Пособие по переводу химических текстов с русского на английский
Вид материала | Реферат |
- А. Л. Пумпянский написал серию из трех книг по переводу, 3583.47kb.
- Академия наук СССР, 5018.32kb.
- И. А. Бунин Оглавление 1стр, 237.08kb.
- Практикум по экономическому переводу и развитию навыков устной речи «Брэнд», 635.94kb.
- 420 м 216 Мальчевская Т. Н. Сборник упражнений по переводу гуманитарных текстов с английского, 2599.46kb.
- Г. В. Плеханова английский язык учебно-методическое пособие, 1565.3kb.
- Задачи: Сбор, изучение и анализ теоретической литературы по теории перевода. Выбор, 762.07kb.
- Высшего профессионального образования «Чувашский государственный университет имени, 154.37kb.
- Методическое пособие по переводу сокращений и выражений, часто встречающихся в аэронавигационных, 5767.72kb.
- Методика обучения абзацно-фразовому переводу студентов экономического вуза (дополнительная, 378.17kb.
Приложение 4 (продолжение)
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
constraint continue contribute contrive control convey convince correlate correspond count count upon decide decide on declare deduce define demand demonstrate denote deny depend on describe designate desire determine devote dictate disclaim disclose discover discuss dislike disprove doubt dwell on | +(by) +(to) +(with) +(for) +(on) +(for) + +(on) +(to) +(of) | * * (to)+ ( )* * + (to)+ + * (to)+ + + * + * (to)+ + * * * + | + * * (to)+ + + (to)+ + + (to)+ + (to)+ + (to)+ (to)+ + + * * + | ( ) + + ( )* ( )* ( )+ ( ) (be) (be) + (be) ( ) ( )+ + * (be) * * | + ( )+ + + ( ) (’) + ( ) (’)+ (’)+ | + + | (from) (to, with) up (towards, to) (to, from) (of) (with, and) +(to, with) +(as, among), in (to, on) off (from) (as) (from) (to) (by) +(to) (for) (as, to, for) +(as) (from) (to) (to) (to) (with) |
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
Приложение 4 (продолжение)
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
elaborate eliminate emphasize employ enable encourage end enjoin enjoy ensure entail establish estimate evaluate examine exclude expand expect explain express facilitate fail fear feel find find out finish fix forbid force forecast foresee foretell forget formulate | +(on) +(in) (for) +(on) +(in) +(for) +(to) + +(in) + +(about) | * + + + * + + * * * + (to)+ * * + + + + * + + + + * | * * + + * (to)+ (to)+ + + * + + + + * | (be) ( )* ( ) ( )* * * ( ) ( )+ * + + + ( ) * ( ) ( ) + | (’) (’)+ (’) (’)+ (’) ( ) ( ) + (’)+ (’) (’)+ | + + + + | (from) (to) (as, in, at) (in) (with, by) (from, on,upon) +(against) (on) (as, in) (at) (as) (for, in, on) (from) (into) (from, of) (to) away (to, in, as) (on) (for) +(for, in) out (by, with) off, +(for, on) up + (in, on) out (as) |
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
Приложение 4 (продолжение)
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
gain gather gauge get guarantee guess have help hold hope hypothesize ignore illustrate imagine imply incline include indicate infer inform inquire inspire instruct intend interpret investigate involve justify keep keep off | +(from) + (in) +(at) + +(to) +(to) +(about) (to) + (on) +(about) +(for) + +(on) + | * + + * + + + + + * * + (to)+ * (to)+ + ( )* * ( )* * * * * * | * + * * + * * * + * (to)+ + ( )* + ( )* * + * * | * ( )+ ( )+ ( ) ( )+ ( )+ + (be) ( )+ ( ) ( ) ( )+ * | ( )+ ( ) (’) (’)+ + + (’)+ (’)+ ( )+ | + + + + + + | +(for) (round, from) up, in +(for, into, out of) to +(to, against) (as, for) (in, with) on, up +(to, against) up, out (with) +(as) (towards) (in, among) (to) (from) (of, about) (of) (in, to) (in, about) +(as, for, by) (as, to) (in, with) (to) +(for, from, on) |
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
Приложение 4 (продолжение)
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
keep on know lay down lead learn let let out like maintain make make out manage mark mean mention mind miscalculate misinterpret miss motivate move name necessitate need negate neglect note notice notify object | + + (to) +(of) + (for) +(on) (by) +(about) + + +(from) + +(to) | + + + + * + + * + (to)+ + * * * * + + ( )* + | + * + + * + + (to)+ + + + + + + ( )* | * ( )+ ( )* + ( )* ( )+ ( )+ ( ) + (be)+ ( ) ( ) ( ) + + ( ) | + (’)+ (’) (’)+ (’)+ (’)+ (’)+ + + ( ) | + + + + | (as, from, of, about) (from, about) (into, out) (to) (with) +(for, out, from, up) (with, on, as) off +(for, to, as) (as, to) (to, from, out) +(as, for) down (to, about) |
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
Приложение 4 (продолжение)
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |
observe obtain omit order perceive perform permit persuade place plan plot point out ponder postpone postulate predicate predict prefer prepare presume presuppose pretend proceed proclaim profess prohibit promise prompt pronounce propose prove provide put forward put off | +(on) + +(on) +(of) +(on) +(with) +(on) +(for) (on) +(to) +(with, to) + + +(on) + (for) + | + * * + * * ( )* * (to)+ + + + + + + (to)+ + ( )+ + (to) (to)+ * | + * + + + (to)+ + * + * * + * * * * (to)+ | + ( ) ( ) ( )* ( ) + + * ( ) ( )+ ( )+ (be)+ * + + + * ( )+ ( )* + (be) * | + ( ) (’)+ + (’) + (’) (’)+ + | + + + + + | (from, for) +(for, from) (as) (on) + (into, out, of) (in, before, on) aside (for) (on) out (to) (to, until) (on, upon) (to) (for) + (from) +(to) (after) (to, as, for) (to) (with, for) (until) |
Verb | I | Tf | Tw | Tt | Tg | Tna | Tnn |