Статья по предмету Экономика

  • 1. Dynamics(changes) of development of mankind
    Статьи Экономика

    From ancient times till now there are two main ways of development of mankind: evolutionary and revolutionary. To each sane man it is clear, that the revolutionary way can not proceed constantly. The revolutionary way comes on change evolutionary in process of accumulation in a society(community) of new knowledge about a nature, and occurrence of the contradictions on this basis. It is objective process of development of mankind allocated reason and capable not only to accumulate of knowledge, accumulating, thus, valuable experience, and to transfer them by right of succession, but also to comprehend them. The comprehension saved earlier and again of acquired knowledge and experience results in opening, which introduction in practice of labour activity marks by itself the next stage of revolutionary development. Most appreciable for mankind by stages at the beginning of development of a human civilization were the following. The first stage was knowledge of force of fire and use it(him) for transformation of crude food (meat of killed animals and assembled fruits of wild plants) in more suitable kind for the safe use in food. The reception of fire by rotation or friction of combustible subjects the friend about the friend became a traditional way of reception of fire, and the maintenance of the center became a urgent duty of a female half of ancient people.from take of fruits of wild plants to cultivation of plants, which fruits are suitable for a feed(meal) was a new and rather essential stage of development of an ancient civilization, and take of wild animals promoted cattle breeding, овцеводству, свиноводству, коневодству and other directions приручения of animals, before living in a wild nature. (next) - the third stage was the invention of a wheel - at first as перекатывания of the cut down trees to the center, and then use them as a vehicle for delivery of other heavy subjects (stones killed large animals which have been tumbled down by a wind or cut down trees etc.), that has served to one of the main conditions of a structure of artificial dwellings in places constant or long обитания. fourth stage of development of a civilization became a division of labour on the hunters and farmers, that promoted occurrence of crafts and further differentiation of kinds of labour activity, and also occurrence of a class of the handicraftsmen and crafts, first of all such as manufacturing of footwear and having sewed clothes, then the laundries, workshops on repair of a various household utensils, spinning both weaver's мануфактуры and other workshops on service of the urban population have followed красильные мануфактуры. In деревнях and other settlements in a countryside the population, as a rule, served itself independently. following fifth stage was association of crafts in larger manufactures and has resulted in creation larger мануфактур and factory mass manufacture of commodity production intended, mainly, for sale to the population and other consumers, first of all to large trade specialized companies and separate merchants, that marked transition to next, namely sixth stage of development of world(global) community.seventh stage of development of a civilization became the invention of machines and mechanisms about use of the heated up water as pair, when the Scottish engineer Джеймс Уатт has created suitable to use the steam engine becoming a basis of industrial revolution, as the development of communication(connection) and non-productive branches of a national economy - public health services, education, culture, science, sports (including professional), sphere of household service of the population has served by a powerful push to mass creation of steam machines both forced development of capacities and simultaneously mass outcome of peasantry in cities with the advanced network of industrial manufacture, and also construction iron and highways, metallurgical manufacture, creation of building industry specialized building organizations, industry of building materials, introduction of agricultural machines in agricultural sphere of activity,, Tourism and other directions of mass service of the population.following stage, eighth under the account, was the invention of an electricity and use it(him) in industrial activity simultaneously with production and processing of mineral raw material. The mines(shaft) and mines for production of this raw material, and also factories and factories on his(its) processing for manufacturing instruments of work and more perfect means of manufacture have appeared. The invention of an electricity promoted occurrence and other important sphere of activity of a society(community) - occurrence of a communication facility, which further development has resulted in new qualitative transformations in human labour activity.following ninth stage became occurrence of computers and software, mass radio and TV, video and аудимагнитофонов, mobile telephone communication(connection), андроидов, смартфонов and other means of the mass communications, as has resulted in creation of new economy or creation of науко-capacious commodity production on a basis наукоемких of technologies and manufactures.invention nuclear and термоядерной of energy was new and powerful by tenth already under the account by a stage of the further development of a science, engineering and economy of a lot of the countries advanced in technical and public development. Understand, that on it the further development of a human civilization will not stop, and, opposite(on the contrary), will receive a new pulse of the further development. disclosing of secret генома of the man and creation генномодифицированных of products became new achievement of a civilization, which consequences still as follows are not investigated and according to the theory Кроуза can to bring to mankind both positive, and negative consequences.for us waits further, including in the near future? It is obvious, that use термоядерного of synthesis with the help токомаков and кол-лайдеров for reception of cheap energy as electrical and further development of a science already enough has ripened to be realized already in the near future. On turn new fundamental achievement in the field of fundamental physics, бионики and biology, medicine and public health services, нанотехнологии and know-how, economy, ecology both other prime and urgent directions of human activity. the present historical period of development of a civilization the evolutionary way of development lasts already more than three tens years. It speaks what not behind mountains new breaks in a science and realization of its(her) achievement, that proves to be true also by astrological forecasts, which speak about come(stepped) with 2003 on change of epoch of Fishes of era Водолея, in an atmosphere of which, as is known, our country historically settles down and which marks the accelerated development of a science and engineering. , for us there are quite favorable prospects for acceleration of development public and scientific and technical, and also industrial and social development, if only come to pass restoration of the public attitudes(relations) will not result in increase with the subsequent long stabilization рецессии in all spheres of ability to live of a society(community). real threat of occurrence of new public shocks in connection with disorder of Union, plunder and assignment общенародной of a state ownership "демократами" of a new wave both high rates and volumes of increase of inflation, unemployment and social intensity caused by the increasing increase of break in the incomes of a new prevailing class (new буржуазии, officials, senators and deputies who have degenerated in new элитный a layer, new отгородившийся from other weight of the population by power structures) and basic weight of the workers of hired work, with each year becomes more and more appreciable, and further deepening of financial crisis, рецессия of manufacture, morals and morals proceeding inflation, steady growth of unemployment and prices, first of all on medicines and жилищно-municipal services, Appreciablly outstripping insignificant increase of pensions and minimal wages purposefully conduct to steady increase of an opposition of basic weight of the population, including the workers of hired work, and new prevailing elite layer of the employers acquiring huge барыши at the expense of escalating operation of the workers of hired work and the basic industrial and non-productive funds, доставшихся to the new owners at the expense of a speculative privatization of a state ownership and assignment of money resources of the investors enclosing last accumulation, stayed after a privatization общенародной of the property.stopping on more detailed consideration of the reasons who is guilty also who has created conditions for обнищания of the basic national weights, it is much more useful to concentrate attention on that, and that is necessary to do(make) first of all to pull out from poverty and poverty basic weight of the population and to ensure(supply) the further development of our country both increase of well-being and health of a nation. became already clear not only known and outstanding scientist in the field of economy, but also experts, advanced enough in the intellectual attitude,(relation,) and simply explanatory(sensible) workers and even to the pensioners, that is completely not enough of one only of slogan about technical modernization to avoid going deep crisis, especially without обнародования of the economic, financial and technological mechanism of its(her) realization, as one only appeals to аллигаторам-олигархам and new буржуазии about expediency and necessity instead of export of the capital in foreign countries to carry out financing reproduction leaving and updating of working capacities there is completely not enough, as the principle " … and кот Васька listens, yes ест " very largely prevails above the most pathetic appeals, messages to the people and other "kind" wishes. Use of state authority only for the control of use of the collected taxes in sphere социалки and ВПК, that makes only 10-15 % from a total national product and is not only completely unreasonable self-elimination from performance of the functions, assigned by the voters, on management of a national economy, but also conducts to an impasse in all spheres of public life and at all does not guarantee performance of national idea on maintenance of well-being, health and safety of the population in harmonious and конгруэнтном a combination to the further development of intelligence and духовности of a nation. After disintegration of the Soviet Union together with economic accident there was also ideological disintegration. The population of the country has lost ориентиры of the ability to live and has run into a condition комы, in which is to this day. The new governors самоустранились from the managing role and functions on management of a national economy, передоверив their realization to the new proprietors, which interests are limited to thirst of the maximal extraction of the profit and export of the stolen capital abroad.world(global) economy by nothing the limited growth of a population at the limited and constantly decreasing natural resources inevitably will result to food and техногенному коллапсу. The point of crossing of two these curves with each decade all comes nearer to treasured апокалипсическому to a boundary more appreciablly. And the mankind engaged междоусобными in disassemblies, at all does not notice future accident and does not accept any cardinal measures with the purposes of avoidance of its(her) heavy consequences. So for example, till now it is considered, that the solar system rotates around of any of space object on an elliptic orbit with constant speed, however if to pay attention to geological epoch, their duration both dynamics(changes) of a condition and development in them фауны and флоры on a planet the Earth, as parts of solar system, it is possible to notice, that the durations of the geological periods submit to strict mathematical dependence, namely the duration of each subsequent period is less previous on the same size (factor of acceleration of rotation of a space funnel is equal 1,15-1,20), that convincingly enough speaks that specified коловращение occurs not on circles and not on elliptic curves as the classical science, and on a decreasing spiral asserts(approves). It means, that in due course, when the sun will enter direct contact with irreversible force of an attraction of a black hole as centre of our galaxy, there will come(step) the moment space коллапса of solar system with absorption her(it) with all planets and астероидами by that black hole, around of which occurs коловращение of solar system. It means, that term of existence of solar system and Earth is limited to a nature space коловращения of galaxies, and consequently also stars in them do not run up, and simply rotate around of the centres of dark forces or otherwise accepted to the name " of black holes " (for lack of the information on them) and as a result it there is a sensation that they ostensibly run up, and actually they simply leave from each other, rotating on the orbits. The Earth as against other space objects is simple напичкана by alive essences and by virtue of it is unique object of the space world, probably, unique(sole) in foreseeable space. What then to do(make) землянам? Is obedient to wait speed up or to search and probably to find ways,maybe, unique(sole) way of rescue of a planet and people, living on it(her), not being immersed further in междоусобные of disassembly, and mobilizing forces, all saved earlier and created in at present historical period, of mind(wit), knowledge and resources, created by all world, on the decision noble мисси - rescue of the planet and life on it(her). Whether will suffice at mankind of mind to stop struggle on destruction each other and immediately to proceed(pass) to search of ways of a survival in space, environmental a planet, will be found out already in the near future. It is not enough of real hopes for of it, very little, but вера that the chapters of the conducting countries of the world will find mind and will find opportunities to be going and at the first stage even to discuss an opportunity not взаимоуничтожения, and, opposite(on the contrary), creation of conditions for association of available forces and survival in space, hostile for us. But for this purpose it is necessary to unit and to mobilize all resources, available at mankind, for search of real opportunities of resettlement on other planets in space space with more long term of life. ability to live of world(global) economy during all XX of century functions on the basis of an opposition of two social systems, which leaders were by USA and USSR. Eventually, the leader of the American hawks Джон Фостер Даллес has declared, that " … we never shall overtake USSR in race of arms, because, than more we spend of means for a defense, Russia with the satellites tightens(delays) ever more belts(zones) and makes not less, than we of the nuclear weapon and means of his(its) delivery for our territory. Therefore, if we can not ruin them on race of arms by the plan of the president Гарри Трумена, it is necessary them buy, and young generation оболванить and пристрастить to the most primitive human needs(requirements): to drugs, алкоголизму, premature sex and other by most primitive " to pleasures of life ". Only so we can them win ". So actually also happened. In USA the space program on development околоземного of space space and number(line) of other military programs was curtailed(turned), and the released(exempted) means are thrown on a payoff of the Soviet партийно-administrative elite, therefore there was in USSR a restoration of capitalism in the ugliest form and the reorganization of the public, social, industrial and economic attitudes(relations) began. Therefore the state самоустранилось from management of economy, the industrial sphere of activity has fallen more, than twice, the science (excluding компрадорскую branch and fundamental) almost is completely paralysed, the level of education and maximum formation(education) has decreased approximately half, preparation of the qualified workers of the staff in craft schools, I WAIT, ФЗО and ФЗУ almost is completely stopped, there was an inflation, in short term переросшая in гиперинфляцию, the rate of unemployment has exceeded all foreign levels, basic weight of the population was divided(shared) on poor and beggars on the one hand and гламурную elite - with another and the break in the incomes of these classes steadily grows, outstripping growth of unemployment, criminality, corruption both inflation. The criminality and corruption in all branches of authority much more was exceeded by(with) all foreign limits, the growth of intensity and dissatisfaction in a society(community) outstrips growth of inflation. Рецессия has struck not only economy, but also sphere of morals. The sizes arrived at the expense of operation of the hired workers have exceeded and much more foreign levels. And as is known, when the profit exceeds hundreds percents(interests), the moral principles stop to work, there is a situation when already there is no such crime on which any businessman would not venture practically.of morals, is especial among youth, has reached(achieved) in Russia already запредельного of a level. The parents already more, than in 70 % of cases have appeared "thrown" children reached(achieved) majorities and who have begun labour activity. The principle вещизма already strongly enough has taken roots in consciousness of youth, and it inevitably derivates egoism, priority of own material interests above honour and debt before a native land, parents and other close relatives, let alone distant, neighbours and friends. The former colleagues on work and friends on life have turned to the competitors capable on any immoral acts for the sake of "шкурных" of the interests. The prospects of such attitudes(relations) in a society(community) and family are rather pitiable and are extremely undesirable to preservation of ability to live of a society(community) and prospects of his(its) development.and the wide circulation генномодифицированных of products (ГМП) puts additional and irreparable damage to human community, protection from which in the foreseeable future is not looked through at all. Dissociation of the people the growing contradictions and intensity inside the countries and between them create insuperable barrier to the decision of the current and arising again global problems of preservation of a human civilization. In Russia at one time междоусобица between князьями has allowed to subdue the strong Russian state to the татаро-Mongolian invasion and more than 300 years Русь was under татаро-Mongolian игом. But the raker still lays on ways of development of mankind and if present властелины of the peoples will not find ways of achievement of the coordinated actions for preservation of a planet and life of the people, occupying her(it), first of all in territory of the states, the most gloomy expectations can be carried out and for ever stop existence of a human civilization on our guilty and surprisingly beautiful, fertile and rich natural resources and people to a planet the Earth. But, before to decide(solve) global space problems, it is necessary in the beginning to understand with внутригосударственными. Here again on the first place such human factors as greed and short-sightedness of the new proprietors act. The product of two these qualities in connection with милтоновской by the doctrine of non-interference of the state in private(individual) business is and there is that гремучая a mix, which on potential not only is capable to create new social shocks in a society(community), but also will overturn all those rather weak foundations, which were created per 90 years of past century. thus, to understand one simple true idea, what not the dictatorship of the new attitudes(relations) in the country based on plunder and assignment общенародной of the property and national riches станы, and not dictatorship of the new proprietors, swindlers, жулья, corruption and криминала by what increases in payment of work to power structures she(it) would not try to keep the gains, and the dictatorship of conscience, mind(wit), goods and force of the plundered population and first of all of youth will help to rescue the country from грозящей of national accident and if верхи it they will not understand, first of all this бурю and пожнут. mankind development genome economy russiavariants thus in the near future, proceeding from the independent scientific analysis of the current rule(situation), simply is not looked through by definition.

  • 2. Efficiency of economic safety of the coal companies and population of coal regions
    Статьи Экономика

    To the present time and without that the low level of technical and technological safety of the coal enterprises has conceded the priority to observance of the new requirements of socio economic safety of the coal companies, as independent legal persons, and population of coal regions, which has appeared the hostage of the financial crisis smoothly passing in economic and system crisis of the usual attitudes(relations) in a society(community). avoid negative consequences proceeding in real sector of economy and in financial sphere of activity, despite of significant injections from the earlier saved resources of fund, in process of his(its) exhaustion in the nearest prospect down to symbolical 2017 (by century of October revolution) will hardly be presented possible(probable) on a lot of the following objective and subjective reasons and their negative consequences. , to stop growth of unemployment in branch and in the country as a whole, despite of effort of the appropriate administrative structures on management of economic activity at all levels of management of economy, it was not possible, that was obvious right at the beginning in real sector. Opposite(on the contrary) only within 2010 the quantity(amount) of the unemployed only on the official data has increased more than on 1200 thousand the man, having reached(achieved) a level 8,9 % from the able-bodied population of the country, not considering the considerably increased inflow from near foreign countries. Difficultly even to itself to present, when complete forces the healthy man, the father of one or two children having on the contents of the parents and wife, loses for the reasons, independent of him,(it,) job as a unique(sole) source of existence and by virtue of these circumstances is compelled to sell the habitation and everything, that in him is, that any time to support the family, and then becomes or criminal as the unemployment benefit does not suffice even on payment ЖКХ, and on a feed(meal), the footwear and clothes does not remain practically anything. And such helpless on fault of the state of the people with each year becomes ever more and more. The state bodies of authorities admitting a high level of unemployment have no any moral right on preservation of the authority, therefore owe or accept urgent and resolute measures on its(her) liquidation, or leave in a resignation and concede the place to anothers, more qualified, ideologically sustained and morally steady experts capable to organize job in the country so that to involve resolutely all basic resources in the country, first of all human, natural, industrial both non-productive basic and circulating capitals for release of commodity production in volumes and quality ensuring need(requirement) of all population of the country. The economists of many countries of the world already for a long time and repeatedly enough is proved asserted(approved), that the presence even of insignificant unemployment speaks about inability and the state to operate economy of the country. And in it our state is high time and his(its) administrative structures with Olympic calmness look at mass growing disaster of a significant part of the population and prepare the new reports and messages to the people about growing well-being of a nation. That can be even worse, than growing rate of unemployment and huge weight of a manpower of the country in its(her) base branches and regions ensuring an industry and the population by a heat, light, products of a feed(meal), footwear, clothes, habitation, home appliances, electrical energy both other goods and services ensuring normal conditions of ability to live of the population.the country, richest natural resources and huge means of manufacture created per the previous centuries to admit(allow) highest in the world a rate of unemployment is it is necessary to note as outstanding "achievement" in sphere of management of a national economy. Thus it is necessary to remind, that who has not tested on itself of a rule (situation) of the unemployed, that never will understand of all tragedy of the usual hardest rule(situation) in economy and in social sphere of ability to live of coal and other industrial regions of the country. Thus also occurs almost not appreciable on the first sight (especially on the part of elite layers of the society(community) which has secured the material rule(situation) at the expense of assignment of property - of the deputies, senators, officials, magnates and other supplied layers of the population, so-called, transition from manufacture to a manpower and population - last source of preservation of ability to live in the country. Unless it is possible to close eyes and to not see that after growth of unemployment by higher rates the criminality, including criminal, mass and teenage grows. A society(community), in which crime rate and the quantity(amount) of the persons ready to make of a crime exceeds an allowable limit of a parity(ratio) of criminals and ready to their fulfillments with a level of the legislative citizens itself on economic, moral and intellectual. And unless such tendency of development and material rule (situation) in the country is not practical realization of the widely known program of the former director ЦРУ and also in the recent past of the former prime minister of Great Britain (former state secretary of USA population, calling for reduction, in Russia by 2050 up to 50 ml. The man, including radical Russian - up to 15 ml. The man for service of needs(requirements) of the American economy). And how to coordinate ideology of aggressive circles of USA and world (global) elite to ideology in the Russian society(community).past 20 years of reforming of economy and public life in Russia already need(requirement) and necessity for declaration for a long time has ripened as priority national idea maintenance in the prime order of health, safety and well-being of a nation in a harmonious and close combination to the further development of intelligence (first of all professional trainings) and a nation, meaning under first of all education, preservation and development of such moral qualities as validity, honesty, decency, respect for work (main source of preservation of a nation), and also to the old men, women and children. Already enough has ripened and it is time to realize, to understand and to accept to execution(performance) realization real and already of operative measures on an output(exit) from financial, economic and social - political crisis, so is unexpected (in spheres of management of the country and regions) struck economy of our country, in spite of the fact that there are a lot of domestic economists convincingly enough and is proved predicted inevitability of approach of crisis in USA and then in other countries, not excluding and Russia. Truly prophets no in the fatherland and principle - wanted as better, and has left as always, became the main principle of management of economic safety in the country. , filled notorious (difference) between a real rate of inflation and officially in 2008, 2009 and 2010 also appreciably has grown and has reached(achieved) a marginal level, which excess is inadmissible, differently can result to more, than unpredictable consequences. misunderstanding of danger of steady growth of inflation in a combination to preservation of a high level of unemployment and latent growth from such symbiosis of social intensity and mass criminality is even worse, than to not pay attention to a bomb of the slowed down action ready to blow up in any (more often in most unpredictable) the moment is like of the declaration, incorporated still(even) in 1918, of a principle of self-determination of nations. The specified self-determination is really unexpected in 1990 has resulted in disintegration powerful on fine splinters, which consequences we and are compelled now to experience and to reflect on foggy and not iridescent prospects in nearest and long-term future. The truth prospects removed future(next) recently were a little improved at the expense of increase of term of powers of an elected management(manual) of the country from four till six years, but you see even with multiplication of this term to two terms is only drop in the sea, which at all does not allow even to dream of far prospects. Why at once to not establish terms of performance of high duties to the deputies and management(manual) of the country at once of years as it already was in former times, when corrected(ruled) till 20-30 of years and more. Corrected by the country and rather successfully 34 years, Peter? - 43 years are even more successful. So why to not adopt instructive experience last for our present time and future, you see then there would be a time and on a management(manual) of the country and its(her) economy, and not just on actually continuously being engaged in pre-election technologies and realization them in ours life. It is not necessary to overlook(forget) thus, that the country deprived of prospect or on a place, when other countries such as China and other Asian countries, and also European and is prompt forward to the planned purposes, or will be rolled to general(common) and irreversible crisis. , the further growth not only volumes, but also rates of a social stratification in a society(community) inevitably guarantees dangerous rapprochement of a risky rate of unemployment both growing number of the poor and poor population, first of all pensioners on the old age prematurely sent on so-called deserved rest (in spite of the fact that the majority of them would continue to work and to benefit a society(community) and profit to the new proprietors), invalids steadily growing number of elements, including for which the time of departure of short punishments became original rates of increase of thieves' and criminal qualification and growth of specialization in this sphere. The consequences of such symbiosis are even worse and more dangerously, than cocktail. Because the merge of poverty and unemployment with fall of morals and morals does not summarize negative consequences, and multiplies them.- fourth, the fall of intelligence and morals of growing up generation in dependence on a steadily growing level, foul language, smoking and other forms of moral fall and physical exhaustion inevitably and steadily conducts to spiritual, intellectual and physical backwardness of a nation annually updated on more, than one million young of the citizens, which most part already never can and will not work and to be useful to a society(community). And this prospect already not with each year, and literally with each quarter from far prospect steadily comes nearer to the nearest future and realization of the program, that requires(demands) acceptance of urgent and resolute actions on of fall of morals and morals, and, main, physical exhaustion and intellectual of growing up generation and more and more appreciable decrease(reduction) of a material rule(situation) almost half of population of the country which has been lead up to poverty and poverty. to estimate a degree both depth of a vital and spiritual level of a nation it is necessary to develop methodology and technique of an estimation of efficiency of the usual economic safety of ability to live of a nation for the present did not become irrevocably late. In these purposes it is necessary to develop criteria of an estimation of size of a level of economic safety of ability to live of a nation in coordination with the social standards, including with a working technique of account of a minimum level of wages, minimal of a level (not only food, but also in work of satisfaction of a steadily growing level of needs(requirements) in footwear, clothes, other subjects of the industrial goods, goods of cultural - household purpose(appointment), normative maintenance by qualitative and modern habitation, preservation and development of a non-productive social infrastructure of miner's regions in places of mass residing of miner's families etc., Which now or is not developed and for this reason does not work, or is under a signature stamp of extreme privacy and is latent from a public not only in a mass seal, but even and in the Internet). To the present time there was such situation, that remained anything more confidential, than material, intellectual and spiritual level of the population and ruling layer in a society (community). Even wages working, employee and administrative board at the enterprises, in cooperative and public organizations and in official bodies began to give out under the separate pay sheets to hide a growing difference in the incomes of the hired workers on the one hand both new proprietors and administration - with another. Such differentiation in a material rule (situation) of the population of the country inevitably conducts to growth of an inequality and intensity in public development, which approach of chronic hatred of bottoms with known consequences of social shocks inevitably follows. Whether so costs (stands) after the short period boundless above deceived by pleasures from the achieved results to try even to comprehend results of reorganization of the public attitudes(relations) and prospects of consequences of a growing inequality in a society(community). You see after a no controllable and boundless material inequality inevitably arises and the alienation and inequality moral, moral and ideological grows. Even already has arisen and language of dialogue in layers of new Russian and not Russian proprietors, businessmen, officials, deputies and businessmen functions new, so-called, involved on criminal and foul language. specified attributes as convincingly enough show sticking out from within decomposition in the top layers new, component to the present time already about 15-20 % from an aggregate number of the population of the country, still approximately 25-30 % of an average layers, and other population remained in poverty and poverty. Unless it now is the purpose of development of our society (community). Unless injurious operation of natural resources and export abroad of most valuable of them - petroleum, gas, diamonds, gold, color and black metals raw wood, and also boundless operation of a manpower, freezing of wages, mass dismissal of the most qualified staff simultaneously with liquidation of craft schools, schools ФЗО, average special establishments, public health services, science and the educations can apply be by national idea, purpose and main task of development of our society(community) while increase of well-being, of health and safety of a nation more and more and is more removed on a background. this reason the question on an estimation of efficiency of economic safety already now is extreme urgent and extremely important in all branches national (national economy already practically remained) facilities (economy) of the country. In what essence of economic strategy of new managing structures - in that to ensure (supply) the maximal profit to the new proprietors and at the expense of the maximal operation of a manpower and them together with the pensioners and invalids, and also production and sale abroad of most valuable natural resources in indissoluble communication(connection) with growth of corruption and criminality. But you see such simultaneously with it inevitably results in uttermost of intelligence and a nation, which consequences on some orders will be more appreciable, than famous waves in economic sphere. But in this case general(common) economic and spiritual crisis from a long-term future by rates exceeding a gain of inflation, promptly comes nearer to the nearest future and already begins to bite the current condition of an economic situation of basic weight of the population of the country. criteria it is necessary to estimate efficiency of economic safety of the country and its(her) population by. It is obvious, that first of all incomes of the citizens can not exceed, especially essentially exceed, difference in the intellectual, physical and professional acquired and inherent qualities and abilities. The excessive inequality of the citizens who have arisen because of illegally acquired state and the property by gamble by separate groups of "comrades" has resulted not only in an inconceivable stratification of a society(community) on poor and rich (that certainly and was an overall objective of "reforms"), but also has resulted in sharp fall of morals and morals, and after this also of intellectual level new, sharp fall and mass liquidation of scientific researches - this major factor of development of economic potential of the country. In this connection the conversations on modernization of industrial manufacture remain only conversations, as any resolute economic measures is not accepted and there is no hope, especially of reliance, that they will be carried out. Therefore quite reasonably there is a fair question - criterion by criteria, and what concrete measures can deduce (remove) the country from the current crisis and to prevent approaching general (common) crisis, or else of all economic and political system in the country. this connection it is necessary to consider and to accept prime steps in a direction of alignment of the usual skews and not so much in break of the incomes between elite and basic weight of the population, how much in ordering first of all in financial and simultaneously with it in economic sphere of activity at the expense of realization of the following concrete measures:nationalization of banks with simultaneous transferring of accounting services, which now are in one with the proprietors and administration of the enterprises, from the companies and enterprises is direct in state banks and payment of their work at the expense of the state, instead of at the expense of the incomes of the enterprises and proprietors, which they serve. The independence of financial and accounting services of administration both new owners of the enterprises and companies (switching ОАО, ЗАО, ООО and other structural divisions) should be guaranteed legislatively and is carried out. The state should not depend on banks and at each financial failure of commercial banks. Only in this case state bodies of authority will receive real levers of management of economy in the country and in its (her) regions and the transparent state politics in economic and industrial spheres of activity can be supplied;nationalization of the enterprises of base and key branches, including all natural monopolies first of all engaged in injurious operation of natural resources with the purposes of export all most valuable natural and of raw material in foreign countries and reception at the expense of it vast, that derivates not only poverty and poverty of the population, but also results in aspirations on satisfaction of the inconceivable before perverted needs(requirements) of the new employers. The mass and unattended export of the capital abroad, first of all in USA, under doubtful percents(interests) instead of modernization, modernization and reconstruction of the working enterprises has turned from single measures to the steady tendency of development of economy in foreign countries to the detriment of domestic economy; and realization in the urgent order of the branch and state programs on liquidation of unemployment at the expense of restoration of the destroyed domestic manufacture and creation of the new enterprises on a modern technological level so that within 3-4 years to exclude completely delivery of the import goods and foodstuffs, which quality does not answer needs(requirements) of the population. In essence, our foreign "friends" dump(reset) to us all that production, which has ceased to be in demand in their countries because of the delayed terms of a storage, and also technically and technologically out-of-date with the large constructive lacks and made from poor-quality raw material;restoration liquidated craft, railway, miner's, building and other professional direction of schools and average special educational institutions, and also research organizations, which bring as a result of their introduction in manufacture huge profit, not commensurable with the incomes of an investment of the investments even in the most effective projects;attitude(relation) to a science, public health services and education as to spheres of commercial activity requires(demands) radical change, as the oath is not compatible to treatment for money, and quality of treatment depending on thickness of a purse of the patient not only is not humane, but also causes steady potential neglect to the honor and hardworking citizens not capable to give of a bribe (and not only by the material opportunities, but also from moral principles) on the one hand and accordingly plain and inadequate answer-back negative reaction of the population to corruption and extortion. And a science directly conducts to complete loss of objectivity of results of scientific researches and preparation of conclusions in conformity with wishes of the customers and sponsors. In sphere of education already for a long time children of the rich parents are in a privileged rule (situation), first of all at an estimation of knowledge, as results knowledge of such youngs. Here it is necessary to note an obviously primitive rating scale, is especial in a higher school, where from five numbers two are actually involved only (4 numbers and 5 numbers) and partially 3 numbers, which presence is more, than in two subjects results in deprivation of the grant, owing to what such estimation becomes the large rarity. Is asked why instead of such clumsy system of an estimation of knowledge of the students and schoolboys to not use for a long time system of an estimation of results of economic activity of the industrial enterprises on 100-ball system.short-sightedness preservation of primitive system of payment of habitation and municipal services. After reception of pensions of millions pensioners and other population hurry up in banks to give back almost half of received grant (manual) for given to him(it) (more often poor-quality) service in water supply, water drain, and also other finer charges for export of dust, for the teleaerial, contents of lifts and miscellaneous costs. In these purposes the banks are compelled to employ on job of hundred thousand accounting workers only for performance of this primitive operation. Is asked why to not simplify this primitive circuit and to reduce the sizes of pensions and payment of work by payment of normative habitation and the appropriate sizes (taking into account, that the pensions in Russia are below of a level it be necessary in general to remove(take off) from them this burden, having released(exempted) thus thousand bookkeepers from unnecessary job, the payment of which work is comparable to the sizes of money resources, withdrawn from the population, on these purposes), having saved payment of above permitted standard habitation and municipal services, and also with the purposes of elimination of the not labor incomes at the expense of delivery in rent of habitation (which operation by the tenants as a rule is not paid at all raising thus tariffs for habitation and services), to pass surpluses of habitation at disposal of local municipalities, that will allow substantially to facilitate and, at last, completely to decide(solve) housing problem not waiting of the end of light basically for this reason;parity(ratio) of the manufacturers of commodity production and its(her) consumers steadily grows for the benefit of last instead of steadily being reduced up to an optimum level.for example, in the labor code there is clause 178, in which is spoken, that (during staff redundancies) is paid to the dismissed worker the target grant(manual), and also behind it(him) the average monthly earnings for the period of employment, but not over two months is saved from the date of dismissal (including the target grant(manual)). It would seem to any competent worker clearly, that besides the target grant(manual) as a payment for mental cruelty in connection with violent dismissal and as gratitude for long-term work at the given enterprise, him is still given out bi-monthly earnings for search of job. However, not here that was, the officials at once have grasped the additive in brackets to treat the target grant(manual) as a payment for the first month of search of job. The absurd of such treatment, and after her and failure(refusal) in payment of the target grant(manual), but to prove to the officials limitation of their thinking, when before them the real opportunity to appropriate(give) to itself this grant(manual), is useless. Not everyone will go to prove the correctness in court, where years skill of enrichment at the expense of the injured. It is necessary immediately to clean(remove) the provocative additive in brackets in order to prevent ambiguous interpretation, as it mentions significant weights for a threshold of the native enterprise, especially, if they there have worked not one ten years; trade unions at hiring and dismissal of the workers excludes expediency of their functioning, therefore it is necessary to restore the right of trade union to forbid employment or dismissal of the members of trade union without the consent of general(common) trade-union assembly, and also to restore the rights of trade unions under the control of economic activity of administrations of the enterprises. Besides fiscal payments of member payments at complete of professional unions of the workers of the enterprises and organizations completely loses logic and sense of withdrawal of the specified payments from the workers;an estimated parameter of a level of economic activity for the not clear reasons instead of a standard of well-being of basic weight of the population and pensioners the total parameter is accepted. The scientific economists already for a long time have proved senselessness of an estimation of a level of ability to live of a nation on total parameters, nevertheless most ridiculous and primitive parameters hiding actual successes and failures in development of economy till now are applied;size of pension should be measured not by the intricate circuits with numerous them and actual labor experience multiplied on appropriate branch factor from 1,5 up to 2,5 % from an average level of the salary in the appropriate branch;employment and preservation at job of the persons in the age of more than 48-50 years actually became the large rarity. The new employers (administrative, so-called managers - clumsiest expression from the foreign dictionary) refuse even to consider(examine) a professional level advanced in the age of the persons aspiring to get a job, and the constitution in ignorance. Whether it is time to wake them or to call for the order. A trouble, that there is nobody it to make; a long time already has ripened expediency and industrial necessity instead of 46 existing taxes to enter Uniform at a rate of 25-33 % from the proceeds for realized production with liquidation of tax services and tax inspection under condition of realization of accounts on realization of production through the State Banks, however even the reasoning on this theme in a seal are not supposed. Thus the usual practice in MASS-MEDIA willingly printing everyone the significant fees amazes but for scientific clauses on burning questions from the science officers instead of the deserved fee for the done job the editors, including main, require(demand) an advance payment from the authors, which not always have money even on the transport charges before edition. By unique(sole) surtax to Uniform it would be expedient to enter the parental tax, as in the majority the parents, bringing up children, have appeared now thrown liked smokes, as a result of violent introduction in their consciousness of market ideology excluding moral principles and a duty to the parents; generated in last years, switching and fine, the parties(set) already for a long time do not answer interests neither people, nor the states and should be liquidated as superfluous as well as parliament in such excessively huge quantity(amount) of overwhelming number of the illiterate deputies and senators. At the state and the people can not be of other purposes except for a safety, health and well-being of a nation in a harmonious combination to preservation and further development of intelligence (first of all professional trainings of the staff in various spheres of activity). Institutes with others what for are necessary, including by the purposes, hostile to a society (community), and to express uniform idea of such quantity(amount) at all it is not required, that for the sake of then to contain at the expense of the state budget so much at such slow movement in a uncertain direction without the precise purpose, without a rudder and without "ветрил". Certainly, what is it not complete list of all necessary measures for an output(exit) from crisis, however and realization of this list of measures it is quite enough, that the precise rate on steady progress forward - was designated as it is possible further from that condition of economy, in which have resulted forced "reforms" under the foreign recipes. As Russian king " … at Russia spoke no and never was of the friends except for the army and fleet ". Now it is possible to add still "except for both rocket armies and love to the Native land. Then what for a tail and so low to bow to that already for a long time and steadily degenerates without assistance, and the recent attempts of last president in Staffs(states) remind of a perishing civilization, than revival economy in a fog boundless and schemers, any more one century on work, sweat and blood foreign more. Certainly as well that the performance only one measures from the stated above list of operative measures does not decide (solve) a problem as a whole. The resolute and complex approach and balanced strategy of a conclusion of a national economy from crisis is necessary. Undoubtedly only that a string of a conclusion of the country from crisis is maintenance of economic safety closely connected from technical and technological modernizations, by reconstruction and modernization not only and not there is a lot of technological level of a technological complex, and intellectual and spiritual level of a nation. Therefore role of a science and scientific staff, first of all of advanced age which has reached (achieved) necessary experience in this business, is important and is urgent as never. Yes the mentioned above kind wishes will come true before economic, technical, technological, organizational both social - political general (common) and complete in economy and public life of our country.

  • 3. The basic principles of regulation by safety of economy
    Статьи Экономика

    The main levers of management of a national economy, regions, companies and enterprises are the prices for the goods both services and taxes to the proceeds from realization of commodity production, which structure includes also proceeds from realization of services to the population, enterprises, establishments and organizations. Whether the prices should be adjusted by the state or carry spontaneous character? Стихийность ценообразования as a consequence boundless демократизации in economic activity already has proved the economic inconsistency and does not require additional substantiations of its(her) unfitness for economic activity and balanced development of economy of any country. The economically unreasonable failure(refusal) of the doctrine of participation of the state in management of economy of our country has resulted the country in a general(common) economic crisis. Galloping inflation, as a consequence of holiday of the prices in the period of the most active reorganization of the economic attitudes(relations) (1992-1999 гг.), resulted(brought) to обнищанию of basic weight of the population and bankruptcy of a significant part of the enterprises and continuing the destructive influence on economic activity of the enterprises and ability to live of the population which has received the name of "shock" therapy, отзвуки with which and till the present time do not cease, at all was not economic necessity. The price has appeared is too great for the carried out(spent) reorganization, and the results - are much lower than the initial purposes. The balanced price policy(politics) is the integral function of any civilized state, имманентно inherent to it(him) as a part whole организма. The failure(refusal) of the control, regulation and management of the prices on the goods and services actually means self-elimination of state structures from management of a national economy and therefore from government. The economy which has been released(let off) on самотек, objectively be not capable to reach(achieve) any national purpose. Besides the former purposes and former primitive ideology were quite is proved are thrown out for a board of a history, and new standard ideology, except for immense enrichment and pursuit of profit till now and is not produced. Hence, already настала it is time обнародовать national idea, which would reconcile all layers расслоившегося of a society(community) and precisely enough and, main, fairly would express interests of the state and people. The essence of national idea of the current moment, on our sight, consists in the following. The maintenance of well-being, health and safety of a nation in a harmonious combination to strengthening and further development of intelligence and духовности of the population of the country also is the simultaneously main idea, purpose both prime task of the state and society(community) as a whole. The achievement of this purpose is possible only as a result of radical reorganization of the usual system индикативного of management of a national economy, its(her) regions and branches.these conditions the question on maintenance of economic safety of the enterprises, companies, and also regions, economy and population of the country as a whole is superurgent, and on importance and sequence of national problems strongly costs(stands) on the first place. To number of major structural elements of economic safety of a national economy branches, conducting her,(it,) and companies it is necessary to attribute(relate) the following: the control for ценообразованием, sizes of wages (its(her) conformity to demand on the goods of mass consumption, measure and quality of work, and also тарифно-qualifying directory of payment of work from working up to the president developed still(even) in 2010 in institute ЦНИЭИуголь Минэнерго) and system of the taxation. For this reason it is represented to most expedient not selective, but their complex decision. First of all it concerns maintenance of steady growth and conformity between demand for the goods both services, on the one hand, and sizes of wages of the workers and pensions, with another. , the initially developed and authorized tax system so strongly also is economically perfectly unreasonably overloaded диффе-ренцированными with the specifications and фондообразующими by parameters and does not correspond(meet) to tasks, facing to it(her), what even its(her) annual updatings, change and addition be not capable залатать all of its(her) hole. From 45 taxes authorized in перестроечный the period, more than half did not work, and other part worked less than half. To the present time there were 15 kinds of the taxes, but you see and this number is overestimated not less, than in 15 times. A number(line) of the taxes, not having substantial economic sense, carry out obvious деструктивную function. So, for example, the tax, working till now in a coal industry, to production of minerals (НДПИ) instead of alignment of economic conditions of economic activity of the mining enterprises by neutralization of influence of the natural factors (conditions залегания угля in недрах, quality of extracted raw material etc.) simply takes from the proceeds a part of the profit угледобывающих of the enterprises most фондоёмкой of branch and instead of involving her(it) in economic circulation by maintenance and development of working mine fund оседает by a dead cargo in недрах госбюджета, not bringing any advantage(benefit) neither coal companies, nor national economy. In result the most labour-consuming branches have no a real opportunity in time to ensure(supply) reproduction of leaving capacities and effective economic activity. , taking into account, that an overall objective of a national economy as a whole is the maintenance social, intellectual both moral values of the population and national economy as a whole, including at a level of each enterprise and each coal company is the increase of well-being of the workers, the taxation by the taxes of a parameter expressing this purpose, is economically not solvent and деструктивным by the factor.one Uniform state tax at a rate of 20-25 % from the proceeds of each subject of the Russian economy suffices for normal economic activity to ensure(supply) with financing all надстроечную structure of management of the country, public health services, education, science, culture and its(her) safety. One more example that mechanical copying of foreign experience to anything useful result can not, as has found acknowledgement(confirmation) in the received results. Business that in our country a level of wages of basic weight of the workers and in доперестроечный the period in 3-4 times was lower, than in the advanced countries of Western Europe, Japan and USA, in summary reorganizations it(he) has decreased still approximately in as much time, therefore the general(common) level of pensions and wages of basic weight of the population has appeared on the order below incomes of the hired workers in the advanced countries. Technique of definition Uniform госналога instead of 45 working now (in which calculation even the skilled bookkeepers are confused till now) is extreme simple - account enough part of the budget to divide on ВВП and умножить into factor of a reserve at a rate of from 20 up to 25 % and size Uniform госналога (ЕГН) is ready. The structural analysis of economic activity shows, that manufacture of the goods for the population inside the country was reduced more, than three times, the capital investments in real sector have decreased in 5-6 times, and the export of the capital abroad in commercial interests has reached(achieved) the enormous sizes already which have exceeded the national budget of the country. It proves to be true by the following data of official statistics, tab. 1.

  • 4. Актуальні проблеми та напрямки реформування спрощеної системи оподаткування в Україні
    Статьи Экономика

    Постановка проблеми. В сучасних умовах розвитку економіки запорукою успішного розвитку держави є становлення малого бізнесу, що в умовах ринкової економіки набуває особливо актуального значення. У сучасних умовах господарювання головним чином саме мале підприємництво стимулює економічну конкуренцію, сприяє структурній перебудові економіки та створює сприятливі умови для формування нової соціальної верстви підприємців-власників, які забезпечують стабільність суспільства. Ось чому, для України основою економічного благополуччя та її соціальною орієнтацією є розвиток малого підприємництва, а також обєктивна необхідність стимулювання такої підприємницької діяльності . Протягом останніх років увага науковців, економістів, політиків зосереджується на аналізі тенденцій розвитку малих підприємств в Україні. Підтримка малого бізнесу, у тім числі через систему оподаткування, є одним із способів подолання економічної кризи в економіці. На перших етапах становлення системи оподаткування малому підприємництву надавались певні пільги. Особливо це стосувалося оподаткування прибутку. Згодом податкові пільги для малого підприємництва практично було ліквідовано, що негативно вплинуло на його розвиток. Розуміючи, що діяльність суб'єктів малого підприємництва сприяє розв'язанню важливих соціальних та економічних проблем, існують численні спроби полегшити їх роботу. Одним із напрямів сьогоденної державної підтримки субєктів малого підприємництва в Україні є надання їм пільг у податковій сфері в рамках введення спрощеної системи оподаткування, що є визначальною передумовою створення ефективної системи, яка дозволить забезпечити гармонічні стосунки та реалізувати економічні інтереси держави і платників податків. Проте, через недосконалість законодавчої бази та відсутність необхідних регулювань з боку держави, на даний момент актуальним постає питання подальшого реформування такої системи оподаткування.

  • 5. Альтернативные принципы классификации трансакционных издержек
    Статьи Экономика

    Трансакционные издержки проявляются в различных формах и приобретают конкретный вид в процессе взаимодействия агентов рынка. В экономической теории применяется классический вариант классификации основанной на последовательности проявления трансакционных издержек: издержки поиска информации, издержки ведения переговоров, издержки измерения, издержки спецификации и защиты прав собственности и издержки оппортунистического поведения (моральный риск и вымогательство). Так как трансакционные издержки проявляются до обмена и после обмена, то Оливер Уильямсон выделяет два типа трансакционных издержек: ex ante и ex post. К издержкам типа ex ante относятся затраты на составление проекта соглашения и проведения переговоров по нему. Издержки типа ex post включают в себя организационные и эксплуатационные затраты, связанные с использованием структуры управления; затраты, возникающие по причине плохой адаптации; расходы на тяжбы, возникающие в ходе приспособления контрактных отношений к непредвиденным обстоятельствам; затраты, связанные с выполнением контрактных обязательств [4]. Одновременно он использует другой подход, применяя частоту трансакции и специфичность проявления активов, то есть временной аспект и специфику проявления определенного вида трансакционных издержек, обусловленную характером обмена. Такой подход позволяет ему выделить следующие типы обмена и, следовательно, трансакций: разовый или элементарный обмен; повторяющийся обмен массовыми товарами; повторяющийся контракт, связанный с инвестициями в специфические, уникальные активы; инвестиции в идосинкратические (уникальные, эксклюзивные) активы.

  • 6. Амортизационная политика в экономике предприятий
    Статьи Экономика


    1. Бакай В.Й. Некоторые аспекты концепции государственной амортизационной политики // Вестник Технологического университета Подолья. Экономические науки. 2008. № 4, Ч. 2. С. 72-75.
    2. Бакай В.Й. Проблема выбора оптимального варианта метода начисления амортизации на предприятиях // Вестник Технологического университета Подолья. Экономические науки. 2007. № 5, Ч. 2, Т. 1. С. 135-140.
    3. Бакай В.Й. Разработка практических рекомендаций относительно совершенствования амортизационной политики на промышленных предприятиях // Вестник Хмельницкого национального университета. Экономические науки. 2006. № 5, Ч. 2, Т. 3. С. 186-189.
    4. Лахитин Г., Остапенко В. Амортизационная политика и НТП // Вопросы экономики. - 2008. - №8. С.34-45.
    5. Руднев Ю.А., Саприцкий Э.Б. Оптимизация амортизационной политики предприятий как одно из новых направлений оценочной деятельности // Вопросы экономики. -2006. №6. С.45-49.
  • 7. Анализ и и прогнозирования динамики РЦБ
    Статьи Экономика

    Проблема заключается в том, что используемые прогнозы принципиально ограничены по своей точности и надёжности, т.е. сопровождаются значительными ошибками ввиду воздействия на рыночную конъюнктуру множества случайных, не учитываемых факторов. Особенно остро данная проблема возникает в условиях российского рынка ценных бумаг с характерной для него нестабильностью спроса и предложения. Как результат, резко возрастает риск и соответственно снижается активность игроков, при том что возможности биржевой игры в условиях кризиса объективно возрастают (за счёт больших амплитуд колебаний рыночных цен в пределах торговой сессии). На преодоление данного противоречия в основном и нацелено проведённое ниже исследование. Его исходным пунктом и одновременно главным мотивом явилась идея о действии двух механизмов формирования рыночной конъюнктуры. Первый из них доминирует на стабильном рынке и реализует в своей основе принцип саморегулирования курса ценных бумаг в процессе осуществляемых торгов. В теории и практике биржевой игры он отображается в виде вполне определённой математической модели поведения рынка в динамике. Второй механизм отталкивается от возможности внешних корректировок рыночных цен в интересах какойлибо группы влиятельных участников рынка (любая их реакция на важные текущие общественные события в форме массовых покупок или продаж по сути и есть такая корректировка рынка, часто носящая вынужденный характер). Его значение особенно возрастает в условиях кризиса, когда, во-первых, естественное состояние рыночной конъюнктуры перестаёт удовлетворять большинство участников рынка и поэтому резко возрастает интенсивность предпринимаемых ими попыток рыночных корректировок. И, во вторых, механизм саморегулирования разбалансированного рынка объективно оказывается ослабленным, и поэтому возрастает эффект от внешних корректировок цен при минимальных объёмах вкладываемых в них средств и максимальной оперативности. Планирование биржевой игры в указанных условиях находится в прямой зависимости от той или иной альтернативы поведения рынка в динамике, т.е. должно носить многоальтернативный характер. Представленная статья посвящена методологии именно такого рода планирования.

  • 8. Анализ чувствительности финансовых результатов организации сферы обращения к изменению параметров налогообложения
    Статьи Экономика

    Таким образом, из обобщенных в табл. 1 результатов расчетов следует, что чистая прибыль от основной деятельности наиболее чувствительна к изменению уровня косвенных (условно-переменных) налогов и суммы взносов в ФСЗН. Изменение указанных параметров на 1% приводит к росту (снижению) чистой прибыли на 0,88%. Далее по степени влияния на сумму чистой прибыли следует средний процент налогов, уплачиваемых из прибыли, однопроцентное изменение которого приводит к росту (снижению) чистой прибыли на 0,32%. Наименьшее влияние на чистую прибыль оказывает изменение суммы условно-постоянных налогов (однопроцентное колебание их суммы приводит к изменению чистой прибыли на 0,16%).

  • 9. Биржа, котировки, котирование и другие полезные вещи
    Статьи Экономика

    Далее. Значит ли это, что можно выставить на биржевые торги любой товар и считать цены сделок по нему котировочной ценой? К сожалению, ответ будет разочаровывающий. В мировой практике так не происходит. Почему? Обратите внимание, какие биржевые товары перечислены выше. Все они объединены общими критериями. Все они имеют стандартные постоянные свойства, торгуются только оптовыми партиями и регулярно присутствуют на биржевых торгах. И, действительно, та же нефть сейчас имеет такие же свойства, как и 50 и 100 лет назад и будет иметь такие же свойства и через 50 и 100 лет, пока существуют природные месторождения нефти. И торгуется нефть только оптом, ибо никому не придет в голову продать или купить, например 1 литр нефти. А уж насчет регулярности ни может быть никаких споров. Это считается само собой разумеющееся. Представьте себе, например, что на нефтяной бирже вдруг в какой-то день нефть не будет выставлена? Ни один брокер с той биржи не может себе этого представить даже в кошмарном сне. Каждый из этих трех перечисленных нами факторов необходим, а все вместе достаточны для того, чтобы по данным товарным активам было проведено котирование цены. Вместе с тем, процедура котирования не состоится, если во время торговой сессии не будет заключено, опять-таки соответствующего количества сделок. Значит, при всех прочих условиях, необходимо, чтобы котируемый товарный актив обладал достаточной степенью ликвидности. Именно недостаточной ликвидностью объясняется то, что Иокогамская Yokohama Commodity Exchange в марте 2004г. сняла с биржевых торгов коконы шелкопряда в связи с невозможностью проведения котирования из-за уменьшения количества и нерегулярности заключаемых сделок. Именно по той же причине в июле 2002г. Лондонская LIFFE прекратила котирование и сняла с торгов ячмень. По той же причине в 2003г. Osaka Mercantile Exchange прекратила котирование и сняла с торгов хлопковую пряжу. Как видно из приведенных примеров, если степень ликвидности какого-либо актива не позволяет проводить котирование, то такой актив просто выводится с биржевых торгов. Актив не может просто продаваться на биржевых торгах. Он должен, в первую очередь, котироваться. Иначе авторитет биржи, как гаранта определения реальной рыночной цены будет подорван. А этого не может допустить ни одна уважающая себя биржа.

  • 10. Варианты совместного ведения бизнеса с точки зрения налогообложения: новое юр.лицо или простое товарищество?
    Статьи Экономика

    для четкого понимания налоговых последствий при участии иностранной организации целесообразно принять во внимание условия международных договоров в сфере налогообложения с соответствующим государством (при его наличии). Учитывая то, что многие договоры предусматривают обложение налогом на прибыль прибыли от предпринимательской деятельности иностранной организации в стране резидентства (при отсутствии постоянного представительства), создав простое товарищество с организацией государства, в котором ставки налога на прибыль в отношении таких доходов меньше, можно оптимизировать налогообложение. При этом необходимо особое внимание уделить вопросам образования постоянного представительства, наличие которого обязывает уплачивать налог с доходов такого представительства в РФ.

  • 11. Венчурне інвестування в системі фінансування інноваційної діяльності в сфері охорони здоров’я
    Статьи Экономика

    Москва, 2007. [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http: //www.rea.ru/portal/main.nsf/.

    1. Василенко В. О. Інноваційний менеджмент : навч. посібник / В. О. Василенко, В. Г. Шмать- ко. - К. : ЦУЛ, Фенікс, 2003. - 440 с.
    2. Карамишев Д. В. Реалізація та оцінка ефек тивності інноваційних проектів у системі охорони здоров'я / Д. В. Карамишев, А. С. Демченко //Економіка та держава. 2006. № 2. С 8688.
    3. ЕриньоваВ. М. Соціально-економічні пробле ми інноваційного розвитку підприємств : моногра фія / В.М. Гриньова, О.В. Козирєва. Х. : ВД«ІНЖЕК», 2006.- 192 с - (С. 33);
    4. Виноградов О.В. Стан та проблеми фінансових ресурсів охорони здоров'я України / О.В. Виноградов //Економіка та держава. 2007. № 12. С 25-29;
    5. Каминская Т.М. Рынок медицинских услуг: опыт теоретико-институционального анализа / Т.М. Каминская. Х.: ИПП «Контраст», 2006. 296 с. (С. 59113);
    6. Столяров С.А. Рынок медицинских услуг: некоторые его характеристики, проблемы иаспекты управления / С.А. Столяров. Барнаул : Аз Бука, 2005. - 269 с. - (С. 9-15).
    7. Виноградов О.В. Стан та проблеми фінан сових ресурсів охорони здоров'я в Україні / О.В. Виноградов // Економіка та держава. 2007. - № 12. - С 25-29.
    8. Ериньова В.М. Соціально-економічні про блеми інноваційного розвитук підприємств : мо нографія / В.М. Гриньова, О. В. Козирєва. Х. :ВД «ІНЖЕК», 2006. - 192 с.
    9. Пашков В. Держана політика щодо соціаль них інновацій в галузі охорони здоров'я / В. Пашков // Еженедельник АПТЕКА. 2006. № 37 (558). Режим доступу : http: //www.apteka. ua.;
    10. Михайлова Л.І. Інноваційний менеджмент : навч. посібник / Л.І. Михайлова, С.Е Турчі-на. К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2007. 248 с.;
    11. Пельтек Л.В. Державне регулювання розвитку венчурного бізнесу в інвестиційнійсфері /Л.В. Пельтек // Економіка та держава. 2009. № 3. С 77-80;
    12. Редіна Н.І. Венчурний капітал у ринковій економіці : монографія /Н.І. Редіна, Н.Ю. Пікуліна. Дніпропетровськ : ДДФА, 2004. 124 с;
    13. Присяжнюк А.Ю. Особ ливості розвитку венчурного капіталу в Україні /А.Ю. Присяжнюк // Економіка та держава. 2007. - № 5. - С 20-21.
    14. Пашков В. Держана політика щодо соціаль них інновацій в галузі охорони здоров'я / В. Пашков // Еженедельник АПТЕКА. 2006. № 37 (558). Режим доступу : http: //www.apteka.ua.
    15. Ілляшенко С.М. Управління інноваційним розвитком: проблеми, концепції, методи : на вчальний посібник / С.М. Ілляшенко. Суми :ВТД «Університетська книга», 2003. С. 278.
    16. Пашков В. Держана політика щодо соціаль них інновацій в галузі охорони здоров'я / В. Пашков // Еженедельник АПТЕКА. 2006. № 37 (558). Режим доступу : http: //www.apteka.ua.
    17. Активізація інноваційної діяльності: організаційно-правове та соціально-економічне забезпечення : монографія / О.І. Амоша, В.П. Анто-нюк, А. І. Землянкін та ін. ; НАН України. Ін-текономіки пром-сті. Донецьк, 2007. 328 с.
    18. Там само.
    19. Москвін С.О. Венчурні фонди інноваційного розвитку / С. О. Москвін // Актуальні проблеми економіки. 2009. № 2 (92). С 88-96.
  • 12. Ветеринарные препараты: хранение и списание
    Статьи Экономика

    Если сельхозорганизация покупает ветеринарные препараты только для использования, какая-то специальная лицензия ей не потребуется. А вот если она будет торговать ими (скажем, продавать частным фермерам), такая деятельность признается фармацевтической (ст. 52 Закона № 61-ФЗ). Вести ее можно только при наличии лицензии. В противном случае организацию могут оштрафовать на сумму от 40 000 до 50 000 руб. (ч. 2 ст. 14.1 Кодекса РФ об административных правонарушениях). Об этом же в постановлениях ФАС Восточно-Сибирского округа от 23 июля 2009 г. № А19-6893/09, ФАС Волго-Вятского округа от 28 апреля 2008 г. № А28-10474/2007-505/27.

  • 13. Вибір та формування фінансових стратегій підприємства в умовах нестабільності економіки України
    Статьи Экономика
  • 14. Види і мотиви злиття і поглинання
    Статьи Экономика

    ДжерелоВизначення поняттяСтратегический менеджмент: Ученик / Пер.с англ. Н.И. Алмазовой. ? М.: ООО „Издательство Проспект, 2003. ? 336с. злиттяобєднання акціонерів в рамках нової організації, ресурси якої вони ділять між собою {[c.174]Гохан Патрик А. Слияния, поглощения и реструктуризация компаний / Патрик А. Гохан; Пер. с англ. ? 3-е изд. ? М.: Альпина Бізнес Букс, 2007. ? 741 с.злиттяоб?єднання різних за розмірами компаній при якому одна компанія приєднується до іншої [с.22 ]Акционерное дело: Учебник / под ред.. В.А. Галанова. ? М.: Финансы и статистика, 2003. ? 544 с.злиттяце процес об?єднання двох або декількох акціонерних товариств, результатом якого є створення нового акціонерного товариства, якому передаються всі права і обов?язки акціонерних товариств, що об?єднуються з одночасним припиненням їх діяльності [с.485]Словник акціонера заг. ред.: Чечетов М.В: ? К.: „Видавничий дім „Корпорація, 2004 ?600 с.злиттяце виникнення нового товариства правонаступника з передачею йому згідно з передавальними актами всіх прав та обовязків двох або більше товариств і припиненням їх діяльності [с.203]В національному законодавстві злиття трактується більш однозначно, як процес утворення нового товариства, якому передаються всі права і зобовязання товариств на основі яких відбулося таке обєднання.

  • 15. Виконавчі критерії або критерії оцінки результативності як один із шляхів поліпшення діяльності територіальних органів влади: досвід Канади
    Статьи Экономика

    Порівняння результатів. Така технологія здійснюється по конкретним цифрам і даним та має важливе значення. Це дає можливість зрозуміти, чому окремі муніципалітети можуть досягати високого рівня продуктивності і ефективності, добиватися кращих результатів. Навіть якщо різниця у діяльності виходить із факторів, що перебувають поза муніципальним контролем, обмін результатами дуже корисний як для платників податків, так і для представників місцевої влади в розумінні роботи територіальних органів влади у світлі місцевих умов. З метою поліпшення своєї діяльності муніципалітети обмінюються між собою інформацією про результати, обговорюють їх і порівнюють. Це дозволяє виробити і використати найбільш прийнятні варіанти рішень. Деякі відмінності можуть виникати у зв'язку з такими факторами як місцезнаходження регіонів, топографічні і природні умови. Незважаючи на все це, окремі муніципалітети досягають найбільш високого рівня ефективності і продуктивності завдяки методам і стратегіям, які вони використовують. Інші муніципалітети можуть переймати їх методики для досягнення більш високих результатів у своїй діяльності, тобто, йде постійний обмін інформацією і це дуже важливо, адже у всіх муніципалітетів є одна основна задача зобовязання перед платниками податків надавати найбільш ефективні і продуктивні послуги, наскільки це можливо.

  • 16. Влияние мирового финансового кризиса на совершенствование пенсионной системы в Республике Казахстан
    Статьи Экономика

    А то, что происходит с пенсионной системой якобы явление временное, которое обусловлено влиянием мирового кризиса. Как известно, основной причиной отрицательной доходности пенсионных фондов названо падение ценных бумаг, в которые были вложены активы. Это не убытки, а процесс их переоценки, обусловленный колебаниями рынка. И сейчас это колебание наиболее заметно. Вкладчикам просто надо подождать, пока ценные бумаги вновь поднимутся в цене. Кроме этого, в правительстве уверяют, что на данный момент принимаются все возможные меры для сохранения пенсионных денег и увеличения доходности пенсионных инвестиций. Основную меру, направленную на снижение риска потери вложений вкладчиков и стабилизацию их доходов, в правительстве уже озвучили. Средства казахстанских накопительных пенсионных фондов планируется привлечь на поддержание экономики Казахстана в период кризиса. На эти цели правительство собирается занять у накопительных пенсионных фондов 6 миллиардов долларов. При этом казахстанцам пока не объясняют, в какие конкретные проекты будут привлечены деньги и на каких условиях, а главное, какую норму доходности должны обеспечивать эти проекты. Что касается механизма привлечения, скорее всего это будет выпуск долговых ценных бумаг. Таким образом, снижение размера дохода объясняется снижением цен на ценные бумаги казахстанских и иностранных эмитентов, таких как ГазПром, Сбербанк России, ЛУКОЙЛ, Kazakhmys Plc , «КазМунайГаз», Народного банка и других, торгуемых на казахстанских и иностранных фондовых биржах.

  • 17. Влияние социально-экономического развития на уровень дифференциации доходов населения Украины
    Статьи Экономика


    1. Kuznets S. Economic Growth and Income Inequality. "American Economic Rework" № 1 (45), 1955, p. 1-28.
    2. Вагго R. Inequality and Growth in a Panel of Countries. "Journal of Economic Growth" № 1(5), 2000, p. 5-32
    3. Bourguignon F.ThePoverty-Growth-InequalityTriangle, "\\brldBank Wsrking Paper" № 28102, 2004
    4. Bourguignon F. Equity and economic growth: permanent questions and changing answers? "DELTA Working Papers" № 96-115, 1996, p. 98-103
    5. Кuznets S. Economic Growth and Income Inequality. "American Economic Rework" № 1 (45), 1955, p. 128
    6. Peго11іR. Growth, Income Distribution and Democracy: What do the Data Say? "Journal of Economic Growth" № 1 (2), 1996, p. 149-187
    7. Robins on S.ANote on the U-hypothesis relating Income Inequality and Development. "American Economic Rework" № 3 (66), 1976, p. 437-440.
    8. Deininger K., Squire L. A New Data Set Measuring Income Inequality. " Wbrld Bank Economic Rework" № 10,1996, p. 565-591
    9. Deininger K., Squi re L. Economic Growth and Income Inequality: Re-examining the Links. "Finance and Development" № 1 (34), 1997, p. 38-41.
    10. Ravallion M.,Chen S. What Can New Survey Data Tell Us about Recent Changes in Distribution and Poverty? "World Bank Economic Rework" № 2(11), 1997, p. 357-382.
    11. Кa1dоr N. Alternative Theories of Distribution. "Rework of Economic Studies" № 2 (23), 1956, p. 94-100
    12. Tоdaго M. P. Economic Development. Harlow, Addison-Wesley? Longman, 1997, 312 p.
    13. Вenabоu R. Inequality and Growth. NBER Macro Annual 1996. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1997, p. 11-76.
    14. Alesina A.,Rodrik D. Distributive Politics and Economic Growth. "The Quarterly Journal of Economics", vol. 109(2), 1994, p. 465 490
    15. Вourguigno n F. Equity and economic growth: permanent questions and changing answers? "DELTA Wbrking Papers" № 96-115, 1996, p. 98-103
    16. Deininger K., Squire L. New Viays of Looking at Old Issues. "Journal of Development Economics" № 57,1998,p. 259-287
    17. Alsop M.,Teal F. Income, Productivity and Inequality: What does the macro-evidence show? Centre for the Study of African economies, University of Oxford, 2004, ww.wae.ox.ac.uk/coriferences/2004-GPRaHDiA/papers/3f-Teal-CSAE2004.pdf.
    18. Доклад по оценке бедности. Российская Федерация. "Сотрудничество" № 39-40, 2004, с. 130
    19. Алам А.,Мурти М.,Емцов Р. Рост, бедность и неравенство: Восточная Европа и бывший Советский Союз. Вашингтон, Всемирный банк, 2005, 322 с.
    20. Бобков В. Анализ социально-экономической дифференциации. "Экономист" № 7, 2003, с. 10-20
    21. Кузнецова Е.,Кузнецов С. Процессы дифференциации доходов населения и их государственное регулирование. "Экономист" № 4, 2004, с. 4653
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    23. Гнибіденко І.Ф. Вплив соціально-економічної політики на соціальну безпеку та рівень життя населення України. "Демографія та соціальна економіка" № 2, 2006, с. 124 126
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  • 18. Влияние уровня задолженности банков и предприятий на инфляцию и процентную ставку
    Статьи Экономика

    Однако влияние уровня задолженности на экономику этим не ограничивается. Уровень задолженности влияет также на уровень процентной ставки и инфляции. Во-первых, чем выше доля обязательств банков в пассивах, тем выше процентные расходы банков. Высокие же процентные расходы вынуждают банки устанавливать более высокие процентные ставки по кредитам. Во-вторых, низкая доля обязательств банков в пассивах и, таким образом, низкие процентные расходы банков, снижают жесткость процентной ставки по кредитам, в частности делают процентные ставки более подверженными к снижению, что позволяет им более гибко приспосабливаться к изменениям экономической ситуации.

  • 19. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность Беларуси
    Статьи Экономика

    Существенные трансформации в сфере внешней торговли обусловлены и созданием Таможенного союза Беларуси, России и Казахстана. Формирование Таможенного союза практически завершено, хотя в регулирующих его деятельность нормах по-прежнему остаются весьма негативно влияющие на экономику Беларуси изъятия. Вместе с тем по преобладающей части товаров Таможенный союз является выгодным для всех трех его участников. Расширение объемов единого потребительского рынка, которым сопровождается создание Таможенного союза, должно весьма позитивно сказаться на привлечении иностранных инвестиций и создании новых производств на территории нашей страны. Сократилось количество необходимых в торговле документов (особо стоит отметить отмену необходимости получения сертификатов СТ-1 для грузов, которые направляются к белорусским партнерам), произошли перенос таможенного контроля с российско-белорусской границы на внешние границы Таможенного союза (а в перспективе ожидается перенос транспортного контроля), унификация санитарных, ветеринарных и фитосанитарных норм. Все это создает благоприятные условия для движения товаров по единой таможенной территории.

  • 20. Восстановление НДС с недоамортизированной части реализованного основного средства
    Статьи Экономика

    С 2004 по 2010 г.г. мнение контролирующих органов было, неизменно касательно данного вопроса. Все имеющиеся разъяснения Минфина однозначно говорили, что при выбытии (в частности реализации) основного средства, используемого для деятельности облагаемой НДС, сумму налога ранее принятую к вычету следует восстановить. Неурегулированную ситуацию по данному вопросу, налогоплательщик в свою пользу мог отстоять только в суде. Как видно из приведенного анализа судьи всегда поддерживали сторону налогоплательщика. Таким образом, чтобы отстоять свою позицию налогоплательщику следовало обращаться в суд. Тем же, кто не хочет связываться с судебными тяжбами и во избежании рисков со стороны налоговиков целесообразно восстановить суммы НДС при реализации (ином выбытии) основных средств, которые полностью не были самортизированы. Учитывая новую позицию Минфина относительно данного вопроса довольно сложно предположить, как будут действовать налоговые органы, как говорится «на местах». Данное мнение относительно новое и арбитражная практика с учетом последнего мнения Минфина в настоящее время отсутствует, поэтому сложно оценить последствия и налоговые риски для налогоплательщика с учетом нового Письма. По нашему мнению, общей картины по рассматриваемому вопросу последнее мнение Минфина не изменит, потому что на протяжении шести лет при подобных случаях налоговики при проверках почти всегда требовали восстановления НДС. В любом случае следует быть готовым, чтобы отстаивать свою позицию в суде. Как поступить в такой ситуации решать Вам. Если вы примете решение восстановить НДС, то наглядно рассмотрим на примере как это правильно сделать.