Матеріали VI (XVIII) Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції Київ нтуу «кпі» 2010

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Japan and ukraine INTERNATIONAL SCientific and technical cooperation
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Japan and ukraine INTERNATIONAL

SCientific and technical cooperation

Lyashenko I. O., undergraduate,

National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Politechnic Institute"

With the emergence of a knowledge-based economy, governments in most OECD countries intensified their commitment to the underlying research and development activities. The Japanese government was in line with this trend, setting the objectives of a ‘Nation based on the creation science and technology’ as the fundamental policy goal. These policies helped consolidate Japanese science and technology bases, and at the same time ‘strategic approaches’ became the rule when conducting science and technology policy, starting with a definition of prioritised fields and the reform of institutions related to science and technology, and more recently with the advent of ‘Science and technology diplomacy’. That’s why it is very important for Ukraine to develop our own science and technology strategy as a result of effective collaboration with Japan.

First of all Ukraine and Japan have tight trade interrelations. For the period from January to September this year the trade turnover between Ukraine and Japan has increased more than twice compared to the same period of the last year and reached 2 25.71 mln USD, exceeding the annual trade turnover in 2007 by 50%. The main export goods from Ukraine to Japan were ferroalloys (34,85 mln USD), dairy products, mainly milk powder, (19,07 mln USD) and titanium products (18,14 mln USD)[1].

The main reason for the dynamic growth of the bilateral trade turnover and the volume of Japanese import to Ukraine was the sharp increase of deliveries of Japanese cars and auto parts, which traditionally are the main import goods from Japan. Their share in the Japanese import is approximately 83%. For the first 9 months of 2008 import of Japanese cars has reached 1742 mln USD, which exceeds the last year figure in 2,45 times. Import deliveries of parts for cars also have increased almost twice to 57.46 mln USD.

One of the top tasks in the sphere of science and technology cooperation from the Embassy was to continue the preparations to the Second meeting of Ukraine-Japan Commission on the issues of science and technology cooperation in Tokyo. After the discussions on this issue during the bilateral political consultations between the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of both countries in March in 2008 in Tokyo. The Sides have preliminary agreed the dates for the Meeting within the period of September-October 2008.

 Some working consultations and meetings of the Head of the Mission of Ukraine were conducted with the Deputy Minister for education, culture, sports, science and technology of Japan Y.Hayashi, during which the Sides have agreed the preparations by Ukrainian Side of the proposals to the agenda of the Meeting.

 During the last year the accord was achieved on rendering the general account budget financing on construction of the supplementary facilities of the educational wing № 35 of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute”. The Ukrainian-Japanese Centre will be housed in the mentioned supplementary facilities in accordance to the Agreement on realization of project of technical cooperation “Ukrainian-Japanese Centre”. With regards to the annual expenditures plan of the State Budget of Ukraine in 2007 under the budget program 2201870 the Kyiv polytechnic institute was subsidized with 7 thousands hryvnas for the capital expenditures to carry out the above mentioned construction works[2].

 Within the framework of the Association of Ukrainian activities the 22nd meeting was held in November, 2008, where the Japanese scientists and Ukrainian junior researchers presented their reports on the history of Ukraine.

 During the last year the Japanese organizations in the sphere of science and technology have continued the cooperation with Ukrainian scientists and researchers within the framework of particular grant projects. As of December, 2008 under the aegis of the Association of promotion of science 19 Ukrainian scientists are already involved in researches conducted by research institutions of Japan.

 The training programs for Ukrainian specialists in the sphere of atomic energy provided by the Japanese electric power information centre (JEPIC) constitutes the major part of the bilateral scientific and technical cooperation. .

 Touching upon the perspectives of cooperation in the sphere of space exploration between Ukraine and Japan the Japanese Side has shown readiness to consider the particular proposals of Ukraine in this sphere at the level of expert board of the Agency. This information was conveyed to the State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU). To this date the SSAU is in the process of preparing the mentioned proposals [3].

    1. Aho E. Creating an Innovative Europe, Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation following the Hampton Court Summit / Aho E. – Brussels, 2009. – 167 p.
    2. Ormala E., Vonortas S. Evaluating the European Union’s Research Framework Programmes: 2002-2010 / E. Ormala, S. Vonortas, Science and Public Policy, 32(5), pp.403-410
    3. Japan science and innovation platform. [Access mode]: gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/display-afficher.do?id=1200420590113&lang=eng