready!

  • 252. At the Theatre

    We left our coats in the cloak-room and bought a program from the usher to see what the cast was. I remember we were glad to see that Ulanova was dancing the main part. When we came into the hall the orchestra were tuning in their instruments. We found our seats which were in the stalls and went exploring the theatre. My mother showed me the boxes, the pit, the dress-circle, the tiers and balconies. At 12 sharp the lights went down. The conductor appeared and the overture began. After the overture the curtain went up. I was in raptures at what I saw on the stage. I have never seen anything more wonderful. The scenery and the dancing were superb. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. When the last curtain fell, the house burst out into applause. I applauded so much, that my hands ached. The cries of encore sounded all over the theatre. The dancers got many curtain calls and were presented with many flowers. The performance was a great success with the public. It was one of my brightest memories.

  • 253. Atomic Bomb

    Atomic bombs have been designed by students, but their actual construction is a complex industrial process. Practical fissionable nuclei for atomic bombs are the isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239, which are capable of undergoing chain reaction . If the mass of the fissionable material exceeds the critical mass (a few pounds), the chain reaction multiplies rapidly into an uncontrollable release of energy. An atomic bomb is detonated by bringing together very rapidly (e.g., by means of a chemical explosive) two subcritical masses of fissionable material, the combined mass exceeding the critical mass. An atomic bomb explosion produces, in addition to the shock wave accompanying any explosion, intense neutron and gamma radiation, both of which are very damaging to living tissue. The neighborhood of the explosion becomes contaminated with radioactive fission products. Some radioactive products are borne into the upper atmosphere as dust or gas and may subsequently be deposited partially decayed as radioactive fallout far from the site of the explosion.

  • 254. Aus der Geschichte Berlins

    Berlin entstand Anfang des 14. Jahrhunderts aus zwei Fischerdrfern an der Spree, aus Berlin und Clln. Bis zum 17. Jahrhundert aber spielte Berlin keine groe Rolle. Die Stadt nahm unter Friedrich Wilhelm I., dem Groen Kurfrsten, einen krftigen Aufschwung. Die Stadt wurde mit einer Mauer umgeben. Die Mauer hatte 15 Tore. Eine schnelle industrielle Entwicklung der Stadt begann aber erst seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts.

  • 255. Aus Lenins Leben

    1893 kam Lenin nach Petersburg, dem politischen Zentrum Rulands, wo er zum Fhrer der Petersburger Marxisten wurde. Am 25. April 1895 fuhr er als Vertreter der Petersburger Sozialdemokraten in die Schweiz, wo er die Gelegenheit hatte, Plechanow und andere russische Marxisten kennenzulernen. Durch die Vereinigung aller marxistischen Zirkel und durch die Schaffung der ersten revolutionren marxistischen Zeitung “Iskra” bereitete Lenin die Bildung einer selbstndigen proletarischen politischen Partei vor.

  • 256. Australia

    The 18 passengers and 36 crew on the iron-hulled clipper Loch Ard had a party on the night of March 31, 1878, to celebrate their arrival in Melbourne the next day after a three month voyage from England. But Captain Gibb stayed on deck all night, worried by the thick mist that obscured the horizon and Cape Otway light. At 4am the mist lifted and the lookout cried: "Breakers ahead." Despite desperate attempts to turn the ship away -- and then to hold it with its anchors -- it struck rocks. water flooded in, the masts flailed against the high cliff face before crashing down and waves swept across the decks, hampering attempts to get the lifeboats into the water. Only two survived -- ship's apprentice Tom Pearce and Eva Carmichael, both aged 18. Eva's parents and five siblings were lost. Tom drifted into the gorge where he saw passenger Eva clinging to a mast -- he swam out, pulled her into a cave and found some brandy in the wreckage to revive her. He climbed out of the gorge and came upon two stockmen, and a rescue party was organised. But only four bodies -- including Eva's mother and sister, were able to be recovered from the treacherous seas and most of the ship's valuable cargo was lost or looted. Tom Pearce became a national hero for his rescue of Eva, who soon returned to Ireland.

  • 257. Baburen, Dirck van

    The city of Utrecht was the center of Catholic life in the otherwise Protestant Dutch republic, and Baburen was one of a group of Utrecht painters who, unlike most of their Dutch contemporaries, had studied in Catholic Rome. Influenced by the Italian master Caravaggio, these artists specialized in painting large, half-length figures, brought close to the picture surface and solidly modeled in strongly contrasting light and shadow. In this spirited image of mercenary love, an amorous client bargains with a procuress (one who solicits clients for a prostitute) for the favors of a voluptuous young woman. The figures' colorful costumes suggest street entertainers or characters in a play. A lute, symbol of love, occupies the center of the composition and the gestures of the hands that surround it tell the painting's story.

  • 258. Balanced Scorecard - взгляд в будущее

    Оценка предложения: Затраты в данном бизнесе - один из решающих факторов. Чтобы выжить на рынке, компания должна прикла-дывать перманентные усилия к управлению затратами. Проблематичным в отношении формулировки "Снизить затраты" является то обстоятельство, что экономичная работа предприятия во все времена и при всех стратегиях является одной из самых важных целей. Другими словами, снижение затрат является само собой разумеющимся фактором успеха. Кроме того, постановка такой цели, как "Снизить затраты" может предполагать собой ряд негативных моментов (например, снижение уровня качества продукции). Еще одна проблема связана с размером необходимого снижения затрат. Если ставится задача снизить затраты по всему предприятию в целом на 10%, то как в этом отношении должны работать отдельные подразделения - снижать свои затраты на 10%? Или есть такие подраз-деления (например, в конструкторские разработки, в которые наоборот следует инвестировать, увеличивая в данный момент их затраты?). В перспективе "Финансы \ Экономика" цели, связанные с затратами, являются столь важными, как и цели в области выручки или прибыли. С одной стороны, при постановке такой общей цели, как "Снизить затраты", следует подумать о том, как эта цель связана с целями в перспективах "Клиенты \ Рынок", "Процессы" и "Инфраструктура \ Сотрудники". Эта связь должна быть четко обозначена через построение причинноследственной цепочки. С другой стороны, следует подумать над тем, какая формулировка лучше вписывается в существующую стратегию. С точки зрения руководства фирмы, формулировка "Снизить затраты" может привести к необду-манному снижению затрат как самоцели. Эта формулировка была преобразована в формулировку "Добиться конкурентоспособной структуры выручки" (доля прибыли, доля прямых затрат и доля косвенных затрат в выручке).

  • 259. Banking system

    Most countries have a central bank, which is responsible for the operation of the banking system. The central bank in the UK is the Bank of England, which was taken into public ownership in 1946. It has many responsibilities, which are summarized below and discussed in more detail later in this charpter.

    1. It is the governments bank. It handles the income and expenditure of Exchequer and other government departments.
    2. The clearing banks maintain accounts at the Bank of England. The final cash settlements within the banking the banking system and between the banking system and the Bank of England take place through these accounts. The Bank is a banker for about 100 overseas central banks and international monetary institutions.
    3. It manages the national debt. This is a major responsibility which involves making repayments on government securities when they mature, undertaking new issues of long-term securities, making regular payments on interest to holders of existing government securities, and handling the weekly issues of Treasury bills. The management of the national debt, as we shall see later, has important effects on the supply of money and the rate of interest.
    4. It is the lender of last resort. The Bank of England stands ready to come to the assistance of the banking system in times when it is threatened by a shortage of cash.
    5. It acts as the governments agent in the foreign exchange market, in which it can intervene to influence the value of sterling against other currencies.
    6. It has the responsibility for carrying out the governments monetary policy.
    7. It has legal powers to supervise the operations of other banks. All banks are expected to supply the Bank of England with information about their business, and they have to respond to directives given to them by the bank.
  • 260. Baroque

    In the 17th century, Rome was the artistic capital of Europe, and the baroque style soon spread outwards from it, undergoing modification in each of the countries to which it migrated, as it encountered different tastes and outlooks and merged with local traditions. In some areas it became more extravagant (notably in the fervent religious atmosphere of Spain and Latin America) and in others it was toned down to suit more conservative tastes. In Catholic Flanders it had one of its finest flowerings in the work of Rubens, but in neighbouring Holland, a predominantly Protestant country, the Baroque made comparatively slight inroads; nor did it ever take firm root in England. In France, the Baroque found its greatest expression in the service of the monarchy rather than the church. Louis XIV realized the importance of the arts as a propaganda medium in promoting the idea of his regal glory, and his palace at Versailles--with its grandiose combination of architecture, sculpture, painting, decoration, and (not least) the art of the gardener--represents one of the supreme examples of the Baroque fusion of the arts to create an overwhelmingly impressive whole. (The German term Gesamtkunstwerk--`total work of art'--has been applied to this ideal.) In France, as in other countries, the Baroque style merged imperceptibly with the Rococo style that followed it.