
  • 541. Rain Man

    Another remarkable symptom is, that Raymond strictly refuses changes in hisroutines. For him it is the end of the world if he can´t watch hisfavourite TV-film, or if he finds his bed on a different place in his room. Thisis his way to express his „fear“. Also the way Raymond communicates with others is typical for autisticpeople. He uses meaningless, non- contextual words, gives unusual responses andexhibits unusual body movements, such as rocking or яapping. He uses his speechto talk at Charly rather than with his brother. He is also unable to show socialclues, such as giving a smile. But if he „must“, because his brother„forces“ him to, he looks rather funny. Raymond also hasabilities which are not typical for all people withautism, such as counting things very fast or remember things he read indetail. But another remarkable symptom is, the way how Raymond interacts with theworld around. He often seems aloof and absent,and has a very short attentionspan.

  • 542. Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: on the brink of suicide. Ф.М. Достоевский, Преступление и наказание
  • 543. Reading for me

    The last book that he recomendedrecommended me was so interesting! That was the novel Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very much and cirtainlycertainly I want to read this book. Besides that I have a chance to know something more about this country, its culture, customs and people. This novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood includes the volume of literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the Internet. Haruki Murakami combines the methods of pop-culture, cinema, music and detective genre. It is the mixture of zen-philosophy, jazz session and love stories. There are original story with many funny jokes and songs by famous groups like The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. This book is written about life of young Japanese man who studies at the University in Tokio. His name is Vatanabe. He is so abrupt, independent and serious with unknown people, but he is very tender, understanding, sincere and tolerant with his friends and with people wichwhich he loves. Vatanabe collides with many problems in the adult world. His best friend and his girlfriend were made a suicide during the two years. After hat he reserved himself and he must decide how he will be living in the future. But soon he met the nice girl and of course the love saved him.

  • 544. Reforming government in Australia
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    Reason Two: The states arose in Australia from the original colonies for real geographical reasons. Distances between major regions in Australia are enormous. Anyone who has read the seminal works by Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs about the development of cities and the interaction between cities and their hinterlands in the evolution of civilisation, will appreciate the problems of government structure in a thinly settled country such as Australia. The Australian the colonies, and then the states, evolved around major port cities and their hinterlands, and the scope for real regions separated from major port cities in Australia is extremely limited. All Australian history underlines this. All the existing states evolved from central cities and their hinterlands and a real examination of Australian geography fairly quickly throws up real limiting factors on regional development, other than regional development focused on major ports.

  • 545. Renewable resources in Ukraine
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    In terms of energy consumption per dollar of GDP, Ukraine ranks as one of the most energy-intensive countries in the world because of its inefficient, Soviet-era industries. Ukraine's energy intensity in 1999 at 101.3 thousand Btu/$1990 was more than 8 times that of the United States (12.6 thousand Btu/$1990) and more than 15 times that of Japan (6.5 thousand Btu/$1990). Even more telling is the fact that Ukraine's energy intensity is considerably higher than any of its fellow transition neighbours--including Russia. In 1999, Poland's energy intensity was 28.6 thousand Btu/$1990, Turkey's 14.9 thousand Btu/$1990, Romania's 55.1 Btu/$1990, and Russia's 72.1 thousand Btu/$1990.On the per capita level, Ukraine is more comparable to other countries in transition. Ukraine's per capita energy consumption in 1999 was 127.0 million Btu--substantially lower than the U.S. value of 288.9 million Btu, but closer to Russia (176.7 million Btu) and above Poland (99.3 million Btu), Romania (73.1 million Btu), and Turkey (45.9 million Btu). Similarly, per capita carbon emissions in Ukraine were 2.1 metric tons of carbon per person in 1999; this figure is again lower than both the United States (4.4 metric tons) and Russia (2.7 metric tons) while higher than Romania (1.1) and Turkey (0.8)The Ukrainian government has taken several concrete actions to promote lower energy consumption and better energy efficiency. The National Energy Conservation Information Network was set up to disseminate energy conservation information to the general public, and an international program with the Alliance to Save Energy is helping strengthen the role of Ukraine's nongovernmental organizations and the private sector in raising public awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency. In addition, the United States Agency for International Development, in conjunction with the World Environment сenter, is supporting 18 waste minimization/energy conservation demonstration projects at 10 enterprises located in the Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions of Ukraine. The use of renewable energy in Ukraine was one of the principal goals of the 1996 National Power Energy Program. In 1999, however, renewable energy sources represented only 8.6% of electricity generation, a figure that includes hydropower, solar, wind, tide, geothermal, solid biomass and animal products, biomass gas and liquids, and industrial and municipal wastes. This figure appears low, but it can partially be explained by the fact that the development of renewable resources in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union remains limited primarily to expansion or refurbishment of existing hydroelectric units. Indeed, the National Power Energy Program called for completion of new hydropower utilities--such as the Dnеstrovskaja hydro pumping storage station--to reduce dependence on imported energy sources. Yet, renewable energy sources are beginning to find a market in Ukraine. In the Carpathian region of the country, the Environmentally Sound Business Development project is focusing on small business development in wood processing industry to increase the efficiency of the production process by reducing timber use, waste products, and energy consumption. In addition, as part of an alternative energy source program, the Ukrainian State Geology Committee and the Ministry of Coal--along with the United States Agency for International Development, Ukrainian coal companies, and the U.S. coal bed methane industry--are working to identify opportunities to develop coal bed methane as a commercially viable alternative energy source in Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian parliament passed a bill in July 2001 that aims to develop alternative energy sources such as solar, and geothermal. Additionally, through the Wind Power Development Project, Ukraine seeks to establish wind power as a significant source of electricity generation by 2020. Of the renewable energy sources, only hydro power makes a significant contribution to Ukraine's electricity supply at present. About 8.7% of total installed capacity is accounted for by hydro plants, but this generates 14.3 bln kWh or about 8% of the country' electricity, table 3. Part of the reason for this low utilisation factor is the fact that most of the major hydro stations are located on the Dnipro River, on which the flow is highly seasonable. However, some of the hydro plant is used at least partly to provide much-needed peaking capacity, to maintain system stability.

  • 546. Return to materialism
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    Slowly a myth developed within the Trotskyist movement that to this day still has some support. That myth is that what Lenin did was gather a cadre around a "correct" program, build a hard, centralized organization and when the masses radicalized they were won over. Having won the masses Lenin's party was then able to take "power". A whole series of corollaries followed from this erroneous concept and, over time, became part of the Trotskyist dogma. One example of these corollaries was the belief that without a party like Lenin's working people could not take power. Of course, a party "like Lenin's" meant a party with a "correct program" well centralized, with internally disciplined cadre. The Trotskyists argued that only the Fourth International (Trotskyist movement) had a correct program. Therefore in their eyes success for the workers' movement, long-term, was directly dependent on the growth of the Fourth International. Any other possible development was essentially ruled out. During the 1940s, for example, almost every article written in the International Socialist Rework, a monthly magazine of the North American followers of Trotsky, ended with the words "Only the Fourth International etc, etc."

  • 547. RlinC

    Однако в местных газетах, особенно в период сотрудничества в них передовых деятелей горских народов и русского общества, публиковались и статьи по злободневным вопросам русской и горской действительности. В 18681871 гг. выдающуюся роль в развитии истории и этнографии горцев, в формировании горской интеллигенции играла газета «Терские ведомости», редактором которой в эти годы был демократически настроенный, талантливый журналист А.-Г. Кешев. Газета «Северный Кавказ» в 18931897 гг., когда в ней работал ответственным сотрудником К. Л. Хетагуров, стояла па прогрессивно-демократических позициях. Интересные материалы о жизни народов Северного Кавказа продолжали печататься в издававшихся в Тифлисе и Баку газетах «Кавказ», «Новое обозрение» (с 1894 г.), «Тифлисский листок» (с 1878 г.), «Каспий» (с 1880 г.) и др. Во 2-й половине XIX в. по Северному Кавказу расходились такие газеты, как «Кавказ», «Новое обозрение» (с 1894 г.), «Тифлисский листок» (с 1878 г.), «Каспий» (Баку, с 1880 г.). В них публиковались важные материалы культурно-исторического и политического характера о жизни народов Северного Кавказа.

  • 548. Role of the interpreter in the modern world
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    Another sphere where you cant spare without an interpreter is international political interaction between different countries of the world. All the international summit talks are held at obligatory participation of interpreters. In this case an interpreter is made responsible for carrying on negotiations effectively. And though he is only an intermediary between representatives of different countries his work plays decisive role in establishing of mutual understanding and friendly relationship between diplomats. Here I should say that an interpreter must transfer correctly not only sense of statements but also their emotional painting, style of speech and even tempo of speech of a speaker. But at the same time it is an interpreter who is able to smooth things over during diplomatic negotiations when its necessary. So I think that a professional interpreter can promote better understanding between countries and that makes this profession noble.

  • 549. Russians and Mixed Martial Arts
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  • 550. Schlafstoerungen

    Gegen Schlafstцrungen soll man unbedingt etwas tun, denn sie kцnnen Menschen krank machen. Zuerst muss man die Ursachen lernen. Welche Ursachen kцnnen das sein? Einige Leute trinken zu viel Kaffee oder rauchen zu viel Zigaretten; andere haben zu schweres Essen am Abend. Lдrm, zu viel Licht oder ein hartes Bett auch kцnnen den Schlaf stцren. Manchmal sind aber auch Angst, Stress oder Konflikte die Ursache.

  • 551. School Reform: Pros and Cons

    Striving for a prestigious status of gymnasiums or lyceums some schools introduce new subjects, include them into their curriculum and make them compulsory. They may teach logic, psychology, and culture of thought, ecology, economics and what not! Frequently it is done at the cost of a reduced number of hours intended for such disciplines as physics, biology, literature, history and others. The norms, standards and demands remain on the same level though school children lack the time necessary to learn the subjects successfully. At the same time they normally spend over six hours at school and over four hours doing their homework. Hence the workweek of a regular high-school student is sixty hours!

  • 552. September 11 2003
  • 553. Sightseeing

    It's needless to say that sightseeing tops the list of things to do when you are abroad. Why? There can be many reasons starting with broading one's horizons and ending with psychological treatment. Sight seeing enables us to compare countries and see what other places are like. Sightseeing means getting away from your dirty crowded city, escaping from the boring routine and watching impressive, fascinating, spectacular, incredible, fantastic and simply amazing sceneries pieces of architecture, perhaps in another dirty and crowded city. Hiring a local guide is not obligatory but it can enable you to get a better work of the place and to get some additional information.

  • 554. Slaughterhouse Five

    We move to the first time Billy gets unstuck in time. Billy receives minimal training as a chaplain's assistant before being shipped to Europe. He arrives in September of 1944, right in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. He never meets his chaplain or gets a proper helmet or boots. Although he survives the onslaught, he wanders behind German lines, tagging along with two scouts and an anti-tank gunner named Roland Weary. Weary repeatedly saves Billy's life, mostly by not allowing him to lie down in the snow and die. Although the scouts are experienced, Weary is as new to the war as Billy is; he just fancies himself as having more of a taste for it. By firing the anti-tank gun incorrectly, his gun crew put scorch marks into the ground. Because of those marks, the position of the gun crew was revealed to a Tiger tank that fired back. Everyone but Weary was killed. He is stupid, fat, cruel, and violent. Back in Pittsburgh he was friendless, and constantly getting ditched. His father collects torture devices. He carries a cruel trench knife, various pieces of equipment that have been issued to him, and a pornographic photo of a woman with a horse. He plagues Billy with macho, aggressive conversation. In his own mind, Weary narrates the war stories he will one day tell. Although he is almost as clumsy and slow as Billy, he imagines himself and the two scouts as fast friends. In his head he dubs them and himself the Three Musketeers, and tells himself the story of how the Three Musketeers saved the life of a dumb, incompetent college kid.

  • 555. Socrates' conception of philosophy
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  • 556. Staten Island Ferry Wreck happened on Oct 15th 2003 Fiction Report Essay
  • 557. Steinbeck, John. The Pearl

    A new day begins and Kino awakens next to his wife Juana intheir simple hut which is made of brush. The couple sleeps on mats on the dirtяoor and their little son Coyotito sleeps in a hanging box. Kino is happy andcontent with his life despite the family is very poor. He watches the sunriseand listens to the sounds of the morning. During he watches the sunrise hehearsthe Song of the Family in his mind. When Kino hears the Song of the Family playing in his mind,its an indication, that all is well. The Song of the Family or the Songof Evil, which occurs later in the play, are songs who play in the mindsof theIndian people in this story. These ancient songs have been passed fromgeneration to generation and they start to play in the minds of the Indianpeople when good or evil things happen. But suddenly a disaster happens, because apoisonousscorpion stings Coyotito. Juana takes her child immediately and sucks out thepoison. Because of the screaming of Coyotito the whole neighbourhood comes tothe hut of the family, including Kinos brother Juan Thomasand his wifeApolonia. Juana tells Kino to get the doctor, but this is impossible, because ofthe class distinction between Indian people and Spanish people. Kino also has nomoney, to pay the doctor for his treatment. But Juana isnt impressed bythat and decides to go to the doctor, because she wants to do everything for herchild. When the neighbourhood gets to know about their plan, they join Kino andJuana walking to the doctor. But as supposed, the doctor denies to examineCoyotito, because he family owns no money. Therefore Kino is in rage and heangrily punches the door. The next morning, when Kino and Juana come down to thebeach, she makes a poultice of seaweed and put it on Coyotitos shoulder.This remedy is probably as good as the treatment of the doctor, but the remedylacks his authority, because it is simple and doesnt cost anything. Thenthey push the canoe into the water and paddle together to the oyster bed whereKino fishes and searches for pearls. Kino knows, that a great pearl will bringhim a lot of money, but he doesnt dare to hope for such a great pearl,because it isnt good to want too much. A short time after Kino started todive, he finds a large oyster in which is a great and perfect pearl. NowKinos troubles seem to be over and he believes thatthe pearl will makehim rich and that his son Coyotito can be cured and go to school some day. WhileKino he holds the pearls in his hand, the swelling of Coyotitos shoulderhas gone down. It seems, that the poisonis leaving the body of the child. Kinois screams very loud, because he is so happy now, and this loud screamingattracts the other fishers and divers and they come to his canoe to look whathas happened. Because Kino is a rich man now, the other people are enviousof him and he becomes an outsider. In the following night he is even attacked bya thief, who wants to steal the great pearl. And the people become interested inKino, because they want his money. The priest comes, because he needs money forsome repairs of the church and even the doctor claims now, that the son of thefamily, Coyotito, is a patient of him. When the doctor comes to Kino`s hut, Kinois filled with fear and rage, but he lets the doctor in when he claims, thatthere can be a delayed reaction to the scorpion sting. The doctor makes a greatshow and uses different remedies to “heal” Coyotito, who alreadyseems very healthy. He even visits Coyotito a second time and claims then, thathe won the fight against the death.

  • 558. Stephen King

    ´´The Shining´´ on hästi kirjutanud perekonnadraama, mille kõik kolm keskset tegelast - Jack, Wendy ja Danny Torrance on tugevad karakterid ning mille olustik on Kingi üks realistlikumaid ja seetõttu ehk ka mõjult jubedamaid. ´´The Shining´´ on romaan inimmõistusest, mis täieliku isolatsiooni seisundis aja jooksul tugevalt häiritud saab ning iseenese koletislikke saladusi ja mälestusi vajavasse keskkonda sattudes hääbub, uinub ja monstrumeid sünnitab. Niisiis üsna tüüpiline hulluksminemise anatoomia, mis romaani teises pooles vägivaldse ja verise kuju võtab. Kuigi agarad Kingi-arvustajad nõrganärvilistel ´´The Shiningist´´ hoiduda soovitavad, on selle romaanil ka oma tõsisem, miks mitte romantilinagi pool. Teose keskse probleemi loob omamoodi veider armastuskolmnurk - alkohoolikust isa, kes talvel täielikku eraldatusse sukelduses kirjatööks vajaminevat rahu ja vaikust otsib, teda jäägitult armastav ning temasse usku säilitav naine Wendy ja nende ühine poeg Danny, keda tema lapselikes mõtetes ja avastustes selgusele jõudmisel aitavad abstraktne soovkuju Tony ja Tony kujul avalduv võime asju ette (aga ka tagantjärele) näha. Lugu areneb kingilikult aeglaselt, detailidesse ning tegelaste minevikku ja olevikku süvenedes, aegajalt halvaendelisi vihjeid tehes ja romaani lõpul lugejalt süvenenud ja kannatlikku jälgimisvõimet nõudes. ´´The Shiningis´´ avalduvad kõik tüüpilised Stephen Kingi väljendusvahendid ja kirjanduslikud nipid.

  • 559. Teenagers problems
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    One of the worst teenage problems is schooling. Sometimes you feel bad because of teachers or classmates attitude to you. You are tired of studying, thats why you dont have energy and time for doing other things. Also Id like to say that a lot of teens like to look older, thats why they obtain bad habits like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, etc. But a teen can have bad habit because of problems in private life. Absence of the second half, loneliness, lack of pocket money or parents misunderstanding can inspire teen, that his best friend is a bottle or a cigarette. None should be angry because of teens feelings, because the boy or the girl often doesnt control his or her feelings. Streets and street bands can make a teen ruder and crueler, thats why parents shouldnt allow their children to have such interests. I know a lot of boys and girls, who think that cleaning their room is the most important problem of humanity. They think its boring and useless, because the room will become dirty 5 minutes later. I think, teens who have mania to comps are very boring and uninteresting. You cant speak with them about something beside of «Sims» or «GTA». Its a real problem, to my mind. Every teenager has a favorite singer, writer or sportsman. But no one should become a fan, because we can kill our individuality and become clones. Sometimes a quarrel between teens can lead to serious laws violations. Its very dangerous! Also bad relationships between members of the family make the teen very emotional. The teen doesnt get3 along with parents and relatives. Parents press on their child, they think he is iron and he doesnt feel soul ache. Parents want us to study very well; they dont understand that we do everything as good as we can. They dont respect our interests thinking that we become strange because of music or sporty.

  • 560. Ten reasons for a tradition of modernity

    1. J. M. W. Turner, who can be considered as a painter with nerve. When everyone's' paintings were oils on canvas "photographing" important personalities, he had the impulse to use watercolours to paint ships caught in storms. "His paintings are … so different and often [painted] in such an ambiguous manner, were often misunderstood by contemporaries", say Fleming and Honour in their "A World History of Art". And being misunderstood by contemporaries is often the sign of modernity. A modernity that strikes at the first sight of a painting by Turner. One cannot believe that they have been painted in the first decades of the nineteenth century. As one cannot believe that Caulfield or Hodgkins works are so resembling and have so "vital links" with the past, with the traditional methods of painting, when they have shocked the art community. Turner even finds a disciple in what concerns the preference for marine themes in Tim Stoner. Turner stopped time for a ship, Stoner stopped time for a couple of kids in a garden plastic pool: the modern ships are too ugly to have the time stooped for them, and besides nowadays the sea means the holiday there during the summer , not pirates' adventures. Centuries apart, all these modern painters support the idea of a Britishness in British art, of a certain sense of insularity. And this is tradition.