Человек язык общество материалы международной научной конференции (6 октября 2006г.) Хабаровск Издательство тогу 2006
Вид материала | Документы |
- Хабаровск Под общей редакцией доктора сельскохозяйственных наук Н. В. Выводцева Хабаровск, 3694.25kb.
- Министерство образования и науки российской федерации московский государственный областной, 2810.15kb.
- Риалы VI международной научной конференции (2-3 марта 2006 г.) Белово 2006 ббк ч 214(2Рос-4Ке), 13693.72kb.
- Хабаровск Издательство тогу 2006 ббк а 18. 4 + Ю 6 + ю 216 + б 1 + е 081 + с 550., 1072.95kb.
- Томск, 11-14 октября 2006 г. Томск Сибирский государственный медицинский университет, 21461.95kb.
- Оссии: философская и междисциплинарная парадигма материалы Всероссийской научной конференции, 3866kb.
- Оссии: философская и междисциплинарная парадигма материалы Всероссийской научной конференции, 4577.11kb.
- М. С. Каган. Перспективы развития гуманитарных наук в XXI веке // «Методология гуманитарного, 97.74kb.
- Ма при обучении иностранному языку в высшей школе материалы научно-практической конференции, 3171.87kb.
- Программа 58-й научной студенческой конференции петрозаводск Издательство Петргу 2006, 841.28kb.
The mortgage was included for a long time into a world practice
as the most convenient mechanism of purchase of habitation for the majority
of the population. Development in our country of hypothecary-
investment systems goes on two basic levels: federal - through formation of Federal agency of hypothecary crediting (FAHC) habitation with the
purpose of refinancing of primary mortgages due to means of the federal budget and formation of a secondary securities market for the real estate; regional - through the diverse socially focused programs of sale of habitation
by installments with allocation for these purposes of budgetary regional means.
Now FAHC is engaged in formation of specific Russian system
of hypothecary crediting of the habitation, focused on refinancing of
budgetary funds of the regions allocated for realization of local
hypothecary programs. Experts consider the given strategic direction
of its activity by the most perspective and priority as it will allow to generate socially focused two-level system of hypothecary crediting of habitation [1].
The received experience of introduction of hypothecary housing
crediting has shown, that objective economic preconditions for creation of
two-level system of financing of housing construction on the American
type in Russia now still are absent. We do not have sources of financing
as the American model, there are no long and cheap resources,
there are no interested investors, the corresponding infrastructure and as the
result - is not present wide solvent demand for such service though
some regions could become successful at use of the given scheme is poorly developed.
In Russia also other forms of attraction of money resources for financing construction of habitation now operate. At a level of regions the organizations and structures on sale of habitation by installments due to regional and municipal means are created. Among them there are effective enough schemes which already give positive result.
Some experts consider, that at the given stage of economic development in view of the Russian specificity becoming of hypothecary institutes
is necessary for beginning with development of single-level model of
financing of housing construction under the scheme of creation of
building societies which forms are building-savings cooperative societies
and building-savings bank, with the state support for the period of their
start. The single-level system can successfully function in conditions
of astable economy, minimizes currency risks, allows to give long-term hypothecary credits under low rates (5-7 %) irrespective of a rate of
inflation and rates of the financial market and can exist without institutional investors [2].
In the Rostov area with acceptance in 1998 of the corresponding regional target program by means of various kinds of state support new habitation have received over thousand families. The total sum of support has made more than 500 million rbl.
This help is given due to the regional budget and is focused basically on workers of budgetary sphere, on employees of power departments, on young and large families, and also on those who has no habitation or is provided by it less than social norm, lives in shabby or unadapted habitation.
In parallel with rendering budgetary support to separate categories of the population work above formation of system which allows to involve unappropriated sources on the market of housing financing is actively conducted and to develop directly primary market of hypothecary credits.
In the end of 2003 open joint-stock company «Rostov regional hypothecary corporation» from shares of participation of administration
of area in 51 % and by the authorized capital in 21 million rbl. In January,
2004 between administration of the Rostov area, corporation has been
created and Open Society «the Agency on hypothecary housing crediting»
is concluded the tripartite cooperation agreement in the field of
refinancing the hypothecary credits which have been given out under standards of Federal hypothecary agency. The regional operator of the Rostov area is accredited by Federal hypothecary agency with a limit of refinancing 285 million rbl.
The administration of area has staked on use of mechanisms of classical two-level system of hypothecary crediting which allows to lower the interest rate of the credit and to increase terms of its return till 25-27 years.
In the Rostov area send two large Moscow companies which invest significant means in construction of habitation, including with application of mechanisms of hypothecary crediting. In 2004 there is begun the new direction closely connected with the mortgage and maintenance by habitation of "exempts", - building construction for workers of budgetary sphere [3].
The building complex of the Rostov area receives serious investments from the budget and has an opportunity for dynamical development.
In the city of Dzerzhinsk of the Moscow area the administration
has founded city fund of investment of construction of habitation
under the control, has developed position «About the order of investment of construction of habitation in city». The City dwellers who have concluded
with administration the contract of investment, bring in fund no more than
30 % of cost of the future habitation (probably two parts), by the moment
of settling up to 50 %, the remained sum qualified as the credit, it is
possible to repay within 3-5 years under the credit rate in 10 % annual.
For doctors, teachers, workers of housing and communal services,
state employees the period of repayment of the remained payments is
increased till 10 years. For aboriginals of city, people expecting its
queue and living in shabby fund the discount at cost from 5 up to 10 % is stipulated.
Cost of habitation at the moment of the conclusion of the contract remains fixed. Under such formula in city it is constructed more than 1000 apartments under modern prestigious projects.
The administration of city has essentially simplified an opportunity of purchase of own habitation, having let out in city a municipal inhabited loan. Quantity of bonds for 1m2 of a total area in a concrete apartment house is established before the beginning of construction by the decision of mayor of city depending on type of the house and architecturally-planned characteristics of apartments. Any documents for purchase of bonds it is not required, their quantity is considered on the individual account of the owner. The owner of bonds can realize them in the free market. The share of habitation got on the action not девальвируется, does not change subsequently the monetary face value. Risks at constant face value are incured by administration of city.
Such cooperation with the population has allowed to lower much more investment loading on the budget. There is an opportunity of ordering of the scheme of management of the investment project [4].
In Republic Bashkortostan since 1998 on a line of Fund of housing construction at the President of republic the most mass are reached in Russia results of maintenance of citizens by habitation with granting the installments of payment:
- Have got apartments by installments - the order 24,0 thousand people.;
- It is put into operation by Fund - nearby 19,0 thousand apartments;
- It is involved money resources from the population - from above 2,0 billion rbl.
Memory schemes in which the period of the installments of payment of got habitation depends on the size of an initial payment and the period of accumulation are developed and act a republican level.
The scheme of Fund manages in 3,5 % for all period of the installments reaching till 15 and more years (less than 0,3 % a year). For comparison, banks for today are ready to serve transportation of budgetary resources programs of hypothecary crediting up to final purchasers of habitation a minimum for 8 % annual.
Carrying out by Fund of experiment in cities and areas of Republic Bashkortostan on introduction of the given scheme has shown optimistical enough results:
- There was a powerful stimulus for getting habitation as soon as possible to start to place money for the future apartment, instead of to wait for a high degree of readiness of a under construction house as it takes place under existing conditions the installments.
- There was economically proved opportunity of the flexible approach to the size of an initial payment (from 10 %), that has made possible purchase of apartments for wider layers of the population.
- In connection with earlier terms of the conclusion of memory contracts there was an opportunity of the account of wishes of buyers by quantity, structure, the areas and lay-out of the future apartments that raises liquidity of projected and under construction objects.
- Loading on the budget on maintenance of the installments in purchase of habitation due to attraction of means of the population at earlier stages of construction of houses has decreased.
On the basis of methods of activity of the largest English building society «Abbey National» in to Ufa has been formed Consumer Cooperative society of financial support of citizens in purchase of the real estate «their own hands». From the moment of formation of Fund of housing construction at the President of Republic through the given Cooperative society realization by installments all apartments under the republican housing programme is provided.
On results of its activity обобщенно it is possible to list a following number of advantages which creates for any investor use of consumer cooperative society as the operator of the housing programme:
- The investment-building policy and a policy of sales (cost 1 m2 habitation, the size of an initial payment, term of the installments of payment, granting of grants) is defined by the investor (cost, term of the installments of payment, granting of grants). The cooperative society is the transparent, controllable and operated tool on work with buyers.
- Shares in Cooperative society (on account of payment of habitation) are not a subject to the taxation the tax to the added cost.
- Unlike the scheme of realization of the secondary habitation accepted on account of payment directly the customer there is no taxation of the VAT that allows to provide with habitation greater number of people with smaller financial investments from their party.
- Mutual relations of Cooperative society and purchasers of habitation are not adjusted by the Law «About protection of the rights of consumers», that excludes risk of occurrence of penal sanctions on a delay of terms of delivery and settling of objects (according to the specified law it can make 3 % a day from cost of not transferred apartments or nearly so 100 % of cost of apartments for every month delays of transfer).
- The structure of Cooperative society allows to use it as company of proprietors of habitation (CPH) for the decision of the questions connected with operation constructed at home, that in scales of city becomes much cheaper, than functioning separate CPH on everyone condominium [5].
Thus, at a today's stage the Russian mortgage became demanded
wide layers of the population in those regions where more active state
regulation of processes of hypothecary crediting of habitation is carried
out, levers of influence on increase of availability of habitation are used
all. To becoming of hypothecary institutes promote as introduction of two-level system of hypothecary crediting which is based on realization of models of refinancing of the hypothecary credits which have been given out due
to local regional budgets, and creation of building societies which forms are building-savings cooperative societies and building-savings bank. Thus the key factor of a state policy in this area is strategy of formation of long-term hypothecary-investment streams of construction and sale of habitation by installments within the limits of target investment programs for different categories of citizens. Specificity of Russia demands more active state regulation of processes of hypothecary crediting of habitation as problem and socially significant problem.
The bibliographic reference to sources
- Baronin С.А Development of cost management by hypothecary-investment programs on the basis of parameters of refinancing of budgetary funds // Construction. - 2004, 2 - with. 56.
- Zeldner A.G., Ugelevsky V.K. Housing construction and the mortgage in Russia // ЭКО. - 2004. - 8. - With. 49.
- Andriady Builders without work will not remain J.Nashi // Construction. - 2004 9 - with. 24.
- Dorkin Century Our investor the population // Construction. - 2003 №1 - with. 61.
- Ismagilov T. Housing loan-savings cooperative societies // Construction. - 2003 2-3 - with. 36.
Г.И. Чесноков
Н.Н. Дидух
Тихоокеанский государственный университет
Имидж России
В основе имиджа России - семь элементов. Три из них - объективные, три – субъективные и один - объединенный. К объективным элементам имиджа можно отнести, во-первых, необъятность пространства нашей страны. Во-вторых - наличие природных богатств. В-третьих - уровень развития экономики. Эти элементы объективные, так как не зависят от воли одного человека. Но любой житель Земли, если он что-то будет знать о России, будет знать, прежде всего, об этих трех элементах.
Иная ситуация - с тремя субъективными элементами. Первый субъективный фактор имиджа - это, конечно, внешняя политика страны. При твердой самостоятельной внешней политике формируется одно отношение. При политике сателлита - другое отношение. Следующий элемент - это моральность внутренней политики. Но необходимо учитывать: моральность - очень условная и исторически конкретная черта, ибо в разные эпохи моральным считалось разное. Третий субъективный элемент имиджа России - это, конечно, культура и искусство. Субъективный, потому что оценки в данном случае избирательны, - ведь красота - категория оценочная, и выработка объективных критериев здесь невозможна.
И, наконец, есть седьмой показатель имиджа - это, безусловно, система безопасности нации. Это показатель организации работы государства, армии, полиции, показатель того, как государство соотносится с обществом.
Но это все - основа. А ведь вопрос еще и в том, что и как строится, то есть какой имидж мы формируем - со знаком "минус" или со знаком "плюс".
Основной механизм формирования репутации может быть только один - это средства массовой информации. Никакая официальная внешняя политика ничего не даст, если СМИ ее будут искажать или замалчивать. Только через СМИ можно сделать что-то доступным для понимания простого человека в любой стране. Сегодня зачастую СМИ - некий механизм, в работе которого отсутствуют три обязательных элемента. Это прежде всего официальная политика - агитация и пропаганда. Во-вторых, народная дипломатия: работа общественных организаций и самосознание граждан, степень стабильности. И, наконец, третье - эмиграция, в данном случае, конечно, русская. Она - очень важный источник информации.
Если говорить с профессиональной точки зрения и внешнеполитическую пропаганду назвать технологией формирования образа своей страны за рубежом, то необходимо понимать, что между образом реальным и формируемым должна быть дистанция в определенных, не шокирующих аудиторию нормах. Нам необходим механизм такого формирования, причем механизм государственный. Речь идет не о внутреннем информационном рынке, где никто не думает ограничивать свободную конкуренцию и выражения мнений, а о механизме, которым должно располагать государство, желающее, чтобы его образ стал иным.
Так же, наряду с мыслью о создании механизма внешнеполитической пропаганды, я поддерживаю идею о выработке "диаспорного" подхода, базирующегося на всех трех волнах русской эмиграции, на формировании пророссийского лобби не только в США, но и в странах Европы. Однако реальная ситуация идет вразрез с заявлениями и внешнеполитическими доктринами Российского государства. Надо придавать огласке такие факты, что в Ташкенте осталось 60 русских школ, а в Киеве - лишь 16. Это при том, что на Украине русский язык считают родным 20 процентов населения, а в Узбекистане - менее пяти.
Имидж может быть улучшен, но только совместными усилиями: и иммиграции, и народной дипломатии, и жестко организованной внешней политики, агитации и пропаганды. Но здесь очень важна согласованность и организованность действий органов власти, законодательной и исполнительной и, конечно, четкость позиции главы государства. Только при этих условиях не будут утрачены перспективы России.
В заключение я хотел бы обратить внимание на то, что для нас порой важнее «экспортный» вариант России, ее образа, чем реальность. Честный взгляд на себя и свою Родину, отказ от принципа «не выносить сор из избы», открытое и публичное признание своих ошибок - вот что нужно нам сегодня. Тогда мы сможем уважать себя, а значит требовать этого и от других.
В заключение, я хотел бы остановиться на вопросе имиджа Дальнего Востока. Однако эта тема скорее невозделанное поле для огромного количества ученых и крупных исследовательских центров - нежели для студента 2 курса. Поэтому этот вопрос я попытаюсь рассмотреть с точки зрения обычного гражданина - такого как Вы, уважаемый читатель, и я.
У Дальнего востока России прекрасная репутация. Существует система городов побратимов, активно развивается экономические и культурные связи с нашими соседями: Китаем и Японией: почти 14 лет назад было подписано «Соглашение о дружественном сотрудничестве между Хабаровским краем и префектурой Аомори», успешно осуществляет в Хабаровском крае свою деятельность банк «Мичиноку», более десяти лет существуют прямые авиарейсы из Хабаровска в Японию, развивается экологическое сотрудничество с КНР, важное значение имеют проекты по совместной деятельности в области добычи и переработки природных ресурсов (Сахалин 1, 2; использование потенциала р. Амур для строительства гидроэлектростанции).
А с другой стороны о наличии какого имиджа можно говорить, когда по телевидению и радио говорят: о том что наши, российские пограничники охраняют браконьерские японские суда, о том как Япония грабит Россию, варварски опустошая кладовые морских богатств, что Китай планомерно и целенаправленно вывозит из России лес и металлолом, лишая нас природных «легких» и подрывая нашу промышленность, о буквально физическом уничтожении дальневосточников некачественными китайскими товарами.
Но что самое удивительное — несмотря на то, что все об этом слышат, все об этом знают ничего в нашей стране и на Дальнем востоке, в частности, не меняется.
Да, благоприятный имидж Дальнему востоку необходим - но это должно быть не искусственное образование - а отражение действительности.
При создании своей научно-исследовательской работы я использовал данные социологических опросов, проведенных в России.
E.E. Chye
I.F. Umanets
Pacific State University
Nonprofit organizations play a significant role in modern society. They favor the social stability, the development of economy, the increase of educational, scientific and spiritual potential of society. They respond to different human needs and improve the quality of people's life at large.
Nonprofit organizations do not have profit as their primary goal and do not distribute profits among members.
In case of Russian nonprofits, the preferred term is "noncommercial", as defined by the first part of the Civil Code, adopted by the Duma in November 1994, and the Federal Law "On Noncommercial Organizations", adopted by the Duma in December 1995.
According to the Federal Law "On Noncommercial Organizations", Russian nonprofits can be created for the attainment of social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific, and administrative goals; in defense of citizen's health; for the development of physical training and sport; for the satisfaction of citizen's spiritual and other nonmaterial needs; for the defense of rights and the legal interests of citizens and organizations; the resolution of arguments and conflicts; for giving legal help; and for other goals directed toward attainment of societal good.
Generally nonprofits provide public goods that the government cannot or will not supply. And the government supports nonprofit organizations, funds their field of action because this is more efficient than for the government to provide all public goods itself.
In recent years it has become clear that sole reliance on the government has its own drawbacks as a way to respond to pressing human needs. The effectiveness of state-provided welfare services has increasingly been called into question. Such services create dependency and suffer from excessive bureaucratization and fragmentation even in advanced societies.
There are some significant strengths that nonprofit organizations bring to the improvement of social conditions.
At first, nonprofit organizations are more flexible than government bureaucracies. Because of their generally smaller scale, they're able to recreate themselves in the light of new needs and opportunities. They can therefore often take greater risks, engage in innovation, act in a more timely manner, and generally provide a way to experiment with new approaches to solve social problems.
Nonprofit organizations are also characterized by their responsiveness. Because of their not-for-profit status, they are in a position to respond to new, unmet needs as they arise.
The next strength of nonprofits is their value focus. They embody crucial values that can contribute importantly to the solution of social problems. These inelude the values of altruism, solidarity, the obligation of individuals to assist in the solution of community problems, and faith in the dignity of the individual.
Nonprofits are often in an especially good position to tap resources that are not being effectively utilized for social welfare purposes. These can include voluntary contributions of time and money, collaborative ties with enterprises and different levels of government, talents in a wide variety of fields.
The solution of complex social problems involves not simply the provision of services, but also the monitoring of government and business performance and advocating for changes in government or business policies. Nonprofit organizations often play these advocacy and watchdog roles. They therefore bring an added dimension to the solution of social welfare problems.
Finally, in addition to their other significant strengths, nonprofits are often a considerable economic force. The graphic below shows the noncommercial organizations' share of GDP in different countries (%) /1, 2/.
Of course, not all nonprofits share these features equally. What is more, some of these features are shared with other types of organizations as well, such as businesses and governmental authorities. Nevertheless, nonprofit organizations are more likely to exhibit these qualities than these other types of institutions.
These strengths need not force a choice between government involvement and nonprofits involvement in the social welfare field. But they do suggest the
need to make room for expanded nonprofits' participation in the improvement of social welfare.
It would be to the government's advantage to enable nonprofit organizations to work effectively and efficiently. To take fuller advantage of the contributions nonprofit organizations can make to the solution of social problems, a number of steps are needed. These steps require action on the part of a variety of different social institutions.
The first one is the government. Government shapes the framework for nonprofit action and for the solution of social problems more generally. The expansion of nonprofit involvement in the social welfare field does not, therefore, mean the elimination of a meaningful governmental role. Rather, important opportunities exist for cooperation between government and nonprofits. More specifically, government can contribute to such partnership in the following ways:
- by clarifying its own policies in the social welfare field and promoting involvement on the part of nonprofit organizations;
- by ensuring a supportive legal and tax within which nonprofits can operate;
- by utilizing nonprofit organizations in the delivery of financed services without undermining the flexibility, autonomy, and independence that give nonprofits their special advantages (this requires the provision of grant and contract aid to nonprofit organizations, and some forbearance on the part of government with respect to the internal operations of nonprofit organizations);
- by supporting the ability of nonprofits analyze public problems and devise appropriate solutions to them;
- by supporting nonprofit intermediary organizations (organizations which can foster improved training, networking, and information-sharing among nonprofit organizations, help ensure meaningful nonprofit participation in the policy process, and thereby strengthen the general capacity of nonprofit organizations to operate).
The business sector also has a significant role to play in allowing nonprofit
organizations to capitalize on their advantages in the social welfare field. This can occur in different ways: /
- by providing resources (these include not only financial resources, but also managerial and technical assistance, facilities, product contributions, and the involvement of corporate personnel, who can be encouraged to take an active part in community affairs);
- by entering into partnerships and joint ventures (as attention in the social welfare field moves to "investments" as the best way to help those in need);
- by helping to legitimize nonprofit organizations (the business sector can improve the image of nonprofit organizations by serving on nonprofit boards, by helping to publicize the accomplishments of nonprofit organizations, and by generally endorsing the concept of nonprofit action).
- Nonprofit organizations themselves have important responsibilities for removing barriers to their effective involvement in the social welfare field. Such responsibilities fall into following broad categories.
The first one is building organizational and financial self-sufficiency. Nonprofits need to seek multiple sources of funding in order to ensure a degree of financial self-sufficiency and longevity. This can take the form of promoting voluntary giving, creating enterprise activities where these are consistent with basic missions, building financial reserves, etc. Nonprofits must therefore be entrepreneurial in pursuing resources and organizational vehicles to carry out their goals.
The second one is increasing visibility, awareness, and appreciation of nonprofit accomplishments. Nonprofit organizations have an obligation not only to do good works, but also to let others know of their accomplishments. "Marketing", in the sense of informing the public about what nonprofits contribute, both generally and in specific cases, is an important facet of nonprofit operations.
The third one is improving effectiveness. This can take a variety of forms: improving internal management and increasing management training; developing long-term organizational missions and visions; improving standards of ethics and establishing methods for monitoring ethical standards; regularly reviewing and renewing the core values of the sector and ensuring that agencies are operating in ways that are consistent with them.
The forth one is improving the nonprofits' relationships with other sectors.
The fifth one is ensuring nonprofit utilization of the most up-to-date methods of task accomplishment. Advances in information and other technology must consequently be more quickly integrated into nonprofit operations, and the credit and other arrangements to facilitate this must be encouraged.
Educational institutions play an important role in preparing populations to understand the role and contributions of nonprofit institutions. Unfortunately, however, this role has largely been ignored in most places. The nonprofit sector lacks a natural home in the academic disciplines and consequently tends to be ignored in most academic settings. To remedy this, nonprofit sector studies need to be established as a legitimate field of academic study. Introduction to the major features of the nonprofit sector should be integrated into the training of professionals in such fields as health, social work, law, urban planning, and business.
Many innovative mechanisms to connect state authorities and the nonprofit organizations have been developed in recent years in Russia, and in many cases it is the civil society took the initiative. In particular, it is worth mentioning regional and municipal social gra'nts, regional and municipal orders, tenders, regional fairs and contests of social projects. Moreover, there are mechanisms which include new social technologies created by the third sector and supported by the state both financially and administratively. In this regard, we can refer to setting up hospices, carrying out an independent ecological expertise, programs intended to socializementally and physically disabled children. Other mechanisms include a cooperation of state authorities and civic associations in creating new nongovernmental organizations specifically designed for social activities. Nevertheless, all these developments have not led to a substantial increase of financial inflow into the nonprofit sector. Real change might be induced by the idea, which has been debated for two years, to transform local social security bodies into nonprofits that would be charged with administering their respective budgets. Such a reform could considerably increase the share of the nonprofit sector in the Russian economy.
The nonprofit sector in Russia is at a crossroads. The difficulties of developing the civil society and the imperfections of tax legislation objectively impede the strengthening of the third sector economic basis and the growth of its share in the GDP. On the other hand, the objective requirements of modernization and the necessity of social reforms require the establishment of social support and social service mechanisms, which would be modern, flexible and adaptive to the market economy and to a competitive environment. Such mechanisms would reduce the inevitable costs caused by the revision of the approaches to the social responsibilities of and the rejection of the outdated Soviet model of social security which is still in force and practically unchanged. The so called "monetization" of social benefits, which started recently, demonstrated the pain and high social costs of such reforms and the necessity to create various kinds of compensatory mechanisms. The increase of public subsidies and a partial redirection of some social functions from the state to the nonprofit sector could become one such mechanisms. A stable and high demand for quality education, arts and culture products require the same shift. The coming years may be decisive in the development of the nonprofit sector.
- Lester M. Salamon, Helmut K. Anheier, Regina List, Stefan Toepler, S. Wo-jciech Sokolowski, and Associates. Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector. The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, 1999. Available at ссылка скрыта
- Russia's National Accounts in 1995-2002: A Statistical Report. State Statistical Committee of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2003
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