Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind

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Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind



candidate of economic sciences, academician Н.А. Лебедкин



From ancient times till now there are two main ways of development of mankind: evolutionary and revolutionary. To each sane man it is clear, that the revolutionary way can not proceed constantly. The revolutionary way comes on change evolutionary in process of accumulation in a society(community) of new knowledge about a nature, and occurrence of the contradictions on this basis. It is objective process of development of mankind allocated reason and capable not only to accumulate of knowledge, accumulating, thus, valuable experience, and to transfer them by right of succession, but also to comprehend them. The comprehension saved earlier and again of acquired knowledge and experience results in opening, which introduction in practice of labour activity marks by itself the next stage of revolutionary development. Most appreciable for mankind by stages at the beginning of development of a human civilization were the following. The first stage was knowledge of force of fire and use it(him) for transformation of crude food (meat of killed animals and assembled fruits of wild plants) in more suitable kind for the safe use in food. The reception of fire by rotation or friction of combustible subjects the friend about the friend became a traditional way of reception of fire, and the maintenance of the center became a urgent duty of a female half of ancient people.from take of fruits of wild plants to cultivation of plants, which fruits are suitable for a feed(meal) was a new and rather essential stage of development of an ancient civilization, and take of wild animals promoted cattle breeding, овцеводству, свиноводству, коневодству and other directions приручения of animals, before living in a wild nature. (next) - the third stage was the invention of a wheel - at first as перекатывания of the cut down trees to the center, and then use them as a vehicle for delivery of other heavy subjects (stones killed large animals which have been tumbled down by a wind or cut down trees etc.), that has served to one of the main conditions of a structure of artificial dwellings in places constant or long обитания. fourth stage of development of a civilization became a division of labour on the hunters and farmers, that promoted occurrence of crafts and further differentiation of kinds of labour activity, and also occurrence of a class of the handicraftsmen and crafts, first of all such as manufacturing of footwear and having sewed clothes, then the laundries, workshops on repair of a various household utensils, spinning both weavers мануфактуры and other workshops on service of the urban population have followed красильные мануфактуры. In деревнях and other settlements in a countryside the population, as a rule, served itself independently. following fifth stage was association of crafts in larger manufactures and has resulted in creation larger мануфактур and factory mass manufacture of commodity production intended, mainly, for sale to the population and other consumers, first of all to large trade specialized companies and separate merchants, that marked transition to next, namely sixth stage of development of world(global) community.seventh stage of development of a civilization became the invention of machines and mechanisms about use of the heated up water as pair, when the Scottish engineer Джеймс Уатт has created suitable to use the steam engine becoming a basis of industrial revolution, as the development of communication(connection) and non-productive branches of a national economy - public health services, education, culture, science, sports (including professional), sphere of household service of the population has served by a powerful push to mass creation of steam machines both forced development of capacities and simultaneously mass outcome of peasantry in cities with the advanced network of industrial manufacture, and also construction iron and highways, metallurgical manufacture, creation of building industry specialized building organizations, industry of building materials, introduction of agricultural machines in agricultural sphere of activity,, Tourism and other directions of mass service of the population.following stage, eighth under the account, was the invention of an electricity and use it(him) in industrial activity simultaneously with production and processing of mineral raw material. The mines(shaft) and mines for production of this raw material, and also factories and factories on his(its) processing for manufacturing instruments of work and more perfect means of manufacture have appeared. The invention of an electricity promoted occurrence and other important sphere of activity of a society(community) - occurrence of a communication facility, which further development has resulted in new qualitative transformations in human labour activity.following ninth stage became occurrence of computers and software, mass radio and TV, video and аудимагнитофонов, mobile telephone communication(connection), андроидов, смартфонов and other means of the mass communications, as has resulted in creation of new economy or creation of науко-capacious commodity production on a basis наукоемких of technologies and manufactures.invention nuclear and термоядерной of energy was new and powerful by tenth already under the account by a stage of the further development of a science, engineering and economy of a lot of the countries advanced in technical and public development. Understand, that on it the further development of a human civilization will not stop, and, opposite(on the contrary), will receive a new pulse of the further development. disclosing of secret генома of the man and creation генномодифицированных of products became new achievement of a civilization, which consequences still as follows are not investigated and according to the theory Кроуза can to bring to mankind both positive, and negative consequences.for us waits further, including in the near future? It is obvious, that use термоядерного of synthesis with the help токомаков and кол-лайдеров for reception of cheap energy as electrical and further development of a science already enough has ripened to be realized already in the near future. On turn new fundamental achievement in the field of fundamental physics, бионики and biology, medicine and public health services, нанотехнологии and know-how, economy, ecology both other prime and urgent directions of human activity. the present historical period of development of a civilization the evolutionary way of development lasts already more than three tens years. It speaks what not behind mountains new breaks in a science and realization of its(her) achievement, that proves to be true also by astrological forecasts, which speak about come(stepped) with 2003 on change of epoch of Fishes of era Водолея, in an atmosphere of which, as is known, our country historically settles down and which marks the accelerated development of a science and engineering. , for us there are quite favorable prospects for acceleration of development public and scientific and technical, and also industrial and social development, if only come to pass restoration of the public attitudes(relations) will not result in increase with the subsequent long stabilization рецессии in all spheres of ability to live of a society(community). real threat of occurrence of new public shocks in connection with disorder of Union, plunder and assignment общенародной of a state ownership "демократами" of a new wave both high rates and volumes of increase of inflation, unemployment and social intensity caused by the increasing increase of break in the incomes of a new prevailing class (new буржуазии, officials, senators and deputies who have degenerated in new элитный a layer, new отгородившийся from other weight of the population by power structures) and basic weight of the workers of hired work, with each year becomes more and more appreciable, and further deepening of financial crisis, рецессия of manufacture, morals and morals proceeding inflation, steady growth of unemployment and prices, first of all on medicines and жилищно-municipal services, Appreciablly outstripping insignificant increase of pensions and minimal wages purposefully conduct to steady increase of an opposition of basic weight of the population, including the workers of hired work, and new prevailing elite layer of the employers acquiring huge барыши at the expense of escalating operation of the workers of hired work and the basic industrial and non-productive funds, доставшихся to the new owners at the expense of a speculative privatization of a state ownership and assignment of money resources of the investors enclosing last accumulation, stayed after a privatization общенародной of the property.stopping on more detailed consideration of the reasons who is guilty also who has created conditions for обнищания of the basic national weights, it is much more useful to concentrate attention on that, and that is necessary to do(make) first of all to pull out from poverty and poverty basic weight of the population and to ensure(supply) the further development of our country both increas