
  • 1361. Pure Abstraction
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The Grey Tree (1912; 79 x 108 cm (31 x 42 1/2 in)) adumbrates the abstractions that were a half-way house to his geometrical work, yet it also has a foothold in the real world of life and death. The Grey Tree is realist art on the point of taking off into abstraction: take away the title and we have an abstraction; add the title and we have a grey tree. He claimed to have painted these pictures from the need to make a living, yet they have a fragile delicacy that is precious and rare. Mondrian sought an art of the utmost probity: his greatest desire was to attain personal purity, to disregard all that pleases the narrow self and enter into divine simplicities. That may sound dull, but he composed with a lyrical sureness of balance that makes his art as pure and purifying as he hoped.

  • 1362. Pushkin
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    He also wrote other long poems, including «Bronze Horseman» (1833), the finest collection of lyrics in Russian literature. Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose. «Little Tragedies» and «The Stone Guest» are among the best works in the world history of drama. Pushkin's love to Russia's past resulted in his historical drama, «Boris Godunov» (1825). «Tales of the Late l.P.Belkin», «Dubrovsky», «The Captain's Daughter» are the most important of his prose works. Pushkin's use of Russian influenced the of great Russian writers Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy.

  • 1363. Pushkin's Biography
    Доклад пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008
  • 1364. Pyotr Kapitsa
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008
  • 1365. Pначение гимнастики в физическом воспитании
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 30.05.2008

    «Спортивно-прикладная гимнастика применяется в учебно-тренировочном процессе во всех видах спорта. Она обеспечивает общую и специальную физическую подготовку спортсмена, способствует целенаправленному совершенствованию тех физических качеств, которые необходимы для достижения наиболее высоких результатов спортсменов в избранном ими виде спорта. Содержание этой гимнастики определяется в зависимости от содержания соответствующего вида спорта, так как в каждом виде спорта есть своя специфика применения общеразвивающих и специальных упражнений. Следует сказать, что представители ряда видов спорта используют некоторые упражнения и на гимнастических снарядах. Например: в систему тренировки прыгуна с шестом включаются упражнения на кольцах, перекладине, канате, помогающие быстрее овладеть техникой прыжка с шестом. Подобным образом обращается внимание на подбор специальных упражнений в гимнастике боксера. В качестве специальных упражнений широко применяются прыжки со скакалкой. Футболисты применяют акробатические упражнения; пловцы, прыгуны в воду упражнения на батуте; конькобежцы, фигуристы включают в свои занятия художественную гимнастику, упражнения хореографии. Специализированные комплексы гимнастических упражнений применяют лыжники, борцы, штангисты и спортсмены всех других видов спорта».

  • 1366. Pынок продаж автомобильных дисков по Санкт-Петербургу
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    1К какому классу обеспеченности вы себя относите?

    1. Высокому 40%
    2. Среднему 50%
    3. Низкому 10%2Устраивает ли вас стоимость дисков (450 руб)?
    4. Да90%
    5. Нет10%3Устраивает ли вас ТЭП?
    6. Да 90%
    7. Нет 10%4Какая у вас машина?
    8. Отечественного производства 60%
    9. Зарубежного производства40%5Подходит ли дизайн наших дисков к вашей машине?
    10. Отечественные Да 100%Нет 0%
    11. Зарубежные Да 90%Нет 10%6Устраивает ли вас диаметр дисков от 13 до 15 дюймов?
    12. Да 80%13 50%14 25%15 25%
    13. Нет 20%16 - 60%17 40%7Когда вы в последний раз меняли диски?
    14. Никогда 55%
    15. 10 лет назад 25%
    16. 5 лет назад 15%
    17. В прошлом году5%8Предрасположены, вы приобрести нашу продукцию?
    18. Да 90%1шт-10%4шт 80%2-3шт 10%
    19. Нет 10%
    20. Анкета №2. ООО АвтоДиск планирует производство автомобильных дисков, для авто транспорта среднего и представительского отечественного и импортного производства. Так как вы являетесь потенциальным распространителем данной продукции, то мы просим вас заполнить следующую анкету:
    21. Сколько лет вы на данном сегменте продаж дисков ? ______
    22. Какую часть рынка вы охватываете ?
    23. Какие авто диски имеются у вас в продаже ?____________ ______________________________________________________.
    24. Какие фирмы пользуются большем спросом, и на оборот ?___ _______________________________________________________.
    25. Для каких марок машин (в процентах) приобретают диски? _______________________________________________________.
    26. Особенности данного сегмента рынка ? - _________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
    27. Средней объем продаж ? _________
    28. На сколько вырос рынок продаж ? _____
    29. На сколько вырос валовой доход ? _____
    30. Ваши предложения для нашего производства ? _____________ ________________________________________________________ 1Сколько лет вы на данном сегменте рынка?
    31. 7 и более лет55%
    32. 5 лет30%
    33. 3 года и меньше15%
    34. 2
    Какую часть рынка вы охватываете?

    1. 7 и более лет60%
    2. 5 лет30%
    3. 3 года и меньше10%
    4. 3
  • 1367. Queen
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    В феврале 1984 года группа выпустила 13-й альбом - The Works. Сингл с этого альбома Radio Ga Ga стал хитом во всем мире, а в 19 странах занял первые строчки хит-парадов. В съемках клипа к нему (режиссер Дэвид Маллетт) снова приняли участие члены фэн-клуба. В припеве они должны были дружно хлопать в ладоши. Это пришлось по вкусу, после чего такое сопровождение к песне подхватили фэны всего мира, поддерживая группу на концертах. Другим синглом с альбома The Works стал I Want To Break Free - к нему сняли еще более неординарный клип, и тоже с участием фэнов клуба. Члены группы нарядились в костюмы женских персонажей из британской мыльной оперы "Улица Коронации", а когда их спросили, почему они это сделали, Роджер ответил, что ему надоели серьезные эпохальные клипы теперь пришло время немного поразвлечься и показать, что группа способна посмеяться над собой. MTV в Америке отказалась показывать этот клип.

  • 1368. Quien Soy Yo? (Кто это - я?)
    Контрольная работа пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    Ahora os voy a hablar sobre mi familia, Mi abuelo es un artista, su cuadro sobre la familia de Nikolay estб en el museo de Washington ahora.
    El es muy famoso en Voronezh, donde vive ahora, Durante su vida el tomу parte en la guerra Ruso-alemana. Mi abuela es una cantante de opera, ella tuvo 7 hermanos 6 de ellos murieron en la guerra. Uno de ellos aъn continua vivo, el es un famoso cantante de opera tambiйn. Mi madre es arquitecto ymi padre es ingeniero. En Rusia estuve tres aсos en la escuela de mъsica y dos aсos en la escuela de arte. Estuve tomando lecciones de inglйs desde los tres aсos, En la escuela Rusa aprendн Espaсol durante dos aсos, en inglaterra empece a aprender Frances. Quiero aprender aleman bien porque en el futuro quiero ser traductora. Cuando era pequeсa querнa ser mйdico o profesora pero ahora he cambiado.

  • 1369. Radio
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another through the intervening media (i.e., air, space, nonconducting materials) without wires. Besides being used for transmitting sound and television signals, radio is used for the transmission of data in coded form. In the form of radar it is used also for sending out signals and picking up their reflections from objects in their path. Long-range radio signals enable astronauts to communicate with the earth from the moon and carry information from space probes as they travel to distant planets (see space exploration ). For navigation of ships and aircraft the radio range , radio compass (or direction finder), and radio time signals are widely used. Radio signals sent from global positioning satellites can also be used by special receivers for a precise indication of position (see navigation satellite ). Digital radio , both satellite and terrestrial, provides improved audio clarity and volume. Various remote-control devices, including rocket and artificial satellite operations systems and automatic valves in pipelines, are activated by radio signals. The development of the transistor and other microelectronic devices (see microelectronics ) led to the development of portable transmitters and receivers. Cellular and cordless telephones are actually radio transceivers. Many telephone calls routinely are relayed by radio rather than by wires; some are sent via radio to relay satellites. Some celestial bodies and interstellar gases emit relatively strong radio waves that are observed with radio telescopes composed of very sensitive receivers and large directional antennas (see radio astronomy ).

  • 1370. Radio And TV In My Life
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 09.12.2008

    My favorite channel is the “6th channel”. There are many interesting programs for me like “The wold of computer”, “Farcop”, “News” “Show-Business” and others. I like this program because there are not so many advertisement. Also every weekend there are three films which are popular all over the world. So the “6th Channel” program is my favorite one because it satisfy my different interests in the best way. As for me my favourit radio station is “Europa plus”. It broadcasts many programs , for instance: “Press-Digest”, “Prezent”, “Garage”, “News” and others. Also there are a lot of programs where everyone can win something. It satisfies my interests in the best way. Sometimes when I came home from school I turn on the radio and leave it on and go about my household duties. So the best radio for me is “Europa Plus” and I like to listen to it.

  • 1371. Rain Man
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    Another remarkable symptom is, that Raymond strictly refuses changes in hisroutines. For him it is the end of the world if he can´t watch hisfavourite TV-film, or if he finds his bed on a different place in his room. Thisis his way to express his „fear“. Also the way Raymond communicates with others is typical for autisticpeople. He uses meaningless, non- contextual words, gives unusual responses andexhibits unusual body movements, such as rocking or яapping. He uses his speechto talk at Charly rather than with his brother. He is also unable to show socialclues, such as giving a smile. But if he „must“, because his brother„forces“ him to, he looks rather funny. Raymond also hasabilities which are not typical for all people withautism, such as counting things very fast or remember things he read indetail. But another remarkable symptom is, the way how Raymond interacts with theworld around. He often seems aloof and absent,and has a very short attentionspan.

  • 1372. Raphael
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    After the complexities of Leonardo and Michelangelo, it is a relief to find Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio, 1483-1520), a genius no less than they, but one whose daily ways were those of other men. He was born in the small town of Urbino, an artistic centre, and received his earliest training from his father. Later, his father sent him to Pietro Perugino (active 1478-1523) who, like Verrocchio and Ghirlandaio, was an artist of considerable gifts. But while Leonardo and Michelangelo quickly outgrew their teachers and show no later trace of influence, Raphael had a precocious talent right from the beginning and was an innate absorber of influences. Whatever he saw, he took possession of, always growing by what was taught to him. An early Raphael can look like a Perugino. In fact, Perugino's Crucifixion with the Virgin, St John, St Jerome, and St Mary Magdalene was thought to be by Raphael until evidence proved it was given to the church of San Gimigniano in 1497, when Raphael was only 14. It is undoubtedly a Perugino, calmly emotional, and pious rather than passionate. A fascinating context for this scene of quiet faith is the notorious unbelief on the part of the artist, who was described by Vasari as an atheist. He painted what would be acceptable, not what he felt to be true, and this may account for the lack of real emotive impact.

  • 1373. Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: on the brink of suicide. Ф.М. Достоевский, Преступление и наказание
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009
  • 1374. Rating system in Russia
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    One of the main aims of making up the is revealing of the most popular topics and genres. The second aim is to find out what actors are the most popular with spectators. It is necessary for successful development of cinema industry in our country.

  • 1375. Reading books
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    My favourite American writer is Edgar Allan Рое. Не was an outstanding poet and a short story writer. In Europe Рое was considered the only American poet of significance, the one who created literary works of many varied forms. Рое expressed his deep and sincere feelings in his poems. Edgar Allan Рое is mostly remembered for establishing new symbolic poetry. The "Raven" is his best known poem. The poet used symbols, following the ancient traditions. It is the ancient poetry that helped him to find the unusual rhythm. The symbolic meaning of the "Raven" is unclear; raven is a symbol of eternal life as well as the herald of death. Numerous readers in the United States and other countries admire Poe's short stories. He was the inventor of the detective stories that became very popular in the 20-th century. Рое won recognition and admiration of the Russian readers very quickly. "The Gold Bug", one of Poe's best stories, was published in the United States in 1843 and in 1847 it was translated into Russian. Poe's poetry had tremendous influence on the Russian poets of the beginning of the 20-th century. Such outstanding Russian poets as Balmont and Brusov admired Poe's poetry. They translated his poems into Russian, and used his motives in their lyrics.

  • 1376. Reading for me
    Сочинение пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    The last book that he recomendedrecommended me was so interesting! That was the novel Norwegian Wood written by Japanese author Haruki Murakami. I like Japan very much and cirtainlycertainly I want to read this book. Besides that I have a chance to know something more about this country, its culture, customs and people. This novel was very breathtaking for me. Norwegian Wood includes the volume of literature forms: memoirs, letters, dreams, clipping, appeal to the Internet. Haruki Murakami combines the methods of pop-culture, cinema, music and detective genre. It is the mixture of zen-philosophy, jazz session and love stories. There are original story with many funny jokes and songs by famous groups like The Beatles, Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. This book is written about life of young Japanese man who studies at the University in Tokio. His name is Vatanabe. He is so abrupt, independent and serious with unknown people, but he is very tender, understanding, sincere and tolerant with his friends and with people wichwhich he loves. Vatanabe collides with many problems in the adult world. His best friend and his girlfriend were made a suicide during the two years. After hat he reserved himself and he must decide how he will be living in the future. But soon he met the nice girl and of course the love saved him.

  • 1377. Realism
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    In the arts, the accurate, detailed, unembellished depiction of nature or of contemporary life. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. As such, realism in its broad sense has comprised many artistic currents in different civilizations. In the visual arts, for example, realism can be found in ancient Hellenistic Greek sculptures accurately portraying boxers and decrepit old women. The works of such 17th-century painters as Caravaggio, the Dutch genre painters, the Spanish painters Josй de Ribera, Diego Velбzquez, and Francisco de Zurbarбn, and the Le Nain brothers in France are realist in approach. The works of the 18th-century English novelists Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, and Tobias Smollett may also be called realistic.

  • 1378. Rechtsmittel
    Информация пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    1. Der Bundesrat hat folgende Aufgaben und die ihnen entsprechenden Befugnisse wahrzunehmen. 2. In den im vor kurzem verцftentlichten Gesetz besonders genannten Fдllen ergeht die Entscheidung durch BeschluЯ. 3. Das den normalen Verlauf des Zivilverfahrens abschlieЯende Stadium ist der EriaЯ der gerichtlicnen Entscheidung ьber den vom Klager gemachten Anspruch. 4. Die am 20. April eihgegangene das zivilrechtliche Verfahren einleitende Klage wurde im Landgericht geprьft. 5. Nach ausreichender Klдrung des von den Parteien vorgetragenen Sachverhalts wurde die Entscheidung gefдllt. 6. Der Vorsitzende hat vom Gericht in der mьndlichen Verhandlung gefдllte Entscheidungen zu verkьnden. 7. Der durch eine von beiden Parteien angesfrebte Einigung beigelegte Rechtsstreit ist zu Ende. 8. Die ьber die mit einem Rechtsmittel angefochtene Entscheidung entscbeidende hцhere Instanz prьft die Tatsachen nur in rechtlicher Hinsicht.

  • 1379. Reform toward a new KOREA
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009

    As President Kims urging, a package of three political reform bills was unanimously passed by the National Assembly on March 24, 1994. Marked by heavy penalties for offenders, the Law for Electing Public Officials and Preventing Electoral Irregularities is designed to ensure the transparency of campaign financing, limit campaign expenditures while encouraging freer campaigns, and ban “premature electioneering,” as well as all other electoral misconduct. The amended Political Fund Law is intended to control fund raising by political parties and individual politicians with the aim of stamping out “money politics” and “politics-business collusion,” while encouraging relatively small contributions by individuals and groups to the coffers of the parties or politicians that they support. Together, these two laws are aimed at ensuring free, fair, clean and frugal politics in general. The revised Local Autonomy Law provides for the election of the chief executives of local governments in addition to the local councils already instituted in 1991 to restore local autonomy after a 30-year hiatus.

  • 1380. Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England
    Статья пополнение в коллекции 12.01.2009


    1. Бродович О.И. Диалектная вариативность английского языка: аспекты теории. Л., 1988
    2. Маковский М.М. Английская диалектология. Современные английские диалекты Великобритании. М., 1980
    3. Шахбагова Д.А. Фонетические особенности произносительных вариантов английского языка. М., 1982
    4. Allen B.H., Linn M.D. Dialect and language variation, Orlando, 1986
    5. Brook G.L. English Dialects, Oxford Un. Press, 1963
    6. Brook G.L. Varieties of English, Lnd, 1977
    7. Cheshire J. Variation in an English dialect. A sociolinguistic study, Cambridge Un. Press, 1982
    8. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Cambridge, 1995
    9. Encyclopedia Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition
    10. Gimson A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English, Lnd, 1981
    11. Hughes and Trudgill, English accents and dialects: An introduction to social and regional varieties of British English, Lnd, 1979
    12. Malmstrom J., Weaver C Transgrammar. English structure, style and dialects, Brighton, 1973
    13. Shaw G.B. Pygmalion, NY, 1994
    14. Sheerin S., Seath J., White G. Spotlight on Britain, Oxford, 1990
    15. Shopen T., Williams J.M. Standards and dialects in English, Cambridge, 1980
    16. Trudgill P. On dialect: Social and Geographical Perspectives, NY and Lnd, 1984
    17. Trudgill P. Dialects in Contact, Oxford, 1986
    18. Trudgill P., Chambers J.K. Dialects of English Studies in grammatical variation. Longman, №9
    19. Wakelin M.F. Discovering English Dialects, Shire Publications LTD, 1978