Человек язык общество материалы международной научной конференции (6 октября 2006г.) Хабаровск Издательство тогу 2006

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Oil refinery plants as source pollution of environment
Youth and children’s public unions
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Humanity estimates water, air and soil as free and inexhaustible resources stretch a lot of centuries. People decided that it continuous amended resources permanent supply. Oceans, seas, rivers and soil are using as capacity for waste products of industry and municipal economy.

Some substance of pollution possesses large resilience. Also it is toxic and is able to accumulate in organism men, animals, and environment. Substances are carried on large distances with air and water mass, precipitation. It is able to bring mutation, inherent deformities, genetic anomalies, oncological diseases and others illness.

Human society influence inevitable on environment in processes municipal and industrial activity. Nature react immediately or definite interval of time in positive or negative side.

Activity of person dipper penetrates in biosphere that includes atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Influence person on nature connect:
  • with create substances that are absent in natural condition and possess property which does not have natural materials and compounds;
  • with building net gas and oil pipeline, highways and rail way that result in transport raw materials from regions extraction to regions treatment and this undoubtedly lead to distribution, dispersing pollution;
  • with intensification agriculture.

Therefore change for the worse condition of environment connects with quality natural reduction resources and also with decreases it quantity.

In the world practice all pollution divide on four categories.
  1. Mechanical: human activity litter environment substances that render mechanical influence (for example - garbage).
  2. Chemical: changing chemical property of environment.
  3. Physical: changing physical figures of environment (temperature, energy, wave, and radiation).
  4. Biological: penetrating in ecosystems animals and plants of microorganisms which not characteristic of this society.

Above-mentioned categories of pollution are connected and each of it is able to push for appearance others pollution.

It should be noted that waste and pollution are forming in industrial processes that pick out in technological cycle and wastewater treatment. This waste represents danger for population big industrial centers and regions also it creates difficulty in the work municipal service. In our days oil and oil products are in common mass toxic industrial wastes that are organic origin. Oil contenting wastes and loss oil products in quality and quantity attitude are one of the principal pollution’s environments (water, soil, and air).

In industrial developing city enterprise of engineering plants, chemical industries, metallurgy industry, electrochemical industries, oil refinery industries, shipbuilding industries, food industries and others are source pollution of environment by oil products. Above-mentioned enterprise uses oil and oil products as raw material, fuel, greasy oil, consistent grease, and others. Oil contenting wastes and wastewater are formed in great quantity on its.

Great quantity oil got to the World Ocean at last when rinse tankers. Millions ton of oil flow away to the oceans when oil extract by underwater drilling on continental shelf also as result of floods in accidents sea and river ships.

Loss from evaporation, release (bleeding), spilling, spray, incomplete pouring off tankers, railway and highway tank, mixing, watering, cleaning, accidents has place on way from refinery plant to consumers. Share oil products turn to waste until passing stage technological treatment.

Oil contenting wastewater, rainy water industrial enterprises are essential source of pollution natural water.

Some industrial enterprises have local wastewater treatment constructions. A lot of quantity oil contenting wastes are formed at wastewater treatment. Wastewater after local wastewater treatment transport to the municipal sewerage. Oil products negative influence on schedule facilities biochemical wastewater treatment also inflammable liquids creates danger of explosion and destruction in the pipeline of sewerage and pump station.

Significant problems arise in exploitation municipal wastewater treatment because wastewater enter with large quantity oil products and not regular.

The Department of natural resources Russian Federation informs that 52306.81 million m3 of water was thrown off into the water objects (rivers, lakes and other) in 2003 year, 18960.61-million m3 water was pollution. First place among pollution occupies oil and oil products. Every year in our country industrial enterprises throw off 5600-ton of those substances.

Today treatment wastewater from oil and oil products using following methods: filtering, sedimentation, coagulation, neutralization, and ion exchange. These methods give concentration of oil products in wastewater after treatment 3-10 milligrams in liter and sedimentation – 25-100 milligrams in liter, that don’t correspond to standards which was passed by municipal government (In Khabarovsk city standard of concentration of oil products in municipal sewerage are 4 milligrams in liter. Limit admissible concentration). Also its have a lot of deficiencies such as sediments which must utilization.

Quality of water stop to satisfy demands that produce in our country “The rules protection superficial water objects from pollution wastewater” by pollution water objects take place change composition of water.

Pollution natural water takes place as a resultant of transfer harmful (pollution) substances source of which situated on territory foreign country.

Oil products getting to the natural water bring appearance specific smell and taste of water also it brings to formation layer of oil on surface of water objects and sediments heavy oil products on bottom. Oil products break processes gas exchange and prevent penetrating to the water rays of light. Also layer of oil products move to banks of water object and soil coastal flora.

Oil products getting to the water decompose gradually carbonic acid and water as the result biochemical oxidation. However those processes elapse slowly and depend on quantity of dissolved in water oxygen, temperature, and quantity containing of microorganisms.

In summer time layer of oil products decompose for 5-7 days on 50-80 percent, and at temperature 4 grade and under decay is not result. Bottom sediments of oil products remove much slower even in flood rivers water objects not set free from its. Therefore it become of source for the second time pollution of environment. Presence layer of oil products on surface of water objects and bottom sediments bring to decrease maintenance oxygen dissolved in the water and poisoning microorganisms, slow down processes natural purification water objects.

Presence oil products make water useless not only for water supply but also and for industrial consumption. Oil products getting to the organism of person in quantity exceeding maximum permissible concentration (MPC) has ability to influence on nervous system and also on organs of secretion. Those gasoline, kerosene possess drags effect and are nervous poison. Benzene, toluene, xylene (aromatic carbohydrates) break haemopoiesis and are drags substation. Polycyclic carbohydrates (for example benzapiren is I class of danger) possess carcinogenic property, it has ability to bring neoplasm (tumors) at prolonged contact. Aromatic carbohydrates concern to cumulative poisons leading to hard chronic diseases.

Great cause damage fish economy pollution of environment by oil products. Fishes are the most sensitive to change chemical composition of water and especially getting in it oil products in embryonic period. Oil products containing in water object bring to ruin of plankton, which is important fodder of fishes. Natatorial birds suffer from water pollution of oil.

Principal source air pollution by oil refinery plants are intermediate and marketable storage tanks, valve technological departments flame gas, facilities treatment of industrial influents, oil-slimes, products burning fuel technological departments and boiler room.

Production toluene, phenol, acetone, benzene and other oil products are essential reason air pollution by carbohydrates.

It should be noted that it is losses decisive roles in air, water, soil by oil products.

Principal reasons and source losses are:
  • spattering of fuel at the filling in cistern (0.5 –0.6 percent capacity of cistern);
  • fume of fuel through not tightly closed cistern (0.7 –1.7 percent capacity of cistern);
  • fume of fuel from reservoirs as the result of breath (55-70 gram on 1 ton in a day);
  • fume from systems fuel supply transports (0.6-1.4 liter gasoline in a day);
  • leaking of fuel from not tight contacts leaving out 2 drops in second (1.3 ton in year);
  • fume gasoline through not tightly closed reservoir (1.2 percent capacity of reservoir).

Steams of oil products forming in processes works technological departments deteriorate condition of habitats. It contains low-molecular carbohydrates, high -molecular carbohydrates (aldehyd).

Low-molecular carbohydrates (IV class of danger) form ozone and other biology active substances entering under sun rays to reaction with oxide nitrogen that bringing to irritation nose, eyes, and throat.

Aldehyds (II class of danger) irritate respiratory tract, damage to nervous system, kidneys, liver.

Influence compounds of sulphur display damaging respiratory tract of men and animals. Breath and photosynthesis deteriorate, growth slows down, quantity plantations of trees and productivity of agriculture reduce under authority sulphur dioxide, in high and continuous dose influence plants perish (The reason is of ruin plants destruction chlorophyll in the leafs).

Combination of sulphur in air accelerates corrosion of metals, destroy buildings, monuments.

Contain sulphide gas, carbonic oxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphic, and phenol, soot increase susceptible to bronchial asthma, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, and other diseases.

Oil fuel (black fuel) is used as fuel boiler room that saturated sulphur dioxide. Oxide nitrogen and sulphur dioxide exudes at burning such kind of fuel that turns out falling rain in weak solution of acid. It causes damage soil, water object, plants, animals and construction.

Productivity of soil lower, composition of soil organism change under influences falling acid rain. Soil, as other living organism is able to accumulate toxic substances that are also the source of decrease biological productivity.

Hydrocarbon raw materials is had ability to impregnate stratum down 0.5 metre and radius soil pollution around territory the oil refinery plants are able to achieve 1 kilometre.

A source exists of potential risk in the Far East. The problem pollution of environment by oil is very urgent as all reasons are typically for this region. Namely there are two oil refinery factories situated in the Khabarovsk territory (Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk oil refinery plants). Also oil extraction is being continued in old and new places in the Sakhalin territory (projects Sakhalin-1, Sakhalin-2). The Amur River unites four states (Russia, Chine, Korea, and Mongolia). As investigation has shown of our Far East scientists, river lost state of pure river for a long time not only as the result municipal and industrial activity, but and as the result transboundary transfer pollution.

More than 80 millions people live now in the Amur basin. While the Korean share of the basin does not have any permanent population, Russia account for about five million people, Mongolia – for a little more than 30000, and the rest of the people reside in China.

During the last 10-15 years a lot of Chinese villages on the right banks of the Amur have become comfortable settlements and cities with the developed industry, for example Datsing area with thousands of wells and huge hydrocarbon raw materials processing complex consisting of a number of plants. Situation is typically of the Russian part the exactly opposite. The population has been decreasing; the pace of the industrial and agricultural development is not high as China.

Historically development of the city namely building living houses took place around the factory. As the result oil refinery plant turned out situated in the center of the Khabarovsk. Work of the industrial enterprise effect on air pollution source of that are technological departments such as
  • initial petroleum refineries plant AT with gasoline stabilization;
  • initial petroleum refinery plant 3JIOV-AVT with gasoline stabilization and vacuum distillation of fuel oil;
  • catalytic reforming plant;
  • petroleum dehydration and desalting plant;
  • liquefied gas sulphur removal plant for utility use;
  • absorptive gas fraction plant;
  • inert gas plant;
  • flame gas compression plant.

Local wastewater treatments (pond–sedimentation of oil-slime, oil remover, and flotators) of the Khabarovsk oil refinery plant are the reason of air pollution by hydrocarbons. A lot of quantity pollution of carbohydrates is throwing out in the air from pond–sedimentation of oil-slime by monitoring facts that is results it large square. Pond–sedimentation of oil-slime is accumulation of the wastes in process of wastewater treatments. On the facts 2004-year, there are 15000 cu metre of oil-slime in it, and 5000 cu metre of bottom sediments.

For improvement ecological situation not only on the territory the Khabarovsk oil refinery plant but and on the territory of the city enterprise introduced technological department for utilization oil wastes and slim in 2005 year. Also department of environmental protection was organized 10 years ago that is engaged for control pollution air, water and soil on territory of the factory. The Company’s centralized laboratory certified in 1995 is quipped with modern instrumentation and analyzers that uses for control air and wastewater pollution.

In present time the problem pollution of environment possibly decides only for condition using complex legislative and technological measures as industry develop of speeding up pace and size of injury, which cause damage nature great.

For improvement ecological situation it is necessarily to use achievement of scientific technological process such as introducing to technological processes without applies water or closed-loop water supply and also apparatus for control condition of environment.

Problem acquired special significance of ecological education as question arises about getting scientific nature protecting information by specialists of wide profile.

O.A. Porunova

N.N. Diduh

The Pacific State University


In the p.1, 30 clause of the Constitution of the Russian Federation it’s said: “Everybody has the right to union…”

So, public union. At first, what is it? In this case this term means community of people, who have mutual aims and resources for realization
of these aims. Federal Statute “About public unions” gives such a definition
of the notion “public union” (PU): “… free-will, self-governing, non-profit making unit, which was organized at initiative of citizenry united on the basis
of mutual interests for realization of mutual aims, which are shown
in the Charter of PU”. Clause 7 of the same Federal Statute defines lawful organizational forms of PU:
  • public organization;
  • public movement;
  • public fund;
  • public foundation;
  • public amateur performance body.

My work is about youth and children’s public unions (YCPU) of Khabarovsk’s region.

Youth policy Committee of the Khabarovsk’s region Government, State educational institution of culture “Regional youth house” and Regional youth and children’s public union’s activity support center published the list of YCPU in 2003.

10.02.2003 Khabarovsk’s regional informal list included 411 public unions, 13 public unions were registered. Mostly presented organizations orient their activity on the school-age children, but also there are many organizations, which spread membership on people, who are 14-30 years old.

During the education of self-dependent, viable person, who can orientate himself in the quickly changing world, children’s and youth public unions play very important role. That’s way they are worthy of special notice from the direction of authorities.

Public authority provides observance of rights and legitimate interests of public unions, which are carried in the regional list. Public authority renders assistance of the PU’s activity, regulates accordance of tax facility, fringe benefits and other privileges by legitimate means.

Government support of the youth and children’s unions can be expressed by way of:
  • finances earmarked for a special purpose to realization of a single PU’s programs of public utility by their request (state grants);
  • making of any kinds of contracts, including for performance of works and rendering of services;
  • social order to realization of different state programs for an unlimited circle of PU on basis of competition.

Questions, which concern the interests of PU entered in the regional list, must be solved by public authority and institutions of local governing with a participation of suitable PU or with their agreement.

But we must pay attention on the fact that government support is designated to YCPU, which correspond to the following demands:
  • the PU is registered in accordance with the established procedure;
  • the PU is a legal entity and it works for not less than 1 year since the day of state registration;
  • charter’s activity of PU corresponds to the main directions of realization of the youth policy in the region:
  • charter of the PU contains the norm of fixed membership (quota), activity of the PU is spread through it;
  • number of the PU’s members of age forms not more than a third from the total quantity of members of the PU;
  • the PU’s charter contains the norm of leaving the membership of organization on reaching the defined age;
  • the union is included in the list of YCPU.

Youth and children’s unions are the main link of realization of the youth policy of the region. The youth policy Committee of the Khabarovsk’s
region Government coordinates the activity of the state YCPU of Khabarovsk’s region. Realization of the youth policy is regulated by The statute
of Khabarovsk’s region “About foundations of the youth policy
in Khabarovsk’s region” №-175 from 24.12.99, The decision of the
head of administration of Khabarovsk’s region “About the main directions
of the youth policy in Khabarovsk’s region for 2001-2003 years” from 5.01.2001.

Youth policy Comittee of Khabarovsk’s region Government is a body of the executive power of the region. It provides organizational and methodic interaction of all bodies of municipal formations of cities and districts of the region, which realize the youth policy.

To prove that youth and children’s unions of Khabarovsk’s region really make their contribution on the development of our region I’m going to tell about some measures, programs and actions, which were carried out in Khabarovsk’s region in the context of realization of the state youth policy by youth and children’s unions.

Annually forums carries out at the center “Sozvezdije”. Members of the youth unions of the region come here, speaks about their successes, discuss perspectives of the youth policy’s development, learn about important regional programs and take part in their realization afterwards.

Also there are opened festivals of the KVN’s youth teams
of Khabarovsk’s region are carried out every year. There is not a little
of student teams and school’s teams also. Near to the middle of the
autumn season of games begins. These games are held in the House of culture
of trade unions with the support of the Youth policy Comittee of Khabarovsk’s region Government.Teams from Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk, Bikin participate.

And in the winter action “Ice fantasy”, which has become famous now, is carried out. And also with the support of the Youth policy Comittee of Khabarovsk’s region Government.

State and non-state YCPU conduct action held in honor of different holidays. On the New year, the Day of Mother country’s protector, International woman’s Day they gives concerts, makes children’s matinee without fail. YCPU of Khabarovsk’s region (voluntary groups) conducted entertaining measures for the young people, helped veterans in the context of the All-Russian
week of good.

On the 1st of April members of non-state YPU “Vzliet” went by bus, which was specially given by the South district Administration, on our city’s streets and made people laughing. Also they visited Children’s PU and participate in competitions with children.

Of course, there are some problems. I think that even the scarcity of financial means isn’t the main one. YCPU are too passive. For example, youth and children’s public unions youth and children’s public unions are real social and political power. Why? There is the federation of YCPU, which protects rights of youth. We are not sufficient with this.

Bibliographical link to sources
  1. English-Russian dictionary. / Redaction V.K. Muller.-Moscow, 2000
  2. Interaction of youth and children’s public unions with the public authority of Khabarovsk’s region. Composition / Ivanova O.S., Hopta I.S. – Khabarovsk, 2002.
  3. Initiation plus, № 1, 2005. Khabarovsk
  4. How to create public union. Composition/ Ivanova O.S., Lapuhina L.V.-Khabarovsk, 2002.
  5. Lists of children’s and youth unions of Khabarovsk’s region. Composition / Ivanova O.S. – Khabarovsk, 2003
  6. Russian-English dictionary.Redaction/ E.A.M. Wilson.-Moscow, 2002
  7. Federal Statute of the RF “About public unions”/Juridical base “Consulter plus”
  8. Constitution of the RF/ Juridical base “Consulter plus”
  9. gmp.kht.ru
  10. moigorod.ru

J.V. Rudenek

I.F. Umanets

The Pacific State University