
  • 1481. Staatsorgane des Bundes
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    1. Das Amt jedes Ministers ist an das des Bundeskanzlers gebunden. 2. Das Vorschlagsrecht eines Prдsidenten hat nur formelle Bedeutung, da dieser an das Ergebnis der Bundeswahlen gebunden ist. 3. Gewдhlt ist nur, wer die absolute Mehrheit erreicht. Erhдlt diese keiner, gilt das Vertrauensvotum als abgelehnt. 4. Verweigert der Bundestag dem Kanzler das Vertrauensvotum, kann dieser beim Bundesprдsidenten die Auflцsung des Bundestages beantragen. 5. Der Bundestag bestдtigt die Staatsvertrдge der BRD, wenn entsprechend deren Bedeutung die Bestдtigung vereinbart wurde. 6. Der Bundestag entscheidet ьber die Bildung und Auflцsung der staatlichen Organe und ьber deren Kompetenz. 7. Der Prдsident des Bundestages leitet den Altestenrat, dem neben dem Prдsidium 25 Abgeordnete angehцren und an dessen Sitzungen der Vertreter der Bundesregierung teilnimmt.

  • 1482. State political system
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    I have chosen the topic because of its obvious importance. Ukraine is building a sovereign state and it is encounteing a lot of problems. Ukraine is suffering an overall deep crisis, trying to set herself free from the persistent inheritance of totalitarianism preying upon economic, politic, national self-consciousness. There is no universally efficient remedy to help the Ukrainian society out of this grave condition. The process of recovery will be long and arduous. Moreover, the countrys eventual deliverance from totalitarian inheritance and its harmonious entry into civilized world community remain for that matter, hardly practicable at all, unless political culture is humanized, and political education of such a kind propagated that would help society overcome the backwardness, the pre-modernity of prevailing visions of justice, democracy, law and order, and the relationship of the individual and the state.

  • 1483. Staten Island Ferry Wreck happened on Oct 15th 2003 Fiction Report Essay
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008
  • 1484. Status Quo
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Рик является одним из самых знаменитых английских ритм-гитаристов. Его внушительный стиль игры всегда был ядром звучания Status Quo. Известный как "The Womorr" (The Wild Old Man Of Rock and Roll), что можно перевести как Дикий Старик Рок-н-Ролла, Рик написал несколько запоминающихся композиций Status Quo, среди которых: "Whatever You Want", "Backwater", "Living On An Island" и "Rain". Если вы когда-нибудь видели "живой" концерт Status Quo, вы знаете, что происходит, когда Рик выходит к краю сцены выкалачивая из своей гитары необыкновенные ритмы. Длительное пратнерство Росси и Партиффа, это именно тот фактор, который сплачивает группу и, несмотря на различие их характеров, они остаются большими друзьями вот уже более 30 лет. Однажды, получив имя "Дикого Старика Рок-н- Ролла", Рик сейчас настаивает на том, что он научился расслабляться и теперь он скорее "Умеренный рок-н-рольщик" (Если вы считаете, что когда-нибудь в это поверите!!)

  • 1485. Steady state theory
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In cosmology, the steady state theory is a model developed in 1949 by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold and others as an alternative to the Big Bang theory. Although the model had a large number of supporters among cosmologists in the 1950s and 1960s, the number of supporters decreased markedly in the late 1960s and today it is considered a non-standard cosmology. It is also the basis for another theory known as the quasi-steady state theory which postulates a lot of little big bangs occurring over time. The steady state theory was developed as a result of theoretical calculations that showed that a static universe was impossible under general relativity and observations by Edwin Hubble that the universe was expanding. The steady state theory asserts that although the universe is expanding, it nevertheless does not change its look over time. For this to work, new matter must be formed to keep the density equal over time.

  • 1486. Steinbeck, John. The Pearl
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    A new day begins and Kino awakens next to his wife Juana intheir simple hut which is made of brush. The couple sleeps on mats on the dirtяoor and their little son Coyotito sleeps in a hanging box. Kino is happy andcontent with his life despite the family is very poor. He watches the sunriseand listens to the sounds of the morning. During he watches the sunrise hehearsthe Song of the Family in his mind. When Kino hears the Song of the Family playing in his mind,its an indication, that all is well. The Song of the Family or the Songof Evil, which occurs later in the play, are songs who play in the mindsof theIndian people in this story. These ancient songs have been passed fromgeneration to generation and they start to play in the minds of the Indianpeople when good or evil things happen. But suddenly a disaster happens, because apoisonousscorpion stings Coyotito. Juana takes her child immediately and sucks out thepoison. Because of the screaming of Coyotito the whole neighbourhood comes tothe hut of the family, including Kinos brother Juan Thomasand his wifeApolonia. Juana tells Kino to get the doctor, but this is impossible, because ofthe class distinction between Indian people and Spanish people. Kino also has nomoney, to pay the doctor for his treatment. But Juana isnt impressed bythat and decides to go to the doctor, because she wants to do everything for herchild. When the neighbourhood gets to know about their plan, they join Kino andJuana walking to the doctor. But as supposed, the doctor denies to examineCoyotito, because he family owns no money. Therefore Kino is in rage and heangrily punches the door. The next morning, when Kino and Juana come down to thebeach, she makes a poultice of seaweed and put it on Coyotitos shoulder.This remedy is probably as good as the treatment of the doctor, but the remedylacks his authority, because it is simple and doesnt cost anything. Thenthey push the canoe into the water and paddle together to the oyster bed whereKino fishes and searches for pearls. Kino knows, that a great pearl will bringhim a lot of money, but he doesnt dare to hope for such a great pearl,because it isnt good to want too much. A short time after Kino started todive, he finds a large oyster in which is a great and perfect pearl. NowKinos troubles seem to be over and he believes thatthe pearl will makehim rich and that his son Coyotito can be cured and go to school some day. WhileKino he holds the pearls in his hand, the swelling of Coyotitos shoulderhas gone down. It seems, that the poisonis leaving the body of the child. Kinois screams very loud, because he is so happy now, and this loud screamingattracts the other fishers and divers and they come to his canoe to look whathas happened. Because Kino is a rich man now, the other people are enviousof him and he becomes an outsider. In the following night he is even attacked bya thief, who wants to steal the great pearl. And the people become interested inKino, because they want his money. The priest comes, because he needs money forsome repairs of the church and even the doctor claims now, that the son of thefamily, Coyotito, is a patient of him. When the doctor comes to Kino`s hut, Kinois filled with fear and rage, but he lets the doctor in when he claims, thatthere can be a delayed reaction to the scorpion sting. The doctor makes a greatshow and uses different remedies to “heal” Coyotito, who alreadyseems very healthy. He even visits Coyotito a second time and claims then, thathe won the fight against the death.

  • 1487. Stendhal
    Курсовой проект пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Cette aspiration а la libertй dйpasse le niveau de la revendication individualiste. Elle est porteuse d'un espoir plus vaste qui rйconcilierait l'homme rйvoltй avec la sociйtй. Mais cet espoir est exclu dans un systиme fondй sur le mensonge et l'obscurantisme. Qu'il s'agisse de l'Italie fйodale, de la France de la Restauration, ou de la monarchie de Juillet, partout c'est l'hypocrisie qui fait loi. Quel est le leitmotiv de l'enseignement dispensй par la Congrйgation sous Charles X : "Ce sont les livres qui ont perdu la France." Quelle est la philosophie en honneur dans les classes dirigeantes а Parme ? "Le marquis del Dongo professait une haine vigoureuse pour les Lumiиres : ce sont les idйes, disait-il, qui ont perdu l'Italie." Quel est le conseil donnй а Fabrice par le bon abbй Blanиs (dйtestй par le marquis "parce qu'il raisonne trop pour un homme de si bas йtage") : "Si tu ne deviens pas hypocrite, lui disait-il, peut-кtre tu seras un homme." Quelle est la rиgle de conduite impйrative dans le noble salon de l'hфtel de La Mole oщ Julien, qui fait ses premiers pas d'homme introduit dans le monde, s'aperзoit que "la moindre idйe vive semblait une grossiйretй" ? Stendhal nous rйsume cette rиgle non йcrite en paraphrasant Beaumarchais : "Pourvu qu'on ne plaisantвt ni de Dieu, ni des prкtres, ni du roi, ni des gens en place, ni des artistes protйgйs par la cour, ni de tout ce qui est йtabli, pourvu qu'on ne dоt de bien ni de Bйranger, ni des journaux de l'opposition, ni de Voltaire, ni de Rousseau, ni de tout ce qui se permet un peu de franc-parler, pourvu surtout qu'on ne parlвt jamais de politique, on pouvait librement raisonner de tout."

  • 1488. Stock market
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    And last, but not least, come Stock Specialists. The Exchange tries to preserve price continuity which means that if a stock has been trading at, say, 35, the next buyer or seller should be able to an order within a fraction of that price. But what if a buyer comes in when no other broker wants to sell close to the last price? Or vice versa for a seller? How is price continuity preserved? At this point enters the Specialist. The specialist is charged with a special function, that of maintaining continuity in the price of specific stocks. The specialist does this by standing ready to buy shares at a price reasonably close to the last recorded sale price when someone wants to sell and there is a lack of buyers, and to sell when there is a lack of sellers and someone wants to buy. For each listed stock, there are one or more specialist firms assigned to perform this stabilizing function. The specialist also acts as a broker, executing public orders for the stock, and keeping a record of limit orders to be executed if the price of the stock reaches a specified level. Some of the specialist firms are large and assigned to many different stocks. The Exchange and the SEC are particularly interested in the specialist function, and trading by the specialists is closely monitored to make sure that they are giving precedence to public orders and helping to stabilize the markets, not merely trying to make profits for themselves. Since a specialist may at any time be called on to buy and hold substantial amounts of stock, the specialist firms must be well capitalized.

  • 1489. Stratford-upon-Avon
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Stratford stands on the river Avon and is one of the oldest market towns. It has still preserved its own character and atmosphere, as you will not see modern buildings there. The houses are small and lot of them are very old. Some of them date back to Shakespeare's time. Here you can visit Shakespeare's birthplace (it is a museum now), Anna Hathaway's cottage (the early home of Shakespeare's wife), the foundations of the New Place, where Shakespeare lived when he retired and died in 1616 (now there is only a wonderful garden on the place of the house). Just round the corner there is Grammar school that Shakespeare used to attend.

  • 1490. Street Art
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Today companies are starting to realise the appeal of graffiti in advertising. Kel Rodriguez, who used to spray New York subway trains, was the artist chosen to design the Wall Street Journal's website and it is obviously done in graffiti-style. "Some of that graffiti feeling, that energy, sort of got in there," Rodriguez explained. Many of this new wave of artists give lectures on developments in their art. Lee Quindnesis having a lot of success in Europe and feels that European galleries and museums are more open to his art form. "They want to support an artist as he develops," comments Quinones, who can get up to $10,000 for his paintings. Indeed, the Groninger Museum in Holland is one of the few museums in the world that displays and recognizes graffiti as an art form.

  • 1491. Streit im Haus
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Vцgel darf man auf dem Fensterbrett fьttern. Aber keine Tauben, die machen zu viel Dreck. An der AuЯenwand oder am Fenster darf man keine Politparolen aufhдngen. Von 13.00 bis 15.00 und von 22.00 Uhr bis 7.00 Uhr darf man im Haus keinen Krach machen, und auch nicht drauЯen im Hof oder im Garten. Auch die Kinder mьssen dann leise spielen. In der Wohnung darf man pro Tag 90 Minuten Musik machen. Aber man darf die Nachbarn nicht zu sehr stцren. Ihr Partner oder Ihre Partnerin darf in Ihrer Wohnung oder in Ihrem Appartement wohnen. Man muЯ den Vermieter nicht fragen. Er kann es nicht verbeiten.

  • 1492. Students and their Schools
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Educators believe these and other methods to improve education are beginning to show results, and that U.S. schools are at least reversing the previous decline. Tests showed that student achievement in science and mathematics, which had declined during the 1970s, improved during the 1980salthough performance in reading and writing either declined or stayed the same. Average scores on the mathematics section of the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (college entrance exams) increased by a significant ten points between 1980 and 1990although they were still substantially below the average in 1970. But scores on the verbal section of the test hovered around the 1980 levelmore than thirty points below the 1970 level. Critics point out that U.S. students consistently score lower on academic testsespecially in math and sciencethan their counterparts in Europe and Japan. They believe the longer school year and more rigorous requirements in those other countries produce superior achievement. And they cite a study by the National Institute of Mental Health which showed that high school seniors had spent more time in front of a television screen (15,000 hours) than they had spent in school (11,000 hours).

  • 1493. Students Should Be Given More Choice As To What They Study
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Much depends on the person and how the teacher will incite pupils in relation to itself. The explanation plays very important role because we go to school to listen to live people. However additional and regular work at home is very important. For this purpose there come a various sort of the textbooks to out help. We need clearer explanation of materials that it will be understandable without the teacher, more correct drawing up. Apart from the abstracts at a lesson it will be useful to organize the scanning of textbooks and a placement of files in the Internet network together with storing them on CD-ROM disks.

  • 1494. Subculture
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many groupings (subcultures) that have interests different from those of the mainstream culture. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality (identity). By the mid-60s teenagers had begun to form distinct cultural groupings. Most young people in Britain follow some kind of youth culture: rocker, hacker, raver, skinhead, hippies, Goth, punk, baker…

  • 1495. Subjunctive (or conditional) mood
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    The following examples of sentences may also be regarded as sentences of unreal conditions for the present and future:

    1. I wish I knew it. (Как жаль, что я этого не знаю).
    2. I fear lest he should be late. (Я боюсь, как бы он не опоздал).
    3. He spoke as if he were a doctor. (Он говорил так, как-будто он доктор).
    4. I suggest that he should go there too. (Я предлагаю, чтобы он тоже туда пошел).
    5. Knew Helen his address she would visit him. (Знай Елена его адрес, она бы навестила его).
    6. It is necessary that he should come. (Необходимо, чтобы он пришел).
  • 1496. Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследо...
    Реферат пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    When consumed, alcohol goes right to the stomach and passes through to the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It takes about 30 seconds for the first amounts of alcohol to reach the brain after ingestion. Once there, alcohol acts primarily on nerve cells deep in the brain.
    One drink for the average person (a 12-ounce beer, five ounces of wine, or one and one-half ounces of 80-proof whiskey) will create a feeling of relaxation. Two and a half drinks in an hour can affect the drinker's judgement and lower inhibitions. Five drinks in two hours will raise the blood alcohol content (BAC) to. 1 0, the point of legal intoxication in most countries.
    After this amount of alcohol, the average drinker will experience blurred vision, slurred speech, poor muscle coordination, and a lack of rational judgement. Ten drinks will yield a BAC of 0.20. It will take 1 0 hours for the alcohol to be completely metabolised. After more than 12 drinks, the BAC will rise to 0.30 and the drinker will be in a stupor. A BAC of O.40 to 0.50 will induce coma. A drinker in this condition may be near death because he could vomit and choke while unconscious. Breathing is likely to stop with a BAC of 0.60. The BAC can be measured by using a breath, urine or blood test. This amount is measured as a percentage -- how many parts of Alcohol to how many parts of blood.
    Eliminating alcohol from the body is a long process. About 90 percent must be metabolised through the liver. The remaining 10 percent is eliminated through the lungs and urine. It takes about one hour to eliminate one-half ounce of alcohol.
    Heavy drinking in a short period of time will often cause a hangover the next day. A hangover is a sign of alcohol poisoning; it is the body's reaction to alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms of a hangover include nausea, disorientation, headache, irritability and tremors.

  • 1497. Substance abuse: Alcohol Consumption and alcohol dependence among the youth (Социологическое исследование проблемы алкоголизма среди студентов)
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    When consumed, alcohol goes right to the stomach and passes through to the small intestine, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It takes about 30 seconds for the first amounts of alcohol to reach the brain after ingestion. Once there, alcohol acts primarily on nerve cells deep in the brain.
    One drink for the average person (a 12-ounce beer, five ounces of wine, or one and one-half ounces of 80-proof whiskey) will create a feeling of relaxation. Two and a half drinks in an hour can affect the drinker's judgement and lower inhibitions. Five drinks in two hours will raise the blood alcohol content (BAC) to. 1 0, the point of legal intoxication in most countries.
    After this amount of alcohol, the average drinker will experience blurred vision, slurred speech, poor muscle coordination, and a lack of rational judgement. Ten drinks will yield a BAC of 0.20. It will take 1 0 hours for the alcohol to be completely metabolised. After more than 12 drinks, the BAC will rise to 0.30 and the drinker will be in a stupor. A BAC of O.40 to 0.50 will induce coma. A drinker in this condition may be near death because he could vomit and choke while unconscious. Breathing is likely to stop with a BAC of 0.60. The BAC can be measured by using a breath, urine or blood test. This amount is measured as a percentage -- how many parts of Alcohol to how many parts of blood.
    Eliminating alcohol from the body is a long process. About 90 percent must be metabolised through the liver. The remaining 10 percent is eliminated through the lungs and urine. It takes about one hour to eliminate one-half ounce of alcohol.
    Heavy drinking in a short period of time will often cause a hangover the next day. A hangover is a sign of alcohol poisoning; it is the body's reaction to alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms of a hangover include nausea, disorientation, headache, irritability and tremors.

  • 1498. Summer holidays
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    All the people enjoy summer holidays very much. It is a great pleasure to have a rest after a whole year of hard work or study. People like to travel during their summer holidays. Some people go abroad to see new countries, some people prefer to go to the country-side to enjoy country-life far from noise and fuss of big cities.

  • 1499. Sun
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The Sun's charged, high-speed particles push and shape Earth's magnetic field into a teardrop shape. The magnetic field protects Earth from most of the harmful solar radiation, but extreme flares can disable satellites and disrupt communication signals. The charged particles also excite oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere to create the aurora borealis, or northern lights. More solar radiation during the upcoming solar maximum means an increase in the aurora.

  • 1500. Surrealism
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Surrealism, movement in visual art and literature, flourishing in Europe between World Wars I and II. Surrealism grew principally out of the earlier Dada movement, which before World War I produced works of anti-art that deliberately defied reason; but Surrealism's emphasis was not on negation but on positive expression. The movement represented a reaction against what its members saw as the destruction wrought by the "rationalism" that had guided European culture and politics in the past and that had culminated in the horrors of World War I. According to the major spokesman of the movement, the poet and critic Andrй Breton, who published "The Surrealist Manifesto" in 1924, Surrealism was a means of reuniting conscious and unconscious realms of experience so completely that the world of dream and fantasy would be joined to the everyday rational world in "an absolute reality, a surreality." Drawing heavily on theories adapted from Sigmund Freud, Breton saw the unconscious as the wellspring of the imagination. He defined genius in terms of accessibility to this normally untapped realm, which, he believed, could be attained by poets and painters alike.