
  • 401. Die Wahl des Bundeskanzlers. Das Mitrauensvotum

    Um den Bundeskanzler abzuberufen, muЯ zunдchst ein Viertel der Bundestagsabgeordneten ein MiЯtrauensvotum beantragen. Zur Wahl kцnnen sich mehrere Kandidaten stellen. Gewдhit ist jedoch nur, wer die absolute Mehrheit erhдlt. Erhдlt diese keiner, gilt der MiЯtrauensantrag als abgelehnt. Eine solche Regelung schlieЯt praktisch eine Abberufung wдhrend der Legislaturperiode aus.

  • 402. Die zentralen Bundesorgane: Der Bundesrat

    Nach einem bestimmten Schlьssel (Art. 51 GG) entsendetjedes Bundesland drei bis fьnf Regierungsvertreter in den Bundesrat. Die Stimmen der Lдnder kцnnen nur einheitlich abgegeben werden. Seine Bildung, Zusammensetzung und Rechte verleihen dem Bundesrat einen eigenartigen Status. Seine Stellung im GesetzgebungsprozeЯ und die parteipolitische Blockbildung lassen den Bundesrat als eine zweite Kammer erscheinen. Da e rjedoch aus Ministem bzw. Senatoren der Lдnderregierungen besteht und nicht gewдhit wird, ist es ein zentrales Staats-organ besonderer Art. Im Bundesrat sind zumeist prominente Politiker von SPD, CDU, CSU und FDP vertreten. Seine Tдtigkeit wird deshalb von derjeweiligen parteipolitischen Konstellation in den Lдndem geprдgt.

  • 403. Diffusion of slang

    Slang invades the dominant culture as it seeps out of various subcultures. Some words fall dead or lie dormant in the dominant culture for long periods. Others vividly express an idea already latent in the dominant culture and these are immediately picked up and used. Before the advent of mass media, such terms invaded the dominant culture slowly and were transmitted largely by word of mouth. Thus a term like snafu, its shocking power softened with the explanation "situation normal, all fouled up," worked its way gradually from the military in World War II by word of mouth (because the media largely shunned it) into respectable circles. Today, however, a sportscaster, news reporter, or comedian may introduce a lively new word already used by an in-group into millions of homes simultaneously, giving it almost instant currency. For example, the term uptight was first used largely by criminal narcotic addicts to indicate the onset of withdrawal distress when drugs are denied. Later, because of intense journalistic interest in the drug scene, it became widely used in the dominant culture to mean anxiety or tension unrelated to drug use. It kept its form but changed its meaning slightly.

  • 404. Directors’ rights, duties, and liabilities

    b)Duty of Care--dirs must exercise the care of an ordinarily prudent and diligent person in a like position, under similar circumstances. There is no liability (absent a conflict of interest, bad faith, illegality, or gross negligence) for errors of judgment (business judgment rule--the rebuttable presumption that action was taken on an informed basis, in good faith and exercising reasonable care), but the dir must have been reasonably diligent before the rule can be invoked (Shlensky)

  • 405. Discovery of the New World

    In 1492 the Italian Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic in a Spanish-backed attempt to find a new trading route to the Far East. While that objective went unfulfilled, subsequent voyages by explorers did much to reveal both the complexities of transatlantic navigation and the nature of the New World. Simultaneously, Portuguese seafarers led by Bartolomeu Dias had pushed southward to the Cape of Good Hope, mapping the entire western coast of Africa in the process and proving the existence of a sea route between Europe and India. In 1497 John Cabot, a Venetian sea captain, completed the first recorded transatlantic voyage by an English vessel, while attempting to find a north-west passage to Asia. Cabot died during the second attempt to find a direct route to Cathay in 1498. Although Sebastian Cabot continued his father's explorations in the Hudson Bay region in 1508-1509, England's interest in the New World waned. However, Cabot's voyages established England's belated claim to America. In 1520 Ferdinand Magellan discovered the strait, now bearing his name, that links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The discovery of Cape Horn at the southernmost tip of South America was made in 1578 by the English navigator Francis Drake; this provided a more suitable route for trading ships.

  • 406. Disregard of corporate entity

    e)Alter Ego, Instrumentality, Unity of Interest--when no separate entity exists and the corp is merely the alter ego or instrumentality of its shs (could be a corporate shareholder), or when there is a unity of interest between the corp and its shs, the corp veil is often pierced. These terms are usually applied only if other grounds are present;

  • 407. DNS-сервер
    Компьютеры, программирование

    Доменное имя состоит, по меньшей мере, из двух частей (меток), разделенных точками. Нумерация меток ведется справа налево. Если объяснить на конкретном примере, то в адресе hosting.web-3.ru суффикс ru является доменом первого уровня. Все последующие метки - поддомены, т.е. hosting - поддомен домена web-3, а web-3 - домена ru.Условно подобное деление может растянуться на 127 уровней. Любая метка может состоять (максимально) из 63 символов, но длина доменного имени не может быть больше 254 знаков, включая точки. Впрочем, действительность и теория, как известно, - разные вещи, посему регистраторы доменов часто устанавливают собственные лимиты.Серверы DNS находятся в определенном порядке, который организует иерархическая система DNS. Всякий поддомен или домен поддерживается несколькими авторизованными серверами DNS, содержащими о нем все необходимые сведения. Следует сказать, что наблюдается тождество соподчинения доменов и серверов DNS.Система DNS работает следующим образом: Пользователь набирает в web-обозревателе адрес hosting.web-3.ru. Для передачи данных посредством стека протоколов TCP/IP необходимо знать IP-адрес указанного сервера, но тот, как правило, имеет лишь сведения об адресе сервера DNS (обычно интернет-провайдер предоставляет адрес одного основного и одного резервного DNS-сервера). В результате запрос об IP-адресе hosting.web-3.ru задается указанному DNS серверу. Тот, в свою очередь, запрашивает информацию у центрального сервера, например (все IP-адреса приведены в качестве примера и могут отличаться от действительных). Сервер отвечает, что не обладает информацией о требуемом адресе, однако, знает, что доменной зоной .ru занимается сервер (прим. ред. Это так называемый авторитетный сервер). В этом случае сервер DNS запрашивает информацию у Ответом может быть: «web-3.ru занимается сервер». Этот третий по счету сервер возвращает браузеру IP-адрес нужного сайта (прим. ред. Очень часто рекурсивный подход заменяется запросами к буферу сервера. Если неавторитетный сервер недавно получал запрос на IP адрес hosting.web-3.ru, то вместо обращения к следующему DNS серверу он выдаст результат из буфера. Для реагирования на запрашиваемую информацию DNS-протокол применяет UDP- или TCP-порт 53. Обычно запросы и готовая информация по ним посылаются в форме UDP-датаграммы. А TCP остается для AXFR-запросов или ответов весом более 512 байт. Для того чтобы узнать IP-адрес интересующего вас сайта, необходимо воспользоваться командой ping. Если вы пользуетесь операционной системой Windows XP, нажмите «Пуск»- «Выполнить» (прим. ред. Сочетание клавиш win+r) и наберите в строке команду cmd. Появится окошко командной строки. В ней наберите команду ping и имя сайта, например, ping hosting.web-3.ru. В строчках, которые появятся после нажатия Enter увидите группу чисел - это и есть IP-адрес сайта hosting.web-3.ru. Важно помнить, что IP-адрес не равен имени хоста и наоборот. Один компьютер может иметь большое количество web-сайтов, а это говорит о возможности хоста с определенным IP-адресом владеть целым списком имен. Подобно этому одно иметь может быть соотнесено с разными хостами. Так достигается регуляция нагрузки. С целью увеличения стабильности системы в работу вводят определенное число серверов, которые вмещают в себя одинаковые сведения. Так, в мире насчитывается 13 подобных серверов. Каждый имеет отношение к какой-либо территории. Данные о них имеются во всякой операционной системе, поскольку такие серверы не изменяют первоначального адреса. Эти сервер называют корневыми, потому что на них держится вся сеть Интернет. Теперь поговорим об обратном DNS-запросе. Помимо перекодировки символьных имен в IP-адреса DNS выполняет обратную работу. Поскольку с записями DNS можно соотнести данные разных форматов, включая символьные. Известно доменное имя in-addr.arpa, данные которого служат для реконструирования IP-адреса в имя из символов. Приведем пример: чтобы выяснить имя известного адреса (предположим, допустимо сделать запрос в следующем виде: Результатом окажется должное символьное имя. Чем можно это объяснить? Тем, что в IP-адресах биты, расположенные у корня, стоят в начале, а в DNS-именах - в конце. Что касается записей DNS, то выделяют несколько категорий:

  • 408. Doré, Gustave

    Drawings of London done in 1869-71 were more sober studies of the poorer quarters of the city and captured the attention of van Gogh. In the 1870s he also took up painting (doing some large and ambitions religious works) and sculpture (the monument to the dramatist and novelist Alexandre Dumas in the Place Malesherbes in Paris, erected in 1883, is his work).

  • 409. Drug abuse: Tendencies and ways to overcome it

    Typically, drug cartels and syndicates are highly organized. Present in the organizations are: strict and precise distribution of functions; very rigid hierarchies; internal discipline maintained by interest, authority and force; stringent conspiracy; ramified networks of groups bound by firm organizational ties; branches existing and functioning in various countries; contacts with other criminal groups (counterfeiters, smugglers, murderers etc.); the use of professional criminals; the internationalization of group members; and, the use of violence to meet the desired ends. To protect their huge profits and spheres of interest, the subjects of narco-criminals stop at nothing and employ violent means, such as the contract murders of their rivals and of law enforcement agents. The money brought by the trade in drugs is often used to finance dangerous crimes and acts of terrorism. It becomes a source, which finances subversive activities of all kinds. Profits obtained from the drug trade make it possible to finance large-scale armed operations against government forces (like in Columbia or Mexico). Profit gained from the drug trade is often compared with the profits earned by whole industries. The drug trade is regarded as the world's second largest economy. All this enables drug dealers not only to pay generously for the participation in crimes but also to set up a common financial fund, a common bank, so to speak. Narco-money is also used to exert influence on policy-making, particularly, by nominating the associates of drug dealers to key posts in the economy and politics or by bribing persons who already hold such posts and turning them into supporters of the drugs trade. These financial investments are reinforced by threats of violence against them or their close relatives (wives, children or parents). This proves convincingly that narco-crime is a well organized and well planned business incorporating the mutually inter-related criminal activities of individuals, groups, associations, syndicates and cartels with a division of mutually interrelated functions. This is the reason to regard this kind of crime as a variety of organized crime. Some researchers believe that drug profits are the economic foundation of organized crime. This can be seen in comparison of elements forming narco- and organized crimes. To get a clear understanding of the elements of the latter it is necessary to look in retrospect at the history of organized crime. While crime and drug addiction have been known to the world for at least several centuries, the existence of organized crime has been officially recognized quite recently, only in this century. Yet both national and foreign researchers date the origin of this phenomenon, in one way or another, to a much earlier period.

  • 410. Dyck, Sir Anthony van

    Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641). Apart from Rubens, the greatest Flemish painter of the 17th century. In 1609 he began his apprenticeship with Hendrick van Balen in his native Antwerp and he was exceptionally precocious. Although he did not become a master in the painters' guild until 1618, there is evidence that he was working independently for some years before this, even though this was forbidden by guild regulations. Probably soon after graduating he entered Rubens's workshop. Strictly speaking he should not be called Rubens's pupil, as he was an accomplished painter when he went to work for him. Nevertheless the two years he spent with Rubens were decisive and Rubens's influence upon his painting is unmistakable, although ven Dyck's style was always less energetic.

  • 411. Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind

    From ancient times till now there are two main ways of development of mankind: evolutionary and revolutionary. To each sane man it is clear, that the revolutionary way can not proceed constantly. The revolutionary way comes on change evolutionary in process of accumulation in a society(community) of new knowledge about a nature, and occurrence of the contradictions on this basis. It is objective process of development of mankind allocated reason and capable not only to accumulate of knowledge, accumulating, thus, valuable experience, and to transfer them by right of succession, but also to comprehend them. The comprehension saved earlier and again of acquired knowledge and experience results in opening, which introduction in practice of labour activity marks by itself the next stage of revolutionary development. Most appreciable for mankind by stages at the beginning of development of a human civilization were the following. The first stage was knowledge of force of fire and use it(him) for transformation of crude food (meat of killed animals and assembled fruits of wild plants) in more suitable kind for the safe use in food. The reception of fire by rotation or friction of combustible subjects the friend about the friend became a traditional way of reception of fire, and the maintenance of the center became a urgent duty of a female half of ancient people.from take of fruits of wild plants to cultivation of plants, which fruits are suitable for a feed(meal) was a new and rather essential stage of development of an ancient civilization, and take of wild animals promoted cattle breeding, овцеводству, свиноводству, коневодству and other directions приручения of animals, before living in a wild nature. (next) - the third stage was the invention of a wheel - at first as перекатывания of the cut down trees to the center, and then use them as a vehicle for delivery of other heavy subjects (stones killed large animals which have been tumbled down by a wind or cut down trees etc.), that has served to one of the main conditions of a structure of artificial dwellings in places constant or long обитания. fourth stage of development of a civilization became a division of labour on the hunters and farmers, that promoted occurrence of crafts and further differentiation of kinds of labour activity, and also occurrence of a class of the handicraftsmen and crafts, first of all such as manufacturing of footwear and having sewed clothes, then the laundries, workshops on repair of a various household utensils, spinning both weaver's мануфактуры and other workshops on service of the urban population have followed красильные мануфактуры. In деревнях and other settlements in a countryside the population, as a rule, served itself independently. following fifth stage was association of crafts in larger manufactures and has resulted in creation larger мануфактур and factory mass manufacture of commodity production intended, mainly, for sale to the population and other consumers, first of all to large trade specialized companies and separate merchants, that marked transition to next, namely sixth stage of development of world(global) community.seventh stage of development of a civilization became the invention of machines and mechanisms about use of the heated up water as pair, when the Scottish engineer Джеймс Уатт has created suitable to use the steam engine becoming a basis of industrial revolution, as the development of communication(connection) and non-productive branches of a national economy - public health services, education, culture, science, sports (including professional), sphere of household service of the population has served by a powerful push to mass creation of steam machines both forced development of capacities and simultaneously mass outcome of peasantry in cities with the advanced network of industrial manufacture, and also construction iron and highways, metallurgical manufacture, creation of building industry specialized building organizations, industry of building materials, introduction of agricultural machines in agricultural sphere of activity,, Tourism and other directions of mass service of the population.following stage, eighth under the account, was the invention of an electricity and use it(him) in industrial activity simultaneously with production and processing of mineral raw material. The mines(shaft) and mines for production of this raw material, and also factories and factories on his(its) processing for manufacturing instruments of work and more perfect means of manufacture have appeared. The invention of an electricity promoted occurrence and other important sphere of activity of a society(community) - occurrence of a communication facility, which further development has resulted in new qualitative transformations in human labour activity.following ninth stage became occurrence of computers and software, mass radio and TV, video and аудимагнитофонов, mobile telephone communication(connection), андроидов, смартфонов and other means of the mass communications, as has resulted in creation of new economy or creation of науко-capacious commodity production on a basis наукоемких of technologies and manufactures.invention nuclear and термоядерной of energy was new and powerful by tenth already under the account by a stage of the further development of a science, engineering and economy of a lot of the countries advanced in technical and public development. Understand, that on it the further development of a human civilization will not stop, and, opposite(on the contrary), will receive a new pulse of the further development. disclosing of secret генома of the man and creation генномодифицированных of products became new achievement of a civilization, which consequences still as follows are not investigated and according to the theory Кроуза can to bring to mankind both positive, and negative consequences.for us waits further, including in the near future? It is obvious, that use термоядерного of synthesis with the help токомаков and кол-лайдеров for reception of cheap energy as electrical and further development of a science already enough has ripened to be realized already in the near future. On turn new fundamental achievement in the field of fundamental physics, бионики and biology, medicine and public health services, нанотехнологии and know-how, economy, ecology both other prime and urgent directions of human activity. the present historical period of development of a civilization the evolutionary way of development lasts already more than three tens years. It speaks what not behind mountains new breaks in a science and realization of its(her) achievement, that proves to be true also by astrological forecasts, which speak about come(stepped) with 2003 on change of epoch of Fishes of era Водолея, in an atmosphere of which, as is known, our country historically settles down and which marks the accelerated development of a science and engineering. , for us there are quite favorable prospects for acceleration of development public and scientific and technical, and also industrial and social development, if only come to pass restoration of the public attitudes(relations) will not result in increase with the subsequent long stabilization рецессии in all spheres of ability to live of a society(community). real threat of occurrence of new public shocks in connection with disorder of Union, plunder and assignment общенародной of a state ownership "демократами" of a new wave both high rates and volumes of increase of inflation, unemployment and social intensity caused by the increasing increase of break in the incomes of a new prevailing class (new буржуазии, officials, senators and deputies who have degenerated in new элитный a layer, new отгородившийся from other weight of the population by power structures) and basic weight of the workers of hired work, with each year becomes more and more appreciable, and further deepening of financial crisis, рецессия of manufacture, morals and morals proceeding inflation, steady growth of unemployment and prices, first of all on medicines and жилищно-municipal services, Appreciablly outstripping insignificant increase of pensions and minimal wages purposefully conduct to steady increase of an opposition of basic weight of the population, including the workers of hired work, and new prevailing elite layer of the employers acquiring huge барыши at the expense of escalating operation of the workers of hired work and the basic industrial and non-productive funds, доставшихся to the new owners at the expense of a speculative privatization of a state ownership and assignment of money resources of the investors enclosing last accumulation, stayed after a privatization общенародной of the property.stopping on more detailed consideration of the reasons who is guilty also who has created conditions for обнищания of the basic national weights, it is much more useful to concentrate attention on that, and that is necessary to do(make) first of all to pull out from poverty and poverty basic weight of the population and to ensure(supply) the further development of our country both increase of well-being and health of a nation. became already clear not only known and outstanding scientist in the field of economy, but also experts, advanced enough in the intellectual attitude,(relation,) and simply explanatory(sensible) workers and even to the pensioners, that is completely not enough of one only of slogan about technical modernization to avoid going deep crisis, especially without обнародования of the economic, financial and technological mechanism of its(her) realization, as one only appeals to аллигаторам-олигархам and new буржуазии about expediency and necessity instead of export of the capital in foreign countries to carry out financing reproduction leaving and updating of working capacities there is completely not enough, as the principle " … and кот Васька listens, yes ест " very largely prevails above the most pathetic appeals, messages to the people and other "kind" wishes. Use of state authority only for the control of use of the collected taxes in sphere социалки and ВПК, that makes only 10-15 % from a total national product and is not only completely unreasonable self-elimination from performance of the functions, assigned by the voters, on management of a national economy, but also conducts to an impasse in all spheres of public life and at all does not guarantee performance of national idea on maintenance of well-being, health and safety of the population in harmonious and конгруэнтном a combination to the further development of intelligence and духовности of a nation. After disintegration of the Soviet Union together with economic accident there was also ideological disintegration. The population of the country has lost ориентиры of the ability to live and has run into a condition комы, in which is to this day. The new governors самоустранились from the managing role and functions on management of a national economy, передоверив their realization to the new proprietors, which interests are limited to thirst of the maximal extraction of the profit and export of the stolen capital abroad.world(global) economy by nothing the limited growth of a population at the limited and constantly decreasing natural resources inevitably will result to food and техногенному коллапсу. The point of crossing of two these curves with each decade all comes nearer to treasured апокалипсическому to a boundary more appreciablly. And the mankind engaged междоусобными in disassemblies, at all does not notice future accident and does not accept any cardinal measures with the purposes of avoidance of its(her) heavy consequences. So for example, till now it is considered, that the solar system rotates around of any of space object on an elliptic orbit with constant speed, however if to pay attention to geological epoch, their duration both dynamics(changes) of a condition and development in them фауны and флоры on a planet the Earth, as parts of solar system, it is possible to notice, that the durations of the geological periods submit to strict mathematical dependence, namely the duration of each subsequent period is less previous on the same size (factor of acceleration of rotation of a space funnel is equal 1,15-1,20), that convincingly enough speaks that specified коловращение occurs not on circles and not on elliptic curves as the classical science, and on a decreasing spiral asserts(approves). It means, that in due course, when the sun will enter direct contact with irreversible force of an attraction of a black hole as centre of our galaxy, there will come(step) the moment space коллапса of solar system with absorption her(it) with all planets and астероидами by that black hole, around of which occurs коловращение of solar system. It means, that term of existence of solar system and Earth is limited to a nature space коловращения of galaxies, and consequently also stars in them do not run up, and simply rotate around of the centres of dark forces or otherwise accepted to the name " of black holes " (for lack of the information on them) and as a result it there is a sensation that they ostensibly run up, and actually they simply leave from each other, rotating on the orbits. The Earth as against other space objects is simple напичкана by alive essences and by virtue of it is unique object of the space world, probably, unique(sole) in foreseeable space. What then to do(make) землянам? Is obedient to wait speed up or to search and probably to find ways,maybe, unique(sole) way of rescue of a planet and people, living on it(her), not being immersed further in междоусобные of disassembly, and mobilizing forces, all saved earlier and created in at present historical period, of mind(wit), knowledge and resources, created by all world, on the decision noble мисси - rescue of the planet and life on it(her). Whether will suffice at mankind of mind to stop struggle on destruction each other and immediately to proceed(pass) to search of ways of a survival in space, environmental a planet, will be found out already in the near future. It is not enough of real hopes for of it, very little, but вера that the chapters of the conducting countries of the world will find mind and will find opportunities to be going and at the first stage even to discuss an opportunity not взаимоуничтожения, and, opposite(on the contrary), creation of conditions for association of available forces and survival in space, hostile for us. But for this purpose it is necessary to unit and to mobilize all resources, available at mankind, for search of real opportunities of resettlement on other planets in space space with more long term of life. ability to live of world(global) economy during all XX of century functions on the basis of an opposition of two social systems, which leaders were by USA and USSR. Eventually, the leader of the American hawks Джон Фостер Даллес has declared, that " … we never shall overtake USSR in race of arms, because, than more we spend of means for a defense, Russia with the satellites tightens(delays) ever more belts(zones) and makes not less, than we of the nuclear weapon and means of his(its) delivery for our territory. Therefore, if we can not ruin them on race of arms by the plan of the president Гарри Трумена, it is necessary them buy, and young generation оболванить and пристрастить to the most primitive human needs(requirements): to drugs, алкоголизму, premature sex and other by most primitive " to pleasures of life ". Only so we can them win ". So actually also happened. In USA the space program on development околоземного of space space and number(line) of other military programs was curtailed(turned), and the released(exempted) means are thrown on a payoff of the Soviet партийно-administrative elite, therefore there was in USSR a restoration of capitalism in the ugliest form and the reorganization of the public, social, industrial and economic attitudes(relations) began. Therefore the state самоустранилось from management of economy, the industrial sphere of activity has fallen more, than twice, the science (excluding компрадорскую branch and fundamental) almost is completely paralysed, the level of education and maximum formation(education) has decreased approximately half, preparation of the qualified workers of the staff in craft schools, I WAIT, ФЗО and ФЗУ almost is completely stopped, there was an inflation, in short term переросшая in гиперинфляцию, the rate of unemployment has exceeded all foreign levels, basic weight of the population was divided(shared) on poor and beggars on the one hand and гламурную elite - with another and the break in the incomes of these classes steadily grows, outstripping growth of unemployment, criminality, corruption both inflation. The criminality and corruption in all branches of authority much more was exceeded by(with) all foreign limits, the growth of intensity and dissatisfaction in a society(community) outstrips growth of inflation. Рецессия has struck not only economy, but also sphere of morals. The sizes arrived at the expense of operation of the hired workers have exceeded and much more foreign levels. And as is known, when the profit exceeds hundreds percents(interests), the moral principles stop to work, there is a situation when already there is no such crime on which any businessman would not venture practically.of morals, is especial among youth, has reached(achieved) in Russia already запредельного of a level. The parents already more, than in 70 % of cases have appeared "thrown" children reached(achieved) majorities and who have begun labour activity. The principle вещизма already strongly enough has taken roots in consciousness of youth, and it inevitably derivates egoism, priority of own material interests above honour and debt before a native land, parents and other close relatives, let alone distant, neighbours and friends. The former colleagues on work and friends on life have turned to the competitors capable on any immoral acts for the sake of "шкурных" of the interests. The prospects of such attitudes(relations) in a society(community) and family are rather pitiable and are extremely undesirable to preservation of ability to live of a society(community) and prospects of his(its) development.and the wide circulation генномодифицированных of products (ГМП) puts additional and irreparable damage to human community, protection from which in the foreseeable future is not looked through at all. Dissociation of the people the growing contradictions and intensity inside the countries and between them create insuperable barrier to the decision of the current and arising again global problems of preservation of a human civilization. In Russia at one time междоусобица between князьями has allowed to subdue the strong Russian state to the татаро-Mongolian invasion and more than 300 years Русь was under татаро-Mongolian игом. But the raker still lays on ways of development of mankind and if present властелины of the peoples will not find ways of achievement of the coordinated actions for preservation of a planet and life of the people, occupying her(it), first of all in territory of the states, the most gloomy expectations can be carried out and for ever stop existence of a human civilization on our guilty and surprisingly beautiful, fertile and rich natural resources and people to a planet the Earth. But, before to decide(solve) global space problems, it is necessary in the beginning to understand with внутригосударственными. Here again on the first place such human factors as greed and short-sightedness of the new proprietors act. The product of two these qualities in connection with милтоновской by the doctrine of non-interference of the state in private(individual) business is and there is that гремучая a mix, which on potential not only is capable to create new social shocks in a society(community), but also will overturn all those rather weak foundations, which were created per 90 years of past century. thus, to understand one simple true idea, what not the dictatorship of the new attitudes(relations) in the country based on plunder and assignment общенародной of the property and national riches станы, and not dictatorship of the new proprietors, swindlers, жулья, corruption and криминала by what increases in payment of work to power structures she(it) would not try to keep the gains, and the dictatorship of conscience, mind(wit), goods and force of the plundered population and first of all of youth will help to rescue the country from грозящей of national accident and if верхи it they will not understand, first of all this бурю and пожнут. mankind development genome economy russiavariants thus in the near future, proceeding from the independent scientific analysis of the current rule(situation), simply is not looked through by definition.

  • 412. Eakins, Thomas

    He began teaching at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1876 and was attacked for his radical ideas, particularly his insistence on working from nude models. In 1886 he was forced to resign after allowing a mixed class to draw from a completely nude male model. Eakins's quest for realism led him to study anatomy and make full use of Muybridge's photographic researches, but the scientific bent in his work is of less importance than his honesty and depth of characterization. His portraits are often compared to Rembrandt's because of their dramatic play of sombre lighting and sense of inner truth. The most famous of his paintings is The Gross Clinic (Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, 1875), which aroused controversy because of its unsparing depiction of surgery, an experience that was repeated with The Agnew Clinic (University of Pennsylvania, 1889).

  • 413. Earth and Moon

    The third planet from the sun is, in scientific terms, quite similar to the first two. In fact, the four planets of the inner solar system (Mercury , Venus , Earth and Mars ) all share rock and metal as their primary ingredients. Each of these so-called terrestrial planets has a solid surface, unlike the gaseous planets of the outer solar system.

  • 414. Ecological problems
    Иностранные языки

    There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. Our country is not exception. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl, which took place on April 26, 1986., has seriously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. That catastrophe can be considered as the largest disaster of the 20th century. As the result of that accident 18% of territories of our republic were contaminated by radioactive elements. The agriculture of our country suffered great losses. More than 20% of the population has also suffered. A death rate among children has increased considerably. The wide researches are carried out, but health state of the people living in polluted areas, is worsened. The level of thyroid gland cancer has increased, the immunity of children and women is weakened, many diseases appear out only a few years later. Everyone understands that this catastrophe is a threat to health of our nation, and though years have already passed, the results will be shown on the future generations.

  • 415. Ecological problems and environmental protection


  • 416. Ecological problems in big cities, particular in Moscow. How can a contradiction between the technological progress and ecology be solved from my point of work?

    Some people say that we should better use bicycles, not to pollute the environment; I advise them to live in caves with out electricity and other technological conveniences, to protect the environment. But there are much more useful ideas of saving our planet and there is one thing which sums them up: - The main idea is that technology must help us to protect the environment which has already suffered from it. From that idea recycling factories were maid, different filters invented, people even started to invent alternative kinds of fuel, which are nearly harm less to the planet, and at least we think so at the moment. There are even cars maid, which are working on new fuel elements, this is how we have called these kind of fuel.

  • 417. Ecology

    “Friends of the Earth” (FoE) is one of the British pressure groups with an international reputation. Its general aim is to conserve the planets resources and reduce pollution. FoE was established in 1971 and now it operated in 44 countries worldwide. It campaigns among other things, for recycling and renewable energy, and the destruction of wildlife and habitat. The main campaigning issues of the FoE are:

    • The protection of all animals and plants in danger of extinction.
    • An end to the destruction of wildlife and habitats.
    • A program of energy conservation measures, etc.
  • 418. Economic and sociological analysis of suicide

    Costs and benefits of love may be another social factor of suicide. In Johann Goethes "The Sorrows of Young Werther" the main character decides to die because the woman that he loves does not love him back. For him the cost of realization that his expected benefits of being together with her is very high and in addition to that the cost of seeing her happy with someone else made the character to shoot himself, for him that was the only way to stop his sorrows and the benefit of dying was much higher for him at that point. Unfortunate love of Romeo and Juliet for example led to their suicide, or in “Ethan Frome” the main character decides to slide into a tree with his beloved woman when his wife refused to let him go. For these characters the cost of living apart from each other was so high that they decided to die to be together in another life. Finally many young people kill themselves every year because of their love to some celebrity. Many attempt suicide after their object of affection died or also committed suicide. They do so because of a high expected benefit of being with him/ her in the afterlife and high cost of living without that person in their lives. E.g. watching that person on TV and realizing that he/she is gone. In the past, a person had to kill himself/herself when his/her spouse died. Examples are: wife of a well-known in the Roman history Caesar Brut swallowed pieces of burning coal when she found out about death of her husband. In India the custom “sati” - self-burning of the widow together with a body of the husband down to XIX of century was not simply sample for imitation, but also obligatory ritual

  • 419. Economy of the Republic of Ireland

    Measuring Ireland's level of income per capita is a complicated issue. Ireland possesses the second highest GDP (PPP) per capita in the world (US$43,600 as of 2006), behind Luxembourg, and the fifth highest Human Development Index, which is calculated partially on the basis of GDP per capita. However, many economists feel that GDP per capita is an inappropriate measure of national income for Ireland, as it neglects the fact that much income generated in Ireland belongs to multinational companies and eventually goes offshore.[23] Another measure, Gross National Income per head, takes account of this and therefore many economists feel it is a superior measure of income in the country. In 2005, the World Bank measured Ireland's GNI per head at $41,140 - the seventh highest in the world, sixth highest in Western Europe, and the third highest of any EU member state. Also, a study by The Economist found Ireland to have the best quality of life in the world.[24] This study employed GDP per capita as a measure of income rather than GNI per capita.

  • 420. Edison

    Edison did not have any education. He went to school only for three months. Then he left it because the teacher considered him a dull boy. His mother became his teacher. The boy loved books and his mother said that he had a wonderful memory. When he first visited a public library and saw a lot of shelves with books he decided that he would know everything in the world. He measured the shelf and decided to read a foot of books every week.