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Will the man as a kind disappear?
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Will the man as a kind disappear?

For the first time we have understood, that the mankind is capable to destroy itself by itself analyzing consequences the possible nuclear conflict. The treat has disappeared, and all have sighed with simplification. Between that, energy of explosion all charges there is less energy, developed by power installations of the world only for one year. The huge weights of substance will be transformed the huge sites of a virgin surface of a land, disappear kinds of plants and animals disappear, accrues radioactive background are broken accrues. The environment varies promptly, and the old stereotypes still own ours minds, though for a long time already send to the category of the incorrect information. We believe, that are capable to create such social system, at which mankind can not limit the number and at it to improve the vital level, saving an environment.

Rubbish we sweep up under a bed.

Till now all efforts on protection of an environment are undertaken within the framework of standard program about "wrong" conducting a economy and opportunity of the "technological" decision arising problems. The main mistake of many researchers of the given problems that they proceed from the assumption, as if the deformation of environments is a "smooth" process, but a nature usually demonstrates processes of destruction. At what stage are we today: is it beginning of a way, a condition before a crisis?

Last decades the huge means, but desirable result to achieve it was not possible: the global changes proceed, and the rates they accrue; the situation in 1996 is worse, than was in 1986. It testifies that of the spent efforts and it is not enough of means, or about wrong chosen approach. For improvement the condition of environment really huge sums are required. For example, that in USA, which much more others deliver in an atmosphere of carbonic gas, to reduce its emissions to 50%, replacing coal power station on nuclear, at least, 50 billion of dollars. At it during 38 years everyone 2,5 days will be necessary to established special equipment. Is counted up, that in Western Europe for the control and clearing industrial rubbish in 1992 it was required 120 billion of dollars and in USA in 1994 – 200 billion. An expenses is not real. But it is not in plenty. All measures accepted today in areas of ecology, - is no more than to sweep of rubbish under a bed. Any other source, except for biosphere and its resources, for maintenance of life does not exist. Now our economy inside biosphere represents the special system of synthesis and decomposition of substance, and the man has undertaken functions only of synthesis manufacture, and function of decomposition has given to a nature, hoping on it assimilating capacity. But the significant part of made substances is alien to a nature and does not give in

to decomposition, besides assimilating capacity of biosphere, is undoubtedly exhausted. One more stereotype, interfering to us really to estimate situation: rubbish of our ability to live that is we throw out on a dump. And dispersion of a thermal energy by any industrial, transport or by municipal object? And water, which is used practically in any technology? And, most main, any final product? You see it no more than postponed waste. All will set off on a dump, in day or in some centuries. The man as a biological kind - consuming. He consumes production all plants animals, and his technology – is the tool, with which help the man can to consume much more production biosphere, than he can do by the natural laws. And by that breaks balance in a nature.

Are we dieing out now?

That basic principle describing stability of biosphere consists in the following: speed clean absorption of carbon is proportional gain of carbon in environment. With beginning of the last century biosphere land has ceased to absorb surplus of carbon in to atmosphere. Moreover, she began it to throw out, increasing, instead of reducing change the environment as a result of industrial activity, i.e. biosphere and environment have lost stability. The biosphere, apparently, can compensate any of indignation made by the man, if consumption of primary biological production (photosynthesis) does not surpass 1% (Modern share of consumption by the man – 10%). Thus there is no meanings, whether 1% is maintained land, on which is completely deformed biosphere, or 10% of a land, where distortion distortion of biosphere is equaled 10%. The mechanism used by biota for stabilization most and environment, - competition. While this the mechanism was used of natural flows of energy, all was in the order. But when man has created new, additional flow; increasing part of production of biosphere began to be consumed in interests only of one kind - Homo sapiens - to the detriment of rests. All history of biosphere shows, that she developed in a direction of the increasing stability.

Apparently, biospherea has mechanisms replacement of those kinds, which break this stability. Hardly man is exception... Not

Whether the replacement began already?

Does the replacement begin already?

The on growth of Genetic diseases, first of all, testifies to disintegration genome of the man mental and inherent infringements. Probably, it is cause of using drugs and alcohol occurrence of new illnesses. Probably, that is usually name by "ecological" diseases and directly connect to pollution of environment, part of problem. In end ХХ century mankind has confronted with as lack not of food or technological resources, and ecological ensuring stability of an environment, resource economic capacity of biosphere. The advanced countries, except for Canada, for a long time have destroyed natural ecosystem, which, alongside with an industry and transport, serve sources

of pollution , arising as a result of their destruction. It is not taken into discussion of arising problems. It is for payment for those or other infringements of natural environment. And the states completely, which have broken environment, are alive - are healthy and have not disappeared from of the Earth. Why? Only because they made indignation assimilate by ocean and those by sites of a land, where the natural communities organisms were saved. These territories is a drain of hothouse of gases and others pollution. And they were saved only in Russia, Canada, Australia, Brazil,

China and Algeria. All others live for the bill of these countries, at the expense of their ecological resource. And territory of Brazil are most effective in this sense, with huge piece of a tropical wood.

"Bolivar will not bear a two"

That the centralized management of a national economy does not provide ecological it is not necessary to explain safety is well-known for the Russian. And that market economy in relation to environment behaves not better, many yet have not realized. Between that, example of USA, where the natural nature collapsed faster, than in Europe, testifies to it. In the beginning ХХ of Centuries the environment of the United States was already destroyed. If to exclude Alaska, only about 4 % of territory was saved untouched. The market economy provides maximal speed and efficiency of use of natural resources, so, and prompt destruction environments. And the advanced countries should undertake the basic share of fault for the usual situation. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY,

USA, Canada and Japan make more 2/3 world total products, provide 2/3 world trades, are the largest consumers of resources, is especial power, also make 3/4 weights global pollutions.

15% of the population of the Earth living in these countries ("gold billion"), consume 1/3 fertilizers, 1/2 of energy, made in the world, all 2/3 4metals, half of foodstuffs and more 2/3 business. And nevertheless, the market economy continues to be guided by economic growth, though such strategy conducts to ecological impasse.

Between that, 23% of the population of a planet concern to the categories of the absolutely poor, among them 400 billion have no a house. Absolute number

wretched people in the world constantly grows. To correct their situation, it is necessary to increase production raw material, manufacture rubbish, delivery freshen waters. Mahatma Gundy, was asked, will whether India got standard of living of Great Britain. He has answered: "Britain needed resources of half of planet to reach the prosperity. How much of planets are required for the country similar India?". Great man was right: there are all bases to believe, that is it not possible for Earth. And

Reflections about that India is not the unique country on a planet, I leave to you.

"Development" outside of the law!

The value of an untouched nature in conditions of ecological crisis promptly grows. In the near future it on many orders will exceed all other values. Then Russia, if she will leave not destroyed a part of the territories, will be the rich man of all other countries of the world. In our difficult time we cannot get give in momentary benefit, it is necessary to save fundamental potential. Hardly development of new territories will raise well-being of the people, faster, it only will make small group of the people rich man. Follows

Also to remember, that there are no invaluable sites of the not mastered nature. All of them play certain role in stabilization of an environment, its clearing and

restoration. The word "development" should be "War", "robbery"," murder is excluded from a lexicon and allowable moral norms the same as words". It is necessary to accept the laws, in which appeals and actions conducting to the further development of North, Siberia, Far East, would be regarded as one of the most serious crimes against the peoples of Russia. It is necessary to overcome syndromes of plunder of a

nature, which was inherent practically in for to the advanced countries also repeats with a frightening constancy in the countries which are promptly included in number "Advanced". And in a word "advanced" we put inverted commas, because forward these countries leave on ruins of own natural environment. As mankind already stepped through, a threshold of stability is necessary to return back for us. But it at all does not mean, what is it appeal to recourse.

The progress is biological feature of the man connected characteristics of his brain and Mentality. Therefore progress with economic growth or without it will accompany with the man always.

Today ever more than scientists come to idea of development without economic growth. Broken biosphere is restored not at once after the termination of an environment, apparently, are formed is restored much faster - within several decades. So, even at preservation

Of using energy supporting life, it is possible to stop global

Destruction, if to reduce mastered areas of a land at first approximately up to 40%, and then up to 20% (without the account Antarctic Continent). The program this is quite feasible if to enter the large international tax, for the states which are not wishing or unable to reduce the mastered areas. And states having or ready to ensure necessary percent of a virgin nature, are necessary to pay the large grants. Certainly, thus the reduction of the population of the Earth becomes inevitable, which number should not exceed 1-2 billion the man. This process not necessarily should be

Painful; it is quite possible to stretch on some centuries. The man is obliged to ensure stability of an environment, having replaced stereotypes. The purposes of economy, character of behavior, ethics. If he will fail it to make, biospherea, using powerful protective mechanisms, will make it, most likely, having destroyed part

together with by mankind. And if the man will disappear as a kind, he will never

appear again:

"Tacit spring"

The growing trouble of a public concerning that, whether is broken by industrial activity in the advanced states environmental, was seriously showed only in 60 years. In book "the Tacit spring" Kurson has told about damage, that water, ground and air from industrial activity. There were groups of vigilance, such, as

"Serre - club" and "Friends of the Earth", and anxious order markers began to put forward various measures on to protection of an environment. An example can be one of the major laws of USA regulating activity in sphere of marketing, "the Law on national politics in the field of an environment", founded in 1969 and including such basic rule, as an establishment of norms National politics in the field of an environment and establishment of Advice on problems of quality of environment, transformed in 1970 in Management on protection of an environment. The changes in an environment have an effect and for the goods, which firms make and offer to the market. Firms try to consider that fact that the people differ on in the relation to the world of a

nature. Some bodies feel himself in authority of a nature, others - in harmony with her, and third try to subordinate it to themselves. The long-term tendency of submission of a nature is marked by the man with the help of a science and engineering and trusting in abundance of natural resources. But you last time the people even more often began to realize fragility of a nature and limitation of its resources, steel to realize, that human activity can ruin a nature or put to her harm. So, the love to a nature conducts to growth of popularity of travels in inhabited vans, water walking and fishing. The business immediately has answered on this and release of tourist equipment, tents and other accessories the fans of rest on a nature. The organizers of trips offer routes in places, not touched with human activity. The manufacturers

Products of a feed have confronted with the extended market "natural" products, such, as natural products from grain cereals, natural ice-cream, products for a medical feed. Advertising food products is given on a natural background, natural to them. But we shall return to direct problems environment. DEFICIENCY of SOME KINDS of raw MATERIAL. Water and air can seem by inexhaustible kinds of natural resources, but some groups of the defenses counsels of an environment see threat and for them. These groups act for prohibition of sale of some preparations in aerosol packing, as they can put potential harm to layer ozone in to atmosphere. And with water in a number of areas of the world of a problem have arisen already today. Use renewed resources, such, as a wood and the foodstuffs, requires attention. To save up ground and to ensure enough of forest products for satisfaction of demand in the future, firms engaged wood rabies should restore plantings on the cut down areas. The supply by the foodstuffs can become a large problem, as the sizes agricultural arias are limited and ever more than grounds is allocated under housing construction and for commercial uses. The serious problem arises in connection with an exhaustion of such not renewed resources, as oil, coal and others minerals.

Even at presence of initial raw material activity of firms using scarce useful minerals, can become complicated and require the much more charges. And to shift these costs on shoulders of the consumer will be, probably, uneasy. Firms engaged research and by prospecting jobs, can partially remove an acuteness of a problem, having opened new valuable sources raw material and having created new materials. Expense of ENERGY. The most serious problem of maintenance economic development in the future has arisen in connection with one of not renewed kinds natural resources - petroleum. Economy of the conducting industrially advanced countries of the world in many respects depends from deliveries of petroleum, and until the economically favorable substitutes it will be found the energy carrier, the petroleum will continue to play a dominant role in world politics and economy. High cost of petroleum has caused feverish searches alternative sources of energy. Again became popular stone coal, the researches on research of practical ways of use solar, nuclear are conducted, wind and other kinds of energy. Only in the field of a solar energy of hundred firms offer the equipment for heating inhabited premises and other purposes. GROWTH of POLLUTION ENVIRONMENTS.

The industrial activity almost always harms to a condition of natural environment. Think about removal rubbish of chemical and nuclear manufactures, about a dangerous level of the contents of mercury in waters the seas and oceans, about the contents chemical pollutions in ground and products of a feed, and also about a contamination of environment by bottles, products from plastic and other packing materials, not giving in to biochemical decomposition. The concern of a public opens before sensitive by firms, reacting to conditions, a good marketing opportunity. The capacious market is created means on struggle with pollution. The searches of alternative ways of manufacture and begin packing of the goods without drawing harm to an environment. RESOLUTE INTERVENTION of the STATE In PROCESS of RATIONAL USE and REPRODUCTION NATURAL

RESOURCES. The management of a service of marketing should hold in a field sight all these problems to have an opportunity to receive firms, necessary for activity, natural resources, not putting thus of harm to an environment. In this sense enterprise activity for certain will appear under the strong control both on the part of state bodies, and from the party influential groups of public. Instead of opposing to all forms of regulation, business should participate in searches of the acceptable decisions of problems, facing to the country, of supply by material resources and energy.

The man is obliged to ensure stability of an environment, having replaced stereotypes, purpose economy, character of behavior, ethics. If he will fail it to make, biospherea, using powerful protective mechanisms will make it, most likely, having destroyed part together with by mankind. And if the man will disappear as a kind, he already more never will appear again: paleontology shows, that the missed kind does not revive.

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Материалы международной научной конференции

(6 октября 2006 г.)

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