Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind

Статья - Экономика

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e of well-being and health of a nation. became already clear not only known and outstanding scientist in the field of economy, but also experts, advanced enough in the intellectual attitude,(relation,) and simply explanatory(sensible) workers and even to the pensioners, that is completely not enough of one only of slogan about technical modernization to avoid going deep crisis, especially without обнародования of the economic, financial and technological mechanism of its(her) realization, as one only appeals to аллигаторам-олигархам and new буржуазии about expediency and necessity instead of export of the capital in foreign countries to carry out financing reproduction leaving and updating of working capacities there is completely not enough, as the principle " … and кот Васька listens, yes ест " very largely prevails above the most pathetic appeals, messages to the people and other "kind" wishes. Use of state authority only for the control of use of the collected taxes in sphere социалки and ВПК, that makes only 10-15 % from a total national product and is not only completely unreasonable self-elimination from performance of the functions, assigned by the voters, on management of a national economy, but also conducts to an impasse in all spheres of public life and at all does not guarantee performance of national idea on maintenance of well-being, health and safety of the population in harmonious and конгруэнтном a combination to the further development of intelligence and духовности of a nation. After disintegration of the Soviet Union together with economic accident there was also ideological disintegration. The population of the country has lost ориентиры of the ability to live and has run into a condition комы, in which is to this day. The new governors самоустранились from the managing role and functions on management of a national economy, передоверив their realization to the new proprietors, which interests are limited to thirst of the maximal extraction of the profit and export of the stolen capital abroad.world(global) economy by nothing the limited growth of a population at the limited and constantly decreasing natural resources inevitably will result to food and техногенному коллапсу. The point of crossing of two these curves with each decade all comes nearer to treasured апокалипсическому to a boundary more appreciablly. And the mankind engaged междоусобными in disassemblies, at all does not notice future accident and does not accept any cardinal measures with the purposes of avoidance of its(her) heavy consequences. So for example, till now it is considered, that the solar system rotates around of any of space object on an elliptic orbit with constant speed, however if to pay attention to geological epoch, their duration both dynamics(changes) of a condition and development in them фауны and флоры on a planet the Earth, as parts of solar system, it is possible to notice, that the durations of the geological periods submit to strict mathematical dependence, namely the duration of each subsequent period is less previous on the same size (factor of acceleration of rotation of a space funnel is equal 1,15-1,20), that convincingly enough speaks that specified коловращение occurs not on circles and not on elliptic curves as the classical science, and on a decreasing spiral asserts(approves). It means, that in due course, when the sun will enter direct contact with irreversible force of an attraction of a black hole as centre of our galaxy, there will come(step) the moment space коллапса of solar system with absorption her(it) with all planets and астероидами by that black hole, around of which occurs коловращение of solar system. It means, that term of existence of solar system and Earth is limited to a nature space коловращения of galaxies, and consequently also stars in them do not run up, and simply rotate around of the centres of dark forces or otherwise accepted to the name " of black holes " (for lack of the information on them) and as a result it there is a sensation that they ostensibly run up, and actually they simply leave from each other, rotating on the orbits. The Earth as against other space objects is simple напичкана by alive essences and by virtue of it is unique object of the space world, probably, unique(sole) in foreseeable space. What then to do(make) землянам? Is obedient to wait speed up or to search and probably to find ways,maybe, unique(sole) way of rescue of a planet and people, living on it(her), not being immersed further in междоусобные of disassembly, and mobilizing forces, all saved earlier and created in at present historical period, of mind(wit), knowledge and resources, created by all world, on the decision noble мисси - rescue of the planet and life on it(her). Whether will suffice at mankind of mind to stop struggle on destruction each other and immediately to proceed(pass) to search of ways of a survival in space, environmental a planet, will be found out already in the near future. It is not enough of real hopes for of it, very little, but вера that the chapters of the conducting countries of the world will find mind and will find opportunities to be going and at the first stage even to discuss an opportunity not взаимоуничтожения, and, opposite(on the contrary), creation of conditions for association of available forces and survival in space, hostile for us. But for this purpose it is necessary to unit and to mobilize all resources, available at mankind, for search of real opportunities of resettlement on other planets in space space with more long term of life. ability to live of world(global) economy during all XX of century functions on the basis of an opposition of two social systems, which leaders were by USA and USSR. Eventually, the leader of the American hawks Джон Фостер Даллес has declared, that " … we never shall overtake USSR in race of arms, because, than more we spend of means for a defense, Russia with the satellites tightens(delays) ever more belts(zones) and makes not less, than we of the nuclear weapon and means of his(its) delivery for our territory. Therefore, if we can not ruin them on race of arms by the plan of the president Гарри Трумена, it is necessary them buy, and young generation оболванить and пристрастить to the most primitive human needs(requirements): to drugs, алкоголизму, premature sex and other by most primitive " to pleasures of life ". Only so we can them win ". So actually also happened. In USA the space program on development околоземного of space space and number(line) of other military programs was curtailed(turned), and the released(exempted) means are thrown on a payoff of the Soviet партийно-administrative elite, therefore there was in USSR a restoration of capitalism in the ugliest form and the reorganization of the public, social, industrial and economic attitudes(relations) began. Therefore the state самоустранилось from management of economy, the industrial sphere of activity has fallen more, than twice, the science (excluding компрадорскую branch and fundamental) almost is completely paralysed, the level of education and maximum formation(education) has decreased approximately half, preparation of the qualified workers of the staff in craft schools, I WAIT, ФЗО and ФЗУ almost is completely stopped, there was an inflation, in short term переросшая in гиперинфляцию, the rate of unemployment has exceeded all foreign levels, basic weight of the population was divided(shared) on poor and beggars on the one hand and гламурную elite - with another and the break in the incomes of these classes steadily grows, outstripping growth of unemployment, criminality, corruption both inflation. The criminality and corruption in all branches of authority much more was exceeded by(with) all foreign limits, the growth of intensity and dissatisfaction in a society(community) outstrips growth of inflation. Рецессия has struck not only economy, but also sphere of morals. The sizes arrived at the expense of operation of the hired workers have exceeded and much more foreign levels. And as is known, when the profit exceeds hundreds percents(interests), the moral principles stop to work, there is a situation when already there is no such crime on which any businessman would not venture practically.of morals, is especial among youth, has reached(achieved) in Russia already запредельного of a level. The parents already more, than in 70 % of cases have appeared "thrown" children reached(achieved) majorities and who have begun labour activity. The principle вещизма already strongly enough has taken roots in consciousness of youth, and it inevitably derivates egoism, priority of own material interests above honour and debt before a native land, parents and other close relatives, let alone distant, neighbours and friends. The former colleagues on work and friends on life have turned to the competitors capable on any immoral acts for the sake of "шкурных" of the interests. The prospects of such attitudes(relations) in a society(community) and family are rather pitiable and are extremely undesirable to preservation of ability to live of a society(community) and prospects of his(its) development.and the wide circulation генномодифицированных of products (ГМП) puts additional and irreparable damage to human community, protection from which in the foreseeable future is not looked throug