Efficiency of economic safety of the coal companies and population of coal regions
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Efficiency of economic safety of the coal companies and population of coal regions
social stratification economy manufacture
д.т.н, academician МАНЭБ Ampere-second. Голик, к.э.н., honourable veteran Подмосковья, academician Н.А. Лебедкин
To the present time and without that the low level of technical and technological safety of the coal enterprises has conceded the priority to observance of the new requirements of socio economic safety of the coal companies, as independent legal persons, and population of coal regions, which has appeared the hostage of the financial crisis smoothly passing in economic and system crisis of the usual attitudes(relations) in a society(community). avoid negative consequences proceeding in real sector of economy and in financial sphere of activity, despite of significant injections from the earlier saved resources of fund, in process of his(its) exhaustion in the nearest prospect down to symbolical 2017 (by century of October revolution) will hardly be presented possible(probable) on a lot of the following objective and subjective reasons and their negative consequences. , to stop growth of unemployment in branch and in the country as a whole, despite of effort of the appropriate administrative structures on management of economic activity at all levels of management of economy, it was not possible, that was obvious right at the beginning in real sector. Opposite(on the contrary) only within 2010 the quantity(amount) of the unemployed only on the official data has increased more than on 1200 thousand the man, having reached(achieved) a level 8,9 % from the able-bodied population of the country, not considering the considerably increased inflow from near foreign countries. Difficultly even to itself to present, when complete forces the healthy man, the father of one or two children having on the contents of the parents and wife, loses for the reasons, independent of him,(it,) job as a unique(sole) source of existence and by virtue of these circumstances is compelled to sell the habitation and everything, that in him is, that any time to support the family, and then becomes or criminal as the unemployment benefit does not suffice even on payment ЖКХ, and on a feed(meal), the footwear and clothes does not remain practically anything. And such helpless on fault of the state of the people with each year becomes ever more and more. The state bodies of authorities admitting a high level of unemployment have no any moral right on preservation of the authority, therefore owe or accept urgent and resolute measures on its(her) liquidation, or leave in a resignation and concede the place to anothers, more qualified, ideologically sustained and morally steady experts capable to organize job in the country so that to involve resolutely all basic resources in the country, first of all human, natural, industrial both non-productive basic and circulating capitals for release of commodity production in volumes and quality ensuring need(requirement) of all population of the country. The economists of many countries of the world already for a long time and repeatedly enough is proved asserted(approved), that the presence even of insignificant unemployment speaks about inability and the state to operate economy of the country. And in it our state is high time and his(its) administrative structures with Olympic calmness look at mass growing disaster of a significant part of the population and prepare the new reports and messages to the people about growing well-being of a nation. That can be even worse, than growing rate of unemployment and huge weight of a manpower of the country in its(her) base branches and regions ensuring an industry and the population by a heat, light, products of a feed(meal), footwear, clothes, habitation, home appliances, electrical energy both other goods and services ensuring normal conditions of ability to live of the population.the country, richest natural resources and huge means of manufacture created per the previous centuries to admit(allow) highest in the world a rate of unemployment is it is necessary to note as outstanding "achievement" in sphere of management of a national economy. Thus it is necessary to remind, that who has not tested on itself of a rule (situation) of the unemployed, that never will understand of all tragedy of the usual hardest rule(situation) in economy and in social sphere of ability to live of coal and other industrial regions of the country. Thus also occurs almost not appreciable on the first sight (especially on the part of elite layers of the society(community) which has secured the material rule(situation) at the expense of assignment of property - of the deputies, senators, officials, magnates and other supplied layers of the population, so-called, transition from manufacture to a manpower and population - last source of preservation of ability to live in the country. Unless it is possible to close eyes and to not see that after growth of unemployment by higher rates the criminality, including criminal, mass and teenage grows. A society(community), in which crime rate and the quantity(amount) of the persons ready to make of a crime exceeds an allowable limit of a parity(ratio) of criminals and ready to their fulfillments with a level of the legislative citizens itself on economic, moral and intellectual. And unless such tendency of development and material rule (situation) in the country is not practical realization of the widely known program of the former director ЦРУ and also in the recent past of the former prime minister of Great Britain (former state secretary of USA population, calling for reduction, in Russia by 2050 up to 50 ml. The man, including radical Russian - up to 15 ml. The man for service of needs(requirements) of the American economy). And how to coordinate ideology of aggressive circles of USA and world (global) elite to ideology in the Russian society(community).past 20 years of reforming of economy and public life in Russia already need(requirement) and necessity for declaration for a long time has ripened as priority national idea maintenance in the prime order of health, safety and well-being of a nation in a harmonious and close combination to the further development of intelligence (first of all professional trainings) and a nation, meaning under first of all education, preservation and development of such moral qualities as validity, honesty, decency, respect for work (main source of preservation of a nation), and also to the old men, women and children. Already enough has ripened and it is time to realize, to understand and to accept to execution(performance) realization real and already of operative measures on an output(exit) from financial, economic and social - political crisis, so is unexpected (in spheres of management of the country and regions) struck economy of our country, in spite of the fact that there are a lot of domestic economists convincingly enough and is proved predicted inevitability of approach of crisis in USA and then in other countries, not excluding and Russia. Truly prophets no in the fatherland and principle - wanted as better, and has left as always, became the main principle of management of economic safety in the country. , filled notorious (difference) between a real rate of inflation and officially in 2008, 2009 and 2010 also appreciably has grown and has reached(achieved) a marginal level, which excess is inadmissible, differently can result to more, than unpredictable consequences. misunderstanding of danger of steady growth of inflation in a combination to preservation of a high level of unemployment and latent growth from such symbiosis of social intensity and mass criminality is even worse, than to not pay attention to a bomb of the slowed down action ready to blow up in any (more often in most unpredictable) the moment is like of the declaration, incorporated still(even) in 1918, of a principle of self-determination of nations. The specified self-determination is really unexpected in 1990 has resulted in disintegration powerful on fine splinters, which consequences we and are compelled now to experience and to reflect on foggy and not iridescent prospects in nearest and long-term future. The truth prospects removed future(next) recently were a little improved at the expense of increase of term of powers of an elected management(manual) of the country from four till six years, but you see even with multiplication of this term to two terms is only drop in the sea, which at all does not allow even to dream of far prospects. Why at once to not establish terms of performance of high duties to the deputies and management(manual) of the country at once of years as it already was in former times, when corrected(ruled) till 20-30 of years and more. Corrected by the country and rather successfully 34 years, Peter? - 43 years are even more successful. So why to not adopt instructive experience last for our present time and future, you see then there would be a time and on a management(manual) of the country and its(her) economy, and not just on actually continuously being engaged in pre-election technologies and realization them in ours life. It is not necessary to overlook(forget) thus, that the country deprived of prospect or on a place, when other countries such as China and other Asian countries, and also European and is prompt forward to the planned purposes, or will be rolled to general(common) and irreversible crisis. , the further growth not only volumes, but also rates of a social stratification in a society(community) inevitably guarantees dangerous rapprochement of a risky rate of unemployment both growing number of the poor and poor population, first of all pensioners on the old age prematurely sent on so-called deserved rest (in spite of the fact that the majority of them wo