- 1301.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Старыми владельцами. Это влияние может быть замечено в его " Cupid Несвязь Зоны Венеры ". Картина - близко к стилю Титиана в использовании цвета, но это типично от 18-ого столетия Английской школы его подхода к предмету. Он часто включал реальных персонажей в его мифологические работы (Венера Леди Хамилтон). Reynolds делал. Не хотят, чтобы британское искусство было провинциальным и изолированным. Именно он настаивал, чтобы художники были воспитаны в соответствии с Европейским искусством и что они должны развить Великий стиль живописи. Как президент Королевской Академии Reynolds поставленный лекции. Эти лекции были расценены как наиболее заметная(разумная) выставка Академического представления(вида), что хорошо-направленной работой было возможно изучить правила об искусстве и открытиях использования и идеях относительно старых владельцев, чтобы создать новый стиль собственный. Он рекомендовал, чтобы потенциальный живописец поместил его веру в старые владельцы от того, кого он должен быть готов заимствовать. Он уведомлял(советовал), что в портретах изящество(любезность) должно состоять больше во взятии общего воздуха чем в точном предоставлении каждой особенности. Он предлагал, чтобы размеры числа(фигуры) пассажира были изменены в соответствии с установленным идеалом.
- 1301.
- 1302.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Highly spiritualized in concept, the medieval painting tradition gave way to a more worldly orientation with the development of Renaissance art. The murals of Giotto became a vehicle for the expression of new and living ideas and sentiments. At the height of the Renaissance a large proportion of the works were decorations of walls and altarpieces, which were necessarily conceived in terms of their part in a larger decorative whole and their appeal for a large public. The greatest masterpieces of Raphael and Michelangelo and of the Florentine masters are generally public works of this character. The same period also saw the rise of the separate easel painting and the first use of oil on canvas. Simultaneously are found the beginnings of genre and other secular themes and the elaboration of portraiture .
- 1302.
- 1303.
Painting in our Life
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Since prehistoric times, many artists have painted the subjects that were most important to their societies. For example, religion was particularly important in Europe during the Middle Ages, and most of the paintings created then were religious. A prehistoric artist painted, the animal on a cave wall in France, about 15000 B. C. The artist lived at a time when animals served as the main source of food and clothing for human beings. The American artist Robert Bechtle painted the picture of a man and his automobile, called 60 F-Bird. The automobile is the most important means of transportation in modern American life. People have always been a favorite subject of painters. Artists have shown people intheir paintings in many different ways. All great paintings, regardless of subject matters, share a common feature. They do more than just reproduce with paint something that exists, existed, or can be imagined. They also expresses the painter's special work about a subject. Many artists turn to nature for their subject matter. They paint scenes called landscapes and seascapes that they try to capture the many moods of nature. Still-life are picture of objects. Still-life painters usually make no attempt to tell a story or express an idea. Instead, they are interested in the object themselves their color, shape, surface, and the space within or around them. Artists often find their subject matter in the past. They paint pictures that record real events or myths of long ago. Many such paintings are instead to recall past deeds of glory or to teach a lesson. Many artists have used paintings to express political and social beliefs and to protest such things as war and poverty. Movements of social expression have appeared in painting throughout history.
- 1303.
Painting in our Life
- 1304.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Au centre de lile se trouve la cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Ce batiment est une de merveilles de larchitecture gotique. Sa construction a ete commence au 12 siecle, est dure plus que 2 cent ans. La cathedrale possede 4 portes et est decore des compositions sculptes et des vitraux, le plus remarcable desquels est la rose. Les deux toures de la cathedrale ne sont pas complete, et aujourdhui on vois la 12 monstres qui ont apparu au 19 siecle apres la restauration de la cathedrale. Sur la place devant Notre-Dame on peut voir une plaque metallique, cest une point zero on dit que tout le routes de la France commencent ici.
- 1304.
- 1305.
Parteien in Deutschland
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.06.2006 Seit ihrer Gründung versteht sich die CSU als bayerische Partei mit bundespolitischem Anspruch und europäischer Verantwortung. Die CSU ist eine Volkspartei, die allen Schichten unserer Bevölkerung eine politische Heimat bietet. Die CSU ist konservativ, weil sie am Bewährten und Bewahrenswerten festhält. Sie ist liberal, weil sie für die Freiheit eintritt und kollektivistische Gleichmacherei ablehnt. Sie ist sozial, weil sie sich den Schwachen und Benachteiligten verpflichtet weiß. Und sie ist fortschrittlich, weil sie offen für das Neue ist. Unser Politikverständnis gründet auf dem christlichem Menschenbild und der christlicher Werteordnung. Politik aus christlicher Verantwortung geht vom Menschen, von seinem konkreten Anliegen und Sorgen aus. Entsprechend unserem christlichen Politikverständnis und im Einklang mit der katholischen Soziallehre und der protestantischen Ethik bilden Personalität, Solidarität und Subsidiarität die Grundprinzipien unserer Gesellschaftspolitik. Wo die Selbstverantwortung des einzelnen und der Familie überfordert ist, muss die Gemeinschaft Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe leisten. Wichtigste Aufgabe des Staates ist es, jene Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, in denen der einzelne in freier Selbstverantwortung sein Leben nach eigenen Möglichkeiten und Fähigkeiten gestalten kann. Die CSU bekennt sich zum freiheitlichen Rechtsstaat, zu repräsentativen Demokratie, zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und zum föderativen Staatsaufbau als den grundlegenden Strukturelementen eines modernen Staates.
- 1305.
Parteien in Deutschland
- 1306.
Pavel Tretiakov
Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 La Galerie Trériakov de Moscou, le plus grand musée dart russe est connue dans le monde entier. Cest le collectionneur Pavel Trétiakov (1832-1898) qui a fait en quarante ans la base de cette Collection .Des son plus jeune age , Trétiakov aimait beaucoup lart. A Pétersbourg, il passait des heures á regarder les oeuvres de lart Mondial qui se trouvent á LErmitage. Plus tard , pendant ses Voyages á létranger, il a visité les musées dAllemagne, de France et dautres pays. Trés tot, il a commencé á collectionner des gravures et des lithographies, des paysages. Revenu en Russie, il a décidé de collectionner les tableaux de lécole Russe.
- 1306.
Pavel Tretiakov
- 1307.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Son of Sir Timothy Shelley, a Whig Member of Parliament, and his mother a Sussex landowner, Shelley grew up in Horsham, Sussex, and received his early education at home, tutored by Reverend Evan Edwards of Warnham. In 1802, he entered the Syon House Academy of Brentford. In 1804, Shelley entered Eton College, where he fared little better, subjected to an almost daily mob torment his classmates called "Shelley-baits". Surrounded, the young Shelley would have his books torn from his hands and his clothes pulled at and torn until he cried out madly in his high-pitched "cracked soprano" of a voice.[2] On April 10, 1810, he matriculated at University College, Oxford. Legend has it that Shelley attended only one lecture while at Oxford, but frequently read sixteen hours a day. By all accounts, he was unpopular with both students and dons.[citation needed] His first publication was a Gothic novel, Zastrozzi (1810), in which he gave vent to his atheistic worldwork through the villain Zastrozzi. In the same year, Shelley, together with his sister Elizabeth, published Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire. While at Oxford, he issued a collection of verses (perhaps ostensibly burlesque but quite subversive), Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, with Thomas Jefferson Hogg.
- 1307.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
- 1308.
Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599)
Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Also in year 1596 Polish king, Sigismund III Vasa, ordered Field Marshal Stanislav Zholkewski to subjugate Cossack forces. After several months of fighting, Zholkewski surrounded Cossacks, led by Nalyvayko, Loboda and Shaula, at river Solonytsya near Lubny. There were about 6000 Cossack fighters and just as many women and children facing much more superior force. The prolonged siege, lack of food and fodder, internal squabbles (Loboda was killed in one the fights between sections of Cossacks) and intensive cannon fire destroyed defenders' capacity to resist. In order to save their families, Cossacks agreed to Zholkewski's terms to let them go free in exchange for handing over their leaders. However, after surrender, Poles did not keep their word; they attacked and started to massacre defenseless and disoriented Cossacks. Only a section under leadership of Krempskyi broke through and joined with troops of Pidvysotskyi, who were coming to the rescue of besieged Cossacks.
- 1308.
Period of lithuanian and polish rule (1360-1599)
- 1309.
Period of statehood (879-1360)
Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 In 980, prince Volodymyr defeated all his brothers and unified the country into one powerful state with Kyiv as capital. He adopted Christianity in 988 and started to convert population, who then worshiped Pagan gods, to Christian Religion. Force was often used against those who resisted. He produced silver and gold coins with his portrait on one side and trident on the reverse side ( such special form of trident is Coat of Arms of present day Ukraine). In History he is known as Volodymyr the Great or Saint Volodymyr. During his reign, pillaging Pecheneg hordes defeated Khazars, pushed out Hungarian hordes from southern steppes and became a menace to the state; Volodymyr started to fortify Kyiv against them. After his death in 1015 fighting and assassinations between his sons ensued, resulting in victory for prince Yaroslav in 1019.
- 1309.
Period of statehood (879-1360)
- 1310.
Personality of Hamlet
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Among Shakespeares many great works, Hamlet probably is the greatest. The whole play is about power and authority. The king of Denmark was murdered by his brother Claudius, who married his wife Gertrude, and became a king of Denmark. Hamlet was the son of murdered king, who was getting his education away from the kingdom of Denmark. He comes back and finds his mother married to his uncle. This makes Hamlet very frustrated. Then Hamlet sees his fathers ghost and he tells him that his uncle, the present king has murdered him. He was suspecting that it even before his fathers ghost had told him. So he starts thinking of ways of killing the king and his mother. The queen, wasnt aware that the king was murdered by his brother. So Hamlet after couple of attempts succeeds in killing his uncle. His mother dies by drinking poisoned wine, which was prepared for Hamlet. Hamlet gets wounded while sword fighting with son of Polonius, whom he have murdered earlier, because he though that he helped his uncle to murder his father. During this fight poisoned Hamlet gets wounded. And son of Polonius, tells him that this sword was poisoned by king to kill him. So he stabs the king and kills him. At the end of course he dies himself.
- 1310.
Personality of Hamlet
- 1311.
Personnel selection and choice
Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008
- 1311.
Personnel selection and choice
- 1312.
Peter the Great
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 He completely changed the Russian government and military system: he increased the power of the monarch and reduced the power of the boyars and the church. In foreign policy. Peter I waged a war with Turkey ( 1695-1696) and the Great Nothern War with Sweden ( 1700-1721), and a war with Persia (1722-1723). In these wars, he wanted to get access to the Baltic, Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
- 1312.
Peter the Great
- 1313.
Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 The construction of the Upper Chamber (grand palace) began in 1714. The idea of the project came from Peter. The first architect was Johann Brounstein. After him many architect rebuilding the monument.
- 1313.
- 1314.
Pets in Britain
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Every year thousands of animals arrive at London Airport, some stay the night there; others stay several weeks. In one month, for example, "the hotel" looked after 47000 creatures: birds, insects, fish, elephants, monkey and other animals. There are about 4000000 dogs, 6000000 cats, 8000000 caged birds and lots of other animals in Britain.
- 1314.
Pets in Britain
- 1315.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Persian Islamic philosopher and physician whose Kitab Al-Shifa (Book of Healing) commented on the philosophy of Aristotle. As a leading neoplatonist, Ibn Sina emphasized the causal necessity that characterizes emanations from the divine, but supposed that human knowledge can best be achieved by mystical illumination.
- 1315.
- 1316.
Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design \english\
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Consider an algorithm of operation for interface circuitry realizing speed-independent four-cycle signalling convention (FCSC). In accordance with FCSC the control signals must go in the following sequence: Req+OV-Ack+Req-Ack- where "+" corresponds to rising the signal and "-" corresponds to falling the signal. All signals are assumed to adhere to positive logic. Initially the signals Req and Ack are low, the signal OV is high. If the environment state changes, the Req signal rises and transient state of CL occurs (OV-). Upon completion of the transitions in CL, signal OV rises and the interface circuitry generates the Ack signal rising. After that the environment produces a falling Req signal and then the interface circuitry transmits the falling Ack signal to the environment. All the signals have to be reset into the initial state.
- 1316.
Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design \english\
- 1317.
Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design english
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Consider an algorithm of operation for interface circuitry realizing speed-independent four-cycle signalling convention (FCSC). In accordance with FCSC the control signals must go in the following sequence: Req+OV-Ack+Req-Ack- where "+" corresponds to rising the signal and "-" corresponds to falling the signal. All signals are assumed to adhere to positive logic. Initially the signals Req and Ack are low, the signal OV is high. If the environment state changes, the Req signal rises and transient state of CL occurs (OV-). Upon completion of the transitions in CL, signal OV rises and the interface circuitry generates the Ack signal rising. After that the environment produces a falling Req signal and then the interface circuitry transmits the falling Ack signal to the environment. All the signals have to be reset into the initial state.
- 1317.
Physical Methods of Speed-Independent Module Design english
- 1318.
Pierre de Fermat
Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Around this time one of Descartes' students was collecting his correspondence for publication and he turned to Fermat for help with the Fermat - Descartes correspondence. This led Fermat to look again at the arguments he had used 20 years before and he looked again at his objections to Descartes' optics. In particular he had been unhappy with Descartes' description of refraction of light and he now settled on a principle which did in fact yield the sine law of refraction that Snell and Descartes had proposed. However Fermat had now deduced it from a fundamental property that he proposed, namely that light always follows the shortest possible path. Fermat's principle, now one of the most basic properties of optics, did not find favour with mathematicians at the time.
- 1318.
Pierre de Fermat
- 1319.
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Laplace had always changed his works with the changing political events of the time, modifying his opinions to fit in with the frequent political changes which were typical of this period. This way of behaving added to his success in the 1790s and 1800s but certainly did nothing for his personal relations with his colleagues who saw his changes of works as merely attempts to win favour. In 1814 Laplace supported the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy and caste his vote in the Senate against Napoleon. The Hundred Days were an embarrassment to him the following year and he conveniently left Paris for the critical period. After this he remained a supporter of the Bourbon monarchy and became unpopular in political circles. When he refused to sign the document of the French Academy supporting freedom of the press in 1826, he lost the remaining friends he had in politics.
- 1319.
Pierre-Simon Laplace
- 1320.
Pink biography
Доклад пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008 The second single, "Most Girls", is seeing the same success as its predecessor, if not more, by shedding light on the money-grubbing tendencies of "most girls." As opposed to most female artists, Pink, who cites Madonna, Mary J. Blige, Janis Joplin, and The Supremes as inspiration, prefers to sing about real moments in life and personal experiences, rather than sing romantic ballads. As a result, her experiences from her native Philadelphia are showcased in her debut album.
- 1320.
Pink biography