- 1401.
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 В число любимых проделок Секуритате входила расправа с эмигрировавшими диссидентами, причем руками наемных убийц нерумынского происхождения. Однако налаженная система иногда давала осечку. Так произошло, когда тайная полиция в 1981 году попыталась уничтожить двух самых известных румынских изгнанников - Вирджила Тэнасе и Пауля Гому. Агент по имени Хайдуку, направленный во Францию для того, чтобы нанять убийц, немедленно предложил свои услуги французской службе безопасности. Писателей-диссидентов сразу законспирировали, а Кондукэтора дезинформировали сообщением о том, что покушение якобы состоялось. Через длительный промежуток времени перевербованный агент Хайдуку все же раскрыл карты,поставив Чаушеску в крайне щекотливое положение. Этим инцидентом поспешил воспользоваться президент Франсуа Миттеран, давно искавший предлог, чтобы отменить намеченный на 1982 год официальный визит в Румынию. Любимейшим чтением супругов Чаушеску были секретные документы, собранные Секуритате, особенно те, что касались интимных сторон жизни их ближайших коллег и сподвижников по РКП. Когда после смерти Елены Чаушеску в Весеннем дворце вскрыли ее личный сейф, то наряду с драгоценностями в нем обнаружили большое количество запечатанных конвертов,содержащих в себе свежие развернутые донесения Секуритате о высокопоставленных румынских сановниках, приближенных к Елене. Одной из первоочередных задач Секуритате считалось наблюдение за детьми Чаушеску. Силвиу Брукан имел возможность собственными глазами убедиться в том, с какой тщательностью работала Секуритате. После революции ему удалось раздобыть досье на самого себя, причем это был экземпляр, сделанный тайной полицией для личного пользования Чаушеску. Досье было красиво оформлено, толщиной и форматом напоминало сброшюрованный киносценарий. В правом верхнем углу переплета было начертано "совершенно секретно" и "в одном экземпляре"; о том, что это копия лично для Чаушеску, свидетельствовал неестественно крупный шрифт донесений. (Николае был близорук, но терпеть не мог очки, которыми не пользовался даже дома. Поэтому все доклады печатались для него особым шрифтом, по размеру почти в три раза превышавшим обычные типографские стандарты.) Досье на Брукана, случайно сохраненное румынским рабочим, посланным в числе многих других после смерти Чаушеску на уничтожение архивов Секуритате, было столь подробным, что содержало некоторые детали о его прошлой жизни, о которых он сам давным-давно забыл. Этот 100-страничный документ показывал, что в течение нескольких десятилетий он находился под неусыпным наблюдением Секуритате и что некоторые из его ближайших друзей регулярно поставляли о нем информацию,ибо ряд фактов нельзя было добыть из других источников. Брукану также попал еще один, правда более короткий,"компромат" на самого себя. Когда происходили события, способные особенно заинтриговать Чаушеску, Секуритате изготавливала для него особые переплетенные буклеты. Буклет о Брукане докладывал о его телефонном разговоре с журналистом из Би-би-си,произошедшем в 1989 году; между прочим, буклет был не напечатан, а написан от руки профессиональным каллиграфом, работавшим в штате тайной полиции, причем сделано это было с невероятным мастерством. Лишь едва заметные следы чернил на оборотной стороне листа указывали на ручную работу. Наряду с такого рода документами, контейнерами свозившимися в кучу и сжигавшимися в марте 1990 года,существовали также сотни доносов на представителей высшего партийного эшелона, поскольку Чаушеску шпионил не только за врагами или мнимыми оппонентами, но также, и в первую очередь, за собственными подчиненными. Электронный шпионаж за министрами, областными партсекретарями, высшим командным составом и правительством был делом обычного рода. В гостиницах целые этажи отдавались под установку подслушивающих устройств, а все туристические бюро были общеизвестными вотчинами Секуритате. Говорили, что каждый десятый, а может быть, и каждый четвертый румын служил штатным или внештатным осведомителем Секуритате. Тайная полиция распространяла слух о том, что все телефоны в Румынии оснащены "жучком", благодаря чему Секуритате имеет возможность прослушивать свыше 10 миллионов телефонных разговоров. Несомненным остается лишь факт, что в тот или иной период своей жизни каждый румын независимо от социального статуса не избежно сталкивался с неким образованным и очаровательным нез накомцем,досконально все о нем знавшим и усиленно предлагавшим ему наладить необременительное, но постоянное сотрудничество с Секуритате; причем очень часто объекты внимания тщетно напрягали свое воображение, силясь понять, какая может быть логическая связь между ним и проблемами безопасности. Когда один ведущий архитектор-проектировщик спросил своего собеседника, какую пользу он может принести своими донесениями, ему был дан ответ: "Вы работаете в той области, о которой нам мало что известно". Очевидно, смысл тотального дознания заключался в устройстве такого государственного порядка, при котором Секурита те в любой сфере - в больницах, школах, университетах, типографиях, банках, театрах - в любой момент могла проверить степень благонадежности подданных. В книге "Красные горизонты" Пачепа приводит множество свидетельств маниакальной одержимости Чаушеску электронными подслушивающими устройствами, и, вне всякого сомнения, дай ему волю, с течением времени он нашпиговал бы "жучками" всю страну. В действительности в этом не было особой нужды, ибо румыны и так были убеждены, что их телефоны и спальни прослушиваются, что никто не может избежать слежки. Что больше всего отличало Секуритате от тайной полиции других тоталитарных стран, так это культурный и социальный уровень ее осведомителей. Разумеется, всегда существовали вульгарные стукачи, работавшие на Секуритате по приказу партии. Однако в связях с охранкой подозревались и многие видные врачи, писатели и кинорежиссеры. Осведомителями становились даже ведущие интеллектуалы, например, известный переводчик французского поэта Анри Мишо и писатель-диссидент Саша Ивасюк. Контингент тайной полиции представлял собой довольно мощную силу, ибо Секуритате в течение многих лет вербовала как самых блестящих, так и самых беспринципных государственных служащих, для многих из которых попасть туда означало получить хорошее университетское образование. Хотя в Секуритате имелся необходимый "джентельменский набор" головорезов и заплечных дел мастеров, в целом это была очень профессиональная организация. Повозможности Чаушеску следил за тем,чтобы убийства и самые грубые формы устрашения проводились не румынами, а заезжими "гастролерами" (обычно палестинцами). Это обстоятельство, очевидно, и породило совершенно безосновательный слух о том, что во время событий 22-25 декабря 1989 года стрелковые отряды и снайперы, орудовавшие на улицах Бухареста, были подразделениями "арабских боевиков". К середине 80-х годов высший командный состав Секуритате со всей очевидностью осознал, что Николае и Елена Чаушеску становятся тормозом общественного развития. К 1989 году, когда перестройка в советском союзе шла полным ходом, уже многие понимали, что Чаушеску обречен. Секуритате к этому времени совершенно прекратила информировать супругов об истинном отношении к ним румынского народа. Пресмыкательство и естественное желание избежать неприятностей и личных унижений постепенно привели к тому, что Секуритате ограничивалась поставкой только такой информации, которая была угодна обоим Чаушеску, к тому же в последние годы их правления личные помощники Елены просматривали всю корреспонденцию, ложившуюся на президентский "поднос", и отбрасывали все "неподходящее", что могло бы задеть достоинство президента. В конце концов этот уникальный инструмент наблюдения, усмирения и подавления совершенно утратил свою важнейшую функцию барометра общественного мнения. Секуритате пережила революцию без какого-либо существенного ущерба; она была переименована в Румынскую разведывательную службу (SIR).
- 1401.
- 1402.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Among the characteristic attitudes of Romanticism were the following: a deepened appreciation of the beauties of nature; a general exaltation of emotion over reason and of the senses over intellect; a turning in upon the self and a heightened examination of human personality and its moods and mental potentialities; a preoccupation with the genius, the hero, and the exceptional figure in general, and a focus on his passions and inner struggles; a new work of the artist as a supremely individual creator, whose creative spirit is more important than strict adherence to formal rules and traditional procedures; an emphasis upon imagination as a gateway to transcendent experience and spiritual truth; an obsessive interest in folk culture, national and ethnic cultural origins, and the medieval era; and a predilection for the exotic, the remote, the mysterious, the weird, the occult, the monstrous, the diseased, and even the satanic.
- 1402.
- 1403.
Rome and the Roman Empire
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Although the names, dates, and events of the regal period are considered as belonging to the regal of fiction and myth rather than to that of factual history, certain facts seem well attested: the existence of an early rule by kings; the growth of the city and its struggles with neighboring peoples; the conquest of Rome by Etruria and the establishment of a dynasty of Etruscan princes, symbolized by the rule of the Tarquins; the overthrow of this alien control; and the abolition of the kingship. The existence of certain social and political conditions may also be accepted, such as the division of the beginning into two orders: the patricians, who alone possessed political rights and constituted the populus, or people; and their dependents, known as clients or the plebs, who had originally no political existence. The rex, or king, chosen by the Senate(senatus), or Council of Elders, from the ranks of the patricians, held office for life, called out the populus for war, and led the army in person; he was preceded by officers, known as lictors, who bore the faces, the symbols of power and punishment, and was the supreme judge in all civil and criminal suits. The senatus gave its advice only when the king chose to consult it, but the elders(patres) possessed great moral authority, inasmuch as their tenure was for life. Originally only patricians could bear arms in defense of the state. At some stage in the regal period an important military reform occurred, usually designated as the Servian reform of the constitution, because it was decided that all property and wealth, it was ascribed to Servius Tullius. As the plebs could by this time acquire property and wealth, it was decided that all property holders, both patrician and plebian, must serve in army, and each took a rank in accordance with his wealth. This arrangement, although initially military, paved the way for the great political struggle between the patricians and the plebs in the early centuries of the Republic.
- 1403.
Rome and the Roman Empire
- 1404.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Rossetti's first Pre-Raphaelite paintings in oils, based on religious themes and with elements of mystical symbolism, were The Girlhood of Mary Virgin (1849) and Ecce Ancilla Domini (1850), both in the Tate Gallery, London. Although he won support from John Ruskin, criticism of his paintings caused him to withdraw from public exhibitions and turn to watercolors, which could be sold privately. Subjects taken from Dante Alighieri's Vita Nuova (which Rossetti had translated into English) and Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur inspired his art in the 1850s. His visions of Arthurian romance and medieval design also inspired his new friends of this time, William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones.
- 1404.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- 1405.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Nowadays Rostov-on-Don as many other cities and villages in Russia is undergone the process of economical changes. Factories and plants can hardly survive in the conditions of deep economic crisis. But we hope that in some years people will be able to overpass all the difficulties and Rostov-on-Don will occupy its place of one of the biggest industrial cities of Russia.
- 1405.
- 1406.
Rousseau, Henri
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 His character was extraordinarily ingenuous and he suffered much ridicule (although he sometimes interpreted sarcastic remarks literally and took them as praise) as well as enduring great poverty. However, his faith in his own abilities never wavered. He tried to paint in the academic manner of such traditionalist artists as Bouguereau and Gйrфme, but it was the innocence and charm of his work that won him the admiration of the avant-garde: in 1908 Picasso gave a banquet, half serious half burlesque, in his honor. Rousseau is now best known for his jungle scenes, the first of which is Surprised! (Tropical Storm with a Tiger) (National Gallery, London, 1891) and the last The Dream (MOMA, New York, 1910). These two paintings are works of great imaginative power, in which he showed his extraordinary ability to retain the utter freshness of his vision even when working on a large scale and with loving attention to detail. He claimed such scenes were inspired by his experiences in Mexico, but in fact his sources were illustrated books and visits to the zoo and botanical gardens in Paris.
- 1406.
Rousseau, Henri
- 1407.
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 The Kremlin - the oldest historical and architectural centre - is the heart of Moscow. At first the Kremlin was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. Redbrick walls and towers replaced the walls of white stone at the end of the 15th century. The most ancient tower is the Secret one. It was built in 1485. The Saviour Tower with its Kremlin chimes is the symbol of Russia. The chiming clock was established in 1625. Ivan III invited Italian architects to construct the Kremlin cathedrals. In 1547 Ivan the Terrible was the first Russian tsar to be crowned in the five-domed Assumption Cathedral. From 1721 the coronations of all Russian Emperors were held there. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tsars. Grand Prince Ivan Kalita was the first to be buried here. Altogether there are 53 royal tombs there. The Annunciation Cathedral is the main Russian Cathedral. It is famous for the icons created by Andrew Rublev and his apprentices. Not far from the Assumption Cathedral we can see the Faceted Palace. It is the oldest secular building in Moscow. All coronation feasts were held here. Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the construction of the 16th century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower stands the Tsar-Bell, the largest bell in the world. The bell was cast for the Assumption Belfry. It was damaged during the great fire of Moscow in 1737. In 1836 it was put on the pedestal. Not far from it is the Tsar-Cannon. Senate Square is located between the Senate and the Arsenal. The Grand Kremlin Palace is situated not far from Senate Square. The Russian Emperors usually stayed in the palace when they came to Moscow. It was designed by the architect K. A. Ton in 1840. The Armoury Chamber is the famous museum where military trophies, Tsar's regalia and church ceremonial items are displayed. The Kremlin workshop was made a museum of military glory after the battle of Poltava in 1709 by Peter Гs order.
- 1407.
- 1408.
Russia and the international economy
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Metal exports accounted for a 20 percent share in the Russian exports. Nickel and ferrous metals exports grew most rapidly at 37 and 26 percent accordingly. Average export prices of key metals surged, thus, price of nickel increased by 33.1 percent, of aluminum--by 36.9 percent, of copper--by 24.2 percent, of ferrous alloys--by 24.7 percent, of pig iron--by 14.6 percent. The pattern of metal exports has somewhat changed. Customs statistics reveal a growing number of contracts on export of finished metal articles, however, their share in the total export volumes is still insignificant. These articles are being made according to designs of foreign companies (mostly in aircraft and engineering industries) under a binding condition that they shall be manufactured in accordance with the West European standards and certified by a foreign firm. It is too early to suggest the end of an age of raw exports conducted in their most primitive form, however, the Russian metal industry is given an opportunity to participate in the international division of labor on equal basis and to reach a qualitatively new level of production.
- 1408.
Russia and the international economy
- 1409.
Russian composers
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Rachmaninov was very successful: conductorship of the Moscow Philharmonic, piano performances as both a solo pianist and with orchestras in Russia, Europe and America made him popular in the world. After the October Revolution, in 1918 he had to leave Russia - at first for Europe, than for America. Soon he became a fixture in the music life of the United States. With the Philadelphia Orchestra, conducted by Leopold Stokowski, he made phonograph records of his own works. The Soviet Government considered him an enemy of the Soviet people. In 1931, the Soviet Government newspaper "Pravda" wrote, that his music "is that of n insignificant imitator and reactionary: a former estate owner, who, as recently as 1918, burned with a hatred of Russia when the peasants took away his land - a sworn and active enemy of Soviet Government". "I am quite indifferent" - answered Rachmaninov, but the attack hurt him more than he would say. He stopped composing after he left Russia, almost for the rest of his life. "I am a Russian composer, and the land of my birth has influenced my temperament and outlook". "The melody has gone, I can no longer compose. If it returns, then I shall write again". His separation from his native land was wound that never healed; he suffered nostalgia to the end of his life. He did compose, and some of his works, such as "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini", were a dazzling success. But other works were much less interesting and more like recollections of his previous pieces, than something new.
- 1409.
Russian composers
- 1410.
Russian country-life
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 The situation in agricultural system in Russia is not simple enough now. There are no state supported collective and state farms any more as it was during the Soviet period. Now there are agricultural joint-stock companies and individual farming. Russian agriculture is undergone the process of economical changes. It is rather difficult to survive in the conditions of deep economic crisis, especially for individual farmers. But we hope that country-men will overcome all the difficulties of our times and our agriculture will make steady advances, that will naturally mean better living standards for the Russian people.
- 1410.
Russian country-life
- 1411.
Russian Federation (Russia)
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 There are different types of climate on the territory of the country. It is very cold in the North even in summer. The central part of the country has mild climate: winters are cold, springs and autumns are warm or cool, summers are hot and warm. In the South the temperature is usually above zero all year round, even in winter. Summer is really hot, the climate is very favourable. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold.
- 1411.
Russian Federation (Russia)
- 1412.
Russian literature
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Russian literature in the last half of the nineteenth century provided an artistic medium for the discussion of political and social issues that could not be addressed directly because of government restrictions. The writers of this period shared important qualities: great attention to realistic, detailed descriptions of everyday Russian life; the lifting of the taboo on describing the unattractive side of life; and a satirical attitude toward routines. Although varying widely in style, subject matter, and workpoint, these writers stimulated government bureaucrats, nobles, and intellectuals to think about important social issues. This period of literature, which became known as the Age of Realism, lasted from about mid-century to 1905. The literature of the Age of Realism owed a great debt to three authors and to a literary critic of the preceding half-century Aleksandr Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, and Vissarion Belinsky. These figures set a pattern for language, subject matter, and narrative techniques, which before 1830 had been very poorly developed. The critic Belinsky became the patron saint of the radical intelligentsia throughout the century.
- 1412.
Russian literature
- 1413.
Russian painting
Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 The state Tretyakov Gallery is one of the best-known art galleries in Russia. Different genres of painting are exhibited there. It takes its name from its founder Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant and connoisseur. In the middle of the XIX th century Pavel Tretyakov began to collect Russian paintings. A man of high culture and fine aesthetic taste, he selected the most significant and characteristic works of the Russian school of painting. He dedicated 40 years of his life to his main calling: the establishment of a National Art Museum. Many works of “Peredvizhniki” are exhibited in this gallery. Tretyakov started by collecting contemporary paintings, but soon he extended the boundaries of his collection. Art of the XIX th century, works of Brulov, Ivanov, Vasnetsov; works of Art of the XVIII th century and ancient Russian art - all gradually found their way into Tretyakov`s collection. More than once he had to add wings to his house in the Lavrushinskiy pereulok. In 1881 he opened his collection to the public. In 1892 he denoted his collection to the city of Moscow. Since then, the gallery had received hundreds of pictures from other museums and private collections. It has a rich collection of old Russian icons. The world famous icon, "The Trinity”, painted in the early XV th century by Andrey Rubliov is exhibited there. The gallery contains halls, devoted to the magnificent works of such XVIII th century celebrities, as Rokotov, Levitskiy, Borovitskiy, Shchedrin. The first half of the XIX th century is represented by brilliant works of Brulov, Ivanov, Tropinin, Venitsianov. The second half is especially well represented. The gallery has the best collection of the “Peredvizhniki”, such as Kramskoy, Perov, Yaroshenko, Myasoedov and others. Linked with “Peredvizhniki” are such great names, as Surikov, Repin, Vereshagin, Vasnetsov, Levitan. Here you can see historical painting, portraits, stylists, landscapes, seascapes and others. Nowadays the gallery is an important source for studding and promotion of Russian Art.
- 1413.
Russian painting
- 1414.
Russian political system, history and culture
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 - In the 1930s the Soviet Union underwent rapid industrialization and collectivization. The USSR developed into a world power and played a major role in the defeat of Germany in World War II During the 1960s and '70s the Soviet Union tried to spread its influence world-wide. Mikhail Gorbachev's coming to power in 1985 marked the beginning of new changes in Soviet society - chiefly a restructuring (perestroika) of the nation's political and economic systems and a new openness (glasnost) in public discussion, debate, and cultural expression. By the 1990s, reformism had eroded the Communists' grasp on power, both at home and in eastern Europe. An attempted coup d'etat by Communist hard-liners on August 19-21, 1991, failed, permitting the further advance of political pluralism and democratic institutions - spearheaded by Russian President Boris Yeltsin popularly elected in June 1991.
- 1414.
Russian political system, history and culture
- 1415.
Russia's achievements
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 "Salyut-1", launched April 19, 1971, was the world's first space station. In 1986 the Soviet Union launched a more advanced type of space station "Mir". This station - a large, permanent, multimanned orbiting complex - was designed to accommodate various modules for crew living quarters and research facilities. On March 13, 1986, cosmonauts Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyev were sent aboard a "Soyuz" spacecraft to dock with "Mir" and become its first occupants. They spent 53 days adjusting equipment and bringing the complex into workable order. Other cosmonauts later visited the station. In 1987 Yury Romanenko set a new endurance record of 326 days in space. The previous record 237 days, was set in 1984 by a Soviet crew in "Salyut-7" space station. In the 1970s and 1980s our scientists concentrated their efforts on numerous experiments into outerspace which involved the cosmonauts' repeated docking. Various "Salyut" orbiting laboratories were equipped for extended missions of scientific experimentation. On board "Salyut" stations our cosmonauts conducted scientific research and made valuable observations of the solar system.
- 1415.
Russia's achievements
- 1416.
Russia's institutions of higher education
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Moscow State University teaches almost in all subject areas: Arts, Sciences, Law, Economics, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, etc. I do not know yet which faculty to choose. The Law Faculty is the centre of legal training in Russia. It is known for its high level of teaching. Professors of the Faculty do detailed research in the field of law. Moreover, they participate in the working out the Russia laws. The Lawyers, the Faculty graduates, use their knowledge in courts of law. The Faculty of Journalism is proud of its graduates who work in different fields of mass media: in editorial boards, television, radio stations and news agencies in Russia and abroad. Two-level system of economic and business education is offered at the Economics Faculty. At the Faculty students study Economics and business. They do research work and gain professional skills. The Faculty of Philosophy has always been the centre of progressive philosophical thought in Russia. The greatest Russian philosophers lectured at the Faculty. Today the best home and foreign scholars give lectures at the Faculty. Psychology was among the courses taught at first at the Faculty of Philosophy. The works of Russian psychologists are recognised in the whole world. The Biology Faculty, the largest scientific and research centre in the country, comprises the most important fields of modern Biology. Students take practical courses in Zoological Museum and Botanical Gardens. The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is one of the leading scientific centres in Russia. World leading professors deliver their lectures there. The Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics is popular among the applicants for entry too. Applied Mathematics and Computer Science undergo rapid changes. The usage of computers in various fields of education, science, technology, economics, management and linguistics is provided by the Faculty.
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Russia's institutions of higher education
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Russin traditios
Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Almost every nation and country has a reputation of some kind. The Englishmen are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather naughty easy-going and fond of sport. They are the nation of stay-at-homes. «There is no place like home», they say. The English mans home is his castle is a saying known all over the world. They prefer a small house built for one family, with a small garden are a fire in the centre of the house. They like animals very much and follow the traditions concerning food and meals. We know much about English traditions and customs but now Id like to say a few words about the traditions of my native land-Russia. First, about Russian people. To my mind, the main traits of their characters which differ them from other people are hospitality, their «open heart», «golden hands», wise Russian fairytales reflect this wisdom. Our people are hardworking, patient, never loosing hope for better life. The Russians are the talented nation. Russia gave the world beautiful names of Pushkin and Lermontov, Chaikovsky and Repin, thousands of names of world famous poets, writers, composers, scientists. All of them are the pride of the nation because they sand the beauty of our nature and people.
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Russin traditios
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Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Sadko fell to the bottom of the sea and found himself in the palace of the Tsar Morskoi. The King and Queen of the Sea had heard about Sadko's musical talents and asked him to play and to sing for them. They were overjoyed and decided to make Sadko stay in Sea Tsardom and promised Volkhova to be his bride. But Sadko told Volkhova that he couldn't marry her, as he still loved his wife, Lubava. Upset, but still loving the psaltery player, she helped Sadko to pluck away with the help of a flock of sea-horses which took Sadko back to the shore of Lake Ilmen.
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Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Le Champ-de-Mars est une immense place de 12 hectares plantee de buissons. Au centre de laquelle il y a un monument en lhonneur des morts pour la revolution. Cest un carre delimite par un mur de granit a degres avec 4 larges entrees de chaque cote. Historiquemment cette place etait une des premieres places de Saint-Petersbourg. En temps anciens cetait la que les defiles militaires setait deroules. Le nom actuel la place a recu a cause du monument a Souvorov erige sur la place a la fin du 18 siecle, dont les traits repellent Mars, dieu de la guerre. A nos jours cette place est aussi populaire dans notre ville. Il y a meme une tradition selon laquelle les jeunes mariés deposent les fleures pres de la flamme eternelle sur Champ-de-Mars.
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Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009 Saint Petersburg is a wonderful city: at every turn there is something to catch your eye. There are spacious squares and circles and the streets are wide and straight. Palace Square, Senate Square, St. Isaac`s Square, Trinrty Square and Arts Square - they all are historical places, shaped with famous buildings and have striking monuments. Alexander Column, the highest structure of this kind in the world, raises on Palace Square. Peter the Great Monument, better known as the Bronze Horseman, is on Senate Square. Nicholas 1 Monument, which is considered a masterpiece of engineering art, stands on St. Isaac`s Square. Pushkin Monument is in the center of Arts Square. The Field of Mars, with the area of twelve hectares, is the biggest square in Saint Petersburg. The main street of the city is Nevsky Prospect. It runs from the Admiralty to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery and lines famous buildings, luxurious hotels and fashionable stores. Sadovaya Street got its name from a lot of gardens once facing the street. Moskovsky Prospect is the longest street in the city and Architect Rossy Street is the shortest one. It was in Saint Petersburg that the tradition to number streets appeared. One still can find 5th Line or 27th Line on Vasilyevsky Island. Line is one side of the street.
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