
  • 501. How do I like unusual methods of teaching? (DEAD POETS SOCIETY)

    "Dead Poets Society" is a collection of pious platitudes masquerading as a courageous stand in favor of something: doing your own thing, I think. It's about an inspirational, unconventional English teacher and his students at "the best prep school in America" and how he challenges them to question conventional works by such techniques as standing on their desks. It is, of course, inevitable that the brilliant teacher will eventually be fired from the school, and when his students stood on their desks to protest his dismissal, I was so moved, I wanted to throw up.

    Peter Weir's film makes much noise about poetry, and there are brief quotations from Tennyson, Herrick, Whitman and even Vachel Lindsay, as well as a brave excursion into prose that takes us as far as Thoreau's Walden. None of these writers are studied, however, in a spirit that would lend respect to their language; they're simply plundered for slogans to exort the students toward more personal freedom. At the end of a great teacher's course in poetry, the students would love poetry; at the end of this teacher's semester, all they really love is the teacher.

    The movie stars Robin Williams as the mercurial John Keating, teacher of English at the exclusive Welton Academy in Vermont. The performance is a delicate balancing act between restraint and schtick.

    For much of the time, Williams does a good job of playing an intelligent, quick-witted, well-read young man. But then there are scenes in which his stage persona punctures the character - as when he does impressions of Marlon Brando and John Wayne doing Shakespeare.

    There is also a curious lack of depth to his character compared with such other great movie teachers as Miss Jean Brodie and Professor Kingsfield. Keating is more of a plot device than a human being.

    The story is also old stuff, recycled out of the novel and movie "A Separate Peace" and other stories in which the good die young and the old simmer in their neurotic and hateful repressions. The key conflict in the movie is between Neil (Robert Sean Leonard), a student who dreams of being an actor, and his father (Kurtwood Smith), who orders his son to become a doctor and forbids him to go onstage. The father is a strict, unyielding taskmaster, and the son, lacking the will to defy him, kills himself. His death would have had a greater impact for me if it had seemed like a spontaneous human cry of despair, rather than like a meticulously written and photographed set piece.

    Other elements in the movie also seem to have been chosen for their place in the artificial jigsaw puzzle. A teenage romance between one of the Welton students and a local girl is given so little screen time, so arbitrarily, that it seems like a distraction. And I squirmed through the meetings of the "Dead Poets Society," a self-consciously bohemian group of students who hold secret meetings in the dead of night in a cave near the campus.

    The society was founded by Keating when he was an undergraduate, but in its reincarnate form it never generates any sense of mystery, rebellion or daring. The society's meetings have been badly written and are dramatically shapeless, featuring a dance line to Lindsay's "The Congo" and various attempts to impress girls with random lines of poetry. The movie is set in 1959, but none of these would-be bohemians have heard of Kerouac, Ginsberg or indeed of the beatnik movement.

    One scene in particular indicates the distance between the movie's manipulative instincts and what it claims to be about. When Keating is being railroaded by the school administration (which makes him the scapegoat for his student's suicide), one of the students acts as a fink and tells the old fogies what they want to hear. Later, confronted by his peers, he makes a hateful speech of which not one word is plausible except as an awkward attempt to supply him with a villain's dialogue. Then one of the other boys hits him in the jaw, to great applause from the audience. The whole scene is utterly false and seems to exist only so that the violence can resolve a situation that the screenplay is otherwise unwilling to handle.

    "Dead Poets Society" is not the worst of the countless recent movies about good kids and hidebound, authoritatian older people. It may, however, be the most shameless in its attempt to pander to an adolescent audience. The movie pays lip service to qualities and values that, on the evidence of the screenplay itself, it is cheerfully willing to abandon. If you are going to evoke Henry David Thoreau as the patron saint of your movie, then you had better make a movie he would have admired. Here is one of my favorite sentences from Thoreau's Walden, which I recommend for serious study by the authors of this film: " . . . instead of studying how to make it worth men's while to buy my baskets, I studied rather how to avoid the necessity of selling them." Think about it.

  • 502. How the comintern was stalinised
    Иностранные языки

    Within a few days I was on my way to Moscow via Finland. At the time it was dangerous to travel through Poland. I was able to get through to Moscow without any trouble at all. That was because before I left Australia Moxon had advised me to place Communist Party papers on the top of my luggage so that at the Soviet Union border I would be quickly processed. It worked very well, and I was asked at the border if I knew what to do when I got to Moscow. "I know only one word," I said, "and that's Comintern!" The officer replied that would get me there.

  • 503. How to be happy in your family life
    Иностранные языки

    Good evening Ladies! Today we speak about relationships between man and woman. I tell you why you have conflicts in your family and give advice how can avoid this conflicts. Men and women are different creatures. They approach things differently and it is the root of some of the problems. Conflicts occur between men and women very often and prohibit mutually fulfilling loving relationships. Men and women cope with stress and problems differently. Women actually differ from men in that they prefer to talk about problems and vent their feelings; men think its far more efficient to sort things out on their own. While men value power, efficiency, competency and achievement women value love, communication, beauty and relationships. Men experience fulfillment through success and accomplishment but women experience fulfillment through sharing, relating and nurturing. Men are interested in the news, weather and sports, in «object» and «things» rather than people and feelings as for women are interested in romance, shopping and self help-books. We are concerned with living in harmony, community and loving cooperation but men are concerned with outdoor activities, like hunting, fishing and racing cars. Men really take pride in being able to do things and achieve things actually without help, totally on their own, as for women pride themselves in being considerate of the needs and feelings of others. Men fantasize about powerful cars, faster computers, gadgets, gizmos and new technology. But women fantasize about romance and family. I made many examples, which come between the sexes. And now, I give you some advice. The best thing to do is be aware that were different. Realize that men and women have a different style of approaching things and then learn to put up with it. We must respect and accept differences between us. We can counteract these differences in communication styles, emotional needs, and modes of behavior, promote a greater understanding between individual partners.

  • 504. Hе Кирилл ли Туровской с Припяти - автор "Слова о полку Игореве"?

    Илиада:Слово:распростер их в корысть плотоядным птицам и псам.орли клекотом на кости зовут.смертоносными прыща стреламипрыщети на вои стрелами.боги! великая скорбь на ахейскую землю приходит.тоска разлияся по всей земли, печаль жирна тече средь земли РускойС криком стадами летят через быстрый поток Океанагалицы стады бежат к Дону Великомубелое тело их, верно, растерзано вранами будет.часто врани граяхуть, себе деляче.кровью земля заструиласьчрна земля под копыты была посеяна и кровью польянызадождили свистящие стрелы.итти дождю стрелами.Подобных смысловых и поэтических параллелей из "Илиады" и "Слова" можно привести десятки. Произедения Омира (Гомера) в XII в. была известны на Руси. О них говорится, например, в послании митрополита Климента пресвитеру Фоме. А.И. Роговым и другими историками обнаружено влияние и более поздней византийской литературы, в частности, апокрифического произведения Ипполита "Хождение старца Зосимы". Все это вместе взятое свидетельствует не только о знании автором "Слова" памятников древнегреческой и византийской литературы, но и о том, что художественно-образная система эллинской культуры была для него эстетической нормой. Вместе с тем филологи отмечают слабую связь "Слова" с западноевропейской литературой. "Hепосредственно "Слово" не зависит,- по оценке Л.А. Дмитриева,- ни от скальдической поэзии, ни от поэзии трубадуров, труверов или миннезингеров"..

  • 505. Hесколько мыслей о предстоящей реформе русского языка

    А вот ещё пример: "Славянский бог Велес хранит крестьянские стада". Связь с религией самая несомненная, так почему этого бога нужно писать со строчной? Только потому, что бог христиан, мелочный и мстительный, по мнению самих христиан, есть единственный истинный бог? Что-то мне это напоминает... Ах, да! Ещё в недавние годы существительное "партия" предлагалось писать как все прочие слова за исключением тех моментов, когда речь идёт о единственной, истинной "Партии". Значит, в "Институте русского языка" не изжили угодливого желания подлизываться к властям предержащим и со рвением сутенёра продолжают укладывать великий и могучий русский язык под политических временщиков. Удивительно забавно читать статьи покойного академика Розенталя, наблюдать, как колебалась высоконаучная точка зрения в такт партийным указаниям. С полной безапеляционностью научное светило, в школьные годы само писавшее "бог" с заглавной буквы, объявляет, что "христос" следует писать со строчной, поскольку это не имя, а обычное прилагательное -- "распятый". О том, что клички и прозвища пишутся с прописной будущему директору "Института русского языка" в ту пору было неизвестно. Иисус Христос, Серёжка Кривой, Сонька Золотая Ручка, вроде бы так... Затем, когда курс "Партии" начал смягчаться, Иисусу вернули право на кликуху, но в качестве компенсации ввели заглавные буквы в существительных "съезд", "коммунизм" и прилагательном "генеральный". В последние годы своей чрезвычайно долгой жизни академик вновь возмечтал о "Пасхе", ибо это имя собственное. Так или иначе, своих корыстных целей Розенталь добился, он не был расстрелян в тридцатых, посажен в сороковых, его не отправили в психушку с семидесятых. Розенталь прожил, сидя на хороших должностях, свыше девяноста лет и, как видим, оставил достойных учеников. И, тем не менее, политическая проституция не имеет никакого отношения к науке и не должна влиять на реформу русского языка.

  • 506. Intellectual history of the Europe

    In scholastic motivation the main reason of prohibition of sale on credit lay even more deeply. It stood in connection with the general prohibition of a loan under the percent, leaning against the doctrine about futility of money. Having acquired Aristotle's sight on which money is only a criterion of value and the loan is considered mainly from the point of work of transfer and returning of money, the scholasticism with Thomas Aquinas at the head has developed curious, though also absolutely false doctrine about impossibility of a percentage loan. The essence of this doctrine is reduced to thought that subject transfer by one person to another informs the last the property of a thing and the new proprietor thereby gets using. Raises special compensation for using the known sum of money would be to equivalently double sale of the same subject. The one who has sold a wine bottle, cannot besides, raise compensation for the right to drink this wine.

  • 507. International Trade in the Natural Gas Industry

    The essence of the neoclassical approach to international trade and specialization of individual countries is as follows: for historical reasons geographical distribution of materials and human resources are unequal that can explain the differences in prices for goods on which the national comparative advantage is highly dependent. This implies the law of proportionality factors. In an open economy each country tends to specialize in the manufacturing the goods which require more factors with which the country is better endowed (Leamer 1995). Considering gas industry it could be stated that those countries which possess large quantity of gas resources on their territories first of all have the comparative advantage compared to other countries and for such countries as Norway, Canada, Qatar, Algeria and Russia natural gas plays the role of factor that creates this comparative advantage. Further more the prices for gas in home-country will be relatively lower than in the countries which are forced to import it due to different costs they need to cover to satisfy their need. But what is better to be a reach natural resource country or it is better to import them to fulfill the internal needs? theorem of international trade of Heckscher-Ohlin was contributed by the theoretical study of Rybczybski which shows that the expansion of export production by using relative excess factors will lead to stagnation in production in other industries for which this factor is not relatively abundant. The theoretical conclusions of Rybczybski were repeatedly proved by cases nowadays known as Dutch disease. The manifestation of this disease was associated with an active development of Dutch natural gas fields in the North Sea, which was accompanied by overflowed resources into this sector. Rising world market prices for all fuels, including natural gas, increased the activity of the Netherlands in the development of new deposits but the new Dutch sector of the economy caused an outflow of resources from other sectors. There was a significant reduction in the output in manufacturing industry. Overflow of resources from the manufacturing sector contributed to a reduction in their volume of production and exports. Similar process has taken place in Great Britain, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Mexico and other countries where the intensive development of new natural deposits was conducted (Rybczynski 1955). As can be seen from the countries which suffered from the same problem not only developing countries can face it but every country if both of the two fallowing factors are fulfilled: first is - open economy, the second is - relatively high availability of the countrys natural resources. There is a more general theory, concerning natural resources- the empirical investigation The curse of natural resources by Prebisch and Hirschman, in the presence of a significant number of control variables set a negative statistical relationship between the wealth of natural resources and the pace of economic growth. (Prebisch, 1950, Hirschman, 1958) Further empirical research on the problem of «The curse of natural resources» was carried out by number of economists. Most important contribution in this research was made by Sachs and Warner. They have studied 97 developing countries in the period of 1970-1989 and concluded that the countries with a high ratio of natural resource exports had a much slower economic growth rate than countries with a relatively low ratio of natural resource exports to GDP (Sachs & Warner 1997). problem of «The curse of natural resources» is very important not only for developing countries, as it is stated in the main stream of literature, but also for countries with transition economies that are rich in natural resources, in particular, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The complexity of the analysis of economic processes in transition economies is that the "normal" processes of market economies, here are formed with the specific fundamental changes caused by the transition from a planned economy. As an example we can observe Russia as the richest natural resource country. In spite of uncountable natural deposits which Russia trade successfully internationally this country still cant exit from the category of developing countries and stabilize its economy.country in the world needs international trade in both economical and social aspects. Foreign trade contributes to more efficient use of both domestic resources and resources belonging to other countries, in order to better meet the unlimited needs of the population within the country and abroad. Each country is trying to get the maximum benefit from both exports and imports. But at the same time, all states must carry out certain trading rules which were developing through decades by participants in foreign trade transactions. Focal point for all the processes of foreign trade and the behavior of its participants is the state. In this case, the state carries out its policies. External and internal trade are different because: Resources at the international level are less mobile than within the country In the internal trade each country uses its own currency and in foreign trade the world currencies foreign trade is controlled more by the government The international division of labor by which countries can develop a specialization, to improve the performance of their resources and thus increase the total production - this is the basis of trade between countries. States can benefit by specializing in products that can be made with the highest relative efficiency, and their subsequent exchange for goods, which they were unable to produce.

  • 508. Is hand gun control good or bad for Ukraine?
  • 509. Jealousy as the cause of internal self-destruction in "Kreutzer Sonata" by Leo Tolstoy (Ревность как...

    “Kreutzer Sonata” is a very solid, yet unobtrusive piece of music. It is flowing into the mood, brightens it up and softens down. The first presto is not long, yet it reflects a sinful abundance of passion. Indeed, the dialogue of the violin and the piano amazes with its vivacity and glorification of feelings. It overwhelms and subdues emotions from the very first loud pianos accords and violin singing its second part to piano on the contrary in a tender, twittering tone. Then piano is flying into crescendo and as if waiting for the imminent amalgamation of two hearts into sweet harmony of an increasing rhythm, it decides to cease to a voluptuous retreat. But prior to the immediate withdrawal it sends sensuous hints of the near victory to the violin. And if though the violin senses this hesitation it falls into flirting, mischievous playfulness. The next swift turns into calamity, sweet exhaustion of piano and violin, when a dialogue of two is almost sound. They are questioning, comforting each other, and perhaps seeking an answer to “maybe not?” But it does not last long, because the next accords of piano are assertive and irresistibly inviting. There is a notion of violin speculations and balance upon a thin line while making the right decision, but the crowning part of the allegro is the triumph over obstacles, doubts and moral norms. It is a celebration of feelings, glory of eroticism and delight of lust.

  • 510. Kastus Kalinovsky the Fighter for Independence of Belarus

    K.Kalinovsky was born in 1838 on the 21-st of January not far

  • 511. Kristijonas Donelaitis

    K. Donelaicio grozine kuryba, ivairus jo rastai, dokumentai ir kitokia archyvine medziaga, o taip pat literatura apie ji duoda pagrindo teigti, kad izymusis lietuviu tautos poetas buvo ne romus ir nuolankus nuosalaus Rutu Prusijos baznytkaimio protestantu pastorius, o dideliu gabumu, auksto intelektinio pajegumo, turtingos dvasios ir sudetingos naturos asmenybe. Jis pilnas kurybines energijos praktinei veiklai, tiesus ir drasus,jaucias savo asmens verte ir ginas savo garbe, mokas nuosirdziai myleti ir aistringai neapkesti, astria ironija triuskinti priesa ir svelniu zodziu prasnekti drauga. Poetas mylejo gyvenima, ponu ir valdininku engiamus burus ir gimtosios zemes laukus. Taciau jam nemaza teko kenteti, nes gyveno ir veike niurioje feodalizmo gadyneje, kai visur, jo paties zodziais tariant, viespatavo “neteisingumas, neteisumas, palinkimas valdytis, savanaudiskumas, sykstumas”.

  • 512. Le France situee a l’ouest du l Europe

    Cest un des plus grund etats europeens qui a 551600(si cun mill) km de superficie. Le forme de la France resemble a un hexagone regulier.Au nord les cotes francaises donnent sur la mer du Nord et La Manche.A louest la France est baignee par locean Atlantique et au sud par laMediterranee.La France est limitrophe avec la Belgique,le Lexembourg,lAllmagne,la Suisse,lItalie.

  • 513. Long Day's Journey Into the Night

    Edmund and Jamie are heard laughing in the next room, and Tyrone immediately grows bitter, assuming they are making jokes about him. Edmund and Jamie enter, and we see that, even though he is just 23 years old, Edmund is "plainly in bad health" and nervous. Upon entering, Jamie begins to stare at his mother, thinking that she is looking much better. The conversation turns spiteful, however, when the sons begin to make fun of Tyrone's loud snoring, a subject about which he is sensitive, driving him to anger. Edmund tells him to calm down, leading to an argument between the two. Tyrone then turns on Jamie, attacking him for his lack of ambition and laziness. To calm things down, Edmund tells a funny story about a tenant named Shaughnessy on the Tyrone family land in Ireland, where the family's origins lie. Tyrone is not amused by the anecdote, however, because he could be the subject of a lawsuit related to ownership of the land. He attacks Edmund again, calling his comments socialist. Edmund gets upsets and exits in a fit of coughing. Jamie points out that Edmund is really sick, a comment which Tyrone responds to with a "shut up" look, as though trying to prevent Mary from finding out something. Mary tells them that, despite what any doctor may say, she believes that Edmund has nothing more than a bad cold. Mary has a deep distrust for doctors. Tyrone and Jamie begin to stare at her again, making her self-conscious. Mary reflects on her faded beauty, recognizing that she is in the stages of decline.

  • 514. Many strange children were found in the world

    12-year-old boy was captured. His movements resembled the movements of wild animals. The boy was naked. The boy was small for his age. He was deeply tanned and covered in scars and scratches from his life in the forests. He could not speak and did not react even if shouted in his ear; He refused to wear clothes, ripping them off whatever the weather. He would only eat familiar food such as potatoes or walnuts. He walked uncertainly. There was no connection between his mind and his body, and that he reflected on nothing, he had no imagination, no memory. Itard began by using a system of rewards and punishments. At first, Itard rewarded any sound Victor made. Using simple painful method, over some months Itard taught Victor the names of some household objects. Itard tried every way he could think of to teach Victor language. Used letters, Itard would spell out words like "bring book" and then demonstrate the action to Victor so that he would understand. Victor, however, was strangely wooden even in the use of the limited vocabulary he had learnt - as if the words did not have any meaning. When after five years of tuition, Victor's progress remained on very low level, Itard had to admit defeat. Itard handed Victor over to the care of his housekeeper who faithfully cared for him until he died in his forties, house-trained but still half-wild, fearful and mute.

  • 515. Marxism and women’s movement
    Иностранные языки

    Thе fаіlurе оf rеvоlutіоns іn thе аdvаncеd cоuntrіеs sеаlеd thе fаtе оf thе wоrkеrs stаtе аnd оf Russіаn wоmеn. Іn а dеspеrаtе аttеmpt tо buy tіmе, thе Nеw Еcоnоmіc Pоlіcy wаs іntrоducеd іn 1921, аnd thіs bаdly аffеctеd wоmеn, whо wеrе mаіnly unskіllеd wоrkеrs аnd thеrеfоrе suffеrеd mоst frоm unеmplоymеnt, dеspіtе gоvеrnmеnt аttеmpts tо prоtеct thеm. By thе еnd оf thе 1920s, а nеw rulіng clаss hаd аrіsеn undеr Stаlіn аnd cоnsоlіdаtеd а fоrm оf burеаucrаtіc stаtе cаpіtаlіsm. Іt іs frоm thіs pоіnt thаt wе sее а quаlіtаtіvе chаngе: thе gаіns mаdе by wоmеn stаrt tо bе rоllеd bаck аs а mаttеr оf dеlіbеrаtе gоvеrnmеnt pоlіcy rаthеr thаn undеr thе fоrcе оf cіrcumstаncеs. Thе prіоrіty оf thе nеw rulіng clаss wаs cаpіtаl аccumulаtіоn tо cаtch up wіth thе wеst. Thіs mеаnt mаssіvе іndustrіаlіsаtіоn аnd thе dіvеrsіоn оf rеsоurcеs аwаy frоm cоnsumptіоn tоwаrds prоductіоn. Іt аlsо mеаnt thе supеr-еxplоіtаtіоn оf thе wоrkіng clаss. Wоmеn wеrе brоught bаck іntо thе wоrkfоrcе, but thеy lоst prоtеctіvе lеgіslаtіоn, mеchаnіsms such аs pіеcеwоrk rаtеs mаdе іt іmpоssіblе fоr thеm tо еаrn аs much аs mеn, аnd mаtеrnіty bеnеfіts wеrе slаshеd. Chіldcаrе cоntіnuеd tо еxіst, nоt tо lіbеrаtе wоmеn frоm thе fаmіly, but tо fаcіlіtаtе thеіr еxplоіtаtіоn. Іndееd, аn еssеntіаl prоjеct оf thе Stаlіnіst cоuntеr-rеvоlutіоn wаs thе strеngthеnіng оf thе fаmіly, fоrcіng bаck оntо wоmеn thе rеspоnsіbіlіty fоr hоusеwоrk аnd chіldcаrе. Thеrе wаs а sustаіnеd аttаck оn Kоllоntаіs іdеаs аbоut sеxuаl frееdоm, whіch еvеntuаlly іntіmіdаtеd hеr іntо sіlеncе. Kоllоntаіs аdvаncеd іdеаs hаd оftеn mеt wіth crіtіcіsm wіthіn thе pаrty, pаrtіculаrly frоm оldеr mеmbеrs, іncludіng Lеnіn, whоsе аttіtudе tо sеx wаs undоubtеdly purіtаnіcаl by tоdаys stаndаrds. But іt іs nеcеssаry tо drаw а dіstіnctіоn bеtwееn thе pеrsоnаl prеjudіcеs оf іndіvіduаls аnd pаrty pоlіcy, whіch wаs unаmbіguоusly fоr sеxuаl frееdоm. Аs thе Bоlshеvіk Grіgоrіі Bаkkіs wrоtе іn 1923:

  • 516. Mass migration in Australia
    Иностранные языки

    (f) A very proactive attitude to refugees. The current crises in Timor and Fiji and the crisis in Kosovo underline the importance of allowing refugee migration on the widest possible scale when crises arise. Much of the immigration history of Australia since the Second World War and, indeed, since the Irish Famine in the 1850s, has been based on providing safe haven for refugees. This is appropriate for a new country such as Australia, and people who come to Australia in these circumstances usually make a considerable effort to make a life in Australia.This migration program should be backed up by a considerable commitment to appropriate national infrastructure and agricultural development etc, at the same time as a vast public program to remediate the Australian environment.I believe that is the kind of policy on which both the labour movement, and possibly Australian society as a whole, will settle, and quite soon. The reason that this will be so is the effect of the already established cultural diversity and ethnic mix in the new Australia, and the obvious political implications of our location in the world.The current crisis in relations with Indonesia, produced by the necessity of defending the right of national self-determination of the East Timorese people, heavily underlines the need for nailing down such a general policy on migration.

  • 517. Melville’s “The March into Virginia” and “The College Colonel”: The Broken Youth.

    It can be the same regiment that is described in “ The March into Virginia”, but the people have changed. There is neither boyish gaiety nor enthusiasm in their files anymore. They are “half-tattered, and battered, and worn/ like castaway sailors […]” (7-8). Nothing romantic is left in their appearance. The comparison between soldiers and castaway sailors is interesting. This is how Melville describes sailors from a sunken ship trying to reach a coast: “ Their mates dragged back and seen no more-/again and again breast the surge,/ and at last crawl, spent to shore” (10- 12). The war has become a storming sea for a soldier. It has lost any political meaning; now, the war is just a dark power trying to take his life. A defeat or victory are nothing but worthless words for him. A soldier is not interested in wars outcome; he is interested only in its end. He does not fight for a country or a noble idea; he fights only for his own life and the lives of men from his unit. He does not care about the rest of the world because it does not exist for him. The rest of the world has become that storming sea that is trying to kill him. Like a castaway sailor, a soldier sees his comrades “dragged back” to disappear forever. Like a castaway sailor, he “at last [crawls], spent […]” to safety (12). Like a castaway sailor, a soldier found himself in a strange place. The civilized world has become a foreign and hostile land for a veteran where he must struggle to find his place. Suddenly, some of the soldiers realize that the war, that they hated so much, has become a part of their lives, and they cannot normally exist without it.

  • 518. Melville's "The March into Virginia" and "The College Colonel": The Broken Youth...

    It can be the same regiment that is described in “ The March into Virginia”, but the people have changed. There is neither boyish gaiety nor enthusiasm in their files anymore. They are “half-tattered, and battered, and worn/ like castaway sailors […]” (7-8). Nothing romantic is left in their appearance. The comparison between soldiers and castaway sailors is interesting. This is how Melville describes sailors from a sunken ship trying to reach a coast: “ Their mates dragged back and seen no more-/again and again breast the surge,/ and at last crawl, spent to shore” (10- 12). The war has become a storming sea for a soldier. It has lost any political meaning; now, the war is just a dark power trying to take his life. A defeat or victory are nothing but worthless words for him. A soldier is not interested in wars outcome; he is interested only in its end. He does not fight for a country or a noble idea; he fights only for his own life and the lives of men from his unit. He does not care about the rest of the world because it does not exist for him. The rest of the world has become that storming sea that is trying to kill him. Like a castaway sailor, a soldier sees his comrades “dragged back” to disappear forever. Like a castaway sailor, he “at last [crawls], spent […]” to safety (12). Like a castaway sailor, a soldier found himself in a strange place. The civilized world has become a foreign and hostile land for a veteran where he must struggle to find his place. Suddenly, some of the soldiers realize that the war, that they hated so much, has become a part of their lives, and they cannot normally exist without it.

  • 519. Missile Defense System - Buren for the United States
    Безопасность жизнедеятельности
  • 520. Moby Dick

    The next day, the Pequod is caught in a typhoon. The weird weather makes white ames appear at the top of the three masts and Ahab refuses to let the crew put up lightning rods to draw away the danger. While Ahab marvels at the ship's three masts lit up like three spermaceti candles, hailing them as good omens and signs of his own power, Starbuck sees them as a warning against continuing the journey. When Starbuck sees Ahab's harpoon also ickering with fire, he says that this is a sign that God is against Ahab. Ahab, however, grasps the harpoon, and says, in front of a frightened crew, there is nothing to fear in the enterprise that binds them all together. He blows out the ame to "blow out the last fear. "In the next chapter, Starbuck questions Ahab's judgment again{this time saying that they should pull down the main-top-sail yard. Ahab says that they should just lash it tighter, complaining that his first mate must think him incompetent. On the bulwarks of the forecastle, Stubb and Flask are having their own conversation about the storm and Ahab's behavior. Stubb basically dominates the conversation and says that this journey is no more dangerous than any other is even though it seems as if Ahab is putting them in extreme danger. Suspended above them all on the main-top-sail yard, Tashtego says to himself that sailors don't care that much about the storm, just rum. When the storm finally dies down, Starbuck goes below to report to Ahab. On the way to Ahab's cabin, he sees a row of muskets, including the very one that Ahab had leveled at him earlier. Angry about Ahab's reckless and selfish behavior, he talks to himself about whether he ought to kill his captain. He decides he cannot kill Ahab in his sleep and goes up.