
  • 1161. Mercury and Venus
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The second planet from the sun bakes under twice as much solar radiation as Earth and reaches temperatures of 895 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius). Pressure from the dense atmosphere of sulfuric acid gas is about 95 times greater than Earth's and would crush a human. The thick cloud cover around Venus rotates much faster than the planet itself -- once every four days. After the moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky.

  • 1162. MESM
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    S.A.Lebedev was proposed to head the Institute of Energetics in Kiev. After a year; when the Institute of was divided into two departments: the electronical one and the department of heat-and-power engineering, Lebedev became the director of the first one. He also added his laboratory of analogue computation to the already existing ones of the electronical type. At once he began to work on computer science instead of the usual, routine researches in the field of engineering means of stabilization and structures of automated devices. Lebedev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR. Since autumn 1948 Lebedev directed his laboratory towards creating the MESM. The most difficult part of the work was the practical creation of MESM. It might be only the many-sided experience of the researches that allowed the scientist to fulfill the task perfectly; whereas one inaccuracy was made: the hall at the ground-floor of a two-storied building was assigned for MESM and when, at last, the MESM was assembled and switched on, 6,000 of red-hot electronic lamps created the “tropics” in the hall, so they had to remove a part of the ceiling to decrease the temperature.

  • 1163. Mesures non tarifaires
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 17.07.2007

    TERMEDEFINITION Autolimitation des exportations Une mesure adoptee par un pays exportateur et par laquelle il accepte volontairement de limiter le volume ou la valeur des exportations dun produit donne vers un pays importateur particulier. Barrieres non tarifaires Mesures non tarifaires qui ont un impact protectionniste. Exemples: quotas, contingents tarifaires, regimes de delivrance des licences, fourchettes de prix. Boutique hors taxe Une boutique hors taxe est un entrepot licencie qui a obtenu une autorisation du gouvernement deffectuer des ventes en franchise de droits de douane, daccises et de taxes nationales, pour les personnes voyageant en dehors du pays. La plupart de ces boutiques se trouvent dans des ports et des aeroports ainsi quaux frontieres internationales. Il y a normalement deux categories de boutiques hors taxes, les boutiques hors taxes de sortie et les boutiques hors taxes dentree. Les boutiques hors taxes de sortie ont lautorisation de vendre des produits en franchise de droits de douane а des particuliers qui quittent le pays. Les boutiques hors taxes dentree sont situees dans les terminaux des aeroports internationaux entre les portes de debarquement et les zones de procedure douaniere. Ces boutiques ne peuvent vendre des articles en franchise de droits de douane et de taxes quaux passagers qui arrivent. Ils ont des limites quant а la gamme des produits quils peuvent vendre. De meme, les passagers sont soumis а des restrictions quant au montant de certaines marchandises quils peuvent acheter. Contingents tarifaires Un systeme de protection du commerce par lequel un taux tarifaire inferieur est impose sur des importations de quantites specifiees dun produit donne, et des taux tarifaires plus eleves sont imposes sur des importations qui excedent ces quantites. La taille du quota est normalement definie par le gouvernement de facon periodique, notamment annuellement. Droit ad valorem Un droit qui est impose en termes de pourcentage de la valeur du bien. Par exemple, un droit de 5 %, ce qui signifie que le droit dimportation est de 5 % de la valeur evaluee du bien en question. Equivalent ad valorem Lorsquun droit est fixe en termes specifiques ou mixtes, un « equivalent ad valorem » de la portion non ad valorem du droit est habituellement calculee а des fins de reference. Il y a plusieurs formules pour estimer les equivalents ad valorem. Une approche courante est basee sur le commerce NPF, les droits recouvres etant divises par la valeur en douane. Licences dimportation Procedures administratives requerant la presentation dune demande ou dautres documents (autres que ceux qui sont requis а des fins douanieres) а lentite administrative appropriee comme condition prealable а limportation de biens. Accord de lOMC sur les procedures de licences dimportation. Licences d'importation automatiques Licences dimportation dont la demande est approuvee dans tous les cas et qui ne sont pas administrees dune facon qui pourrait avoir des effets restrictifs sur les importations donnant lieu а des licences automatiques. Licences d'importation non automatiques Licences qui ne tombent pas dans la definition de licences dimportation automatiques. Les licences dimportation non automatiques sont utilisees pour administrer les restrictions commerciales telles que des restrictions quantitatives lorsquelles sont justifiees dans le cadre legal du commerce international. Mesures non tarifaires Toutes les mesures imposees aux flux du commerce qui ne sont pas des mesures tarifaires. Quelques-unes de ces mesures peuvent constituer des barriиres non tarifaires. Prescriptions de resultat Une exigence egale imposee aux producteurs de biens et/ou services, qui leur impose certaines obligations. Par exemple, quelques accords commerciaux concluent les prescriptions de resultat suivantes, entre autres: (i) quun niveau ou pourcentage determinй de biens ou de services soit exporte; (ii) que des biens et services nationaux du pays producteur qui accorde une exemption des droits de douane soient substitues pour des biens ou services importes; (iii) quune personne au benefice dune exemption de droits de douane achete dautres biens ou services dans le territoire du pays producteur accordant lexemption de droits de douane ou donne la preference aux biens et services de production interieure; (iv) quune personne au benefice dune exemption de droits de douane produise des biens ou fournisse des services sur le territoire du pays producteur accordant lexemption, avec un niveau ou un pourcentage determine de contenu national; ou (v) une exigence qui relie dune facon ou dune autre le volume ou la valeur des importations au volume ou а la valeur des exportations ou au montant des rentrees de devises. Procedure de ristourne Procedure douaniere qui prevoit, lorsque des biens sont exportes, un remboursement (partiel ou total) sur les droits et taxes dimportation prelevees sur des biens ou des matieres contenues dans ces derniers ou consommees au cours de leur production. Programme de report des droits Tout regime dimportation qui comprend des dispositions pour le report du paiement des droits dimportation tels que ceux qui regissent les zones franches, les importations temporaires sous douane les entrepots de douane, « maquiladoras », et les programmes de traitement interieur. Systeme harmonise de designation et de codification des marchandises Le Systeme harmonise de designation et de codification des marchandises, generalement appele « Systeme harmonise » ou simplement « SH », est une nomenclature de produits internationale а buts multiples elaboree par lOrganisation mondiale des douanes (OMD). Il comprend environ 5 000 groupes de produits, chacun identifie par un code de six chiffres, organise. en une structure egale et logique et appuye par des regles bien definies en vue dobtenir une classification uniforme. Le systeme est utilise par plus de 177 pays et economies comme base de leurs tarifs douaniers et pour la collecte de statistiques sur le commerce international. Le Systeme harmonise est regi par la Convention internationale sur le Systeme harmoniseй de designation et de codification des marchandises. Tarif compositeUn tarif qui combine des tarifs ad valorem et specifiques. Tarif specifique Un tarif qui est impose en termes de charges monetaires specifiques par unite ou quantite de bien importe. Par exemple, 100 $ par tonne metrique dun bien donne. Traitement national Disposition legale qui cherche а eviter la discrimination et le protectionnisme dans lapplication de la taxe interne et des mesures reglementaires. Elle stipule normalement que des que des importations sont entrees sur le territoire dun pays importateur, 1) des taxes internes doivent etre appliquees egalement aux importations et а la production interieure similaire, et 2) les reglements nationaux ne doivent pas traiter les importations de facon « moins favorable » que la production interieure similaire. Zone franche de transformation pour lexportation Un domaine industriel clairement delimite qui constitue une enclave de libre-echange dans le regime douanier et commercial dun pays, et dans lequel des entreprises facturieres etrangиres et locales produisant essentiellement а des fins dexportation beneficient dun certain nombre dincitatifs fiscaux et financiers.

  • 1164. Metallica
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Metallicas beginning as many other things in this world owes to someone being at the right place in the right time. Im talking about one of the founders of future legend its drummer, Lars Ulrich, who was born in faraway Denmark. This fact is interesting, because only two famous performers of heavy metal were ever born in Denmark: King Diamond and Ulrich himself. Lars was born in a suburb of Copenhagen on December 26, 1963 in family of famous at that time tennis player, Torben Ulrich. Due to this, problem of Larss profession was solved at early age. At the beginning little Lars constantly traveled all around the world with his dad to different championships and tournaments, and later took up tennis himself. By the time Lars was ten, he was in the top ten of Danish junior league, and would only keep advancing. Both Lars and his father were thinking that his future was set as a tennis star. However, that soon changed. In February of 1973 young Lars accidentally wound up at a concert of Deep Purple. He was taken there by his fathers friend old hippie and fan of hard rock. Lars himself had little interest in that kind of music. What he saw, however, turned his world upside down. A week later, Lars brought home his first vinyl disc album Deep Purple 71 Fireball. Lars also got into Sweet, Uriah Heep, Slade, Thin Lizzy, and Black Sabbath all the British rock-elite. Black Sabbaths concert in 75 inspired other people too, so Copenhagen at the time had plenty of teenagers jumping with some heavy music and trying make guitarists of themselves. Lars, on the other hand, chose a very different instrument for himself the drums. More and more often you could see him spending time with two sticks and a bunch of boxes instead of his tennis racket. Lars finally got real drums for his 13th birthday after bugging his grandmother for several months. One time going around his favorite of music stores, Lars found out “New Wave of British Heavy Metal” or “NWOBHM” that changed his life again. In fall of 79 Lars finally met a real, live rocker drummer of Motorhead, Phil Taylor. Larss parents at the same time were trying to find a way to deal with their sons growing music obsession. They decided on moving to America, where they were sure, it would be easier for Lars to concentrate on sport and continue his promising career in that field, because of all the different tennis tournaments going on in there. So in the middle of 1980 the whole family moved across the ocean to California. Their new home became a place called New-Port Beach, several miles to the south of Los-Angeles. Larss parents sold his drums in Denmark before the move and made him start on tennis again. That didnt work, however. Two months after the move, Lars got himself his own drums, and this time there was nothing his parents could do to keep him away from them. Lars had a problem with America, though: nobody even heard about the music he was so crazy about. There was nothing heavier than Van Halen on the west coast at that time. It is easy to understand how lonely Lars was in his passions. Everyone considered him completely crazy and hopelessly focused on his drums and foreign heavy metal. In the beginning of 1981, however, Lars got lucky he finally met a common thinker, a guy named Jeff Warner, who played the guitar and also liked British rock. Right after they met, both agreed to devote all their free time to heavy metal. In the end of February they met Lloyd Grant, a skilled black guitarist, who was ten years older than Lars and Jeff. Even though it didnt cause any trouble, after several weeks of training together, the three broke up. Lars and Lloyd had some purely communication problems, and Jeff, disappointed by what happened, left too.

  • 1165. Methods of Lexicological Analysis
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008


    1. Арнольд И.В. Лексикологя современного английского языка. -3-е изд., перераб. и доп.- М.: Высшая школа, 1986.-295 с.
    2. Ахматова О.С., Глушко М.М. Основы компонентного анализа.- М., 1969.-150 с.
    3. Бродська В. Лексико-стилістичний аналіз тексту методом статистичної лексикографії. - Чернівці: Рута, 2003. 199 с.
    4. Верба Л.Г. Порівняльна лексикологія англійської та української мов. -Вінниця: Нова книга, 2003.-160 с.
    5. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка.- 2-е изд., испр. и доп.- М.: Высшая школа, 1977.- 332 с.
    6. Головин Б.И. Из курса лексики по лингвистической статистике.- Горький, 1966.-285 с.
    7. Зеленько А.С.Основи лексикології (під кутом зору теорії лінгвістичного детермінізму) : Моногр. дослідж. - Луганськ: Альма-матер, 2003. -178 с.
    8. Лексикология английского языка: Р.З. Гинзбург, С.С. Хидекель, Г.Ю. Князева.- 2-е изд., испр. и доп.- М.: Высшая школа, 1979.- 269 с.
    9. Фрумина Р.М. Статистические методы изучения лексики. -М., 1992.-206 с.
    10. Порівняльна лексикологія : Конспект лекцій та дидакт. матеріал для студ. лінгв. спец. / Черкас. інж.-технол. ін-т; [Уклад.: Лещенко Г.В. та ін.] Черкаси, 2000. - 86 c.
    11. Українська мова : Лексикологія. Фразеологія. Словотвір: Навч.-метод. комплекс. / Карпалюк В.С., Каньоса П.С., Карпалюк Н.В.; Камянець-Поділ. держ. ун-т. Камянець-Подільський: [Мошак], 2004. - 207 с.
    12. Українська практична лексикологія, фонетика, орфографія / А.П.Загнітко, Л.І.Пац, Л.І.Дубовик, О.Г.Важеніна. Донецьк: Бао, 2007. - 328 с.
    13. Harris Z.S.Methods in Structural Linguistics.-London, 2003. 321 c.
  • 1166. Michael Lermontov
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In 1837 the poet was exiled to the Caucasus for his poem on Pushkin's death in which he put all the blame for it on the ruling circles of Russia under Nicolas I. In 1841 Lermontov was sent into exile to the Caucasus for the second time. As a result of intrigues by the officers he was provoked into a personal quarrel with an old schoolfellow, which led to the duel. On July 15, 1841 the poet was killed.

  • 1167. Michelangelo
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The implicit sense of God's majesty (rather than His fatherhood) is made explicit in the most alarming Last Judgement known to us. Is is Michelangelo's final condemnation of a world he saw as irredeemably corrupt, a verdict essentially heretical, though at that time is was thought profoundly orthodox. His judging Christ is a great, vengeful Apollo, and the power in this terrible painting comes from the artist's tragic despairs. He paints himself into the judgement, not as an integral person, but as a flayed skin, an empty envelope of dead surface, drained of his personhood by artistic pressure. The only consolation, when even the Virgin shrinks from this thunderous colossus, is that the skin belongs to St Bartholomew, and through this martyr's promise of salvation we understand that perhaps, though flayed alive, the artist is miraculously saved.

  • 1168. Micki Mager selbst
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Micki war ein sehr begabter Junge. Er malte gern. Es war sogar sein Hobby. Jede freie Minute benutzte er, um etwas zu malen. Alle Menschen, die er kannte, hielt er auf dem Papier fest. Manchmal konnte man sogar erkennen, wer das sein sollte. Mickis Traum war Maler zu werden. Dafr wollte er auf die Kunstakademie gehen, obwohl 3 Tanten damit nicht einverstanden waren. Jede von ihnen stellte sich sein Schiksal vor. Tante Betti wollte, da er Lokomotivfhrer wird; Tante Trixi glaubte, da er Reklamenzeichner sein mute. Und Tante Fina meinte, da er als Hotelboy anfangen mute, um spter Hoteldirektor zu werden.

  • 1169. Micki Mager und seine Freunde (“Bergfreunde”)
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Das “Bergfreunde-Haus” war eine Jugendorganisation, die gegen Faschismus und fr Friede in der ganzen Welt kmfte. Dieses Klubhaus lag im Sьden der Stadt, wo schon ein bibchen Wald an die Stadt grenzte. Hier hatten sich die Mitglieder vom “Bergfreunde-Club” in freien Stunden selbst ein Heim gebaut, in dem sie lernten, feierten und Freunde einladen konnten. Es gab ein Tischtenniszimmer, eine Kьche, einen Versammlungssaal, ein Fernsehzimmer und eine Bibliothek. In der Bibliothek gab es Bьcher von Anna Seghers, Willi Bredel, Hans Marchwitza, Erwin Strittmatter. Im Kellerraum richteten die Bergfreunde ein Labor fьr ihre Fotofreunde ein, wie im Klubhaus von Ernst Thlmann in Magdeburg. Das “Bergfreunde-Haus” war fabelhaft, das war nicht schlimmer als manches Klubhaus. Es gab aber einen kleinen Unterschied: sie finanzierten das Club aus ihrer eigenen Tasche.

  • 1170. Micki Mager und seine Tanten
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Mickis Vater hie Gregor Mager und war Rechtsanwalt. Er war frisch, elastisch und gut gelaunt. Auerdem war er Raucher. Er wollte, dab Micki so viel lernt, wie viel in seinen Kopf reingeht. Micki mubte grьndliche Kenntnisse erhalten, und deshalb suchte sein Vater fr ihn eine Schule in den Vereinigten Staaten aus. Micki wollte aber das nie machen. Er glaubte, dab sein Vater ihn abschieben wollte.

  • 1171. Microsoft Windows 98 укр
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Та ж сама історія відбувається і з іншій частиною інтерфейсу Windows 98. Було багато що змінено з інструментів Панелі управління (Control Panel), але під косметичними поліпшеннями залишилися невирішеними проблеми Windows 95. Є Майстер підключення до Internet (Internet Connection Wizard), що допомагає підключитися до Мережі, надаючи вибір із досить короткого списку запропонованих їм постачальників послуг Internet (ISP), а в Росії й Україні цей список зовсім порожній. Однак, якщо ви хочете установити доступ до своєму власному ISP і задати свою конфігурацію електронної пошти, вам як і раніше доведеться мати справу з тією ж старою, що покладається винятково на вашу інтуїцію, системою сервісів віддаленого підключення до Мережі по телефонних лініях (Dial-up Networking) із установленими протоколами і поштовими службами. Незважаючи на заяву, що Windows 98 краще управляє системним реєстром (Registry), ми не виявили ніяких поліпшень в утиліті установки і видалення програм (Add/Remove Programs), уперте небажання якої видаляти що-небудь ледве більш складне, чим однофайловий стандартний додаток, уже стало легендарним. Одним словом, під косметичними змінами і хитромудрими настроюваннями диска ви знайдете, по суті, ту ж систему, що і попередня, - із більшістю її недоліків.

  • 1172. Millet, Jean-Fransois
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Although he was officially distrusted because of his real or imaginary Socialist leanings, his own attitude towards his chosen theme of peasant life was curiously ambivalent. Being of peasant stock, he tended to look upon farmworkers as narrow-minded and oblivious of beauty, and did not accept the notion that `honest toil' was the secret of happiness. In fact, his success partly stemmed from the fact that, though compared with most of his predecessors and, indeed, his contemporaries, he was a `Realist', he presented this reality in an acceptable form, with a religious or idyllic gloss. Nevertheless, he became a symbol to younger artists, to whom he gave help and encouragement. It was he who, on a visit to Le Havre to paint portraits, encouraged Boudin to become an artist, and his work certainly influenced the young Monet, and even more decidedly so Pissarro, who shared similar political inclinations.

  • 1173. Missile Defense System - Buren for the United States
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Even though the US government is insisting on building this missile defense system, the Pentagon hasnt thoroughly tested the system. Seven tests of hitting an airborne target were conducted. The Pentagon states that all seven were successful, and that the US government is ready to start this project. A group of scientists from Institute of technology explained how the tests were conducted, and how they were in fact unsuccessful. They clearly state that in the first two tests, the system failed to distinguish between the target warhead and a set of decoys that were shaped like warheads. Modern nuclear missiles all launch multiple decoys along with one or more warheads. After this failure in the first two tests, the multiple realistically-shaped decoys were replaced by a single large balloon-shaped decoy in all of the later tests. In order to make the tests appear successful, the unidentifiable decoys were removed from the test field.

  • 1174. Moby Dick
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The next day, the Pequod is caught in a typhoon. The weird weather makes white ames appear at the top of the three masts and Ahab refuses to let the crew put up lightning rods to draw away the danger. While Ahab marvels at the ship's three masts lit up like three spermaceti candles, hailing them as good omens and signs of his own power, Starbuck sees them as a warning against continuing the journey. When Starbuck sees Ahab's harpoon also ickering with fire, he says that this is a sign that God is against Ahab. Ahab, however, grasps the harpoon, and says, in front of a frightened crew, there is nothing to fear in the enterprise that binds them all together. He blows out the ame to "blow out the last fear. "In the next chapter, Starbuck questions Ahab's judgment again{this time saying that they should pull down the main-top-sail yard. Ahab says that they should just lash it tighter, complaining that his first mate must think him incompetent. On the bulwarks of the forecastle, Stubb and Flask are having their own conversation about the storm and Ahab's behavior. Stubb basically dominates the conversation and says that this journey is no more dangerous than any other is even though it seems as if Ahab is putting them in extreme danger. Suspended above them all on the main-top-sail yard, Tashtego says to himself that sailors don't care that much about the storm, just rum. When the storm finally dies down, Starbuck goes below to report to Ahab. On the way to Ahab's cabin, he sees a row of muskets, including the very one that Ahab had leveled at him earlier. Angry about Ahab's reckless and selfish behavior, he talks to himself about whether he ought to kill his captain. He decides he cannot kill Ahab in his sleep and goes up.

  • 1175. Model of atom’s nucleus and table of elements
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Every subsequent element of the table of elements differs from the previous one in the amount of protons in its nucleus which is increased by one unit and the amount of neutrons is increased by several units in general. That means , that there are more neutrons in the nucleus than protons (without taking into consideration the lightest nucleuses). The scientific literature doesnt give any explanation of this strange correlation of neutrons number to the protons number.

  • 1176. Model of the nucleus of atom and the table of elements
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    For construction of model of a nucleus of atom we shall note, that at an alpha of a radio-activity of a nucleus of helium have approximately equal to energy. Therefore on an external environment of a nucleus we shall place all protons with the same quantity(amount) of neutrons, i.e. at one power level can be only bozons with what the nucleus placed on an external environment an alpha of a particle and are. Inside a nucleus we shall arrange the staying neutrons which problem(task) will be easing electrostatic fields of pushing away of protons. Having assumed a nucleus spherical, and radiuses of a proton and a neutron approximately identical, for any element we shall receive the model of a nucleus explaining the attitude(relation) of number of neutrons to number of protons, following of packing a nucleus of atom. (Discrepancy 0-10%)

  • 1177. Modern English Literature
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    When Joanne was twenty six she gave up on offices completely and went abroad to teach English as a Foreign Language. “My students used to make jokes about my name; it was like being back to Winterbourne, except that the Poruguese children said Rolling Stone instead of rolling pin”, - says Joanne. She loved teaching English and as she worked afternoons and evenings, she had mornings free for writing. This was particularly good news as Miss Rowling started her third novel. The new book was about a boy who found out he was a wizard and was sent off to Wizard school. When Joanne came back from Portugal half a suitcase was full of papers covered with stories about Harry Potter. She came to live in Edinburgh with a very small daughter a set herself a headline: “I would finish the Harry Potter novel before starting work as a French teacher, and try to get it published”. It was finished the year after finishing a book before a publisher bought it. ”The moment when I found out that Harry would be published was one of the best in my life”, - says the author. By this time she was working as a French teacher. A few months later Harry was taken for publication in Britain, an American publisher bought the rights for enough money to unable Joanne to give up teaching and write full time her lifes ambition.

  • 1178. Modern English Word-Formation
    Дипломная работа пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008


    1. The first principle of classification that, one might say, suggests itself is the part of speech formed. Within the scope of the part-of-speech classification suffixes naturally fall into several groups such as:
    2. noun-suffixes, i.e. those forming or occurring in nouns, e. g. er, dom, ness, ation, etc. (teacher, Londoner, freedom, brightness, justification, etc.);
    3. adjective-suffixes, i.e. those forming or occurring in adjectives, e. g. able, less, ful, ic, ous, etc. (agreeable, careless, doubtful, poetic, courageous, etc.);
    4. verb-suffixes, i.e. those forming or occurring in verbs, e. g. en, fy, ize (darken, satisfy, harmonize, etc.);
    5. adverb-suffixes, i.e. those forming or occurring in adverbs, e. g. ly, ward (quickly, eastward, etc.).
    6. Suffixes may also be classified into various groups according to the lexico-grammatical character of the base the affix is usually added to. Proceeding from this principle one may divide suffixes into:
    7. deverbal suffixes (those added to the verbal base), e. g. er, ing, ment, able, etc. (speaker, reading, agreement, suitable, etc.);
    8. denominal suffixes (those added to the noun base), e. g. less, ish, ful, ist, some, etc. (handless, childish, mouthful, violinist, troublesome, etc.);
    9. de-adjectival suffixes (those affixed to the adjective base), e. g. en, ly, ish, ness, etc. (blacken, slowly, reddish, brightness, etc.).
    10. A classification of suffixes may also be based on the criterion of sense expressed by a set of suffixes. Proceeding from this principle suffixes are classified into various groups within the bounds of a certain part of speech. For instance, noun-suffixes fall into those denoting:
    11. the agent of an action, e. g. er, ant (baker, dancer, defendant, etc.);
    12. appurtenance, e. g. an, ian, ese, etc. (Arabian, Elizabethan, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.);
    13. collectivity, e. g. age, dom, ery (ry), etc. (freightage, officialdom, peasantry, etc.);
    14. diminutiveness, e. g. ie, let, ling, etc. (birdie, girlie, cloudlet, squirreling, wolfing, etc.).
    15. Still another classification of suffixes may be worked out if one examines them from the angle of stylistic reference. Just like prefixes, suffixes are also characterized by quite a definite stylistic reference falling into two basic classes:
    16. those characterized by neutral stylistic reference such as able, er, ing, etc.;
    17. those having a certain stylistic value such as old, i/form, aceous, tron, etc.
  • 1179. Modern Tourism Narrows the Mind
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    It's needless to say that tourism tops the list of pastimes during ones vacations. Why? The answer seems to be unexpectedly easy its all because of the strong desire to entertain oneself. Modern tourism includes not only travelling through magnificent scenery or the worlds most treasured sites and going sightseeing. Decent travel agencies have understood that providing such tours only is nail-biting because modern clients cant be hooked on that “drag”. Moreover, modern tourism tends to disregard these “old-fashioned” tours. Modern tourists demand more and attentive stuff is ready to offer more.

  • 1180. Modigliani, Amedeo
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The third great outsider among the йmigrйs in Paris died all too soon. The Italian Amedeo Modigliani destroyed himself through drink and drugs, driven desperate by his poverty and bitterly ashamed of it. Modigliani was a young man of fey beauty, and his work has a wonderful slow elegance that is unusual, but compelling. Through the influence of the Rumanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi, he fell under the spell of primitive sculpture, especially from Africa. He went on to develop a sophisticated, mannered style built upon graceful, decorative arabesques and simplified forms. It is hard for us to imagine why it did not attract patrons. He is famous now for his elegant, elongated nudes, but it is portraits that are the most extraordinary.