
  • 1001. Impressionism
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Durand-Ruel was unable to sell the works of the future impressionists and had to cease buying in 1873; thus, next year, they decided to expose in Nadar's (15 April-15 May 1874), where they displayed the works that the Salon had refused. They invited with no success Manet, but Lйpine, Boudin, Bracquemond the engraver, Astruc the sculptor, and the painters Cals, de Nittis, Henri Rouart, etc. joined them. Many artists became then conscious of the public and critics incomprehension, but the solidarity didn't last long. Cйzanne didn't participate in the group second exhibit, galerie Durand-Ruel, rue Le Peletier, in 1876, which hold 24 Degas and works from Berthe Morisot, Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley and Frйdйric Bazille. They met some upholders, such as Duranty, Armand Silvestre, Philippe Burty, Emile Blйmond, Georges Riviиre, soon with Thйodore Duret. The disappearance of Cйzanne, Renoir, Sisley, Berthe Morisot in the 1879 exhibit proved that the group was splitting apart. Renoir preferred to send to the official Salon Mme Charpentier et ses enfants and the Portrait of Jeanne Samary; yet only few people admired his artworks and of those of his friends, and the artists'life was uneasy, if not miserable. Degas tried, with Pissarro, to maintain the unity of the group, but his attempt failed since Monet, Sisley and Renoir were missing for the fifth exhibit, opened in April 1880; however, artworks from Gauguin appeared there for the first time. In 1881, the some of the Impressionists went back to Nadar's: Pissarro, Degas, Guillaumin, Berthe Morisot. The ``seventh exhibition of independant artists'' was the become the ``Salon des indйpendants'' two years later.

  • 1002. In der Bibliothek
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Die grte Bibliothek der Gegenwart ist die Lenin-Bibliothek in Moskau. Sie befindet sich in der Karl-Marx-Strae und hat zwei Gebude: das alte und das neue. Der neue Bau befindet sich neben dem alten. In der Bibliothek gibt es viele Rume und Sle. Die Lenin-Bibliothek besitzt 120 Millionen Bnde, einige Millionen Zeitschriften, etwa 2,5 Millionen Handschriften. Die Leser der Bibliothek knnen hier ruhig arbeiten, nichts kann sie stren. Im Lesesaal kann man die Leute aller Berufe sehen. Die Leser sind Schriftsteller, Ingenieure, Studenten, Lektoren, Journalisten, rzte.

  • 1003. In der Mensa
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Die grste Pause fngt erst um 5 vor 12 an. Inzwischen werde ich so hungrig, da das Wasser im Munde zusammen luft. In unserem Institut gibt es eine Mensa. Die liegt im ersten und zweiten Stock, und im Erdgescho befindet sich ein Cafe. Dort darf man auch rauchen. Ich bin Raucher, deshalb gehe ich zuerst die Treppe unten, ins Cafe und rauche eine Zigarette. Dann gehe ich nach oben in den Speisesaal des Instituts. An der Kasse drngen sich schon viele hungrige Studenten. Sie sehen sich den Speisezettel an und whlen die Gerichte aus. Leider lt die Auswahl an Speisen heute zu wnchen brig. Da sehe ich meinen Freund Sergey. Er hat schon die Speise genommen und wird in einen Augenblick bezahlen. Schnell nehme ich das essen: Salate als Vorspeise, Kohlsuppe zum ersten Gang und Ochsenschwanz mit Senf zum zweiten Gang. Ochsenscwanz ist mein Leibgericht. Ich bin immer durstig, deswegen neheme ich zwei Glas Apfelsaft. Das alles stelle ich auf Sergeys Tablett. (Ich will nicht lange anstehen). Wir zahlen getrennt und nehmen Platz am Tisch in der Ecke. Ich hole die Bestecke: je ein Messer, eine Gabel und einen Lffel. Wir beginnen zu essen, und da kommen unsere Freunde und Freundinnen. Die Mdchen wollen, wie gewhnlich, nicht viel essen. Sie haben nur Bratkartoffeln genommen.

  • 1004. Incantation
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Рамер к тому времени прекратил сотрудничество с "Incantation", и Пиллард заодно взял на себя обязанности вокалиста. В таком составе группа выпустила сингл "Deliverance Of Horrific Prophecies" и провела в компании с "Anal cunt" и "Phlegm" свое первое американское турне. Текучка кадров продолжалась в 1992-м Део сменил Дэн Камп, а после очередных гастролей "Incantation" остались без ритм-секции. В августе 1993-го в группе появились Дэйв Нидрист (бас) и Джон Броди (ударные). Однако после выхода дебютного альбома и последовавшего европейского тура команду постиг новый удар ушел Пиллард. Мало того, вместе с Ронни Део и Джимом Ро он организовал конкурирующий проект "Disciples of Mockery".

  • 1005. Incubus
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Песня "Stellar" с этой пластинки частенько крутилась по радио и ТВ, но самым большим хитом стала композиция "Drive", пробившаяся в лучшую американскую десятку. В 2000 году "Incubus" вновь приняли участие в "Ozzfest", а затем сопровождали Моби в его туре "Area: One". В том же году команда выпустила в свет мини-альбом ''When Incubus Attacks, Vol. 1'', составленный из редких вещей, а также переиздала свою первую пластинку "Fungus amongus". Новая студийная работа под названием "Morning work" вышла в свет в конце 2001-го. Альбом дебютировал в американских чартах на второй позиции, доказав тем самым, что "Incubus" продолжают оттачивать свое мастерство. Композиции "Wish You Were Here", "Nice to Know You", и "Warning" моментально были подхвачены радиоэфиром, а сама группа отправилась в очередное турне уже в роли хедлайнеров.

  • 1006. Indirect speech acts in modern English discourse. - Косвенные речевые акты в современном английском ...
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008
  • 1007. Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Ingres is a puzzling artist and his career is full of contradictions. Yet more than most artists he was obsessed by a restricted number of themes and returned to the same subject again and again over a long period of years. He was a bourgeois with the limitations of a bourgeois mentality, but as Baudelaire remarked, his finest works `are the product of a deeply sensuous nature'. The central contradiction of his career is that although he was held up as the guardian of Classical rules and precepts, it is his personal obsessions and mannerisms that make him such a great artist. His technique as a painter was academically unimpeachable--he said paint should be as smooth `as the skin of an onion'--but he was often attacked for the expressive distortions of his draughtsmanship; critics said, for example, that the abnormally long back of La Grande Odalisque (Louvre, 1814) had three extra vertebrae. Unfortunately the influence of Ingres was mainly seen in those shortcomings and weaknesses which have come to be regarded as the hallmark of inferior academic work. He had scores of pupils, but Chassйriau was the only one to attain distinction. As a great calligraphic genius his true successors are Degas and Picasso.

  • 1008. Insider trading
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    1)Duty to Employer--using the misappropriation theory, criminal liability under rule 10b-5 has been imposed where an employee trades on info used in violation of the employees fiduciary duty to his employer. An employees duty to abstain or disclose with respect to his ER does NOT extend to the general public. However, the Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988 makes any person who violates rule 10b-5 by trading while in possession of material, nonpublic info liable to any person who, contemporaneously to the transaction, purchased or sold securities of the same class. Liability is limited to the defendants profit or avoided loss.

  • 1009. Intelligence
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    MI-5's earliest antecedent was a secret service formed in 1569 by Sir Francis Walsingham, who later became secretary of state to Elizabeth I. The need for centralized control of intelligence functions was first expressed early in the 20th century. MI-5 was formed in 1909 to identify and counter German spies then working in Britain, which it did with great effect. It was placed under the command of Vernon Kell, then a captain in the British army. Kell retired as a major general in 1924 and was later knighted, but remained in charge the agency until 1940. (The "MI-5" label developed during this period because it was then "section five" of "military intelligence.") The Security Service makes no direct arrests but rather works secretly behind the more publicized "Special Branch" of Scotland Yard. The director of the Security Service reports to the prime minister through the home secretary.

  • 1010. Intercultural business communication
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The real problem with language arises when we are dealing with people who speak virtually no English. In situations like this, we have very few options: We can learn their language, we can use an intermediary or a translator, or we can teach them our language. Becoming fluent in a new language (which we must do to conduct business in that language) is time consuming. The U.S. State Department, for example, gives its Foreign Service officers a six-month language training program and expects them to continue their language education at their foreign posts. Even the Berlitz method, which is famous for the speed of its results, requires a month of intensive effort 13 hours a day, 5 days a week. It is estimated that minimum proficiency in another language requires at least 240 hours of study over 8 weeks; more complex languages, such as Arabic and Chinese, require more than 480 hours. Language courses can be quite expensive as well. Unless we are planning to spend several years abroad or to make frequent trips over an extended period, learning another language may take more time, effort, and money than we're able to spend.

  • 1011. Interetische Stabilitat Grundlage der Staatspolitik
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In Kasachstan werde eine ausgewogene und zielstrebige Politik zur Konsolidierung seines multinationalen Volkes betrieben, die Entwicklung harmonischer Beziehunger zwischen den in seinem Territorium lebenden Vertretern verschiedener Nationalitäten fördere. In unserem Land würden die Grundlagen eines demokratischen Rechtsstaates geschaffen gemäß den Prioritäten, die in der Allgemeinen Deklaration der Menschenrechte verankert seien. Eine Widerspiegelung dieses Herangehens sei die neue Verfassung der Republik. Das multinationale Volk Kasachtans sei innig bestrebt, würdig der Weltgemeinschaft beizutreten und zu einem integrierenden Teil des globalen wirtschafflichen und geistigen Raumes zu werden. Die ethnopolitische Gegenwartssituation in Kasachstan ist gekenzeichnet dadurch, daß sie sowohl durch objektive als auch subjektive Farforen beeinflußt wird. Dazu zählen die Struktur der jetzigen sozialpolitischen Lage, des ethnodemographischer und sozialen Zustands der Bevölkerung, aber auch die kulturgeschichtlichen Traditionen und die interethnische Koexistenz von Vertretern vieler Völker. Man sagt, daß die Kasachen als Titularvolk keine absolute Bevölkerungsmehrheit in der Republik darstellen, obwohl in ihrem Territorium rund 80 Prozent aller Kasachen der Welt lebten. Laut demographischen Prognosen solle ihre Zahl in der nächsten Zeit zunehmen, jedoch sei Kasachstan ein multinationaler Staat, in dem es laut der neuen Verfassung keine ethnische Überlegenheit gebe. Man dürfe die erlangte interethnische Stabilität nicht gefährden, sondern sie aufrechterhalten müsse. Allerdings gebe es gewisse Kräfte, die Beziehungen in unserer multinationalen Gesellschaft künstlich zusppitzen möchten. Die Idee aber, daß die Russen in Kasachstan es schlechter als alle anderen hätten, erscheine für die politische Stabilität und die territoriale integrität der Republik als potentiell gefährlich.

  • 1012. Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Технология воздействия на среду открывает путь к безинерционным способам движения в среде и конвертированию упругой энергии среды в энергию вещества. Средства воздействия на структуру среды хорошо известны. Например, Луна создает в области либрации деформацию среды, равную по величине и противоположную по направлению деформации от Земли. В этой области присутствует деформационный фон только от других планет и Солнца, притяжение тел Луной и Землей отсутствует. Электрическая напряженность, созданная в среде, также воздействует на ее деформацию. Электростатическая напряженность способна компенсировать силу тяжести; например, электрическая напряженность в среде, равная 1,1402T 1010 В/м, способна компенсировать силу тяготения Земли. Практически такой способ воздействия на среду нереален. Желаемый результат получен в опыте [Рощин В.В., Годин С.М., 2000] с применением переменного магнитного напряжения в среде при вращательном движении. Согласно формуле Максвелла, производная по времени для магнитной индукции дает электрическую напряженность в среде, способную компенсировать деформацию среды и управлять тяжестью опытной массы. Для простоты оценочных расчетов можно взять формулу, где V - линейная скорость вращения ротора в конверторе. Эта электрическая напряженность вызывает деформацию м.

  • 1013. International company Middlesex
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    1996 proved to be a significant year for MiddleSex, in which the company experienced strong growth. This is particularly evident in the metals businesses, with steel being the fastest growing activity. Moreover, it has become apparent that nickel and the agribusiness could take on a more significant role in the MiddleSexs future. Other noteworthy event include the companys appointment to GAZPROM, the worlds largest natural gas producer, under which MiddleSex will assist GAZPROM with its financial strategy. (In short words : GAZPROM is considering going ahead with an innovative financial deal whose first stage will involve issuing a Eurobond. MiddleSex - together with Interfin Services, a Russian trade finance house that is also involved in capital markets - will advise GAZPROM on dealing the financiers and on strategies for fundraising. But, again, Im going to explain in more details later on how this alliance was built and what particularly this alliance means for MiddleSex, because I think that this is the very important stage of the company).

  • 1014. International organizations and international cooperation
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Greenpeace is an international organization, which deals with ecological and environmental problems. It was formed in 1971. Now it is a powerful organization, which works all over the word. There are many serious actions in the list of Greenpeace activities. The national offices exist in 27 countries of the world. In Russia Greenpeace was formed in 1992. It works here on four directions: Wood Campaign, Antinuclear Campaign, and Campaign for preservation Lake Baikal. Greenpeace tries to attract public attention to different problems in the world and find out who is guilty. It is financed by personal voluntary donations of its supporters. One more organization I'd like to speak about is the World Wildlife Fund. It was formed in 1961 by a small group of people. Now it is a large organization. The aim of it is to sake animals and plants of the world. It has raised over 35 million pounds for conversation projects and given support to National parks in five continents. As for me, I'd like to join Greenpeace organization. I am extremely concerned in ecological problems in our country, especially in our region. It is very important what water we drink, what food we eat. Besides, it is the place where I live. We must save our land for future generations.

  • 1015. International organizations and international co-operation
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    - The European Union is an organization of most of the states of western Europe that works toward and oversees the economic and political integration of these states. The European Union consists of the European Community. The original members of the EEC were Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Denmark, Ireland, and the United Kingdom joined in 1973. Greece was admitted in 1981. Portugal and Spain entered in 1986. The former East Germany entered as part of re unified Germany in 1990. Greenland, a dependent state of Den mark that had been brought into the EC when under full Danish rule, withdrew in 1985. The Maastricht Treaty paved the way for other European countries to join the EU. Austria, Finland, and Sweden - all members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - became members of the EU in 1995.

  • 1016. International Raw Materials Market
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    As Chapter 8 in this volume discusses, the normative question of pricing natural resources (exhaustible or renewable) has received much attention in the literature of the past decade. The middle-products approach stresses that some activities, the extraction of natural resources, must take place locally although international trade then allows other countries access to these resources. Obviously, comparative advantage changes over time for countries engaged in exporting exhaustible resource. In early work Vanek (1963) traced through the changing pattern of United States trade in natural resources, and suggested that asymmetries in resource use and availability could account for the Leontief paradox. In à context of multi-level trade, the costs of recourse extraction in one country often depend on the availability of foreign capital. Kemp and Ohyama (1978) have presented à simple model of North - South trade in which South makes use of Northern capital to develop its resources and exports these resources to the North where they are used to produce final commodities. They put their model to use in exploring the normative issue of different degrees of bargaining strength and ability to exploit via export taxes and tariffs in the two regions. But the model also stresses the involvement of capital flows in resource extraction. Schmitz and Helmberger (1979) argue strongly for complementarity between trade in resources and trade in capital, à point also stressed by Williams in his 1929 article. We turn to consider more generally, now, the interaction between trade in goods and trade in factors.[3]

  • 1017. Internet
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    By one of powerful search means in World Wide Web can attribute (relate) HotBot, containing the items of information on the complete texts 110 million. Pages. The address: http://www.hotbot.com. HotBot belongs to the newest systems, therefore his (its) profound search gives amazingly ample opportunities for detailed elaboration of search. It is reached (achieved) at the expense of use of the multistage menu offering various variants of drawing up of the search instruction. It is possible to carry out search on presence in the document one or several terms, search on a separate phase, search of the concrete person or links to the certain electronic address. For the greater detailed elaboration of search probably application of conditions SHOULD (can contain), MUST (should necessarily contain), MUST NOT (should not contain) in relation to any concepts. Besides HotBot represents возможность ограничить search by date of creation or last updating of the document, on geographic a rule(situation) of the server. Top of service opportunities is the search of the documents containing certain types of files, for example video. For this purpose it is necessary only to make a mark in special item of the menu of search.

  • 1018. Internet helps in development of education and democracy
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Now teachers, students, professors, scientists, librarians, lawyers and priests use Internet to search for the useful information because it is the fastest and the most convenient way to do it. "The Internet is the most important scientific instrument of the late twentieth century," says Bruce Sterling. We can get data for our research just in seconds after pushing some buttons. This is no small deal, since entire books can be transferred through Internet in a matter of minutes. Today millions of such files are available to anyone who asks for them. We also can use these files in Kyrgyzstan. For example Ed Krol writes: "third world countries now work the Internet as a way to rise their education level". For example Mongolia. During the Soviet era and later Mongolian education level was the lowest among communist countries and it was until the 1993 when Mongolia got the access to the Internet. Nowadays most of the Mongolian universities have the access to the Net. "Now most of the students can use the Internet for their educational purposes" said in the RIPE report. Even if third world countries do it, this means that well developed countries began to do in the past. And where the Internet is well developed educational level is also very high. Also Ed Krol says that "communication allows the research and education process to speed up", because scientists can exchange data with each other very quickly, so they can solve their problems very fast. They can collaborate even being far from each other, being in different countries. That is how the educational level will rise up.

  • 1019. Internetional Raw Materials Market
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    As Chapter 8 in this volume discusses, the normative question of pricing natural resources (exhaustible or renewable) has received much attention in the literature of the past decade. The middle-products approach stresses that some activities, the extraction of natural resources, must take place locally although international trade then allows other countries access to these resources. Obviously, comparative advantage changes over time for countries engaged in exporting exhaustible resource. In early work Vanek (1963) traced through the changing pattern of United States trade in natural resources, and suggested that asymmetries in resource use and availability could account for the Leontief paradox. In à context of multi-level trade, the costs of recourse extraction in one country often depend on the availability of foreign capital. Kemp and Ohyama (1978) have presented à simple model of North - South trade in which South makes use of Northern capital to develop its resources and exports these resources to the North where they are used to produce final commodities. They put their model to use in exploring the normative issue of different degrees of bargaining strength and ability to exploit via export taxes and tariffs in the two regions. But the model also stresses the involvement of capital flows in resource extraction. Schmitz and Helmberger (1979) argue strongly for complementarity between trade in resources and trade in capital, à point also stressed by Williams in his 1929 article. We turn to consider more generally, now, the interaction between trade in goods and trade in factors.[3]

  • 1020. Interpreting
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    Simultaneous interpreting is free from this disadvantages. A speaker is just speaking in front of the audience. His/her speech is going through the microphone to the cabins of translators, and they are translating his/her words at once to the other languages. All the participants are listening their mother tongues at the place through the individual receivers. The questions to the speaker are asked through the microphones, which are placed in the hall. If somebody is asking the speaker, he (the speaker) is just listening the translation through the head-phones, and answering at once. It is time to mention that the setting of Simultaneous interpreting doesnt depend on any accessory systems, situated in the hall. It is possible not to use them at all. The arrangement of the participants doesnt influence on the quality and loudness of interpreting.